Why Did Mint Raw Money Choose To INSULT The NAACP Rather Than Relate To Them?

Honestly, I think Obama loves that term. Afterall, this was his signature piece of legislation. He spent two years passing the thing. It's not insulting at all.

In terms of Marc's post, I don't understand it at all. Just what did Romney say that was offensive? The offensive part of Marc's post was the "good members of the NAACP" who invited this candidate to come and had the class to boo him once he came. Thank goodness, most stood up and applauded at the end, but the clods who booed should have been shown the door. Bunch of classless twits.
Where was this sentiment when the Republicans were booing a gay active militaryman for expressing his ideas? And for applauding a politician saying to let a person die for not being able to afford health care...and not to mention applauding for the death penalty. "Let them die!", they cheered.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3eMRlBgKYU]republicans Boo Gay Soldiers and Applaud Death and Killing - September 23, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

My, my, my...how things change.


what does that have to do with thead?
good grief
Many of the NAACP will vote Romney but tell Jake how they really support Obama's 25% minority youth unemployment because we once had slavery in America
Many of the NAACP will vote Romney but tell Jake how they really support Obama's 25% minority youth unemployment because we once had slavery in America

No, sorry Frank. You're wrong this time.
The actual rate is like 40%. About the same as Jordan or Zimbabwe. Obama is the worst president since Robert Mugabe.

Hey moran. Do you now how many times he was cheered? He even got a standing ovation at the end of his speech. Obama chose, again, not to show.

He was booed on the key points, Two Thumbs; it was not a victory, so don't go there.

He did stand up implicitly for his own base and he reassured white centrist independents that he is not indifferent to minority issues.

I'll go where I want.

He went into what he knew would be a hostile crowd and stuck to his guns and talked about the things he's going to do just like he would in front of anyone.

I think the crowd took that to heart, thus the cheers.
Many of the NAACP will vote Romney but tell Jake how they really support Obama's 25% minority youth unemployment because we once had slavery in America

No, sorry Frank. You're wrong this time.
The actual rate is like 40%. About the same as Jordan or Zimbabwe. Obama is the worst president since Robert Mugabe.

and yet the Naacp still supports him..what does that tell you about them
The narrative is that Romney is a rich out of touch white guy who can't talk to ordinary people. We're seeing that this is a lie every day. The NAACP speech was a success, look at the leftists here spinning like gyros to deny it. The more he speaks the more people like him. THat the news media is still in the tank for Obama and will denigrate ROmney every way they can is no surprise. But Obama is so awful people are just sick of his shit. He is a joke. No one listens to him. No one takes him seriously.
At least he didn't tell them they were to poor to get proper I.D. Like Eric Holder.

At least he didn't go into some old slavery poetry like Hillary "I ain't no ways tired......!!!!"

At least he fucken showed up unlike Obama.

Some of his critics said he never should have gone, but then they would have found fault in that too.
Hey moran. Do you now how many times he was cheered? He even got a standing ovation at the end of his speech. Obama chose, again, not to show.

He was booed on the key points, Two Thumbs; it was not a victory, so don't go there.

He did stand up implicitly for his own base and he reassured white centrist independents that he is not indifferent to minority issues.

I'll go where I want. He went into what he knew would be a hostile crowd and stuck to his guns and talked about the things he's going to do just like he would in front of anyone. I think the crowd took that to heart, thus the cheers.

Then walk off the cliff, because you can't see clearly on this issue.

You are why 95% of blacks will not vote your way, with your simplistic attitude.

No, it was not a victory for Romney among blacks.

Yes, it was a victory for Romney because he was eliciting reaction from folks like you.

Romney won, blacks still will vote Obama, and you lost.

But still vote Romney. Every vote counts.
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Hey moran. Do you now how many times he was cheered? He even got a standing ovation at the end of his speech. Obama chose, again, not to show.

He was booed on the key points, Two Thumbs; it was not a victory, so don't go there.

He did stand up implicitly for his own base and he reassured white centrist independents that he is not indifferent to minority issues.

Booed on key points?
He was booed once, over him saying he would repeal the Health Care.
They liked what he had to say about jobs and they like his ideas for their children's education.
They gave him a standing ovation.
They also know that President Obama got rid of the school vouchers for the lower income families in D.C.. It was working very well and they still do not like what he did to black children in that area.
They want their children going to good schools, not the terrible lousy ghetto schools that don't teach them anything at all.
After spending two years inferring that Black people are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D. the left thinks it's insulting for a republican to speak to the NAACP? Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".
Hey moran. Do you now how many times he was cheered? He even got a standing ovation at the end of his speech. Obama chose, again, not to show.

He was booed on the key points, Two Thumbs; it was not a victory, so don't go there.

He did stand up implicitly for his own base and he reassured white centrist independents that he is not indifferent to minority issues.

Booed on key points?
He was booed once, over him saying he would repeal the Health Care.
They liked what he had to say about jobs and they like his ideas for their children's education.
They gave him a standing ovation.
They also know that President Obama got rid of the school vouchers for the lower income families in D.C.. It was working very well and they still do not like what he did to black children in that area.
They want their children going to good schools, not the terrible lousy ghetto schools that don't teach them anything at all.

Stop the Lush Rimbot talking points.

He did as well as could be expected, and that was not a whole lot.

He did make good points with the center and his base.

But he was no hit with the NAACP.
After spending two years inferring that Black people are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D. the left thinks it's insulting for a republican to speak to the NAACP? Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".

Savage does not speak for the GOP and you speak only for the extremists on the far right. Both of you are far out of the mainstream.
After spending two years inferring that Black people are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D. the left thinks it's insulting for a republican to speak to the NAACP? Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".
^^^ This.
He was booed on the key points, Two Thumbs; it was not a victory, so don't go there.

He did stand up implicitly for his own base and he reassured white centrist independents that he is not indifferent to minority issues.

Booed on key points?
He was booed once, over him saying he would repeal the Health Care.
They liked what he had to say about jobs and they like his ideas for their children's education.
They gave him a standing ovation.
They also know that President Obama got rid of the school vouchers for the lower income families in D.C.. It was working very well and they still do not like what he did to black children in that area.
They want their children going to good schools, not the terrible lousy ghetto schools that don't teach them anything at all.

Stop the Lush Rimbot talking points.

He did as well as could be expected, and that was not a whole lot.

He did make good points with the center and his base.

But he was no hit with the NAACP.

Sorry not a Rush talking point.
Actually watched the speech. He was booed only once and they did like what he had to say about jobs and school vouchers for charter schools.
If he was that bad they would not have stood up and give him a standing ovation.
Romney speech is going to have many blacks voting for him. He highlighted the importance of a strong family and education, that's why he got applauded and that's why many at the meeting will vote for him

The Democrat political machines will still stuff ballot boxes and pretend blacks support democrats but we all know the truth. The days of Jake Starkey's Democrat party trapping people in horrible schools and disenfranchising them with the voter fraud is coming to an end
Why many in the NAACP will vote for Romney

"Charter schools are so successful that almost every politician can find something good to say about them. But, as we saw in Massachusetts, true reform requires more than talk. As Governor, I vetoed the bill blocking charter schools. But our legislature was 87 percent Democrat, and my veto could have been easily over-ridden. So I joined with the Black Legislative Caucus, and their votes helped preserve my veto, which meant that new charter schools, including some in urban neighborhoods, would be opened.

When it comes to education reform, candidates cannot have it both ways – talking up education reform, while indulging the same groups that are blocking reform. You can be the voice of disadvantaged public-school students, or you can be the protector of special interests like the teachers unions, but you can’t be both. I have made my choice: As president, I will be a champion of real education reform in America, and I won’t let any special interest get in the way."
The real insult is to tell the NAACP they aren't worth an appearance, then pile on the insult by sending Joe "The Gaffeman" Biden to speak instead.

obama is relying on his own blackness to tell people their votes are taken for granted.

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