Why Did Ice Ages Come and Go? Earth Wobble

I'm sorry if you're just too fucking stupid to understand basic anything, but there are limits to this sort of shit. When you actually want to talk about the topic of this thread or the topic of this forum, you just let us know.
And you keep validating my point - you cultists have never factored in earth wobble into your doomsday rants.
I'm sorry if you're just too fucking stupid to understand basic anything, but there are limits to this sort of shit. When you actually want to talk about the topic of this thread or the topic of this forum, you just let us know.
Well post something about the thread that contains facts.
And you keep validating my point - you cultists have never factored in earth wobble into your doomsday rants.

Of course not, being there is no wobble on the short time scales of the models.

You didn't now that, of course, because you're so clueless on every topic.

And yes, we all know your whackaloon poltical cult will kick you out if you aren't a belligerent moron, and nobody expects you to grow a pair and leave the cult. Just keep on being stupid and collecting those cult brownie points.
And you keep validating my point - you cultists have never factored in earth wobble into your doomsday rants.

Of course not, being there is no wobble on the short time scales of the models.

You didn't now that, of course, because you're so clueless on every topic.

And yes, we all know your whackaloon poltical cult will kick you out if you aren't a belligerent moron, and nobody expects you to grow a pair and leave the cult. Just keep on being stupid and collecting those cult brownie points.
wow!!!!!!!! Dude, you really should go read about the earth and how it wobbles. It is one theory on why there was a planet of ice and why it melted.
And you keep validating my point - you cultists have never factored in earth wobble into your doomsday rants.

Of course not, being there is no wobble on the short time scales of the models.

You didn't now that, of course, because you're so clueless on every topic.

And yes, we all know your whackaloon poltical cult will kick you out if you aren't a belligerent moron, and nobody expects you to grow a pair and leave the cult. Just keep on being stupid and collecting those cult brownie points.
Really? Same excuse with solar activity?
And you keep validating my point - you cultists have never factored in earth wobble into your doomsday rants.

Of course not, being there is no wobble on the short time scales of the models.

You didn't now that, of course, because you're so clueless on every topic.

And yes, we all know your whackaloon poltical cult will kick you out if you aren't a belligerent moron, and nobody expects you to grow a pair and leave the cult. Just keep on being stupid and collecting those cult brownie points.
Really? Same excuse with solar activity?
there is so much evidence of the wobble and zippo of CO2 being dangerous. it's amazing the stupid eh?
The Precession of the Equinox and the "Wobbling" Earth

"Understand that the earth spins like a globe does around an axis, but in reality the earth does not spin so steadily. As scary as it might sound, because the earth is not perfectly round like a globe, it wobbles on its axis creating what is called an Equinox.” Fortunately, this is a controlled wobble that occurs in a cycle. Imagine the earth’s rotational axis as a pencil. Now picture a piece of paper on the end of the pencil. Because of the wobble, a circle would be drawn on the paper."

"For more than a century scientists have known that Earth’s ice ages are caused by the wobbling of the planet’s orbit, which changes its orientation to the Sun and affects the amount of sunlight reaching higher latitudes, particularly the polar regions.

The Northern Hemisphere’s last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago, and most evidence has indicated that the ice age in the Southern Hemisphere ended about 2,000 years later, suggesting that the south was responding to warming in the north."
Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age. All occurred in human history and occurred and ended without human intervention.

And somehow mankind survived.

None of the potential mechanisms for the climate changes in those periods are included in any climate model today.
No, because it ended 20,000 years ago. How many recent climate models have you seen that cover 20,000 years? From the article: "While Earth's orbit changes on a scale of thousands of years, current levels of carbon dioxide are changing on the scale of decades."
No, because it ended 20,000 years ago. How many recent climate models have you seen that cover 20,000 years? From the article: "While Earth's orbit changes on a scale of thousands of years, current levels of carbon dioxide are changing on the scale of decades."

Mann's tree rings proxy for the last 10,000 years, right?

Shankun used some Polynesian coral skeletons for 10,000 to 20,000 years ago, right?
Neither Mann's nor Shakunn's nor Marcotte's work concerned themselves with causes. The three of them simply showed that the current temperature dynamics are extremely unlikely to have occurred at any time in the past period each studied.

Looking into this a bit we find:

The Earth's axis rotates (precesses) just as a spinning top does. The period of precession is about 26,000 years. Therefore, the North Celestial Pole will not always be point towards the same starfield. Precession is caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth.
Precession of the Earth's Axis

So, if the last precessional warm peak was 20,000 years ago, we have another 6,000 before we hit another one. Besides which, what do you believe there is about the effects of the Earth's precession that PRECLUDES AGW? Why can't both be taking place? Because... they are.
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Neither Mann's nor Shakunn's nor Marcotte's work concerned themselves with causes. The three of them simply showed that the current temperature dynamics are extremely unlikely to have occurred at any time in the past period each studied.

Looking into this a bit we find:

The Earth's axis rotates (precesses) just as a spinning top does. The period of precession is about 26,000 years. Therefore, the North Celestial Pole will not always be point towards the same starfield. Precession is caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth.
Precession of the Earth's Axis

So, if the last precessional warm peak was 20,000 years ago, we have another 6,000 before we hit another one. Besides which, what do you believe there is about the effects of the Earth's precession that PRECLUDES AGW? Why can't both be taking place? Because... they are.

Show me one (1) fucking lab experiment that links a temperature increase with a 120PPM increase in CO2, then you can talk causation. Until then, the entire AGW hypothsis is just hocus pocus
AGW is a widely accepted theory describing the behavior of the Earth's climate in the face of human GHG emissions. Among scientists, it is simply beyond debate.

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