Why did the blog fail?


Let's not forget the Trump Shuttle.

Do you want to know why the real reason they pulled the plug on the Trump Blog?

The Trump Blog was set up for one reason, and one reason only. That reason was to stroke Trump's massive yet fragile ego. So, when the traffic and the participation didn't live up to Trump's expectations, it had to go.
Let's not forget the Trump Shuttle.

Do you want to know why the real reason they pulled the plug on the Trump Blog?

The Trump Blog was set up for one reason, and one reason only. That reason was to stroke Trump's massive yet fragile ego. So, when the traffic and the participation didn't live up to Trump's expectations, it had to go.
I suspect you nailed it.

“What do you mean we’re getting 0.0000000000001% of the traffic in a week than Facebook gets in a hour! This is bullshit shut ‘er down, I don’t want to be associated with losers!”.

On the bright side, Donny can still brag about being the first President to be banned from not one but TWO major social media platforms! If he keeps working at it he can pull a real coup and get himself banned from the Internet. ;)
Next up on the hit parade, Donny complaining that the Democrats manipulated his BLOG sites traffic numbers to make them appear low, I’m sure he’ll toss a few “RHINOS” into the blame salad, just to make the charges look “objective”. Thus is how new and improved conspiracy theories are born.

On the bright side, it’ll provide Tucker Carlson weeks of fodder for his show. :p
You guys must really be excited, 4 or 5 threads on this already. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
Notice the elephant in the room? IF they were so convinced he wasn't a threat, they wouldn't be expending the effort to try to keep him from running again. They're scared shitless and they know he's still a threat.
Yeah...we tap-dancing on his grave are really concerned. LOL
I wonder what this obese bastard's next failure is gonna be?

I wonder what this obese bastard's next failure is gonna be?


Trump hs failed a lot in his life.. He's unprepared and has a short attention span. Plus, its easy . He always uses other people's money.
Of course this is total BULL SHIT. His site is still up, and you can still read his remarks.

He has plans to launch his own social media website, and a slight change in how his comments are displayed appears to be because of that. At last count, his website had over 85 million visits daily.

Sorry, leftards... another strike and a miss...

Awww :itsok:
You're the one that needs consoling, shit for brains.
I gave ya back yer own link loon!! :lol:
Go change your diaper, punk.
You need a cookie, a cup of hot cocoa and your teddy bear.
Guess some people channel their embarrassment as anger.
It’ll be okay lil feller. :)
The lack of traffic may be due to the fact that he writes like a ten year old.

Appropriate, of course, since he also speaks and behaves that way.
Nine year old actually. Let’s not give him too much credit! :D
"Yet another thread that proves Trump haters need to get a life."
"Gee another lying sack of left wing BS."

TDS* is strong today, it seems.
I suppose?


*Trump Devoted Sycophant

ps.....I would love....LOVE.......to see Trump Devoted Sycophant on a bumper sticker.
I can dream, can't I?

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