Why Did Rosenstein Want A Special Counsel Based on Debunked Dossier But Only IG For FBI EVIDENCE?

Did Trump have a right as POTUS to fireComey?

Sure but there were consequence that were not unknown to Trump for doing so. It was his actions that brought the appointment of Mueller.
Comey the leaker was butt hurt at losing his job ran to his friend and?///////

And what?

Everyone was saying for months that the firing of Comey would prompt the appointment of a special counsel. It should not have been a surprise to anyone.
It shows Trump had no issue firing Comey then right?

I don't know what you're trying to say. Obviously the appointment of a special counsel was a significant issue for Trump.
well you wrote this:

Everyone was saying for months that the firing of Comey would prompt the appointment of a special counsel. It should not have been a surprise to anyone.

Trump fired him anyway. So, he obviously didn't care if a special counsel was appointed or not then. Get it now? He was confident nothing was to be found. and it is true today.
This is looking like Watergate Part Deaux, on steroids....Tricky Dick ranks last against ''The Don''

No one threatened McConnel Ryan, he just let them know that the downfall of our democracy, is on their shoulders, and if they continue to turn a blind eye to all of Trump's abuses, they will be known to be the ones that allowed it to happen, by not doing their constitutional duty, to be the CHECK on the Executive branch....including the office of the presidency.

aaaaand ya got nottin again
Are you retarded? I responded directly to his post dope. Read his first paragraph.
I did. didn't see what you stated.

Because you ARE retarded. Try again.

Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.
why can't you just post the piece you feel he stated that? It seems you are worse than a retarded person.
I just did in the very post you just responded to.

Or you could just read what's in front of you and answer your own dumbassed questions.

BTW, Einstein. This is the thread title. The same lie.

Why Did Rosenstein Want A Special Counsel Based on Debunked Dossier But Only IG For FBI EVIDENCE?
ahhh ok, gotcha, I was reading the particular post you posted off of.

Its the first paragraph of that post.
he obviously didn't care if a special counsel was appointed or not


Trump foolishly assumed Rosenstein and his pet "boss" Sessions would do something other than make every government crook above the law and go after Donald Trump.... but that's what the DOJ has done....

NOBODY indicted from government

"draining the Swamp" and Rod Rosenstein are 180 degrees apart....

Fire Rosenstein and Sessions and appoint patriotic American not sold out to....

Since Comey stated Trump was not the subject of investigation how can his firing be considered obstruction of justice? Bueller?
Sure but there were consequence that were not unknown to Trump for doing so. It was his actions that brought the appointment of Mueller.
Comey the leaker was butt hurt at losing his job ran to his friend and?///////

And what?

Everyone was saying for months that the firing of Comey would prompt the appointment of a special counsel. It should not have been a surprise to anyone.
It shows Trump had no issue firing Comey then right?

I don't know what you're trying to say. Obviously the appointment of a special counsel was a significant issue for Trump.
well you wrote this:

Everyone was saying for months that the firing of Comey would prompt the appointment of a special counsel. It should not have been a surprise to anyone.

Trump fired him anyway. So, he obviously didn't care if a special counsel was appointed or not then. Get it now? He was confident nothing was to be found. and it is true today.

Well, except for his multiple tantrums a day over the 'witch hunt', sure.:laugh2:
WTH does Israel have to do with the appointment of Mueller?

Yeah, what does ROSENSTEIN have to do with appointment of Mueller....????

Was it Jack Ruby or JACOB RUBENSTEIN????

and what about this guy talking to Ziggy - think Rod Rosenstein wants Americans to know????

I wonder if AG Sessions is planning a sweep of the FBI or if he is too dirty himself to take decisive action?
Sessions is trying hard not to pee his panties. He's not planning anything except hiding under his desk.
This is looking like Watergate Part Deaux, on steroids....Tricky Dick ranks last against ''The Don''

No one threatened McConnel Ryan, he just let them know that the downfall of our democracy, is on their shoulders, and if they continue to turn a blind eye to all of Trump's abuses, they will be known to be the ones that allowed it to happen, by not doing their constitutional duty, to be the CHECK on the Executive branch....including the office of the presidency.

What "abuses?"
Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations
Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. It was not based in any way on the Steele dossier.
Did Trump have a right as POTUS to fireComey?

Yes he does...unless it was to obstruct justice, then it can be a crime.
Justice for what crime?

There doesn't have to be an underlying crime for there to be an obstruction charge. The obstruction is the crime.
huh? who said it was? the Dossier was used to spy on trump. ask the FISA judge. that's all.

huh? who said it was?

Obviously the poster I responded to, dope.

You really should read before posting.
why didn't you quote him? Cause I didn't see it.

Are you retarded? I responded directly to his post dope. Read his first paragraph.
I did. didn't see what you stated.

Because you ARE retarded. Try again.

Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

Page 2 post # 17 will inform you of what happened. The Russian investigation has nothing to do with the Dossier This is just another one of Trump's dog and pony shows.
Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations
Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. It was not based in any way on the Steele dossier.
Did Trump have a right as POTUS to fireComey?

Every President has the right to fire the FBI director, but NO President has the right to fire the FBI director when the President is trying to Obstruct Justice. That is an impeachable offense.

A little Richard Nixon History may benefit you.
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia


Go this link on this board, scroll down to post # 56 for more.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Or just scroll back to post # 17 on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.
Comey the leaker! Deserved to be fired. What a wart!

Frankly I agree that Comey deserved to be fired, but Trump did it at the wrong time and for the wrong reason, and that's why he is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.

Page 2 post # 17 will explain it.
This is looking like Watergate Part Deaux, on steroids....Tricky Dick ranks last against ''The Don''

Watergate looks like a misdemeanor compared to the Deep-State, Obama administration, Obama Cabinet member, Obama Intel Agency Directors-led 'Secret Society' Conspiracy and Treason that has been exposed.

Are you crazy?
Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations
Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. It was not based in any way on the Steele dossier.
Did Trump have a right as POTUS to fireComey?

Yes he does...unless it was to obstruct justice, then it can be a crime.
Justice for what crime?

There doesn't have to be an underlying crime for there to be an obstruction charge. The obstruction is the crime.
You haven’t stated what the obstruction is
Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. It was not based in any way on the Steele dossier.
Did Trump have a right as POTUS to fireComey?

Yes he does...unless it was to obstruct justice, then it can be a crime.
Justice for what crime?

There doesn't have to be an underlying crime for there to be an obstruction charge. The obstruction is the crime.
You haven’t stated what the obstruction is

Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.

Page 2 post # 17 explains it all.
Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.
And what Liberal toad stool have YOU been living under?

The President of the United States has the Constitutional Authority to fire the Director of the FBI at any time. So once again the butt-hurt Liberals have been wasting America's time investigating a NON-crime.

'Collusion' is NOT a crime.
The President of the United States firing a proven criminal Director of the FBI is NOT a 'crime'.

James Comey has been proven to have:
- Committed Perjury

- Leaked Classified Information

- Illegally and intentionally used a known false document to acquire warrants to spy on a Presidential candidate during an election

- Planted a mole inside a Presidential candidate's campaign

- Obstructed Justice by collaborating with the DOJ / US Attorney General to protect Hillary Clinton from her thousands of proven crimes

- Committed Sedition

- Committed Conspiracy and TREASON by being a collaborator in an organized attempt to oust a United States President (a political 'coup')

Although not as 'dirty' / criminal as Hillary Clinton, Comey has earned his place in a prison cell somewhere with enough time to ensure he never sees the light of day again.

Seeing as how high this treason / Conspiracy goes and the extremely prominent people involved the Co-Conspirators will be protected from any REAL punishment, as no one who could take action wants to expose this amount of corruption and crime within the US Govt, especially involving the 1st Black President, to the world, embarrassing the United States further.
Every President has the right to fire the FBI director, but NO President has the right to fire the FBI director when the President is trying to Obstruct Justice. That is an impeachable offense.

...and therein lies your liberal, butt-hurt problem - proving that the reason President Trump fired Comey was because he sought to Obstruct Justice....which you can NOT do...unless you snowflakes have come up with a way to read a person's thoughts, extract those thoughts, and show and prove that those thoughts and intentions were that person's.

1. How can you 'Obstruct JUSTICE' when it has already been proven that what Comey and his Co-Conspirators have been doing has NOTHING to do with 'Justice' and everything to do with affecting a 'coup' to remove the man they never wanted as President and whom they planned in advance to take down should he win?

To argue the President 'Obstructed JUSTICE' is to argue what Comey and his fellow traitors were doing was 'Justice'...and it has been exposed as anything BUT 'Justice'.

2. There was nothing to ever Obstruct. There was never a crime that warranted an investigation involving the President. There was never any evidence of a crime, especially one committed by the President. After 2 years of multiple investigations, to include Mueller's Witch Hunt, there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation and none that included the President.

If the President Obstructed anything it was the treasonous attempted 'coup' being carried out by the Obama administration - the DOJ, CIA, FBI, NIA...

3. The President exercised his right to fire the Director of the FBI, a man who has been proven to have:
- Committed Perjury

- Obstruction and Conspiracy by collaborating with criminal US AGs to protect Hillary Clinton from indictment and prosecution for her proven thousands of crimes.

- Leaking classified information

- Illegal intentional use of a known debunked document to obtain FISA warrants to spy on a US Presidential candidate during an election

- Planting a mole in the Trump campaign

- Sedition and Treason, being part of a dedicated group of traitors who actually called themselves the 'Secret Society', who broke numerous laws to include conspiracy and treason, attempting to illegally affect the outcome of a US Presidential election to ensure a candidate they did not want to win did NOT win and attempted to remove him from office through illegal means (a 'coup') once he did win.

Based on the evidence of numerous and extremely serious crimes perpetrated by former FBI Director James Comey, the President has been more than JUSTIFIED in firing the traitor.

I would love to see Mueller talking to the Judge about THAT:

"Yes, your honor. We know Mr. Comey Obstructed justice, leaked classified information, perverted the FBI and turned it into a political assassination squad to treasonously affect a 'coup', collaborating with other traitors within the Obama administration....but the President had no right to fire him and only did so to Obstruct Justice - preventing former President Obama, his DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI from FRAMING him and removing his from office."


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  • upload_2018-5-22_8-22-34.jpeg
    6.5 KB · Views: 25
no president in our History deserves impeaching for his illegal abuse of power, more than Crooked Dirty Don. He's an abomination to mankind and the presidency.... he's a man of total lawlessness....he spits on it, daily....he deserves the Lake of Fire that ALL liars are thrown in to! :eek:
no president in our History deserves impeaching for his illegal abuse of power, more than Crooked Dirty Don.

What a 'lovely, 'heart-warming', IGNORANT, PARTSAN F*ing comment...and a perfect example of how liberal sheep are manipulated and controlled by their EMOTINS rather than intellect, fact, and evidence.

After 2 years of multiple investigations there is still ZERO evidence of any crime warranting an investigation, let alone a Special Counsel appointment consisting of a hand-picked Liberal Extremist political assassination / coup squad.

After 2 years of multiple investigations there is still ZERO evidence of any crimes committed by the President regarding Russian collusion.

'Collusion' is not even a crime.

Based on the fact s that 1) the President has the authority to fire anyone he wants and 2) Comey has been proven to have committed the crimes of Obstruction, leaking classified, illegally acquiring FISA warrants to spy on a candidate in the middle of an election, sedition, and treason, there is no t/ never was a crime of 'Obstruction by the President. In fact, he was proven JUSTIFIED for firing Comey based on the crimes he committed and abuse of power, using the FBI as a political weapon against the President.

'Dirty Don, Dirty Don....SQWAWK......' Just like a well-trained parrot.

Meanwhile the Obama administration - Obama (WH), Holder / Lynch (DOJ), Brennan (CIA), Clapper (NIA), Comey / McCabe / Strzok (FBI) - has been exposed for their collusion / collaboration, their COMNSPIRACY to prevent a candidate from winning an election and in an attempt to stage a coup to take down / 'un-elect' a President.

Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, broke campaign and campaign finance laws, but she did nothing compared to the Obama administration's attempt to alter the election - perpetrating possibly the greatest scandal in US history!

F* the Russians - Hillary, Obama, and his criminal Cabinet/Agencies did more to try to affect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever thought of doing!

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