Why did religions start teaching no sex outside of marriage?

While I think it is good and noble to hold off, I don't see Scripture as requiring it. I see Scripture as simply assuming it as a cultural practice. I do believe that it does require couples who choose not to wait to marry ASAP.
The best way to approach an election and select a valid candidate? Look at the ballot.........and every name you see that you recognize vote for the opposite candidate, its time to clean out the trash in our home and remodel there are to many cat piss stains on our carpet.....the entire house stinks to high heaven. Let's put some real representatives in office......vote for the common man/lady that does not have some corporate lobby pumping millions of kick back dollars into our supposed FREE ELECTIONS.

Its time to "scratch" the back of the PEOPLE instead of the elite politicians and corporate lobbyists. Next ban all type of voting except in person voting. Get some asses off the couch that allow others to corrupt their votes and show up in person to cast a ballot......or SHUT THE HELL UP because you don't have a dog in this fight if you are to lazy to exercise the greatest right you possess in this Republic.........the right to vote in person you do not deserve a voice.

Apathy is the greatest enemy facing this nation at this time, the people are being distracted while America is stolen and sold to the highest bidder.
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The best way to approach an election and select a valid candidate? Look at the ballot.........and every name you see that you recognize vote for the opposite candidate, its time to clean out the trash in our home and remodel there are to many cat piss stains on our carpet.....the entire house stinks to high heaven. Let's put some real representatives in office......vote for the common man/lady that does not have some corporate lobby pumping millions of kick back dollars into our supposed FREE ELECTIONS.

Its time to "scratch" the back of the PEOPLE instead of the elite politicians and corporate lobbyists. Next ban all type of voting except in person voting. Get some asses off the couch that allow others to corrupt their votes and show up in person to cast a ballot......or SHUT THE HELL UP because you don't have a dog in this fight if you are to lazy to exercise the greatest right you possess in this Republic.........the right to vote in person you do not deserve a voice.

Apathy is the greatest enemy facing this nation at this time, the people are being distracted while America is stolen and sold to the highest bidder.

Next ban all type of voting except in person voting.

get over losing the last one -

yours might be a consideration if at the same time voting days are made mandatory holidays.
Proverbs 8 is a real stretch of the imagination to like that to Christ, and the very beginning of Psalm 82 ( 1. God presides in the great assembly, he renders judgment among the gods. ) with this reference to multiple gods negates any possibility that they are speaking of Christ.
Prov 8=Gods master worker-The one God created all other things through- Says He became especially fond of me, And tells all they need to listen to him--0 Doubt its the being God sent.
Psalm 82--He asks God to judge the earth in verse 8 proving its not God-Its the being who was sent and named Jesus as a mortal. Jesus quotes at John 10:34 same thing he said in Psalm 82: 6
Prov 8=Gods master worker-The one God created all other things through- Says He became especially fond of me, And tells all they need to listen to him--0 Doubt its the being God sent.
Psalm 82--He asks God to judge the earth in verse 8 proving its not God-Its the being who was sent and named Jesus as a mortal. Jesus quotes at John 10:34 same thing he said in Psalm 82: 6
God my foot. Grow up you people. There is no God and never has been. You've been conned.
get over losing the last one -

yours might be a consideration if at the same time voting days are made mandatory holidays.
They need to outlaw all voting machines that count votes.........every single vote should be tallied by hand in front representatives from each and every party involved, and yes all votes should be "in person" in front of witnesses that verify one's voting registration status with voter ID photos.

I find it strange that some people declare they have to great an infirmity or can't read in order to vote in person, or their job stops them from voting in person........yet, all these same people have no trouble filling out the paperwork to get Welfare, SS benefits, Foodstamps, Driver's license..........or going to the mall shopping, going to the grocery to spend their food stamps.

Its time to crack down on voter fraud. Period. The only mail in ballots should be strictly regulated to and prove to go to those are actually suffering from some type of infirmity or for those who serve overseas in the military or are stationed where they do not have access to their home districts.

The last election demonstrated one thing.........there more votes counted than there was "registered" voters.

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get over losing the last one -

yours might be a consideration if at the same time voting days are made mandatory holidays.
Yeah.......you'd enjoy that would'nt ya? There were more votes counted than there were registered voters......13,000,000, more that were "duplicate"/double counts, where a vote was counted at least 2 times, sometimes 3 or more, depending on how far behind the left wing candidate was at that time. That's not to many fake ballots if you say it fast enough. Its strange that they stopped counted voting.........in union of every state that was behind for Biden..........for Hours in order to make up the required votes to overtake Mr. Trump. The first time in US HISTORY the voting was stopped while in progress. Even the hanging chads in Fla. never stopped counting until a court demanded they cease effort to find more votes..........

Its time to outlaw all electronic voting. All ballots should be cast in person and counted by hand in front of representatives of every party involved. Before being allowed to vote every potential voter should have to produce a current registration with a valid picture ID in front of an election official.

The only mail in ballots should be for those have been vetted and proven to have an infirmity that would stop them from voting in person (that would require the paperwork that includes a Physicians endorsement and signature)......that leaves mail in ballots for military personal only.

I still find it strange that those who declare they can't show up in person because they have an infirmity or can't read.......have no problem whatsoever in filling out the paperwork to get Welfare Benefits or SSI benefits that require the applicant to produce a valid state and or federal ID.......or a driver's license, or going to the grocery to spend their foot stamps, driving great distances, shopping......etc.,

Its time to start passing out "prison sentences" for anyone that commits voter fraud.
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They need to outlaw all voting machines that count votes.........every single vote should be tallied by hand in front representatives from each and every party involved, and yes all votes should be "in person" in front of witnesses that verify one's voting registration status with voter ID photos.

I find it strange that some people declare they have to great an infirmity or can't read in order to vote in person, or their job stops them from voting in person........yet, all these same people have no trouble filling out the paperwork to get Welfare, SS benefits, Foodstamps, Driver's license..........or going to the mall shopping, going to the grocery to spend their food stamps.

Its time to crack down on voter fraud. Period. The only mail in ballots should be strictly regulated to and prove to go to those are actually suffering from some type of infirmity or for those who serve overseas in the military or are stationed where they do not have access to their home districts.

The last election demonstrated one thing.........there more votes counted than there was "registered" voters.

You said nothing about any voter fraud when trump won. How coincidental.

The counting machines were proven to working correctly and not manipulated in any way. You like to focus on them thinking they are the problem.

If you blame counting officials, approximately half of them are Republicans . Are you calling them cheats as well?
If they weren't cheats why didn't they say something about Democrat counters changing votes or whatever? Because it didn't happen that's why.

It all comes down to you all believing trump was unbeatable. The silent majority you all anticipated would bring home the bacon, deserted the GOP and voted dems.

Unless you have figures from the electoral people stating categorically about the excess votes over registration, that also is lies. You are calling them cheats also.
Can you see a pattern of hate, revenge and bitterness. Biden completely outsmarted the lot of you. He knew big rally numbers don't equate to victory like you guys did.

So comrade, history shows there was no fraud and the GOP eventually agreed. Its you people who carry the tradition no as long something else.
You said nothing about any voter fraud when trump won. How coincidental.

The counting machines were proven to working correctly and not manipulated in any way. You like to focus on them thinking they are the problem.

If you blame counting officials, approximately half of them are Republicans . Are you calling them cheats as well?
If they weren't cheats why didn't they say something about Democrat counters changing votes or whatever? Because it didn't happen that's why.

It all comes down to you all believing trump was unbeatable. The silent majority you all anticipated would bring home the bacon, deserted the GOP and voted dems.

Unless you have figures from the electoral people stating categorically about the excess votes over registration, that also is lies. You are calling them cheats also.
Can you see a pattern of hate, revenge and bitterness. Biden completely outsmarted the lot of you. He knew big rally numbers don't equate to victory like you guys did.

So comrade, history shows there was no fraud and the GOP eventually agreed. Its you people who carry the tradition no as long something else.
How do you know I said nothing? You do not..........as I was not even on this board when Trump was elected. I choose not to communicate with confirmed liars on a subject that is based upon trust and honor. ;)

FYI: The voting machines and election Campaigns were corrupted by China long before Trump even considered running for office. Yet the powers that be did nothing. Things that make you go....................Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :eusa_think: The corrupt figured out a way to use this to their advantage.
As the majority of vote tallying machines are built overseas. In fact China owns the most used system, Dominion. Ever wonder why Bidden spent so much time kissing Chinese Ass? :dunno: NOW YOU KNOW.


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Why did religions start teaching no sex outside of marriage?

It is the natural tendency of men to want to sow our wild oats as far and as wide as we possibly can. In the game of natural selection, that is what gives us the greatest success in assuring that our DNA will be passed down to future generations.

But that strategy is not so favorable for women, for children, or for society as a whole.

It is much better for women, and for children, and for society, if the man who fathers a child stays round, and helps to protect and provide for that child, along with the mothers of that child.

God knew what he was doing when He set us up the way He did, and when He instructed us about how we should establish marriage and families, as the foundation for society. Where too many people in a given society go against what God has instructed, we see terrible and tragic consequences.
God my foot. Grow up you people. There is no God and never has been. You've been conned.

At your age, it will not be very long before you will stand before Him to answer for what you've done with your life. You'll have the chance to tell Him to His face that He does not exist. That should be amusing.

Satan does not have the power to con you, as deeply as you appear to have been conned, unless you have made a willing, conscious choice to allow him to do so. It's not my place to say how God will judge you for that choice, but I would certainly not want to be in your place at that time.
God my foot. Grow up you people. There is no God and never has been. You've been conned.

I hope you understand that the number of people who believe in God who have just come around to your position because of this one post you just made on the Internet is zero.
I hope you understand that the number of people who believe in God who have just come around to your position because of this one post you just made on the Internet is zero.
I don't care if they double down on their beliefs in a ghost, they are still delusional and have no evidence a god exist.
That mob of gullible fools have had 2000 years to p r office and the best they've got is thoughts and prayers.

There is no God and never has been. You have asll been conned which is not unusual for am Americans
At your age, it will not be very long before you will stand before Him to answer for what you've done with your life. You'll have the chance to tell Him to His face that He does not exist. That should be amusing.
Here we Go again. Because I'm not groveling to your ghost you issue the same old threats to the recalcitants. You have been conned and for a grown man, you are a indictment on the human race to not realise that. You are a fool.
Satan does not have the power to con you, as deeply as you appear to have been conned,
I believe in nothing. I've hardly been conned by anyone. Don't reverse the situation because you've been a sucker all your life.
unless you have made a willing, conscious choice to allow him to do so.
I don't believe there is a Satan and you have no evidence there is. Its just another threat by the Jesus junkies
It's not my place to say how God will judge you for that choice, but I would certainly not want to be in your place at that time.
Oh the irony. How arrogant are you to predict God will judge me. You are predicting my future punishment but yet it's beyond you to make decisions on behalf of God. Do you realise what an idiot statement that is?
You arrogant pricks feel you have divine and unique access to what your ghost God wants and does. You don't. You have nothing but delusions. Then you think you will get eternity for your stupidity to believe God exists. How arrogant and vain are you people. You have no such knowledge but project you have knowledge that atheists don't. You a blatant liar.
How does that fit with your God? Do you confess to lying when you pray and god sends you a text issuing forgiveness???

You had a couple of goes at me and got a bruising each time. You talk religious bullshit continually because you have no defence for your ignorance and gullibility.

Reply if you like but you can expect other embarrassing brutal bashing of your stupidity and ignorance and delusion.
Here we Go again. Because I'm not groveling to your ghost you issue the same old threats to the recalcitants. You have been conned and for a grown man, you are a indictment on the human race to not realise that. You are a fool.

I believe in nothing. I've hardly been conned by anyone. Don't reverse the situation because you've been a sucker all your life.

I don't believe there is a Satan and you have no evidence there is. Its just another threat by the Jesus junkies

Oh the irony. How arrogant are you to predict God will judge me. You are predicting my future punishment but yet it's beyond you to make decisions on behalf of God. Do you realise what an idiot statement that is?
You arrogant pricks feel you have divine and unique access to what your ghost God wants and does. You don't. You have nothing but delusions. Then you think you will get eternity for your stupidity to believe God exists. How arrogant and vain are you people. You have no such knowledge but project you have knowledge that atheists don't. You a blatant liar.
How does that fit with your God? Do you confess to lying when you pray and god sends you a text issuing forgiveness???

You had a couple of goes at me and got a bruising each time. You talk religious bullshit continually because you have no defence for your ignorance and gullibility.

Reply if you like but you can expect other embarrassing brutal bashing of your stupidity and ignorance and delusion.
Funny ay Bob?
You're not laughing. I can hear your teeth grinding.

The arrogance of you prayer mumbling fools to think you run the earth
You're not laughing. I can hear your teeth grinding.

The voices in your head, the mumblings of demons or of your own madness, have nothing to do with me.

What is odd, is that you think you are sane, and you think you are wise, when everyone else can clearly see that you are neither.
You said nothing about any voter fraud when trump won. How coincidental.

The counting machines were proven to working correctly and not manipulated in any way. You like to focus on them thinking they are the problem.

If you blame counting officials, approximately half of them are Republicans . Are you calling them cheats as well?
If they weren't cheats why didn't they say something about Democrat counters changing votes or whatever? Because it didn't happen that's why.

It all comes down to you all believing trump was unbeatable. The silent majority you all anticipated would bring home the bacon, deserted the GOP and voted dems.

Unless you have figures from the electoral people stating categorically about the excess votes over registration, that also is lies. You are calling them cheats also.
Can you see a pattern of hate, revenge and bitterness. Biden completely outsmarted the lot of you. He knew big rally numbers don't equate to victory like you guys did.

So comrade, history shows there was no fraud and the GOP eventually agreed. Its you people who carry the tradition no as long something else.
Who needs any corrupt election officials to verify that which anyone has access to through the freedom of information act? :dunno: The voter registration rolls and the census population data. Simple math and the FACT that the 4 states Biden needed to overtake Mr. Trump, suddenly and unprecedented stopped counting all at the same time all with lame excuses of some type of emergency at the exact same instant, then going back on line and resumed when enough votes were counted (not registered but counted) to overtake Mr. Trump.

The facts next demonstrated that NO court would allow any sort of official recount in the protested states that alone makes one go Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :eusa_think:

The next fact is the the claim that Biden received more votes than Obama before the election even took place. What they are counting are the number of fake and duplicate MAIL IN votes not registered voters. Trump was warning the nation up to 18 months pervious to this election what would play out........first the "planned-demic" that begged everyone to stay away from the polls so they would not get covid. Then the easily corrupted mail in ballots would be the highest in national history.

Take for instance, in the state of Michigan. The highest turnouts in previous history ranged no higher than 50%.......the required areas needed to beat Mr. Trump, Outtawa county, and Zeeland Charter Township precincts totaled,74.46%, 80.35%, 80.84%, and80.80% respectfully............there were others with (wink, wink) supposed turnouts ranging in the 70 to high 80 percentile. Again, things that make you go Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :eusa_think:

The democrats could have run "mickey mouse" and won under these uprecedented circumstances. But then again.........mickey mouse has not had two operations for brain aneurysms and could not be stung up like a puppet on a string. This administration has been nothing but Dumb and Dumber meet Dumberer and Dumbest. God Help this nation.
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Who needs any corrupt election officials to verify that which anyone has access to through the freedom of information act? :dunno: The voter registration rolls and the census population data. Simple math and the FACT that the 4 states Biden needed to overtake Mr. Trump, suddenly and unprecedented stopped counting all at the same time all with lame excuses of some type of emergency, and going back on line and resumed when enough votes were counted (not registered but counted) to overtake Mr. Trump.

The facts next demonstrated that NO court would allow any sort of official recount in the protested states that alone makes one go Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :eusa_think:

The next fact is the the claim that Biden received more votes than Obama before the election even took place. What they are counting are the number of fake and duplicate MAIL IN votes not registered voters. Trump was warning the nation up to 18 months pervious to this election what would play out........first the "planned-demic" that begged everyone to stay away from the polls so they would not get covid. Then the easily corrupted mail in ballots would be the highest in national history.

The democrats could have run "mickey mouse" and won under these uprecedented circumstances. But then again.........mickey mouse has not had two operations for brain aneurysms and could not be stung up like puppet on a string.
If your GOP has since agreed there was no elevtion fraud, when are you prepares to accept your flogging a dead horse?

There was no fraud and you took the bait trump offered. You've been conned and your hatred of dems and defeat won't let you admit it.
Take it to your grave but it won't change.

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