Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers

How are those stickers if they're on the inside of the window? Aren't they magnets?
Probably wraps.
Left Wingers who NEVER MADE IT TO TRIAL.

Brenda snipes, supervisor of elections for Broward county Florida (HUGE Deep Blue area), was found guilty of illegally tampering with election results.....and it simply faded away. Shes STILL SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS....go figure that one
The question is this - when the truth comes out about connections this guy has to democrat operatives...
The questions is...why do you eat your own shit?
No, the real questions are...How does a van covered in pro-Trump stickers lead to a leftist conspiracy? Is it more likely that this guy has been developed as a lefty asset since Trump was elected and is simply trying to portray himself as a Trump supporter OR he is a Trump supporter?
How is every presidential assassin a loan wolf attack?


When anyone who does any research knows better.

This guy will hang himself in prison soon.

With Shoelaces he doesn't have in his cell.
Is it possible that this is an elaborate Dem conspiracy, sure. Likely? Well which theory is predicated on more assumptions: A) Van covered with political stickers displays owners beliefs or B) This guy is a Dem operative who has created an eloborate hoax? You seem way too intelligent to fall into that trap.
How are those stickers if they're on the inside of the window? Aren't they magnets?

On glass ???
Guess you never heard of plastic decals that use static electricity to adhere to glass. A bumper sticker uses some sort of adhesive. And the adhesive is on the back, not the front. I just wonder where he got those things. They can easily be removed.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Well... there are left wing nuts.... this is a right wing nut.
Gotta admit this nut hits the farm ... look how clean that van is. Impeccable !

Let's all hope the RW factory doesn't inspire and produce too many of these.
The question is this - when the truth comes out about connections this guy has to democrat operatives...
The questions is...why do you eat your own shit?
No, the real questions are...How does a van covered in pro-Trump stickers lead to a leftist conspiracy? Is it more likely that this guy has been developed as a lefty asset since Trump was elected and is simply trying to portray himself as a Trump supporter OR he is a Trump supporter?
How is every presidential assassin a loan wolf attack?


When anyone who does any research knows better.

This guy will hang himself in prison soon.

With Shoelaces he doesn't have in his cell.
Rather than admit you fucked up, you double down and keep on eating your own shit in public.

Will Trump stop naming and attacking his opponents NOW...or wait till someone gets killed?
Let's all hope the RW factory doesn't inspire and produce too many of these.

That's one of the first things I noticed.

I don't think you need to be concerned. This is actually VERY unusual for conservatives.
But then, I still doubt he's who he is presenting to be.
How many Dems have you heard say that the Radical Left went to far with Kavanaugh?
I'm not sure the radical left knows the meaning of compromise or decency.

"to far with Kavanaugh"? That's ridiculous. Shall we compare the half dozen + investigations of HRC by the Congressional Committees with a Republican Chair?
I think he's just a mentally ill person

And most such mentally ill people remain harmless, until someone sets them off.

The right has been engaged in an extended campaign to set such people off. The left hasn't. The two sides are polar opposites in that regard, which is why there's been so much more violence from the right.

The "both sides do it!" argument is nonsense, as both sides don't do it. The right does it, the left doesn't, hence one should condemn the right.

Mamooth is an intellectually dishonest progressive. She doesn't care about truth, and she probably has an IQ in the range of 100. Unlike Mamooth, I say things that are supported. In this example, I expose Mamooth and those like her:

COMPILATION: Democrats, Media Figures Glorify Violence Against Trump Supporters
The Left Has Become a Cult of Violence
COMPILATION: Democrats, Media Figures Glorify Violence Against Trump Supporters
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Trump Supporters Attacked by Mob of Protesters
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