Why Did Obama Meet With Bernie?

This is gonna be funny. Hillary gets indicted,Bernie is getting his ass kicked in the south and will NEVER win a GE in the south,damn who will be the nominee? Ole Rain Tax Gov himself? O'Malley jeez that man is a whacko.

Martin O'Malley is almost like The Invisible Man.

O'Malley's young enough to use this campaign cycle as a learning experience, as well as a shot at a cabinet post. He'll be back.
O'Malley is half sane, that's why Democrats are ignoring him.
Rain Tax man is not sane. He is just slightly less crazy than Hillary or Sanders LOL
Obama's nasty habit of bad mouthing people got him in trouble again so he had to have a beer summit with Bernie.

Who are you supporting in this cycle? I'm sure your guy would never bad mouth anyone.

When I decide you will be the first to know.

Awwwww. Don't want to say. How sad.

What part of I have not decided is beyond your comprehension? Can one of you smarter libs explain it to this poster.
This is gonna be funny. Hillary gets indicted,Bernie is getting his ass kicked in the south and will NEVER win a GE in the south,damn who will be the nominee? Ole Rain Tax Gov himself? O'Malley jeez that man is a whacko.

Martin O'Malley is almost like The Invisible Man.

O'Malley's young enough to use this campaign cycle as a learning experience, as well as a shot at a cabinet post. He'll be back.
he is a cry-baby bitch that wants innocent people to get sued because some dumbfuck buys their product. The only place he belongs is in Baltimore with the savages.
Obama's nasty habit of bad mouthing people got him in trouble again so he had to have a beer summit with Bernie.

Who are you supporting in this cycle? I'm sure your guy would never bad mouth anyone.

When I decide you will be the first to know.

Awwwww. Don't want to say. How sad.

What part of I have not decided is beyond your comprehension? Can one of you smarter libs explain it to this poster.

You are a Trump supporter. You might also like Cruz. But you've defended and supported Trump here for quite some time. Go ahead. Lie.

Trump is the king when it comes to bad mouthing people. You don't mind that at all. You love it.

Yes. I am paying attention. It's why you are now upset. Bitch.
Is weird this happens right after the FBI said that stuff yesterday.
My guess is Hillary is about to be indicted.

Dude, 2 Socialists sitting down to drink a glass of vodka and exchange ideas on how to tax the citizens, isn't out of the ordinary, is it-)

yeah, you should probably learn what a socialist is. this president isn't one.
Obama thinks the government is responsible for every business being created.

You didn't build that.

you probably should have listened to and understood what he said.

is English not your first language? or is it comprehension? or a lack of honesty on your part?
the president is far more polite to you loons than you deserve

can't imagine the donald ever maintaining that sort of presidential decorum.
Like taking sides in ongoing law enforcement investigations?
Real Presidential.

i'm not quite sure what you're referring to....

perhaps you could try to form complete thoughts instead of assuming we are up to date on all of the insanity spewed in the rightwngnut blogosphere.

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