Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

None of that has anything to do with the war not ending in 1943.

The only way it could have happened was if Hitler accepted some sort of deal or if the Allies had beaten him in the field by then.

The first was not possible.

The second condition would have required Allies, at the very least, Hitler to return his forces to the boundaries of Greater Germany and free his conquests.

No evidence exists that he ever would have done such a thing.
None of that has anything to do with the war not ending in 1943.

The only way it could have happened was if Hitler accepted some sort of deal or if the Allies had beaten him in the field by then.

The first was not possible.

The second condition would have required Allies, at the very least, Hitler to return his forces to the boundaries of Greater Germany and free his conquests.

No evidence exists that he ever would have done such a thing.

You moron....this is not about Hitler accepting anything but a bullet from the anti-Nazi resistance.
19. Let's get to the unrecognized truth: although there is no basis to believe that communism is any better than Nazism....worse if judged by numbers slaughtered....the two do not engender the same visceral reaction. Call some one a Nazi....fighting words! Communist? College professors and pretentious youth apply the term to themselves.

Soviet communism's mastery of manipulation accounts for the disparate knee-jerk reaction to Hitler, and the Nazis.....but the pass given to the far worse actors: Stalin and the communists.

Czeslaw Milosz's study, "The Captive Mind," attempts to explain that disconnect.
"The book attempts to explain both the intellectual allure of Stalinism and the temptation of collaboration with the Stalinist regime among intellectuals in post-war Central and Eastern Europe. Miłosz describes the book as having been written "under great inner conflict".
The Captive Mind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "['The Captive Mind'....the famous study of Communist totalitarian thinking, the reasons the Soviets encouraged a singular literary focus on the crimes of Hitler's Germany. 'Concentrating the reader's attention on German atrocities channeled their hatred into a single idrection and so contributed to the psycholoical prepartation' of the country" Milosz wrote. (p.126.)....what he describes, however, fits a stream of Hollywood movies for over half a century- one proximate cause of our numbness when it come to Soviet crime and all that."
West, "American Betrayal," p. 282.

20. A more sinister ' proximate cause of our numbness when it come to Soviet crime' is the lies that Franklin Roosevelt told the public in support of Stalin.
Loy Henderson, State Department Russian expert said: "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."

Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!
FDR was lying!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR. "The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

Yet, hordes of self-proclaimed intellectuals practice what of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.
For them...and there are several who have made an appearance in this thread, nothing could be worse than revealing the truth about FDR....just as he did with the Depression, he extended the war by years.
I'm indicating that FDR kept the war going by AT LEAST two additional years.....at the behest of Joseph Stalin. False. The evidence contradicts that.

Actually....I can't come up with anything that I'm not good at. False. You lack in appropriateness and professionalism. You have not shown you are either a good journalist or historian.
communism vs nazism: yes, they are both horrifically terrible system; yes, they both had allure in the first half of the century beyond national boundaries.

The USSR and the the USA did not have the same ideals but the same enemy in Hitler.

The self-proclaimed intellectual Political Chic practices what Aquinas defined as 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

PC may be certifiably insane.
There was no other option, but unconditional surrender...Hitler was never going to negotiate any peace treaty.
The plan used to pursue the war allowed the US as an untested military force,, to learn how to fight the modern war of combined arms and to build up armed forces which were still weak at unit level. Hitler did the same during the 1930's with the new strategy of blitzkrieg...His troops were allowed to gain experience before taking on France..and Russia.
Hindsight is 20-20 to the uninitiated...

Hitler wouldn't have, but his officers would. In 1944 they approached the American legate in Stockholm and offered to surrender to the Western Allies. Their one condition was they be allowed to continue the fight in the east.

Based on the history after that, the western world would probably be better off had we accepted.
communism vs nazism: yes, they are both horrifically terrible system; yes, they both had allure in the first half of the century beyond national boundaries.

The USSR and the the USA did not have the same ideals but the same enemy in Hitler.

The self-proclaimed intellectual Political Chic practices what Aquinas defined as 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

PC may be certifiably insane.

The USSR was Hitler's ally in the beginning....or don't you consider the partitioning of Poland as a hostile act?
There was no other option, but unconditional surrender...Hitler was never going to negotiate any peace treaty.
The plan used to pursue the war allowed the US as an untested military force,, to learn how to fight the modern war of combined arms and to build up armed forces which were still weak at unit level. Hitler did the same during the 1930's with the new strategy of blitzkrieg...His troops were allowed to gain experience before taking on France..and Russia.
Hindsight is 20-20 to the uninitiated...

Hitler wouldn't have, but his officers would. In 1944 they approached the American legate in Stockholm and offered to surrender to the Western Allies. Their one condition was they be allowed to continue the fight in the east.

Based on the history after that, the western world would probably be better off had we accepted.

And not hold the German state, officials, and military responsible for war crimes?
communism vs nazism: yes, they are both horrifically terrible system; yes, they both had allure in the first half of the century beyond national boundaries.

The USSR and the the USA did not have the same ideals but the same enemy in Hitler.

The self-proclaimed intellectual Political Chic practices what Aquinas defined as 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

PC may be certifiably insane.

The USSR was Hitler's ally in the beginning....or don't you consider the partitioning of Poland as a hostile act?

Thank you. USSR and Nazi Germany did not share the same ideals and goals but were allies for less than two years. The USSR, the USA, and the UK were allies for almost four.

The point is that the OP that the war could have ended in 1943 is not based on any reality.

To suggest that it could have in the reality of the time is "cultivated ignorance."
I'm indicating that FDR kept the war going by AT LEAST two additional years.....at the behest of Joseph Stalin. False. The evidence contradicts that.

Actually....I can't come up with anything that I'm not good at. False. You lack in appropriateness and professionalism. You have not shown you are either a good journalist or historian.

If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.

Not only a moron and a liar....but you have no facility with the use of quotation marks.
History shows FDR was a Stalin sock puppet and the people of Eastern Europe suffered for generations because of it
I'm indicating that FDR kept the war going by AT LEAST two additional years.....at the behest of Joseph Stalin. False. The evidence contradicts that.

Actually....I can't come up with anything that I'm not good at. False. You lack in appropriateness and professionalism. You have not shown you are either a good journalist or historian.

If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.

Not only a moron and a liar....but you have no facility with the use of quotation marks.

You have failed to give us a sustainable OP.

All your whining and pining and distraction cannot save it.

To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people!
I’ve known sheep that could outwit you.
I’ve worn dresses with higher IQs.

I can see you....little fists covering your ears, eyes tightly shut......

That sound? Me...laughing at your denials.

Of course I have provided a documented, linked perspective that proves exactly what the title of the OP states.....

...but wait!

More is coming.

Back to my posts: ....they remain one of my vanities.
I find it satisfying to perform, convivial, competitive, absorbing and even artistic.

What amazes me is that poets don't rush home, unpack their pens, and write odes to my posts!

And, as an aside...I love watching you and other imbeciles post your "is not, is not" vapid denials.

Yeah....really.....I do.

Now....stay tuned: I'll complete the thread later.
Get your 'is not, is not' ready.
There was no other option, but unconditional surrender...Hitler was never going to negotiate any peace treaty.
The plan used to pursue the war allowed the US as an untested military force,, to learn how to fight the modern war of combined arms and to build up armed forces which were still weak at unit level. Hitler did the same during the 1930's with the new strategy of blitzkrieg...His troops were allowed to gain experience before taking on France..and Russia.
Hindsight is 20-20 to the uninitiated...

Hitler wouldn't have, but his officers would. In 1944 they approached the American legate in Stockholm and offered to surrender to the Western Allies. Their one condition was they be allowed to continue the fight in the east.

Based on the history after that, the western world would probably be better off had we accepted.

And not hold the German state, officials, and military responsible for war crimes?

They offered to hand over EVERYONE who the Allies requested to answer for their crimes.....everyone.
communism vs nazism: yes, they are both horrifically terrible system; yes, they both had allure in the first half of the century beyond national boundaries.

The USSR and the the USA did not have the same ideals but the same enemy in Hitler.

The self-proclaimed intellectual Political Chic practices what Aquinas defined as 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

PC may be certifiably insane.

The USSR was Hitler's ally in the beginning....or don't you consider the partitioning of Poland as a hostile act?

Thank you. USSR and Nazi Germany did not share the same ideals and goals but were allies for less than two years. The USSR, the USA, and the UK were allies for almost four.

The point is that the OP that the war could have ended in 1943 is not based on any reality.

To suggest that it could have in the reality of the time is "cultivated ignorance."

Actually there is little to choose from for the regular citizen of either country. If you were a member of the elite political parties you did very well, if you were the peasantry you did marginally better under Hitler than Stalin but ultimately they were both State controlled economies. The individual existed for the benefit of the State. The Germans went so far as to give medals to mothers for breeding children for the State.

The USSR was Hitler's ally in the beginning....or don't you consider the partitioning of Poland as a hostile act?

Thank you. USSR and Nazi Germany did not share the same ideals and goals but were allies for less than two years. The USSR, the USA, and the UK were allies for almost four.

The point is that the OP that the war could have ended in 1943 is not based on any reality.

To suggest that it could have in the reality of the time is "cultivated ignorance."

Actually there is little to choose from for the regular citizen of either country. If you were a member of the elite political parties you did very well, if you were the peasantry you did marginally better under Hitler than Stalin but ultimately they were both State controlled economies. The individual existed for the benefit of the State. The Germans went so far as to give medals to mothers for breeding children for the State.


1. "The decoration was conferred from 1939 until 1945[5] in three classes of order, bronze, silver, and gold,[2][6] to Reichsdeutsche mothers who exhibited probity, exemplary motherhood, and who conceived and raised at least four or more children in the role of a parent.[7][8]"
Cross of Honour of the German Mother - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. And, in another similarity to the above by Middle East fundamentalists....
“While Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's call for women to give birth to at least three children has received the support of some individuals and organizations,… “Turkey currently has a young population, but if current trends continue it will be aging by 2038. Western societies are currently facing an aging population problem. Every family should have three children if we wish to preserve Turkey’s young population.” http://www.todayszaman.com/newsDetail_getNewsById.action?load=detay&link=139512

Can medals be far behind?
Hitler wouldn't have, but his officers would. In 1944 they approached the American legate in Stockholm and offered to surrender to the Western Allies. Their one condition was they be allowed to continue the fight in the east.

Based on the history after that, the western world would probably be better off had we accepted.

And not hold the German state, officials, and military responsible for war crimes?

They offered to hand over EVERYONE who the Allies requested to answer for their crimes.....everyone.

Wait....you're not saying that if Roosevelt allowed contact with the anti-Nazi resistance....

...the war would have ended years before it did??????

Holy shish-kabob!

Now....where did I hear that premise before...??

And not hold the German state, officials, and military responsible for war crimes?

They offered to hand over EVERYONE who the Allies requested to answer for their crimes.....everyone.

Wait....you're not saying that if Roosevelt allowed contact with the anti-Nazi resistance....

...the war would have ended years before it did??????

Holy shish-kabob!

Now....where did I hear that premise before...??


Jeez, PC....I have nooooo idea...:eusa_whistle:
"So is it hard to believe that FDR could have ended the war with Germany and Japan much earlier than 1945? Of course it is not...and the evidence is there if you are willing to accept it...."

This goes beyond 'believe'.....they haven't been able to deny any of the facts posted....

....and it will get better today!

I am not surprised by your response, having read many of our uninformed posts. Being one who loves the State unconditionally (as long as the State is headed by a D), of course you would deny facts.

Is it any wonder tyrants throughout history can do as they wish, when so many dunces walk the Earth...like you.

No doubt if FDR were an R, you would believe it all.

I believe your post was meant for someone else....


It was meant for our good delusional buddy Rightwinger.

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