Why did God tell Santorum to run just to watch him lose?

Why do you say 'victum'? Do you believe that I am being used for some purpose that I wouldn't support otherwise? Does helping those in need make me a victim? Does respecting my elders make me a victim? Does loving mankind make me a victim?

what is a "victum"? Do you not believe in spell check either?

no, what indicates your leap toward acting like a victim is the post at which I was referring to. Don't let that keep you from draping yourself on your personal cross, however.

Victum? That's what Santorum renamed his rectum after God got through with him.
Why do you say 'victum'? Do you believe that I am being used for some purpose that I wouldn't support otherwise? Does helping those in need make me a victim? Does respecting my elders make me a victim? Does loving mankind make me a victim?

what is a "victum"? Do you not believe in spell check either?

no, what indicates your leap toward acting like a victim is the post at which I was referring to. Don't let that keep you from draping yourself on your personal cross, however.

Victum? That's what Santorum renamed his rectum after God got through with him.
Rectum? Hell, I barely even knew him.
The same reason he stole one of Lance Armstrong's balls. He's a seriously fucked up entity.
When God said that we Christians would be made fun of because of our beliefs and raked over the coals for believing in the one true God, He knew that posts like the ones above would be made.

Those that don't believe, do not see. When you follow your own agenda your blinding yourself from the true. Even as Jesus walked the earth and teaches the Word. The scholars and religious 'experts' were at a complete loss to explain the most basic things he said. They were too interested in their own needs and wants to understand something as simple as 'Love one another as I have loved you'

It's a sad testament on mankind that that simple message spoken by a man over 2000 years ago is still an alien concept to so many.

Yes, because God knew that being made fun of was the absolute height of persecution. Such martyrs!
Maybe God told him to run so he can strengthen Romneys debating skills. Maybe he told him to run so HE can be the target of some rediculous MADE UP issues such as contraception.....as opposed to Romney.

According to my Rabbi, God allows misery so we can appreciate happiness that much more. SO I can easily apply such thinking to this reidculous, BAITING, ARROGANT question of the OP.

Personally, I despise those that ridicule those that believe strongly in God. I do not ridicule them for NOT having a faith...but the ones who ridicule those with faith? They deserve to be despised as they are hateful, arrogant, people.
The funny thing is that according to Huckabee, God told him not to run,

and Huckabee would have been the strongest anyone-but-Romney candidate of all of them, and might have won.

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