Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

PC keeps trying over and over to make her conspiracy theory stick or be taken seriously and keeps getting the same results of rejection and failure over and over. Didn't Mr. Einstein have something to say about that?

This level of academic scholarship got PC a degree from Columbia. Shotgunning unrelated cut and paste is what passes for scholarship

It seems as if PC has taken some events from history and tried to make them into some sort of conspiracy engineered by FDR.
For example, Admiral Halsey promised to ride Hirohito's horse when Japan surrendered and Halsey did not, so that could become some sort of conspiracy between Stalin, FDR and Halsey.

"...tried to make them into some sort of conspiracy engineered by FDR."

No, you dunce....I've more than tried: I've succeeded.
And the conspiracy was engineered by Stalin....FDR was manipulated, totally.

The fact that you have decided that the FDR myth is more important than the truth is not my concern.


Not one of my facts can be denied....in fact, you half-heads know better than to even try!

Tomorrow, in the words of Edmond Rostand....."Then, as I end the refrain, thrust home!"

En garde!

Did I mention I toyed with foils in college?
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DC and London didn't want Hitler removed from power because Hitler was an idiot. Put someone like Rommel in charge and maybe the Allies lose the war.

Marshall didn't want to go to war with the Soviets because he knew we would lose and lose badly. By the end of 1945 our economy was already on the ropes, our manufacturing capabilities were maxed out, and our troops were exhausted. Soviet equipment, especially in tanks, was superior to ours in some regards and equal to ours in others. Even in the logistics end of the equation, the Soviets were rapidly approaching the same level the US had, which was showing signs of cracking by the fall of Germany. Add into that a US population already tired of the war.

But it's all some commie plot with Marshall at the middle of it.

The idiot on scene is you.
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Who needs more historical evidence than that? But evidence of what? FDR, Marshall, extending the war, what?
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Who needs more historical evidence than that? But evidence of what? FDR, Marshall, extending the war, what?

"The OSS and THE LONDON Free Germans" -Strange Bedfellows- by Johathan S. Gould gives a history or OSS support for the German resistance. You will be amazed at how the disinformation campaign to convince the Germans that FDR was strictly opposed to resistance is still believed to this day.

Another good one is American Intelligence and the German Resistance by Jurgen Heidiking
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The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Thank you but it has nothing to do with the OP.
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Who needs more historical evidence than that? But evidence of what? FDR, Marshall, extending the war, what?

I've posted lots of facts in this thread.....

...still waiting for the Roosevelt coterie to find any errors...

Don't bother looking....there aren't any.
In the end, FDRs leadership resulted in an early ending to te war and saved a hundred thousand or more American lives

It is why he is our greatest modern President
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Who needs more historical evidence than that? But evidence of what? FDR, Marshall, extending the war, what?

"The OSS and THE LONDON Free Germans" -Strange Bedfellows- by Johathan S. Gould gives a history or OSS support for the German resistance. You will be amazed at how the disinformation campaign to convince the Germans that FDR was strictly opposed to resistance is still believed to this day.

Another good one is American Intelligence and the German Resistance by Jurgen Heidiking

Neither book you mention exists according to Amazon.

Hope I didn't make you so nervous that you have to create sources.....

Keep reading......I'm gonna blow that out of the water....

...start with this from post #77:

a. "A SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) directive prohibited activities aimed at promoting German revolt against the Nazi regime.
The Allied doctrine of unconditional surrender meant that "... those Germans — and particularly those German generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt by their inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve the treatment meted out to their country." German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Thank you but it has nothing to do with the OP.

Have someone read an explain the bottom line you just quoted.....moron.
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Thanks PC for another well documented thread on FDR. You have documented over and over again the corruption, lies, and deceit committed by FDR.

I believe one has to analyze all of FDR's actions, to make conclusions. When one does this, it is clearly evident that he was a foolish tyrant of monstrous proportions.

Lets look at a few of the facts we know today about this fraud;
1. It has been well documented by historians that FDR loved the USSR and Stalin.
2. He ignored the Holodomor, the numerous atrocities committed by Stalin, and covered up the Katyn massacre, he knew Stalin committed, aligned fully with Stalin even though Stalin had previously aligned with Hitler....gave Stalin huge amounts of war material that could have helped America's war efforts in the Pacific.
3. Recognized the USSR as his first action as POTUS,
4. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies, even though he was repeatedly warned about them.
5. He moved the Pacific fleet to Pearl, over objections from his military command.
6. He tried repeatedly to cause a confrontation with Germany in the N. Atlantic to get the war started (just as his buddy Wilson had done to get us into WWI), while lying to the American people that there would be no war.
7. He set up Japan for their attack on Pearl by refusing negotiate trade deals, confiscated Japanese assets, exposed a Japanese diplomat in the press for trying to come to an agreement with the US, to avert war.
8. Knew the Japanese were to attack Pearl before it happened...never warning commanders at Pearl, and later scapegoated those commanders.
9. Ran for a third term, arrogantly ignoring American historical precedent, in ill health.
10. Was gravely ill for much of his last years at POTUS, while America was fighting a terrible war....arrogantly ran for a fourth term, while on his deathbed.
11. Cheated on his wife repeatedly and cared not if she knew.
12. Imprisoned Japanese Americans.
13. Knew Stalin was spying on him at Tehran and cared not.
....the list is endless, yet many Americans continue to believe the lies from the State about this terrible dunce.

And do not forget his many unconstitutional actions before WWII, including trying to pack the SC and nearly decade long failed efforts to end the Great Depression, resulting in terrible hardships on millions of Americans. Denounced Hoover for his interventions in the economy, before winning the office, only to intervene even more.

So is it hard to believe that FDR could have ended the war with Germany and Japan much earlier than 1945? Of course it is not...and the evidence is there if you are willing to accept it....
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Thanks PC for another well documented thread on FDR. You have documented over and over again the corruption, lies, and deceit committed by FDR.

I believe one has to analyze all of FDR's actions, to make conclusions. When one does this, it is clearly evident that he was a foolish tyrant of monstrous proportions.

Lets look at a few of the facts we know today about this fraud;
1. It has been well documented by historians that FDR loved the USSR and Stalin.
2. He ignored the Holodomor, the numerous atrocities committed by Stalin, and covered up the Katyn massacre, he knew Stalin committed, aligned fully with Stalin even though Stalin had previously aligned with Hitler....gave Stalin huge amounts of war material that could have helped America's war efforts in the Pacific.
3. Recognized the USSR as his first action as POTUS,
4. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies, even though he was repeatedly warned about them.
5. He moved the Pacific fleet to Pearl, over objections from his military command.
6. He tried repeatedly to cause a confrontation with Germany in the N. Atlantic to get the war started (just as his buddy Wilson had done to get us into WWI), while lying to the American people that there would be no war.
7. He set up Japan for their attack on Pearl by refusing negotiate trade deals, confiscated Japanese assets, exposed a Japanese diplomat in the press for trying to come to an agreement with the US, to avert war.
8. Knew the Japanese were to attack Pearl before it happened...never warning commanders at Pearl, and later scapegoated those commanders.
9. Ran for a third term, arrogantly ignoring American historical precedent, in ill health.
10. Was gravely ill for much of his last years at POTUS, while America was fighting a terrible war....arrogantly ran for a fourth term, while on his deathbed.
11. Cheated on his wife repeatedly and cared not if she knew.
12. Imprisoned Japanese Americans.
13. Knew Stalin was spying on him at Tehran and cared not.
....the list is endless, yet many Americans continue to believe the lies from the State about this terrible dunce.

And do not forget his many unconstitutional actions before WWII, including trying to pack the SC and nearly decade long failed efforts to end the Great Depression, resulting in terrible hardships on millions of Americans. Denounced Hoover for his interventions in the economy, before winning the office, only to intervene even more.

So is it hard to believe that FDR could have ended the war with Germany and Japan much earlier than 1945? Of course it is not...and the evidence is there if you are willing to accept it....

1. It has been well documented by historians that FDR loved the USSR and Stalin.

All I had to read before I had read enough to realize the rest of the post was not worth reading
The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Thanks PC for another well documented thread on FDR. You have documented over and over again the corruption, lies, and deceit committed by FDR.

I believe one has to analyze all of FDR's actions, to make conclusions. When one does this, it is clearly evident that he was a foolish tyrant of monstrous proportions.

Lets look at a few of the facts we know today about this fraud;
1. It has been well documented by historians that FDR loved the USSR and Stalin.
2. He ignored the Holodomor, the numerous atrocities committed by Stalin, and covered up the Katyn massacre, he knew Stalin committed, aligned fully with Stalin even though Stalin had previously aligned with Hitler....gave Stalin huge amounts of war material that could have helped America's war efforts in the Pacific.
3. Recognized the USSR as his first action as POTUS,
4. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies, even though he was repeatedly warned about them.
5. He moved the Pacific fleet to Pearl, over objections from his military command.
6. He tried repeatedly to cause a confrontation with Germany in the N. Atlantic to get the war started (just as his buddy Wilson had done to get us into WWI), while lying to the American people that there would be no war.
7. He set up Japan for their attack on Pearl by refusing negotiate trade deals, confiscated Japanese assets, exposed a Japanese diplomat in the press for trying to come to an agreement with the US, to avert war.
8. Knew the Japanese were to attack Pearl before it happened...never warning commanders at Pearl, and later scapegoated those commanders.
9. Ran for a third term, arrogantly ignoring American historical precedent, in ill health.
10. Was gravely ill for much of his last years at POTUS, while America was fighting a terrible war....arrogantly ran for a fourth term, while on his deathbed.
11. Cheated on his wife repeatedly and cared not if she knew.
12. Imprisoned Japanese Americans.
13. Knew Stalin was spying on him at Tehran and cared not.
....the list is endless, yet many Americans continue to believe the lies from the State about this terrible dunce.

And do not forget his many unconstitutional actions before WWII, including trying to pack the SC and nearly decade long failed efforts to end the Great Depression, resulting in terrible hardships on millions of Americans. Denounced Hoover for his interventions in the economy, before winning the office, only to intervene even more.

So is it hard to believe that FDR could have ended the war with Germany and Japan much earlier than 1945? Of course it is not...and the evidence is there if you are willing to accept it....

"So is it hard to believe that FDR could have ended the war with Germany and Japan much earlier than 1945? Of course it is not...and the evidence is there if you are willing to accept it...."

This goes beyond 'believe'.....they haven't been able to deny any of the facts posted....

....and it will get better today!
Who needs more historical evidence than that? But evidence of what? FDR, Marshall, extending the war, what?

"The OSS and THE LONDON Free Germans" -Strange Bedfellows- by Johathan S. Gould gives a history or OSS support for the German resistance. You will be amazed at how the disinformation campaign to convince the Germans that FDR was strictly opposed to resistance is still believed to this day.

Another good one is American Intelligence and the German Resistance by Jurgen Heidiking

Neither book you mention exists according to Amazon.

Hope I didn't make you so nervous that you have to create sources.....

Keep reading......I'm gonna blow that out of the water....

...start with this from post #77:

a. "A SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) directive prohibited activities aimed at promoting German revolt against the Nazi regime.
The Allied doctrine of unconditional surrender meant that "... those Germans — and particularly those German generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt by their inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve the treatment meted out to their country." German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh goodness, the books aren't on Amazon! You have to google the first one. A link won't work because it is access to the CIA Library. Without a coded password you will be blocked to direct access. However, this book is available for online reading if you do as I am instructing. Google "The OSS and the London Free Germans Strange Bedfellows by Jonathan S. Gould and you will land in the CIA Library for the limited viewing of that book only.
Google the book by Jurgen Heidiking, American Intelligence and the German Resistance. I'll try and find the site. Think it is at Westview Press.

Here is something you are totally wrong about. I have given you two sources to prove you are wrong. They meet university level standards as reliable sources. You may not have been aware that the information regarding operatives inside Germany were not declassified until 2000. The operation was handled in the spirit of Mincemeat and the Patton's First Army.
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The literate on the board may have read a famous anti-war novel, "All Quiet On The Western Front," by Erich Maria Remarque....

He was one of the anti-Nazi Germans....but not in Germany, he left for America.
His sister remained.

"On this date (December 16th) in 1943, pacifist novelist Erich Maria Remarque lost his youngest sister to the Nazi regime — beheaded because her “brother is beyond our reach.”

Actually, Elfriede Scholz was convicted (upon the denunciation of her landlady a few weeks before) by the kangaroo People’s Court for undermining the war effort. (“Wehrkraftzersetzung” — German has a word for everything.)

Like her brother, Elfriede was a staunch opponent of the Nazi government, and in 1943 that could certainly have sufficed to get her a one-way trip to Plotzensee Prison."
ExecutedToday.com » 1943: Elfriede Scholz, Erich Maria Remarque?s sister

These are the kinds of Germans that Joseph Stalin would not allow the Allies to aid...or even communicate with.

Thanks PC for another well documented thread on FDR. You have documented over and over again the corruption, lies, and deceit committed by FDR.

I believe one has to analyze all of FDR's actions, to make conclusions. When one does this, it is clearly evident that he was a foolish tyrant of monstrous proportions.

Lets look at a few of the facts we know today about this fraud;
1. It has been well documented by historians that FDR loved the USSR and Stalin.
2. He ignored the Holodomor, the numerous atrocities committed by Stalin, and covered up the Katyn massacre, he knew Stalin committed, aligned fully with Stalin even though Stalin had previously aligned with Hitler....gave Stalin huge amounts of war material that could have helped America's war efforts in the Pacific.
3. Recognized the USSR as his first action as POTUS,
4. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies, even though he was repeatedly warned about them.
5. He moved the Pacific fleet to Pearl, over objections from his military command.
6. He tried repeatedly to cause a confrontation with Germany in the N. Atlantic to get the war started (just as his buddy Wilson had done to get us into WWI), while lying to the American people that there would be no war.
7. He set up Japan for their attack on Pearl by refusing negotiate trade deals, confiscated Japanese assets, exposed a Japanese diplomat in the press for trying to come to an agreement with the US, to avert war.
8. Knew the Japanese were to attack Pearl before it happened...never warning commanders at Pearl, and later scapegoated those commanders.
9. Ran for a third term, arrogantly ignoring American historical precedent, in ill health.
10. Was gravely ill for much of his last years at POTUS, while America was fighting a terrible war....arrogantly ran for a fourth term, while on his deathbed.
11. Cheated on his wife repeatedly and cared not if she knew.
12. Imprisoned Japanese Americans.
13. Knew Stalin was spying on him at Tehran and cared not.
....the list is endless, yet many Americans continue to believe the lies from the State about this terrible dunce.

And do not forget his many unconstitutional actions before WWII, including trying to pack the SC and nearly decade long failed efforts to end the Great Depression, resulting in terrible hardships on millions of Americans. Denounced Hoover for his interventions in the economy, before winning the office, only to intervene even more.

So is it hard to believe that FDR could have ended the war with Germany and Japan much earlier than 1945? Of course it is not...and the evidence is there if you are willing to accept it....

1. It has been well documented by historians that FDR loved the USSR and Stalin.

All I had to read before I had read enough to realize the rest of the post was not worth reading

At least you're admitting that you read part....

"not worth reading" means it provides facts that destroy the Roosevelt mythology/hagiography.

Here's more undeniable truth that you'll fear reading:

14. By agreeing to follow Stalin's orders not to allow any communications with the German anti-Nazi resistance, Franklin Roosevelt extended WWII by at least.....at least....two years.

Wouldn't one expect the Allies to wish a speedy end to the war?
Only one leader didn't: Joseph Stalin.

a. "Archival evidence indicates that the Soviet’s wanted the war to continue long enough for them to conquer Eastern Europe and in order for Germany to be utterly destroyed or “pastoralized” which was called for in the Morgenthau Plan which was actually written by Soviet spy Harry Dexter White. The Soviets were also clamoring for a “second front” in France in order to deflect the allies out of Italy and the Balkans which was too close to Russia."
Chuck Morse Speaks: The Canaris Cover-up

For whatever reason, Franklin Roosevelt was obsequious, even servile, to Stalin's every wish. Again....to Stalin's plan...not to American casualties.
Not to Churchill.....only to Stalin.

And here we find the reason why Stalin would not countenance any support for the German resistance: unlike Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it was resolutely as anti-communist as it was anti-Nazi. Normally, one wouldn't suppose this would be objectionable to an American leader.....would it?

15. Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

a. The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anit-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

b. What was Stalin afraid would happen if the Allies opened communications with the anti-Nazi Germans?
This: "The Armistice of Cassibile[1] was an armistice signed on 3 September 1943, and made public on 8 September, between the Kingdom of Italy and the Allies ("United Nations") of World War II. It was signed at a conference of generals from both sides in an Allied military camp...."
Armistice of Cassibile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Armistice: : an agreement to stop fighting a war"
Armistice - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Stalin could not allow that!!!

So.....where are all the documented denials that you Roosevelt fans are dying to answer with???

There are none, are there.
Everything I post is correct.
The conclusion is ineluctable: Roosevelt was more concerned with supporting Stalin and the spread of communism, than with Allied.....American....casualties.

Roosevelt's actions extended the war by AT LEAST two years.
So if peace had been negotiated with germany in 1943 who would control France?

Yep. Germany sure did look ready to fall. Of course, this map is from January 1944. PC says the war should have ended in May of 1943. Maybe hitler would have been more open to surrender for no reason the previous spring.
So if peace had been negotiated with germany in 1943 who would control France?

Germany would have surrendered.

Who do you suppose would control France????

Why am I left to teach English to dopes????

sur·ren·der verb \sə-ˈren-dər\
: to agree to stop fighting, hiding, resisting, etc., because you know that you will not win or succeed

: to give the control or use of (something) to someone else
Surrender - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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