Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

Timing...political targeting....& which party would most likely benefit. I will repeat this until everyone even left of center smells the rat.
Can you see a scenario where you’d believe that this was a insane individual who just did something crazy?

I see him as no less crazy than the one who specifically targeted, tracked down, and use the optimum time to shoot all those Republicans at a baseball field.

Agreed, he too engaged in a horrific act, and back when that shooting occurred Newsweek wrote the following:

Alexandria shooting: Did anti-Trump rhetoric inspire James Hodgkinson?

"Since the election in November, lawmakers and others have claimed that Trump’s rise and rhetoric has “emboldened” people on the right to attack those on the left and commit hate crimes. But conservatives say they are under physical threat too. Because of Hodgkinson’s apparent political leaning, conservative commentators are saying Wednesday’s incident is part of a violent trend by some on the left that does not get as much attention."

When the POTUS gives permission to unstable people to use violence, violence is predictable.
Timing...political targeting....& which party would most likely benefit. I will repeat this until everyone even left of center smells the rat.
Can you see a scenario where you’d believe that this was a insane individual who just did something crazy?

I see him as no less crazy than the one who specifically targeted, tracked down, and use the optimum time to shoot all those Republicans at a baseball field.

Agreed, he too engaged in a horrific act, and back when that shooting occurred Newsweek wrote the following:

Alexandria shooting: Did anti-Trump rhetoric inspire James Hodgkinson?

"Since the election in November, lawmakers and others have claimed that Trump’s rise and rhetoric has “emboldened” people on the right to attack those on the left and commit hate crimes. But conservatives say they are under physical threat too. Because of Hodgkinson’s apparent political leaning, conservative commentators are saying Wednesday’s incident is part of a violent trend by some on the left that does not get as much attention."

When the POTUS gives permission to unstable people to use violence, violence is predictable.

You gotta include a losing presidential candidate holding a grudge. Her rhetoric is not a peaceful one when you advocate: ‘We can have civility again when we win the House.’ and calls to ‘RESIST!’ not even a week into the Trump Presidency. Democrats are by no means able to wash their hands clean of this.
Running up to the elections, Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. That was what probably set this guy off.

Conservatives don't know specifically which on-the-edge conservatives will be set off by their escalating calls for more violence, but they know they'll be setting off some of them, and that's their intent. Stochastic terrorism.

Running up to the elections, Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. That was what probably set this guy off.

Conservatives don't know specifically which on-the-edge conservatives will be set off by their escalating calls for more violence, but they know they'll be setting off some of them, and that's their intent. Stochastic terrorism.

That's a lie and it's projection. Show us where Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. Don't you mean Democrats?
Well, appears like one of you guys went crazy and began a terrorist campaign for your cause.

Again, no different than that other over 50 year old who ventured into a Republican baseball practice field for charity.

Maybe, but the evidence I've seen on the van suggests that Trump's stump Speeches and tweets gave permission to the guy arrested today, to target those who Trump singled out as enemies of the people.

Are those both "kooks", probably, but most* of us want to use the vote, not guns and bombs to change the course of government.

* Not those who are attempting to suppress the vote; they fear democracy and seek a single party form of government.
Red flags-

No postal markings.
Suspicious return address.
No courier label. No couriers named.
The fact that "bombs" were placed in padded envelopes and not in boxes.
The fact that packages were delivered to several states within a short time frame.

So, once people noticed that a bunch of stamps were on packages with no postal markings, the story changed to the packages being delivered by courier. There are no courier labels, either. When they deliver packages, they usually require signatures or at least handing them off to a person. Had that happened, the couriers would have been questioned immediately about who gave them the package. That didn't happen.

Bombs place in padded envelopes meant they could off at any time since that is extremely risky.

Packages were discovered in several states. One person could not do this. So, this is quite the operation and involves numerous people.

Now the claim is that there were timers on the bombs. It would be a miracle for them to arrive at any destination because all the handling would likely trigger an explosion. Timers make no sense because a person would have no way of knowing where the package is at any given time.

It seems like the info being reported by media changes as evidence becomes clear. Almost like the people are changing the facts, as needed, to go along with what investigators and the public are seeing.

And some whackos, like the hens on The View, are trying to pin this on Trump. As if any Republican would want the media making claims that they are terrorists right before an important election. If the Dems lose this, they are doomed so the desperation factor is high.

All evidence we've seen so far points to this being a hoax and likely done by the left to garner sympathy and motivate their base. Nothing else makes sense.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the guy they caught is a patsy. If they try to say it was one guy, I will know it's bullshit.

Between this and the orchestrated caravan, the liberal media doesn't have to waste time covering Hillary's election fraud that was bought to light last week. $84 million was laundered. Huge scam but the useful idiots only get upset with what the left tells them to be upset about.
Timing...political targeting....& which party would most likely benefit. I will repeat this until everyone even left of center smells the rat.
Can you see a scenario where you’d believe that this was a insane individual who just did something crazy?

I see him as no less crazy than the one who specifically targeted, tracked down, and use the optimum time to shoot all those Republicans at a baseball field.

Agreed, he too engaged in a horrific act, and back when that shooting occurred Newsweek wrote the following:

Alexandria shooting: Did anti-Trump rhetoric inspire James Hodgkinson?

"Since the election in November, lawmakers and others have claimed that Trump’s rise and rhetoric has “emboldened” people on the right to attack those on the left and commit hate crimes. But conservatives say they are under physical threat too. Because of Hodgkinson’s apparent political leaning, conservative commentators are saying Wednesday’s incident is part of a violent trend by some on the left that does not get as much attention."

When the POTUS gives permission to unstable people to use violence, violence is predictable.

You gotta include a losing presidential candidate holding a grudge. Her rhetoric is not a peaceful one when you advocate: ‘We can have civility again when we win the House.’ and calls to ‘RESIST!’ not even a week into the Trump Presidency. Democrats are by no means able to wash their hands clean of this.

How is the call to resist, worse than McConnell's call to make Obama a one term President?
Running up to the elections, Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. That was what probably set this guy off.

Conservatives don't know specifically which on-the-edge conservatives will be set off by their escalating calls for more violence, but they know they'll be setting off some of them, and that's their intent. Stochastic terrorism.

That's a lie and it's projection. Show us where Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. Don't you mean Democrats?
Well, appears like one of you guys went crazy and began a terrorist campaign for your cause.

Again, no different than that other over 50 year old who ventured into a Republican baseball practice field for charity.

Maybe, but the evidence I've seen on the van suggests that Trump's stump Speeches and tweets gave permission to the guy arrested today, to target those who Trump singled out as enemies of the people.

Are those both "kooks", probably, but most* of us want to use the vote, not guns and bombs to change the course of government.

* Not those who are attempting to suppress the vote; they fear democracy and seek a single party form of government.

Democracy is bad. That is why America is NOT A DEMOCRACY! The left pretends to believe in that but we saw how serious they were when Bernie Sanders supporters were ignored and super delegates handed Hillary the nod. They don't give a shit what the people want.
It has all the signs of a false flag. Like I said on another thread, it’s almost comical, how they overplayed it.

And I’m not claiming it’s Democrats who are behind it. A lot of these false flags are orchestrated by certain powers who are neither dem or republican, but globalists who want to keep all of us fighting each other, and distracted from the real enemy.
Running up to the elections, Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. That was what probably set this guy off.

Conservatives don't know specifically which on-the-edge conservatives will be set off by their escalating calls for more violence, but they know they'll be setting off some of them, and that's their intent. Stochastic terrorism.

That's a lie and it's projection. Show us where Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. Don't you mean Democrats?
Well, appears like one of you guys went crazy and began a terrorist campaign for your cause.
Unlike your side who killed kids at a Country Western Event, this moron couldn't even build a bomb that actually worked. He could be a Democrat in Republican clothing...
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers


What do you mean why?

The guy tried to murder many people through terrorism...he is obviously nuts.

Why did the Vegas shooter do what he did? Why did the Virginia Tech shooter kill so many people? Why does any mass-murdering terrorist do/attempt to do what they do? No one knows.

Because they are nuts.

If this was a Dem who sent bombs to Reps, you would be screaming for blood. But because it was the reverse, you are desperately trying to spin thisto deflect blame from right wingers.

It's obvious.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers


I found an unbiased source of the suspect's criminal history here: at Records Show Mail-Bombing Suspect Cesar Sayoc Allegedly Stole Cars, Once Made Bomb Threat

In my humble opinion, this guy didn't have politics on his radar until long after Dr. Christine Ford's garbage false witness bull started AFTER Justice Kavanaugh's planned character assassination in coordination with Diane Feinstein's collaboration to destroy President Trump's then-Supreme Court nominee, respected Federal Judge Kavanaugh.

Savoc, born in NYC, moved to Florida as a child, where at an early age, he became a hardened criminal in multiple car thefts and drug sales starting in 1991. He threatened another driver with a bomb threat in 2002, getting off with a year's probation with the Alford plea trick used by criminal lawyers to get the client to agree the evidence was enough to convict, but said that he was innocent. Again in 2013, he was given probation based on another criminal lawyer's trick called "adjudication withheld" by convincing a Florida judge hat he would not offend again. This time, he was accused of felony auto theft plus felony battery and resistance to a merchant. His criminal history consisted of a host of other traffic violations, license suspension, speeding and running red lights. Since in 2016, Savoc as if by magic, registered to vote as a Republican and began his Trump supporter phase by plastering Trump supporter information all over his van that was used to carry bombs to various locations.

Could this be the derelict DNC backup plan since the Ford v, Kavanaugh flop?

You wouldn't think so if you saw the smarm job rabid left wing reporters have smeared the web with bad Republican monsters, good Democrat victims on the usual suspected leftwing web news sources of CommieNewsNetwork, USAToady, AvidBannersofChristians, CertainBS, MostlySlanderNationalBroadcastingConsortium, and all their brothers and sisters nationwide.

It's as though in unison, they could erase the damages inflicted by dowagers Rep. Maxine Watters, Sen. Diane Feinstein, Dr. Christine Ford the liar, by hiring a thug out to send them dangerous bombs with flag features that would be immediately identifiable to first responders at the Post Office, FBI, Secret Service, etc.

Yeah, it's likely. No, I can't prove it, but it smells to me like another DNC get-out-of-jail-day-before-the-election character slam against the entire Republican Party and all its supporters, whose only fault really is, we do not plan evil against our loyal opposition. We simply plan better things for the American taxpayers.

I think the DNC cries "Wolf" too much, too often, but ever so timely down to the minute how long it will take voters to catch onto the leftists' schema du jour.

But, opinion isn't fact.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers


This guy is like the quintessential leftist caricature of an average Trump supporter. The only thing missing is a huge Northern Virginia Army Battle Flag (Confederate Flag).


He is so perfect, that the Dems get a fabulous late-October talking point AT NO COST and ZERO RISK. None of the "bombs" were even capable of detonating and no Dem got hurt. It doesn't get any more perfect than this gift-wrapped October Surprise.

It took divine intervention to get such a perfect Trumptard to do something so outrageously beneficial and risk-free for the Democrats.

I now believe in God, and God is a Democrat.

I will now worship the golden jackass.


Gal on Fox just said bombers actions took long time. Said cutting (pvc) pipe is arduous.
They showed pictures of Sayoc's muscles that looked like the Rock's. Unfortunately, he also sold illegal muscle-enhancement drugs as one of his many crimes since 1991, and multiple grand auto thefts, which they're still at work locating other car thefts he did.
Watching extremists back peddle from their winger allegations when reality sets in is funny.

But is ALL the evidence in yet?
You may be laughing a bit prematurely.

Perhaps, but I seriously doubt it.
No, the first reports are always the most accurate.

Yeah, this is for sure the work of a left-winger. I mean, the signs are clearly there, amirite? :auiqs.jpg:I. Can't. Stop. Laughing.
yea Cesar Sayoc... "A Twitter account that appears to belong to the suspect in the mail-bomb scare includes repeated attacks on billionaire George Soros and praise for President Donald Trump and other Republicans."
a real left winger there, eh?
Depends on if you use Google or some other bullshit search engine.

"Despite his vehicle being festooned with pro-Trump stickers and him attending Trump rallies, so-called ‘MAGA bomber’ Cesar Sayoc doesn’t follow any Republicans or conservatives on Twitter, choosing instead to follow left-wing personalities like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama.

Following his capture in Plantation, Florida, leftists gushed with excitement at seeing images of Sayoc’s van covered with pro-Trump stickers alongside some of the targets of his dud mail bombs, including HiIlary Clinton, in crosshairs.



Instead, Sayoc follows outspoken Democrats like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel, Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres and Seth Myers.

Some of the people who follow Sayoc are also Democrats with ‘blue wave’ emojis in their profiles.

However, all of Sayoc’s tweets are pro-Trump and anti-Democrat. He also attended numerous Trump rallies.

Damn it!! Social media photos show mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc attending Trump rally! Who Is Cesar Sayoc? Currently in Custody in Florida in the Nationwide Mail Bomb Package Case - Breaking911 pic.twitter.com/GvpC1bFawx

— ???Josh Cornett??? (@therealcornett) October 26, 2018

The bottom line is this; Just like James T. Hodgkinson, the anti-Trump Bernie fan who tried to massacre Republican Congressmen, apparent Trump fan Cesar Sayoc is clearly mentally ill.

Bernie wasn’t to blame for Hodgkinson’s actions, and Trump isn’t to blame for Sayoc’s actions."​
How are those stickers if they're on the inside of the window? Aren't they magnets?

On glass ???
Guess you never heard of plastic decals that use static electricity to adhere to glass. A bumper sticker uses some sort of adhesive. And the adhesive is on the back, not the front. I just wonder where he got those things. They can easily be removed.
If he didn't steal 'em, he got 'em in an envelope with a no return addy. :muahaha:
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers


Good question....one just needs to think....why did the Bernie Bro shooter, who used real bullets, not fake bombs, try to murder the entire Republican baseball team in June? Did he not like Fall Ball...?
Gal on Fox just said bombers actions took long time. Said cutting (pvc) pipe is arduous.
They showed pictures of Sayoc's muscles that looked like the Rock's. Unfortunately, he also sold illegal muscle-enhancement drugs as one of his many crimes since 1991, and multiple grand auto thefts, which they're still at work locating other car thefts he did.
Yep, sounds like a conservative to me. Probably goes to church on Sundays...
But is ALL the evidence in yet?
You may be laughing a bit prematurely.

Perhaps, but I seriously doubt it.
No, the first reports are always the most accurate.

Yeah, this is for sure the work of a left-winger. I mean, the signs are clearly there, amirite? :auiqs.jpg:I. Can't. Stop. Laughing.
yea Cesar Sayoc... "A Twitter account that appears to belong to the suspect in the mail-bomb scare includes repeated attacks on billionaire George Soros and praise for President Donald Trump and other Republicans."
a real left winger there, eh?
Depends on if you use Google or some other bullshit search engine.

"Despite his vehicle being festooned with pro-Trump stickers and him attending Trump rallies, so-called ‘MAGA bomber’ Cesar Sayoc doesn’t follow any Republicans or conservatives on Twitter, choosing instead to follow left-wing personalities like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama.

Following his capture in Plantation, Florida, leftists gushed with excitement at seeing images of Sayoc’s van covered with pro-Trump stickers alongside some of the targets of his dud mail bombs, including HiIlary Clinton, in crosshairs.



Instead, Sayoc follows outspoken Democrats like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel, Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres and Seth Myers.

Some of the people who follow Sayoc are also Democrats with ‘blue wave’ emojis in their profiles.

However, all of Sayoc’s tweets are pro-Trump and anti-Democrat. He also attended numerous Trump rallies.

Damn it!! Social media photos show mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc attending Trump rally! Who Is Cesar Sayoc? Currently in Custody in Florida in the Nationwide Mail Bomb Package Case - Breaking911 pic.twitter.com/GvpC1bFawx

— ???Josh Cornett??? (@therealcornett) October 26, 2018

The bottom line is this; Just like James T. Hodgkinson, the anti-Trump Bernie fan who tried to massacre Republican Congressmen, apparent Trump fan Cesar Sayoc is clearly mentally ill.

Bernie wasn’t to blame for Hodgkinson’s actions, and Trump isn’t to blame for Sayoc’s actions."​
Was Bernie chanting to jail his opponents? Was Bernie praising his peers for body slamming opponents? Was Bernie promising to cover legal costs of those punching protestors?

Does your Trump/Bernie equivalency make sense?

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