Why did God tell Santorum to run just to watch him lose?

Didn't God tell about 3-4 different GOP candidates to run this year, including Rick Perry and Herman Cain?

Must just be having an off year - happens. Or maybe it's proof that the Mormon God is real.

Who knows.

They all had something to say that we needed to hear and would not have heard if they hadn't run.

In their own way each of the candidates forced the democrats to reveal something about themselves that we wouldn't have seen if that candidate had not run. Romney, himself, benefitted by this contentious race. It forced him to become stronger, more incisive and more decisive. He got much better this time than last time. It was part of the preparation he needed to face obama, who will have ALL the forces of darkness behind him.

“ALL the forces of darkness behind him”? I think you need to cut back on the apocalyptic Hollywood movies.

Also, did you hear some of the things that came out of Perry and Bachmann’s mouths? You would think an omniscient and omnipotent being would have picked out a better pool of people, you know?

Finally, I think this long and drawn out race did nothing but serve as a bloody hack fest where the Republicans spent 6 months+ exposing each other’s weak points (instead of working together), tearing each other down, and boring the population to death (with what 20+ debates filled with talking point nonsense?), and I don’t think any of those things strengthened Romney’s chances at becoming President.

People can choose to be evil. People can choose to vote for obama.
Last time he ran, Romney was perceived as too liberal. This time, both Santorum and Gingrich forced Romney further to the right and that's why he started winning.

Except in the General, Etch-A-Sketch Mitt will swing to the left since he has no political philosophy except defeat Obama :confused:
Looks like jesus is about as good at directing a political campaign as he is taking a football team to the superbowl!


pharisee christians crack my shit up.

Got Tebow not only into the playoffs but a playoff victory. Matthew Stafford might want to think about praying more.

the playoffs don't mean shit once a team is out of the race to the bowl. Tebow is what, second or third string now? people who think that jesus gives a shit about an american football quarterback taking a team to winning are hilarious.
Understand? It is all fiction designed to keep the masses in line. With understanding comes enlightenment.

But the problem is you dont even try to understand. So why do you expect to gain enlightenment?
Looks like jesus is about as good at directing a political campaign as he is taking a football team to the superbowl!


pharisee christians crack my shit up.

Got Tebow not only into the playoffs but a playoff victory. Matthew Stafford might want to think about praying more.

the playoffs don't mean shit once a team is out of the race to the bowl. Tebow is what, second or third string now? people who think that jesus gives a shit about an american football quarterback taking a team to winning are hilarious.

I know, good things happen to bad people and visa versa.
It wasn't God. It was heartburn.

He should have left the jalapeños off the cheesesteak sandwich.
When God said that we Christians would be made fun of because of our beliefs and raked over the coals for believing in the one true God, He knew that posts like the ones above would be made.

Those that don't believe, do not see. When you follow your own agenda your blinding yourself from the true. Even as Jesus walked the earth and teaches the Word. The scholars and religious 'experts' were at a complete loss to explain the most basic things he said. They were too interested in their own needs and wants to understand something as simple as 'Love one another as I have loved you'

It's a sad testament on mankind that that simple message spoken by a man over 2000 years ago is still an alien concept to so many.
Got Tebow not only into the playoffs but a playoff victory. Matthew Stafford might want to think about praying more.

the playoffs don't mean shit once a team is out of the race to the bowl. Tebow is what, second or third string now? people who think that jesus gives a shit about an american football quarterback taking a team to winning are hilarious.

I know, good things happen to bad people and visa versa.

sad, but true.
Understand? It is all fiction designed to keep the masses in line. With understanding comes enlightenment.

But the problem is you dont even try to understand. So why do you expect to gain enlightenment?

You should have seen me when I was 10. I sat there on Saturday mornings with all the other kids whose parents tried to indoctrinate them. I tried REAL hard. But I wanted proof and there was none to be had. They tried to get me to stop asking for it.........with a yardstick and a heating grate as their tools of choice.

Try? My ass.
When God said that we Christians would be made fun of because of our beliefs and raked over the coals for believing in the one true God, He knew that posts like the ones above would be made.

Those that don't believe, do not see. When you follow your own agenda your blinding yourself from the true. Even as Jesus walked the earth and teaches the Word. The scholars and religious 'experts' were at a complete loss to explain the most basic things he said. They were too interested in their own needs and wants to understand something as simple as 'Love one another as I have loved you'

It's a sad testament on mankind that that simple message spoken by a man over 2000 years ago is still an alien concept to so many.

oh you poor victim.

Why do you say 'victum'? Do you believe that I am being used for some purpose that I wouldn't support otherwise? Does helping those in need make me a victim? Does respecting my elders make me a victim? Does loving mankind make me a victim?
Understand? It is all fiction designed to keep the masses in line. With understanding comes enlightenment.

But the problem is you dont even try to understand. So why do you expect to gain enlightenment?

You should have seen me when I was 10. I sat there on Saturday mornings with all the other kids whose parents tried to indoctrinate them. I tried REAL hard. But I wanted proof and there was none to be had. They tried to get me to stop asking for it.........with a yardstick and a heating grate as their tools of choice.

Try? My ass.

Problem is you really havent tried. You mock. You dont at any point try to see things from someone elses viewpoint. Because it really isn't difficult to understand a different point of view, even if you don't agree with it.
When God said that we Christians would be made fun of because of our beliefs and raked over the coals for believing in the one true God, He knew that posts like the ones above would be made.
If words on a screen from strangers is the worst persecution you experience for your faith today, I'd say you don't have much of anything to complain about.
'victim' of people like yourself maybe, but then that is only the case if I allow myself to play the victim role
If hearing your name ridiculed on national television is the worst that Santorums family has to face on a daily basis ... Well ... I guess it would be a little harder wouldn't it?
If hearing your name ridiculed on national television is the worst that Santorums family has to face on a daily basis ... Well ... I guess it would be a little harder wouldn't it?
Yeah, those Christians who are getting executed for their faith really need to suck it up and learn to deal. I mean, they could have it as bad as the Santorums do.
Why do you say 'victum'? Do you believe that I am being used for some purpose that I wouldn't support otherwise? Does helping those in need make me a victim? Does respecting my elders make me a victim? Does loving mankind make me a victim?

what is a "victum"? Do you not believe in spell check either?

no, what indicates your leap toward acting like a victim is the post at which I was referring to. Don't let that keep you from draping yourself on your personal cross, however.

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