Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

Since the targets were prominent Democrats who are not in government or running in the current election and none of the (fake) bombs have been found to be operational and the Democrats will benefit at the polls from this incident, it is reasonable to think Democratic political operatives may have played a part in this incident in order to try to influence the election.
TardLogic™ at its finest.
Have you really trademarked TardLogic? If so, apologies for the unauthorized usage.
Since the targets were prominent Democrats who are not in government or running in the current election and none of the (fake) bombs have been found to be operational and the Democrats will benefit at the polls from this incident, it is reasonable to think Democratic political operatives may have played a part in this incident in order to try to influence the election.
TardLogic™ at its finest.

"Tards"....did you know they come in BOTH Republican AND Democrat flavors? lol
Since the targets were prominent Democrats who are not in government or running in the current election and none of the (fake) bombs have been found to be operational and the Democrats will benefit at the polls from this incident, it is reasonable to think Democratic political operatives may have played a part in this incident in order to try to influence the election.
TardLogic™ at its finest.

"Tards"....did you know they come in BOTH Republican AND Democrat flavors? lol
Indeed they do. The very point I try to make on this forum every day. Unfortunately, the pseuedocons flood this board with their confirmation biases every minute of every day.
I think he's just a mentally ill person

And most such mentally ill people remain harmless, until someone sets them off.

The right has been engaged in an extended campaign to set such people off. The left hasn't. The two sides are polar opposites in that regard, which is why there's been so much more violence from the right.

The "both sides do it!" argument is nonsense, as both sides don't do it. The right does it, the left doesn't, hence one should condemn the right.

Mamooth is an intellectually dishonest progressive. She doesn't care about truth, and she probably has an IQ in the range of 100. Unlike Mamooth, I say things that are supported. In this example, I expose Mamooth and those like her:

COMPILATION: Democrats, Media Figures Glorify Violence Against Trump Supporters
The Left Has Become a Cult of Violence
COMPILATION: Democrats, Media Figures Glorify Violence Against Trump Supporters
Trump supporter’s hair lit on fire by protester
Anarchists, expletives, 9/11: Portland protest video ignites political firestorm
Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks on Trump Supporters
Latino Trump supporter says he was beaten by protesters
Trump supporter recounts beating by Antifa group

Never dated never any context means nothing, super duper. The only actual spike in violence is against Muslims Jews blacks and gays since Trump started....

But but but but but.................Your response is code for I squashed your tiny head with a heavy dose of history, and you cannot handle it.
If the guy was a true Trump supporter, I will say he's pretty stupid. Especially to have done this now.

Seems every time there's some down to the wire, critical political appointment, election, or other event, something happens that always benefits the left.
Now we have this and 7,000 illegal immigrants marching towards the US...right at election time.

Things that make you go hmmmm

YOU go hmmmmm? It never occurred to me that you are curious or thoughtful, and I don't believe you are.

Nice try to change the topic to the migration, hate and fear mongering never seem to go away when an election is imminent or a negative news story impacts a Republican [remember when the G.W. Bush raised the terror alert whenever they needed to change the front pages?].
Since the targets were prominent Democrats who are not in government or running in the current election and none of the (fake) bombs have been found to be operational and the Democrats will benefit at the polls from this incident, it is reasonable to think Democratic political operatives may have played a part in this incident in order to try to influence the election.
TardLogic™ at its finest.

"Tards"....did you know they come in BOTH Republican AND Democrat flavors? lol
Indeed they do. The very point I try to make on this forum every day. Unfortunately, the pseuedocons flood this board with their confirmation biases every minute of every day.

Ha ha, what an ass. He made a point, and you declare "I make the point everyday". Only to contradict yourself and return to your comfort zone.
YOU go hmmmmm? It never occurred to me that you are curious or thoughtful, and I don't believe you are.

Nice try to change the topic to the migration, hate and fear mongering never seem to go away when an election is imminent or a negative news story impacts a Republican [remember when the G.W. Bush raised the terror alert whenever they needed to change the front pages?].

when you have nothing....lean on character assassination right? (oh the irony)

so, are you denying the radical Left attempted to derail Kavanaugh's nomination with un-corroborated and false allegations?

The point was showing a correlation that the radical left does many underhanded things.....especially recently.
But you apparently couldn't see the connection.
Don’t forget to speak to the timing issue El Rich.
OK, I’ll try again... you are claiming that due to the upcoming election it is more likely that his social media posts and vehicle decorations are part of a conspiracy to throw the election than they are just expressions of what this guy actually believes. So your logic, if I’m following it correctly, is the Dems are so desperate to make Trump supporters look bad before the election that they hatched this plan just in time. Quick question, when was the last time negative news about the president or his supporters swayed anyone from an opinion they have. Best I can tell it was the child separation policy at the border. Was that a conspiracy?
Since the targets were prominent Democrats who are not in government or running in the current election and none of the (fake) bombs have been found to be operational and the Democrats will benefit at the polls from this incident, it is reasonable to think Democratic political operatives may have played a part in this incident in order to try to influence the election.
TardLogic™ at its finest.
It probably seems that way to you because it is apparently the only kind of logic you are familiar with.
Man, just as I predicted.

The tards came up with a horseshit theory about the bomber. In the TOTAL ABSENCE OF FACTS OR EVIDENCE, they created a fucking phantasm.

Then they began stating it as a fact.

This is a textbook example of MASS DELUSION.

And just as I predicted, if it turns out reality conflicts with their made up fucking BULLSHIT, the fucking idiot tard herd goes into full reality denial mode.

Ha ha, you did no such thing and you're still probably wrong.

Actually I did, goldfish. And I made that prediction to YOU:

Let's see, bombs delivered to liberal heads right before the election. The culprit(s) is smart enough to build a bomb and locate an address, but somehow is too stupid to understand how the bombs detonate. Yeah exactly, something stinks. Who you figure is behind this?
You assume the bomber wanted the bombs to detonate.

You assume much, and this topic is just bait for tards to roll their own bullshit, inspired by your propagandists' bullshit.

Who cares about waiting for facts? Let's make shit up and then if reality doesn't match up with our phantasm, we'll call the reality "FAKE NEWS!"

Tards can't stand an information vacuum. You need to fill all that empty airspace in your pointy heads with something, even if it is your own shit pulled out of your own ass.

I'll stick with the likelihood he's just a nut case. That and the possibility the Democrat deep state exploited him.
Of course you will, tard.
Don’t forget to speak to the timing issue El Rich.
OK, I’ll try again... you are claiming that due to the upcoming election it is more likely that his social media posts and vehicle decorations are part of a conspiracy to throw the election than they are just expressions of what this guy actually believes. So your logic, if I’m following it correctly, is the Dems are so desperate to make Trump supporters look bad before the election that they hatched this plan just in time. Quick question, when was the last time negative news about the president or his supporters swayed anyone from an opinion they have. Best I can tell it was the child separation policy at the border. Was that a conspiracy?
I’ll say this simply so you can understand it. A terrorist attack on the eve of an election, successfully attached to one of the political parties, would’ve resulted in landslide voting for the other party from MIDDLE voters, where elections are won.

I say “would’ve” because the ruse is so obvious that it has already backfired. Also simply put.
Don’t forget to speak to the timing issue El Rich.
OK, I’ll try again... you are claiming that due to the upcoming election it is more likely that his social media posts and vehicle decorations are part of a conspiracy to throw the election than they are just expressions of what this guy actually believes. So your logic, if I’m following it correctly, is the Dems are so desperate to make Trump supporters look bad before the election that they hatched this plan just in time. Quick question, when was the last time negative news about the president or his supporters swayed anyone from an opinion they have. Best I can tell it was the child separation policy at the border. Was that a conspiracy?
I’ll say this simply so you can understand it. A terrorist attack on the eve of an election, successfully attached to one of the political parties, would’ve resulted in landslide voting for the other party from MIDDLE voters, where elections are won.

I say “would’ve” because the ruse is so obviously backfired. Also simply put.
Ok, and again possible and probable are far from the same. You seem to be claiming the most likely explanation is a Dem conspiracy, you have offered no evidence other than to imply that Pro-Trump stickers are proof that he does not support Trump. This logic is not....well logical.
Don’t forget to speak to the timing issue El Rich.
OK, I’ll try again... you are claiming that due to the upcoming election it is more likely that his social media posts and vehicle decorations are part of a conspiracy to throw the election than they are just expressions of what this guy actually believes. So your logic, if I’m following it correctly, is the Dems are so desperate to make Trump supporters look bad before the election that they hatched this plan just in time. Quick question, when was the last time negative news about the president or his supporters swayed anyone from an opinion they have. Best I can tell it was the child separation policy at the border. Was that a conspiracy?
I’ll say this simply so you can understand it. A terrorist attack on the eve of an election, successfully attached to one of the political parties, would’ve resulted in landslide voting for the other party from MIDDLE voters, where elections are won.

I say “would’ve” because the ruse is so obvious that it has already backfired. Also simply put.
Don’t forget to speak to the timing issue El Rich.
OK, I’ll try again... you are claiming that due to the upcoming election it is more likely that his social media posts and vehicle decorations are part of a conspiracy to throw the election than they are just expressions of what this guy actually believes. So your logic, if I’m following it correctly, is the Dems are so desperate to make Trump supporters look bad before the election that they hatched this plan just in time. Quick question, when was the last time negative news about the president or his supporters swayed anyone from an opinion they have. Best I can tell it was the child separation policy at the border. Was that a conspiracy?
I’ll say this simply so you can understand it. A terrorist attack on the eve of an election, successfully attached to one of the political parties, would’ve resulted in landslide voting for the other party from MIDDLE voters, where elections are won.

I say “would’ve” because the ruse is so obvious that it has already backfired. Also simply put.
I think the place where we are disagreeing is that you are seeing things that are “obvious”, but other than your mistrust of Dems I see no evidence that supports your claim. Please, educate me.
YOU go hmmmmm? It never occurred to me that you are curious or thoughtful, and I don't believe you are.

Nice try to change the topic to the migration, hate and fear mongering never seem to go away when an election is imminent or a negative news story impacts a Republican [remember when the G.W. Bush raised the terror alert whenever they needed to change the front pages?].

when you have nothing....lean on character assassination right? (oh the irony)

so, are you denying the radical Left attempted to derail Kavanaugh's nomination with un-corroborated and false allegations?

The point was showing a correlation that the radical left does many underhanded things.....especially recently.
But you apparently couldn't see the connection.

You are alleging a mythical radical left attempted to derail the nomination of Kavanaugh.

Name those who are "radical" leftist and define what behavior made them radical.

I didn't attack your character, I pointed out exactly what I've observed by reading your posts. You are a member of the echo chamber, most everything you post - which I've read - mirror the right wing propaganda from FOX, Limbaugh and other members of the US Message Board echo chamber.
I’ll say this simply so you can understand it. A terrorist attack on the eve of an election, successfully attached to one of the political parties, would’ve resulted in landslide voting for the other party from MIDDLE voters, where elections are won.

I say “would’ve” because the ruse is so obvious that it has already backfired. Also simply put.

Good point.
There was a time when things like this would've been nearly a guarantee to boost the Dems.
However, they've done so many similar things lately, that even if they didn't do it, most would now assume they did.

Perhaps they've used up their "race" cards, bigot "cards", "gender" cards and all the other cards they've over played.

It's plausible that this will only further boost republicans in November. We'll see

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