Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
....based on rational assessments.

Ration meaning logic, experience, facts ....and intelligence.

1. First, and most obvious:

a. "His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

b. "Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

2. Now....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

And....coming soon.....a deliverable Iranian nuclear missile.

If and when it happens....guess who gets the 'credit'....hence....the title of this thread.

3. Now....I did restrict our analysis to considerations based on rational assessments....meaning to the exclusion of the methods represented here:

4. In order for this to be a teachable moment, I need provide alternatives to what Democrats have done.....

....and, I will....in a moment.
Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record

This is a ludicrous topic to discuss absent sound and incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record." Sure, Obama's detractors can posit all the reasons in the world they'd like to see Democrats use as a basis for eschewing Obama's record, but their doing so is nothing but counterfactual musing unless the alleged behavior is existentially abundant.
Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record

This is a ludicrous topic to discuss absent sound and incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record." Sure, Obama's detractors can posit all the reasons in the world they'd like to see Democrats use as a basis for eschewing Obama's record, but their doing so is nothing but counterfactual musing unless the alleged behavior is existentially abundant.

Can I get you to autograph that picture of you that I provided in the OP?
As I said, I'll provide what could and should have been done....and was done by the very antithesis of Democrat's policies.
What could have been done? Who showed the way???

First.....the insight behind alternative to the Leftists....the Democrats/Libeals.

Good vs evil.....based on attitudes and values.

5. "Reagan and John Paul certainly cooperated to help free Poland and Eastern Europe from Communism. But there is an explanation for this cooperation that is fr more plausible than a 'conspiracy' or 'deal": both Reagan and John Paul were firmly anti-communist, and they saw the Polish and European situations in much the same way. There was a coincidence not merely of interests between the Vatican and the United States, but also of visions between the pope and the president." John O’Sullivan, author of The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. 181

6. "The pope and the president held certain common convictions. They both believed that Communism was a moral evil, not simply wrong-headed economics. there were both confident of the capacity of free people to meet the Communist challenge. Both were convinced that, in the contest with Communism, victory, not mere accommodation, was possible....and both were confident that the spoken word of truth could cut through the static of Communism's lies and rouse people...'
"Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II, by George Weigel, p. 441

7. "The Soviets [took] them seriously...So did anti-Soviet dissidents in the Gulag, who were immensely encouraged by the sound of reality breaking into Western diplomacy.....'As the Soviets see it, to tell the truth about the USSR is to risk igniting their internal security threat- the threatt of mass popular resistance to the ideology, as in Poland.....exiled dissidents such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Vladimir Bukovsky had been advancing similar arguments for many years.....Reagan had said as much in his early radio broadcasts.....As president....he began to use his public speeches o tell the truth about the Soviets, putting them on the defensive ideologically." John O’Sullivan, author of The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. 184-5

Just picture how Hussein Obama could have applied these lessons with Iran.

And ask yourself why he didn't.
....based on rational assessments.

Ration meaning logic, experience, facts ....and intelligence.

1. First, and most obvious:

a. "His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

b. "Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

2. Now....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

And....coming soon.....a deliverable Iranian nuclear missile.

If and when it happens....guess who gets the 'credit'....hence....the title of this thread.

3. Now....I did restrict our analysis to considerations based on rational assessments....meaning to the exclusion of the methods represented here:

4. In order for this to be a teachable moment, I need provide alternatives to what Democrats have done.....

....and, I will....in a moment.
another winner supergirl... please keep them coming. i feel a real conservative surge coming on. i'm willing to fight to the death to save this country, even against my own country's liberal scourge, an their filthy media agents.
Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record

This is a ludicrous topic to discuss absent sound and incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record." Sure, Obama's detractors can posit all the reasons in the world they'd like to see Democrats use as a basis for eschewing Obama's record, but their doing so is nothing but counterfactual musing unless the alleged behavior is existentially abundant.
you're in way over your head amigo.
Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record

This is a ludicrous topic to discuss absent sound and incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record." Sure, Obama's detractors can posit all the reasons in the world they'd like to see Democrats use as a basis for eschewing Obama's record, but their doing so is nothing but counterfactual musing unless the alleged behavior is existentially abundant.
you're in way over your head amigo.
Nobody has yet to provide incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record." It's not I who's tacitly claimed there are.

And, BTW, I'm not your amigo, and you are not mine. I don't know you from Adam's housecat, nor do I care to. You should keep that in mind when responding to me; I sure keep it in mind with regard to everyone on USMB with whom I engage in repartee. "In over one's head" could not be more palpably evident than it is in your presumptuous use of that word when referring to me in terms of things you say.
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....based on rational assessments.

Ration meaning logic, experience, facts ....and intelligence.

1. First, and most obvious:

a. "His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

b. "Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

2. Now....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

And....coming soon.....a deliverable Iranian nuclear missile.

If and when it happens....guess who gets the 'credit'....hence....the title of this thread.

3. Now....I did restrict our analysis to considerations based on rational assessments....meaning to the exclusion of the methods represented here:

4. In order for this to be a teachable moment, I need provide alternatives to what Democrats have done.....

....and, I will....in a moment.
another winner supergirl... please keep them coming. i feel a real conservative surge coming on. i'm willing to fight to the death to save this country, even against my own country's liberal scourge, an their filthy media agents.

1. "....i'm willing to fight to the death to save this country, even against my own country's liberal scourge, an their filthy media agents."
We're on the same page, wash!

2. I must tell you, I don't have a good feeling about either losing the presidency that real Americans voted into the White House....

...or the sort of civil war you're suggesting.

I dread that choice.
Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record

This is a ludicrous topic to discuss absent sound and incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record." Sure, Obama's detractors can posit all the reasons in the world they'd like to see Democrats use as a basis for eschewing Obama's record, but their doing so is nothing but counterfactual musing unless the alleged behavior is existentially abundant.
you're in way over your head amigo.
Nobody has yet to provide incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record." It's not I've who's tacitly claimed there are.

And, BTW, I'm not your amigo, and you are not mine. I don't know you from Adam's housecat, nor do I care to. You should keep that in mind when responding to me; I sure keep it in mind with regard to everyone on USMB with whom I engage in repartee. "In over one's head" could not be more palpably evident than it is in your presumptuous use of that word when referring to me in terms of things you say.

"Nobody has yet to provide incontrovertible evidence that material quantities of Democrats are indeed "edging away from the Obama record."

You're not paying attention, dunce.


There are rumblings among Democrats who see the error of the current radicals who run their party.

"Centrist pundits and much of the political donor class have long dreamed about some charismatic moderate making an independent run at the White House. This fantasy has long been derided by most political observers, and for good reason, because putting aside the obvious difficulties of running outside the two party system, the "centrist" always looks decidedly unappealing to anyone outside a tiny demographic of moneyed elites."
Commentary: Between Trump and Dems, a center lane opens

"In California, for example, Democratic Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon has become the bête noire of Golden State activists for putting the kibosh on a single player plan once a study found it would cost some $400 billion. The latest California state budget, meanwhile, was just $125 billion in total.

In New York, where progressive Democrats in the state legislature are trying mightily for a similar plan, taxes are estimated to essentially double if single payer is enacted.

And during the 2016 presidential campaign, the liberal-leaning Urban Institute estimated that Bernie Sanders' health care plan would cost a whopping $35 trillion in debt and new spending. Even if that number is wildly overstated, and you're really just looking at $10 trillion, we're talking a massive tax hike that will be paid in part by the middle class, not just the "millionaires and billionaires" of the one percent."
Commentary: Between Trump and Dems, a center lane opens

"Dems want to rebrand as the economic party
Senate and House Dems, after an intensive process spanning seven months, on Monday will unveil a new economic agenda, Axios has exclusively learned, meant to counter the perception that Democrats are only the anti-Trump party, with no message of their own.

Top Dems see the new message as the key to turning things around after their losses in the presidential race and this year's House special elections."
Dems want to rebrand as the economic party

After the failed plan of abandoning the white working class.....changes are blowin' in the wind!

Now....whose ideas are the Democrats running away from????
Right....one of the greatest failures they ever backed.

As I said in a previous post...
NOW the biggest problem for the Left is toning down the half-heads who they sent out to post all those lies about the Trump administration.
Their acolytes are still foaming at the mouth, and posting about Flynn, obstruction, collusion, impeachment, and all the other slanders.

You're exactly the sort of half-head I was talking about.
8. Of course, Hussein Obama never used his bully pulpit to advance freedom nor democracy when he had the chance to do so in Iran's Green Revolution. Instead, he watched dissidents die.

Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he been in favor of ending Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. , p.185

Democrats rapidly form associations with totalitarians, and don't want to antagonize their 'associates.'
i'm willing to fight to the death to save this country, even against my own country's liberal scourge, an their filthy media agents.
You are either a lying SOB full of bullshit bravado with such a quixotic boast, or one really flipped out mother fucker in need of immediate psychological intervention! Methinks the former is closer to the mark.

What a fucking drama queen to make a stupid and vacuous statement based on petty political differences, and such a vain and bloody fool to be tilting at political windmills with such banality!
Edge away from obama ?

Obama is looking better n better every day we are exposed to trumps nonsense . America misses Obama !
Edge away from obama ?

Obama is looking better n better every day we are exposed to trumps nonsense . America misses Obama !

I love it!

When a dunce like you praises the most abject failure the history of the presidency, it becomes a total validation of my premise!
When considering lucky post #13, perhaps I should have entitled the thread "Why the brighter Democrats are edging away from the Obama record."

And, continuing with the theme.....

9. Compare Reagan's response to the evil empire of his time, to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

When Obama had the chance to do what Reagan did, his actions that resulted in the destruction if the USSR, and use his speaking skills to oppose evil....in this case the Iran, designated by the State Department as a 'state sponsor of terrorism,' he did nothing:

"... in the summer of 2009, after the dubious election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranians began an uprising. They hoped for support of some kind from the United States. That that support didn’t come.

Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America’s support. He [Obama] ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement’s supporters....

Egypt’s Mubarak was America’s staunchest ally in the Middle East other than Israel. Iran was (and is) our biggest enemy. Yet, Obama supported the overthrow of Mubarak but not the mullahs."
Why Obama turned his back on the 'green revolution' in Iran

Hence.......the brighter Democrats are edging away from the Obama record.
10. Somehow, the most popular of Democrat elected officials have been the worst enemies of freedom, liberty, and America.

a. Franklin Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

What nation did Roosevelt represent, again?

b. And the man who insisted that the worst state sponsor of terrorism have nuclear weapons:


It's the Final Countdown for Iranian Nuclear Bomb - Three Weeks - Daily Squib
Counting his hundreds of failures in domestic and foreign policy, there are lots of great reasons to edge away from Hussein Obama....
...but that Iran Nuclear deal may be one the best reasons.

11. Two questions that should be asked about the perspective of Hussein Obama in awarding Iran the Nuclear Deal:

a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?

What is the world's least popular country?

Iran ...
On that same rating scale, Iran has come in dead last (at a 79% negativity rating) for many years.
Only 15% of people polled viewed Iran in a positive light.
Extremes in the world | Alpha Omega Club

Yet, Barack Hussein Obama took steps to maintain in power the regime that made it so.

And not a single supporter of his incompetent dunce will explain his thinking.

Bet we know why.
Obama’s popularity has crept up since his successor was elected; indeed, it has increased five percentage points since Trump took office.
-- Source

Can one find individuals who are Democrats and whose approbation of Obama is not positive? Of course, one can. That one can does not militate for believing the assertion that Democrats are edging away from the Obama record. That Obama's approval rating has increased since he's left office indicates exactly the opposite is what's trending.

Imagine this. Were Trump's approval rating to increase by five points, it'd still be nearly 20 points below Obama's, and Obama can't implement any public policy to increase his approval rating and Obama no longer has the presidential "bully pulpit" to market his ideas. Moreover, Obama has largely been publicly silent since leaving office. I bet a lot of people in both major parties had rather Trump were, in the six months since his inauguration, as quiescent as Obama has been.
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Obama’s popularity has crept up since his successor was elected; indeed, it has increased five percentage points since Trump took office.
-- Source

Can one find individuals who are Democrats and whose approbation of Obama is not positive? Of course, one can. That one can does not militate for believing the assertion that Democrats are edging away from the Obama record. That Obama's approval rating has increased since he's left office indicates exactly the opposite is what's trending.

Imagine this. Were Trump's approval rating to increase by five points, it'd still be nearly 20 points below Obama's, and Obama can't implement any public policy to increase his approval rating and Obama no longer has the presidential "bully pulpit" to market his ideas. Moreover, Obama has largely been publicly silent since leaving office. I bet a lot of people in both major parties had rather Trump were, in the six months since his inauguration, as quiescent as Obama has been.

Earlier, I referred to you as a dunce.

I now realize that I was far too kind.

This is the issue under discussion:
a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

Not in any universe of logic, with any sort of parameters, does Trump fit into this farrago of iniquity.
The best you can do when the truth about Democrats/Liberals is provided is....not deny any of same, but simply drool, foam at the mouth, and whine....

'... but....but....but.....Trump..."

Exactly what you fools did earlier, except you've replaced 'Bush' with 'Trump.'

You're a disgrace to education and a danger to America.
The silly PC bitch is slimming the board again with her silly cut and paste. President Obama and President Roosevelt, both of them, will be remembered as great Presidents. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown will be remembered as exactly that.

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