Why did Reagan Administration grant tax-free religious status to Scientology?

It was reported at the time that the meeting between administration officials and Scientology officials lasted as little as 10 minutes.

Why would Reagan grant tax-free status to a bunch of kooks?

If we are going to allow tax exempt status for some religions, then we must allow them for all of them and the guidelines must be pretty liberal. If they are not, it could be construed as favoritism towards one group over another which could lead to a ruling where all religions lose their tax exempt status.
it could be construed as favoritism towards one group over another which could lead to a ruling where all religions lose their tax exempt status.

And this would be bad?
And this would be bad?

Yes it would cause we dont want to live in a fascist country like you.

By the way is everyone else having a problem with the quote not working?
I was looking for an excuse to use this...

Last edited:
Great editing job, here is the actual link you just posted.

Bush aide ignites ire of pagans - Chicago Tribune

Not only does the article not say they are excluded, the headline doesn't either. That makes you something worse than a liar.

1. The comment by Towey clearly was intended to exclude Pagan groups from the eligibility for the faith based initiative.

2. What editing? Where did I ever claim that the headline was anything? Just because you link to a news article doesn't mean your linked text has to be the headline.
Apparently the government does. And by doing so, they violate the establishment clause by favoring some "religions" over others.

Neither this Court, nor any branch of this Government, will consider the merits or fallacies of a religion. Nor will the Court compare the beliefs, dogmas, and practices of a newly organized religion with those of an older, more established religion. Nor will the Court praise or condemn a religion, however excellent or fanatical or preposterous it may seem.

Supreme Court of the United States
auditor said:
If we are going to allow tax exempt status for some religions, then we must allow them for all of them and the guidelines must be pretty liberal. If they are not, it could be construed as favoritism towards one group over another which could lead to a ruling where all religions lose their tax exempt status.

I would be in favor of that. If not for tithes and donations, at least for property taxes.
It was reported at the time that the meeting between administration officials and Scientology officials lasted as little as 10 minutes.

Why would Reagan grant tax-free status to a bunch of kooks?

The better question to ask is why was scientology deemed a legitimate religion? and who deemed them a legitimate religion?
My quote stopped working, also - just a blank page.

My did as well.... This site is having issues today..

I know html so that's how I'm quoting. You just have to manually do [quot.e] insert post here [/quot.e] but drop the periods I put before the e in "quote."
Great editing job, here is the actual link you just posted.

Bush aide ignites ire of pagans - Chicago Tribune

Not only does the article not say they are excluded, the headline doesn't either. That makes you something worse than a liar.

1. The comment by Towey clearly was intended to exclude Pagan groups from the eligibility for the faith based initiative.

2. What editing? Where did I ever claim that the headline was anything? Just because you link to a news article doesn't mean your linked text has to be the headline.

It was? Here is what he said.

According to the official transcript, Towey was asked by someone in Centralia, Mo., whether pagan groups "should be given the same considerations as any other group" that applies for government funds.
"I haven't run into a pagan faith-based group yet, much less a pagan group that cares for the poor!" Towey wrote.
"Once you make it clear to any applicant that public money must go to public purposes and can't be used to promote ideology," he wrote, "the fringe groups lose interest. Helping the poor is tough work, and only those with loving hearts seem drawn to it."

The guy is obviously an idiot, just like everyone in the government, but it can clearly be read to exclude any group that prefers to disseminate ideology instead of giving aid. Personally, I think that is a great idea.
Changing the text that is part of a link isn't editing in your universe?

Changing the text of a link to reflect something that is completely unrelated to the link isn't editing in your universe? Do you prefer the term bald faced lie?
It was reported at the time that the meeting between administration officials and Scientology officials lasted as little as 10 minutes.

Why would Reagan grant tax-free status to a bunch of kooks?
The better question to ask is why was scientology deemed a legitimate religion? and who deemed them a legitimate religion?

What makes a religion legitimate?
It was reported at the time that the meeting between administration officials and Scientology officials lasted as little as 10 minutes.

Why would Reagan grant tax-free status to a bunch of kooks?

Why would he discriminate against a religion? That's in the liberal playbook, not the conservative playbook.

Because everyone knows it's the "liberals" who shit a brick when someone tries to build a mosque near them, right?
Why did Reagan Administration grant tax-free religious status to Scientology?

Because they aren't any crazier than Mormans?
It was reported at the time that the meeting between administration officials and Scientology officials lasted as little as 10 minutes.

Why would Reagan grant tax-free status to a bunch of kooks?

Why would he discriminate against a religion? That's in the liberal playbook, not the conservative playbook.

Because everyone knows it's the "liberals" who shit a brick when someone tries to build a mosque near them, right?
THAT'S gonna leave a mark! :lol:
The problem with COS is that religion is just a public relations ploy to cover up a money making scheme. There's an interesting article from The New Yorker about one of its favored Hollywood sons who left and the kinds of things done to to former members to make them out to be liars and criminals. All of them, really? People who have been trained to be superior human beings suddenly snap? Really? Why, if the training is so good?

Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology : The New Yorker

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