Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

Perhaps, but I seriously doubt it.
No, the first reports are always the most accurate.

Yeah, this is for sure the work of a left-winger. I mean, the signs are clearly there, amirite? :auiqs.jpg:I. Can't. Stop. Laughing.
yea Cesar Sayoc... "A Twitter account that appears to belong to the suspect in the mail-bomb scare includes repeated attacks on billionaire George Soros and praise for President Donald Trump and other Republicans."
a real left winger there, eh?
Depends on if you use Google or some other bullshit search engine.

"Despite his vehicle being festooned with pro-Trump stickers and him attending Trump rallies, so-called ‘MAGA bomber’ Cesar Sayoc doesn’t follow any Republicans or conservatives on Twitter, choosing instead to follow left-wing personalities like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama.

Following his capture in Plantation, Florida, leftists gushed with excitement at seeing images of Sayoc’s van covered with pro-Trump stickers alongside some of the targets of his dud mail bombs, including HiIlary Clinton, in crosshairs.



Instead, Sayoc follows outspoken Democrats like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel, Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres and Seth Myers.

Some of the people who follow Sayoc are also Democrats with ‘blue wave’ emojis in their profiles.

However, all of Sayoc’s tweets are pro-Trump and anti-Democrat. He also attended numerous Trump rallies.

Damn it!! Social media photos show mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc attending Trump rally! Who Is Cesar Sayoc? Currently in Custody in Florida in the Nationwide Mail Bomb Package Case - Breaking911 pic.twitter.com/GvpC1bFawx

— ???Josh Cornett??? (@therealcornett) October 26, 2018

The bottom line is this; Just like James T. Hodgkinson, the anti-Trump Bernie fan who tried to massacre Republican Congressmen, apparent Trump fan Cesar Sayoc is clearly mentally ill.

Bernie wasn’t to blame for Hodgkinson’s actions, and Trump isn’t to blame for Sayoc’s actions."​
Was Bernie chanting to jail his opponents? Was Bernie praising his peers for body slamming opponents? Was Bernie promising to cover legal costs of those punching protestors?

Does your Trump/Bernie equivalency make sense?
Crazy Bernie! Back at it again..
Timing and who stood to benefit at the election in just a few days. That's how I'm filtering this story. And I'm not alone. Not by a longshot.
Thje guy is a nutter. Dems finally have SOMETHING!! lol

The only thing that would have made this guy more perfectly Trumptarded and further enhance the Democrat talking points is if his van was sporting a huge confederate battle flag.

But, God must have seen the wisdom in not completely overplaying this divine gift, so God made him forget to put that flag on the van.

This is perfectly divine.

Perhaps, but I seriously doubt it.
No, the first reports are always the most accurate.

Yeah, this is for sure the work of a left-winger. I mean, the signs are clearly there, amirite? :auiqs.jpg:I. Can't. Stop. Laughing.
yea Cesar Sayoc... "A Twitter account that appears to belong to the suspect in the mail-bomb scare includes repeated attacks on billionaire George Soros and praise for President Donald Trump and other Republicans."
a real left winger there, eh?
Depends on if you use Google or some other bullshit search engine.

"Despite his vehicle being festooned with pro-Trump stickers and him attending Trump rallies, so-called ‘MAGA bomber’ Cesar Sayoc doesn’t follow any Republicans or conservatives on Twitter, choosing instead to follow left-wing personalities like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama.

Following his capture in Plantation, Florida, leftists gushed with excitement at seeing images of Sayoc’s van covered with pro-Trump stickers alongside some of the targets of his dud mail bombs, including HiIlary Clinton, in crosshairs.



Instead, Sayoc follows outspoken Democrats like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel, Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres and Seth Myers.

Some of the people who follow Sayoc are also Democrats with ‘blue wave’ emojis in their profiles.

However, all of Sayoc’s tweets are pro-Trump and anti-Democrat. He also attended numerous Trump rallies.

Damn it!! Social media photos show mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc attending Trump rally! Who Is Cesar Sayoc? Currently in Custody in Florida in the Nationwide Mail Bomb Package Case - Breaking911 pic.twitter.com/GvpC1bFawx

— ???Josh Cornett??? (@therealcornett) October 26, 2018

The bottom line is this; Just like James T. Hodgkinson, the anti-Trump Bernie fan who tried to massacre Republican Congressmen, apparent Trump fan Cesar Sayoc is clearly mentally ill.

Bernie wasn’t to blame for Hodgkinson’s actions, and Trump isn’t to blame for Sayoc’s actions."​
Was Bernie chanting to jail his opponents? Was Bernie praising his peers for body slamming opponents? Was Bernie promising to cover legal costs of those punching protestors?

Does your Trump/Bernie equivalency make sense?
You're talking about stuff that almost all happened 2 years ago.
What we're seeing now is Democrats screaming for blood....fighting in the streets.....harassing Republicans whenever you see them....murdering the president.
Don't you think that will cause the crazies to try something 2 years ago.....not now?
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The whole thing is too convenient for democrats even down to the Trump stickers. What if a friendly republican judge let this guy go like they did Bill Ayers years ago and blamed the FBI? Would their be a shit storm?
Yep. The van seals it for me. The display on the van is so obvious as a "look here!" indicator for "which political party is responsible!!" The convenience-factor for the liberal media outlets is pegging like a 25 on my 0-10 scale fakenewsometer.

I absolutely agree with you!

Gal on Fox just said bombers actions took long time. Said cutting (pvc) pipe is arduous.
They showed pictures of Sayoc's muscles that looked like the Rock's. Unfortunately, he also sold illegal muscle-enhancement drugs as one of his many crimes since 1991, and multiple grand auto thefts, which they're still at work locating other car thefts he did.
Yep, sounds like a conservative to me. Probably goes to church on Sundays...
I don't think church attendance was his bag. He was a career criminal mostly in stolen vehicles, illegal muscle-enhancing drug sales, and spent time for domestic violence against his grand mother, and not in a Church, either. He also threatened another driver with a bomb threat. I've heard a lot of repetition about the bombs being disabled, but what I saw on television was an agency spokesman saying the energy materials inside the bomb were highly explosive, and they were set for a kill. That didn't sound very disabled-bomb to me. Just sayin'.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers

Mods, can we update the conspiracy theory forum header with larger font and maybe make it bright red? I don't think these fellas can find it for some reason.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers

Well, since the packages were from debbie washermachine, it's obviously a false flag first and foremost like it always is every single time. I'm easily convinced that no event that might help a democrat and no democrat are capable of ever having a shred of truth to them. They arent humans. They are crab people reptilians and wont stop until they have total power, but they are also pushover snowflakes. It's very confusing for my brain.
I'm guessing that's exactly how the MAGAbomber feels.
The whole thing is too convenient for democrats even down to the Trump stickers. What if a friendly republican judge let this guy go like they did Bill Ayers years ago and blamed the FBI? Would their be a shit storm?
Yep. The van seals it for me. The display on the van is so obvious as a "look here!" indicator for "which political party is responsible!!" The convenience-factor for the liberal media outlets is pegging like a 25 on my 0-10 scale fakenewsometer.
You've never seen a MAGAtard with a bunch of stickers on their car before? You must not get out much.
Nope, they don't actually exist in any real capacity.

Most Trump supporters are too afraid for their car to put any Trump stuff on it.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers

Well, since the packages were from debbie washermachine, it's obviously a false flag first and foremost like it always is every single time. I'm easily convinced that no event that might help a democrat and no democrat are capable of ever having a shred of truth to them. They arent humans. They are crab people reptilians and wont stop until they have total power, but they are also pushover snowflakes. It's very confusing for my brain.
I'm guessing that's exactly how the MAGAbomber feels.

Is the new shtick saying "magabomber"? Even though none of them blew up. Nor all were actual bombs.
To wonder why a Trumpanzee would be so stupid as to pull a stunt like this at this time, sort of puts you in the same category of stupid.
Deplorables are just like that.
Timing and who stood to benefit at the election in just a few days. That's how I'm filtering this story. And I'm not alone. Not by a longshot.
Of course you are not alone....there's lots of crazy loons like you out there.
Thanks for the kind words. Loons are amazing animals, and as some of the best parents in the animal kingdom, they give their babies fun rides on their backs, too.



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