Why Did Flynn Plead Guilty?

The thing is that a prosecutor isn't going to ask a question such as that because s/he knows damn well there's no way to verify the veracity of one's answer.
Exactly, and there are only so many hours in the day. Such a question is a waste of time. Mueller is one of the best on the planet at what he does, and every single word, spoken or written, has a purpose. Great post with good information regarding the scientific method and its application.
WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.

Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser. The job gave Mr. Flynn access to the president and nearly every secret held by American intelligence agencies.
Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House

So it is a LIE that Flynn was fired for lying to Pence.
The thing is that a prosecutor isn't going to ask a question such as that because s/he knows damn well there's no way to verify the veracity of one's answer.
Exactly, and there are only so many hours in the day. Such a question is a waste of time. Mueller is one of the best on the planet at what he does, and every single word, spoken or written, has a purpose. Great post with good information regarding the scientific method and its application.
Off Topic:
Mueller is one of the best on the planet at what he does, and every single word, spoken or written, has a purpose.
That's characteristic of everyone who's excellent at what they do and find themselves communicating about that which they do. It doesn't much matter what it is they do...cobblers, plumbers, lawyers, sports players, musicians/singers, doctors, architects, etc. Any such individual may be "loosey goosey" as can be when discussing things outside their profession or avocation, but when they are talking about something that matters to them, they become very nuanced, and they're happy to share those nuances with others. Why wouldn't they be? They're passionate about it; it's what they do for a living.​
Holy Alt-facts Batman.

It is as if Mueler’s investigation is chocking off the very air from the rightwing’s few remaining brain cells.

The further this investigation goes the more bizarre the denials are getting for long ago established facts.
Flynn to withdraw guilty plea

Seems that now the new judge forced the Feds to turn over what they have, the good general's lawyers are going to change the plea to not guilty. And, according to this article, the information that's going to come out will include "bombshells." More misconduct by DOJ operatives?

First, we know from the recently released GOP House Intelligence Committee memo and the Grassley-Graham criminal referral of Christopher Steele, the FBI and DOJ withheld significant (and material, in my view) information in seeking a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to conduct surveillance on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page. There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

Looks like things are about to heat up again on the Drain the Swamp front. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: This may be one of those bombshells.

Investigative journalist Mike Cernovich dropped a hot story on Sunday night. According to Mike, former Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Andrew McCabe altered far left FBI investigator Peter Strzok’s notes on his interview with General Michael Flynn. And then McCabe destroyed the evidence.

There should be some very interesting things to learn about this case.

From How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption and Vox Popoli: Flynn to withdraw guilty plea
$$$$... Financial ruin of honorable man and his family... To eliminate any prosecution of his son Michael G. Flynn... Any father worth his salt would fall on the sword that was going to cause pain to his son...

"Honorable" man who lied to the FBI, pleaded guilty, and is now cooperating with FBI, due to his lies.

We'll see if you still think Flynn is "honorable" after he helps Mueller prosecute your hero Trump and/or Trump's cronies. Idiot.
She looked up and saw the sky was red. Then she asked, "Is it possible the sky really isn't blue?"
-- Example of an absurd question one might ask based on unsound inferences​

The notion that because some piece of information was withheld from the FISC in obtaining authorization to surveil Carter Page, one may infer that Mueller (his team) has withheld information from Flynn is profoundly absurd. From the fact that one set of prosecutors' not including a piece of potentially inconsequential information (information that was widely known among general public, no less) in a FISA application to surveil Carter Page is indicative/suggestive, it does not logically follow that Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory information from Flynn and his attorneys.

Can one conjure various questions about the integrity of the enforcement of the law in the Flynn case? Of course, but that doesn't make the questions and attendant doubt one raises have any merit as anything other than ways to up the drama attendant to the matter under consideration.

Flynn's attorney may have filed what's called a "Brady motion." [1] Insofar as Flynn has plead guilty, a very probable reason for the Brady motion is to facilitate his attorney's arguments to mollify Flynn's sentence. While it's possible for a court to allow Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea, it's unlikely. [2] Why do I think it more likely that the order has more to do with sentencing matters/procedures than with the withdrawing of the guilty plea? Because of this waiver that Flynn signed:
Your client agrees to forgo the right to any further discovery or disclosures of information not already provided at the time of the entry of your client's guilty plea. (Source)
Flynn's agreement to that effect really leaves only to support whatever mitigating content he may care to use to inspire the judge, during sentencing hearing arguments, to go easy on him. (See section C2 of the earlier linked Brady motion guide.)

Be that as it may, knowing what the specific requests Flynn's attorney made in the Brady motion would shed some light on nature of what they think about the completeness of disclosure Mueller's team exhibited. Curiously, not one organization that's reporting the judge's order pursuant to the Brady motion has also provided a link to or reported the content of a Brady motion.

Some important things to note while imagining that Flynn may file a motion to withdraw his guilty plea:
We live in times when columnists/editorialists can rely quite effectively on the public's general reticence and disdain for conducting their own research to validate or reject the subjective content they read/hear from sources that, in general, ape a given political stance's aspirational notions. For example, partisan editorialists know damn well that Trumpkins are not going to know, much less seek, the kind of objective information about the nature of Brady motions that is even found in this post, to say nothing of more contemplative content on such a thing. Quite simply, they avail themselves of the general public's ignorance and intellectual torpor.

  1. The Federalist's Cleveland notes that it's unclear whether the Brady order results from a motion filed by Flynn's attorney(s) or whether it's just a due diligence order.
  2. No, merely saying one wants to withdraw a guilty plea will not result in one's being permitted to do so. It doesn't work that way because when pleading guilty, judges query defendants to ensure they are not lightly, under duress/coercion, or arbitrarily pleading guilty and the defendant averred under oath not only their guilt, but also that their attestation of guilt derives no such impetus/insouciance. (See: A Change of Heart or a Change of Law - Withdrawing a Guilty Plea under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 32(e))
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You know what a witch hunt is right? That's where you're running scared for imaginary causes, you have an agenda to find something, anything, and you must provide at least some results to save face. It's occurred throughout human history, but nothing at this level during our lifetimes.

And remember, liberals are progressive. Helps explain why men are women, California is leading themselves into the dark age of socialism, liberals want third world population for votes, and witch hunts are conducted.
I think possibly you are just showing what a poor judge of character you really are... I defy you to prove with credible links that General Flynn is a foreign agent... :bye1:

I don't consider FOX necessarily credible...but you probably do.

Former Trump campaign chairman registers as foreign agent
Dang, you should just let him flail. I mean, how can a person who has been crybabying endlessly for 2 years on a topic not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding it? it's fucking embarrassing.

He’s a conservative. They do it all the time.

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