Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

They offered to hand over EVERYONE who the Allies requested to answer for their crimes.....everyone.

Wait....you're not saying that if Roosevelt allowed contact with the anti-Nazi resistance....

...the war would have ended years before it did??????

Holy shish-kabob!

Now....where did I hear that premise before...??


Jeez, PC....I have nooooo idea...:eusa_whistle:

Well......the least I can do is support that premise......again!

21. Lest there be any doubt that the Stalin-Roosevelt policy of ignoring the anti-Nazi resistance in Germany would have ended the war earlier than May of 1945, consider this:
There was significant contact, by said resistance, with the British by 1938!

Remember the date of Germany's surrender? May 7,1945.
1938...' significant contact, by said resistance, with the British...' Five years earlier!
How many dead and wounded Americans in those five years?
I'll get to that....,.

a. By 1942, [Abwehr chief of German Army Intelligence Wm.] Canaris had a plan before British intelligence that was under serious consideration but, of course, went nowhere.
"OSS: The Secret History Of America's First Central Intelligence Agency," by Richard Harrris Smith, p. 368

22. George H. Earle was FDR's special representative in Europe.
"In 1940, Earle...presented a plan to President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) that Earle believed might end the war in Europe early. The German ambassador and the head of the German secret service secretly proposed to Earle that German troops could surround Hitler’s headquarters and turn Hitler over to the Allies as a war criminal. German troops then would be repositioned to defend against the Russian military. The plot was never approved." George Howard Earle III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was in 1940!!!!

Five years before the end of the war!!!
How many lives would have been saved?
I'll get to that.....

a. " The freedom and democracy for which we fought was destroyed in eastern Europe. FDR refused to accept a black-out of Nazism, the protection of Poland and eastern European nations from Communist domination, and to save the lives of scores of thousands of American, British and French soldiers and enormous additional war costs.

The American public has probably never heard of Governor Earl’s (sic) repeated attempts to end the war against Germany through the surrender of the German army and the trial and execution of Hitler by our armed forces.

If Roosevelt had accepted this capitulation, practically on his own terms, it would have been the end of Hitler and Nazism. Freedom and democracy would have been restored to Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and other nations. It is enough to make you weep…." Hamilton Fish, "FDR, The Other Side of the Coin: How We Were Tricked into World War 11," (pp. 237-241)

I believe that that particular Hamilton Fish was number four in a line of prominent politicians...

Again..."If Roosevelt had accepted this capitulation,..."

So...why didn't he?

As told earlier....not to "offend" Joseph Stalin.

What is pathetic is the nonsense here.

The generals would not have handed any over.

But if they would have, then the fault is theirs because they kept failing at overthrowing Hitler.
What is pathetic is the nonsense here.

The generals would not have handed any over.

But if they would have, then the fault is theirs because they kept failing at overthrowing Hitler.

Ahhh…I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again.

"What is pathetic is the nonsense here."
Were you gazing into a mirror when you posted that?
You have a point there, dunce. But, if you part your hair right no one will notice.

From our resident fortune-teller: "The generals would not have handed any over."

Speaking of which....don't go to a mind-reader, go to a palmist.
I know you have a palm.

OK.....let's characterize our relationship.
There is an ancient saying that has moment, here, in this discussion. It applies to my teaching you:
"A fool, though in the company of the wise, understands nothing of the doctrine being discussed, as a spoon tastes not the flavor of the soup."

Nail on the head, huh?

And remember: I have never faked a sarcasm in my life!
But not nuking Japan would have extended the War. All the Military planners at that time agreed about that.

Right, but how much more fun to nuke the bejesus out of them?

FDR couldn't decide if he loved Hitler and wanted to be a Nazi or if he loved Stalin and wanted to be a pretend socialist that was actually a brutal dictator (depending on what PC is thinking that day).

But I think we can all agree that he just loved frying some Japanese people.


FDR was not alive when the Nukes were dropped on Japan.

They weren't "nukes." They were atomic bombs.
Another amazing thread by little miss Saigon who has no historical family connection to America of that time period .of the depression, Once again showing that she knows very little about anything, But she is loud about it

Can you ever manage to post anything without wiping your racist shit all over it, you scumbag?

You're a no-class, racist troll.
The sad thing here is that historians will probably go on writing history as they have in the past and most of this is all for naught. I just don't let my kids read any of it.
What is pathetic is the nonsense here.

The generals would not have handed any over.

But if they would have, then the fault is theirs because they kept failing at overthrowing Hitler.

PC made a specific challenge hours ago and many post back. I answered immediately and shredded her conspiracy theory by showing her mistakes and lack of knowledge with the use of impeccable sources and facts . She has not responded, but she has completely changed and adjusted her thesis and made use of the information I provided. She is clueless about the peace feeler myths being accurately referred to as myths and Soviet unconditional surrender terms and the allies fears of a surrender or peace agreement between Germany and the Soviet's. There is just a whole bunch of worlds PC hasn't a clue about. Quick PC, what was the NKFD? What was the BDO? How do they relate to your conspiracy theory?
Right, but how much more fun to nuke the bejesus out of them?

FDR couldn't decide if he loved Hitler and wanted to be a Nazi or if he loved Stalin and wanted to be a pretend socialist that was actually a brutal dictator (depending on what PC is thinking that day).

But I think we can all agree that he just loved frying some Japanese people.


FDR was not alive when the Nukes were dropped on Japan.

They weren't "nukes." They were atomic bombs.

Go back to school smart ass. The fission bombs dropped over Japan in WWII were nuclear devices that caused nuclear explosions and hence, nuclear bombs. Fission or fusion, both nuclear.
What is pathetic is the nonsense here.

The generals would not have handed any over.

But if they would have, then the fault is theirs because they kept failing at overthrowing Hitler.

PC made a specific challenge hours ago and many post back. I answered immediately and shredded her conspiracy theory by showing her mistakes and lack of knowledge with the use of impeccable sources and facts . She has not responded, but she has completely changed and adjusted her thesis and made use of the information I provided. She is clueless about the peace feeler myths being accurately referred to as myths and Soviet unconditional surrender terms and the allies fears of a surrender or peace agreement between Germany and the Soviet's. There is just a whole bunch of worlds PC hasn't a clue about. Quick PC, what was the NKFD? What was the BDO? How do they relate to your conspiracy theory?

"...changed and adjusted her thesis and made use of the information I provided."


Another version of "is not, is not."

This was a brilliant thread, if I don't say so myself!

There can be no doubt as to Stalin's manipulation, and the result of his forcing Roosevelt not to accept surrender feelers from anti-Nazi resistance leaders, like Canaris.

23. "Standing as an obstacle to any negotiated surrender, as noted by Admiral Canaris, was Roosevelt’s stubborn adherence to the “unconditional surrender” demand that he had announced at the Casablanca Conference in January of 1943. But what could have lain behind a policy that made the achievement of the political aims of the war so much more difficult for the United States?

Roosevelt’s fundamental anti-German prejudice has been offered as one explanation. But that would not explain the rigid application of the same policy toward Japan, as well. Maybe one could credit that to the anti-Japanese attitude of Roosevelt’s Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, but no one forced Roosevelt to put the Republican war hawk Stimson in that position."

24. "For more than half a century, every sixth of June, countless patriotic Americans, Britons, Canadians and others gather to pay homage to thousands of young men who "gave their lives for their country" on the beaches of Normandy.

More than 200,000 American fighting men were killed in World War II, together with 375,000 British and millions of other nationalities. Most of these deaths occurred after mid-1943, when it was clear to all concerned that the Axis and Japan had lost. Why did the fighting continue for two years after the issue had been decided?"
John Dombrowski

" Why did the fighting continue for two years after the issue had been decided?"

And so we have learned that Franklin Roosevelt never let the lives of American and other Allied lives stand in the way of his support for Joseph Stalin.
His majestic mythology.....undeserved.
Contumely.....far too late in coming.

Cyrano: "Then, as I end the refrain, thrust home!"
FDR was the most evil person who ever lived on earth.


So there.
FDR was the most evil person who ever lived on earth.


So there.

He helped some people get some really cool bridges built. If you like bridges you might think that part of his gig was OK. Dams too. He helped people build dams for electric and irrigation and jobs and stuff.
They weren't "nukes." They were atomic bombs.

Go back to school smart ass. The fission bombs dropped over Japan in WWII were nuclear devices that caused nuclear explosions and hence, nuclear bombs. Fission or fusion, both nuclear.

They were atomic bombs. Go back to school yourself.

Atomic bombs are nuclear weapons; however, thermonuclear weapons are both fission and fusion weapons. This is a fact not an opinion.
Types of Nuclear Bombs | PBS NewsHour
What is pathetic is the nonsense here.

The generals would not have handed any over.

But if they would have, then the fault is theirs because they kept failing at overthrowing Hitler.

PC made a specific challenge hours ago and many post back. I answered immediately and shredded her conspiracy theory by showing her mistakes and lack of knowledge with the use of impeccable sources and facts . She has not responded, but she has completely changed and adjusted her thesis and made use of the information I provided. She is clueless about the peace feeler myths being accurately referred to as myths and Soviet unconditional surrender terms and the allies fears of a surrender or peace agreement between Germany and the Soviet's. There is just a whole bunch of worlds PC hasn't a clue about. Quick PC, what was the NKFD? What was the BDO? How do they relate to your conspiracy theory?

"...changed and adjusted her thesis and made use of the information I provided."


Another version of "is not, is not."

This was a brilliant thread, if I don't say so myself!

There can be no doubt as to Stalin's manipulation, and the result of his forcing Roosevelt not to accept surrender feelers from anti-Nazi resistance leaders, like Canaris.

23. "Standing as an obstacle to any negotiated surrender, as noted by Admiral Canaris, was Roosevelt’s stubborn adherence to the “unconditional surrender” demand that he had announced at the Casablanca Conference in January of 1943. But what could have lain behind a policy that made the achievement of the political aims of the war so much more difficult for the United States?

Roosevelt’s fundamental anti-German prejudice has been offered as one explanation. But that would not explain the rigid application of the same policy toward Japan, as well. Maybe one could credit that to the anti-Japanese attitude of Roosevelt’s Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, but no one forced Roosevelt to put the Republican war hawk Stimson in that position."

24. "For more than half a century, every sixth of June, countless patriotic Americans, Britons, Canadians and others gather to pay homage to thousands of young men who "gave their lives for their country" on the beaches of Normandy.

More than 200,000 American fighting men were killed in World War II, together with 375,000 British and millions of other nationalities. Most of these deaths occurred after mid-1943, when it was clear to all concerned that the Axis and Japan had lost. Why did the fighting continue for two years after the issue had been decided?"
John Dombrowski

" Why did the fighting continue for two years after the issue had been decided?"

And so we have learned that Franklin Roosevelt never let the lives of American and other Allied lives stand in the way of his support for Joseph Stalin.
His majestic mythology.....undeserved.
Contumely.....far too late in coming.

Cyrano: "Then, as I end the refrain, thrust home!"

The evidence is damning and yet millions of Americans have been duped by the State, in believing FDR a great POTUS.

None of PC's evidence supports the thesis and actual history rebukes it.

PC keeps trying over and over to make her conspiracy theory stick or be taken seriously and keeps getting the same results of rejection and failure over and over. Didn't Mr. Einstein have something to say about that?

"The OSS and THE LONDON Free Germans" -Strange Bedfellows- by Johathan S. Gould gives a history or OSS support for the German resistance. You will be amazed at how the disinformation campaign to convince the Germans that FDR was strictly opposed to resistance is still believed to this day.

Another good one is American Intelligence and the German Resistance by Jurgen Heidiking

Neither book you mention exists according to Amazon.

Hope I didn't make you so nervous that you have to create sources.....

Keep reading......I'm gonna blow that out of the water....

...start with this from post #77:

a. "A SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) directive prohibited activities aimed at promoting German revolt against the Nazi regime.
The Allied doctrine of unconditional surrender meant that "... those Germans — and particularly those German generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt by their inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve the treatment meted out to their country." German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh goodness, the books aren't on Amazon! You have to google the first one. A link won't work because it is access to the CIA Library. Without a coded password you will be blocked to direct access. However, this book is available for online reading if you do as I am instructing. Google "The OSS and the London Free Germans Strange Bedfellows by Jonathan S. Gould and you will land in the CIA Library for the limited viewing of that book only.
Google the book by Jurgen Heidiking, American Intelligence and the German Resistance. I'll try and find the site. Think it is at Westview Press.

Here is something you are totally wrong about. I have given you two sources to prove you are wrong. They meet university level standards as reliable sources. You may not have been aware that the information regarding operatives inside Germany were not declassified until 2000. The operation was handled in the spirit of Mincemeat and the Patton's First Army.

These books will not contain the 'opinions' that she wants. Posting a statement from a book, without factual evidence to back them up, does not make them facts.
It would be considered crazy only if one were a fool...

...raise your paw.

Begin by admitting that you can find not a single error in any of the linked and documented facts I've posted.

Go on....go through the thread.....all of you Rooseveltian groopies post nothing but "is not, is not."

And this thread won't conclude until this afternoon...

I dare you to stay on board.....and remember to keep your hands inside the ride at all times!
Here's the error - the whole thread js fucking retarded, and sourced to other fucking retards.

Germany would have had no reason to surrender any earlier than they did, and they certainly never gave any indication they wanted to. Where were the diplomats, their envoys, their siits for peace? Why would they have surrendered when the war was going relatively well for them? What grand collusion do you believe happened between the ussr and Roosevelt before the ussr convinced england and the us to open a western front at the Tehran conference, after your proposed date for the end of hostilities?

Its a stupid premise PC, and you should be ashamed

Time and again, when folks realize they have been destroyed in an argument, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

I'll consider your post to be the equivalent of a white flag.

And you resort to failed attempts at humor when you are getting your ass handed to you.

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