Why did the corporate tax cuts fail?

70% of the GDP is related to consumer spending.
Consumers drive economic prosperity. There's no profit without customers. There's no demand when the bulk of consumers have no cash. Growth will be slow with low demand regardless of capital investment.
And democrats say that unemployment stimulates the US economy

That would depend on wages. No?
If a guy goes from a fulltime job to Uber driver then no. Our "jobs" are turning into delivery drivers for rich folks.
Only if you're unmotivated and stupid.

Yet those jobs continue to grow.
Would you rather have them on welfare?

What does that have to do with my point?
Those of us living in reality can now say that the corporate tax cuts were a failure that hurt revenue and did nothing for the economy. So the question is why? I think it likely has to do with the fact so many of our corporations are near monopolies. Curious what others think.

Trump handed big business a massive tax cut, and all he got in return was embarrassment

Two years after his administration passed a massive tax cut for corporations meant to spur economic growth, the verdict is in, and the results are embarrassing. The tax cuts did not "unleash animal spirits" (as the business media is so fond of saying). And it did not usher in a period of 3% GDP growth(as Trump's administration was so fond of echoing).

The plan did not — by any stretch of the imagination — "pay for itself with growth and reduced deductions," as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said it would back in 2017. In fact, the US budget deficit has grown by 50% since Trump took office.

Those of us living in reality can now say that the corporate tax cuts were a failure that hurt revenue and did nothing for the economy. So the question is why? I think it likely has to do with the fact so many of our corporations are near monopolies. Curious what others think.

Trump handed big business a massive tax cut, and all he got in return was embarrassment

Two years after his administration passed a massive tax cut for corporations meant to spur economic growth, the verdict is in, and the results are embarrassing. The tax cuts did not "unleash animal spirits" (as the business media is so fond of saying). And it did not usher in a period of 3% GDP growth(as Trump's administration was so fond of echoing).

The plan did not — by any stretch of the imagination — "pay for itself with growth and reduced deductions," as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said it would back in 2017. In fact, the US budget deficit has grown by 50% since Trump took office.

How did the tax cuts “fail”?
You realize your fellow citizen Americans own these evil corporations you hate...right?
Your fellow Americans ended with more and your corrupt government ended up with less...how is that a bad thing?
Why would you want your government to take more from your neighbor?

Some Americans own stock. About 50% of Americans have no investment in the market so right off the bat, half the country is excluded from this benefit. Of the people that do one stock, 84% of it is owned by the top 10% of Americans.

So this benefit was highly skewed.

You weird Leftists harbor a very weird obsession with other people’s shit, holdings and achievements. You always seem to forget that opportunity is created by those who aggressively pursue it.
Wealth, like achievements is accumulated from intelligence, hard work, accountability, determination and ambition....all traits the Left hates.
Remember, we are not EQUALS...you can not and will not ever be my EQUAL....you have been grossly misled by your fellow beggars.

Im not saying we are all equals. I’m saying that the actions taken by the Trump administration are disproportionality beneficial to the wealthiest. Remember, he is adding a trillion dollars of PUBLIC debt to achieve these benefits. It’s not irrational to look at the outcome of such policies.

One other problem. I don’t believe people who don’t achieve wealth are unintelligent, that they’re not hard working or not ambitious. I feel that the people who do work hard, follow the rules and don’t necessarily achieve wealth for all sorts of reasons shouldn’t be excluded from living a good life.

It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time. You have some imagination.

It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time.

November 2018 and again in July 2019.
Click on the link, move your cursor over the graph.
The increasing trend started in 2010 long before the cuts.

I know, 3.9% after the cuts.
Up from what?

Trump’s Deficits Are Racing Past Obama’s

President Obama entered office in early 2009 in the teeth of the Great Recession. Not surprisingly, the deficit exploded from $459 billion in calendar 2008 to over $1.4 trillion in calendar 2009. As the economy recovered the deficits shrank to a low of $442 billion in 2015 and was $585 billion his last year in office.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.


You can’t grow an economy on a credit card. Remember how much flack Obama took from Republicans over debt?

and now, suddenly, debt doesn’t matter? Is that because Trump calls himself the chosen one?

can somebody explain it? where it make sense?

Let’s be honest here..Weird, lowlife degenerates hate to see their superiors (good, real Americans) prosper...if ShaQuita, DaShawn, Guadalupe, wetbacks and the rest of their degenerate equals don’t get a piece of the action or “cut” they’re pissed...I totally get it.
We also understand Brain357 that all super successful Econ geniuses have the tendency to beg for free shit for others...you’re simply asking for a friend because you’re just noble as fuck...haha...sorry lowlifes, you’ve played your hand and exposed yourself.
Ah, casual racism.
Where on my graph does it show that Obama had average real wage growth of 4.2%?

You can admit you have no source. I'll understand.

You don't know how to read a graph but continue to waive it around like you do.

waive: refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim)

Good job, dumb ass.

Good job. You get the gold star for teacher's helper today. Two more and you get a cookie. : )

Awwww, looks like Hutch tried to make the transition to "Pull-ups" just a tad before he was ready and soiled himself......buck up, lil camper! You will have your day!

Looks like you have nothing to add but distractionary nonsense. Scared?

Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.

You don't know how to read a graph but continue to waive it around like you do.

waive: refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim)

Good job, dumb ass.

Good job. You get the gold star for teacher's helper today. Two more and you get a cookie. : )

Awwww, looks like Hutch tried to make the transition to "Pull-ups" just a tad before he was ready and soiled himself......buck up, lil camper! You will have your day!

Looks like you have nothing to add but distractionary nonsense. Scared?

Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?
Those of us living in reality can now say that the corporate tax cuts were a failure that hurt revenue and did nothing for the economy. So the question is why? I think it likely has to do with the fact so many of our corporations are near monopolies. Curious what others think.

Trump handed big business a massive tax cut, and all he got in return was embarrassment

Two years after his administration passed a massive tax cut for corporations meant to spur economic growth, the verdict is in, and the results are embarrassing. The tax cuts did not "unleash animal spirits" (as the business media is so fond of saying). And it did not usher in a period of 3% GDP growth(as Trump's administration was so fond of echoing).

The plan did not — by any stretch of the imagination — "pay for itself with growth and reduced deductions," as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said it would back in 2017. In fact, the US budget deficit has grown by 50% since Trump took office.

How did the tax cuts “fail”?
You realize your fellow citizen Americans own these evil corporations you hate...right?
Your fellow Americans ended with more and your corrupt government ended up with less...how is that a bad thing?
Why would you want your government to take more from your neighbor?

Some Americans own stock. About 50% of Americans have no investment in the market so right off the bat, half the country is excluded from this benefit. Of the people that do one stock, 84% of it is owned by the top 10% of Americans.

So this benefit was highly skewed.

You weird Leftists harbor a very weird obsession with other people’s shit, holdings and achievements. You always seem to forget that opportunity is created by those who aggressively pursue it.
Wealth, like achievements is accumulated from intelligence, hard work, accountability, determination and ambition....all traits the Left hates.
Remember, we are not EQUALS...you can not and will not ever be my EQUAL....you have been grossly misled by your fellow beggars.

Im not saying we are all equals. I’m saying that the actions taken by the Trump administration are disproportionality beneficial to the wealthiest. Remember, he is adding a trillion dollars of PUBLIC debt to achieve these benefits. It’s not irrational to look at the outcome of such policies.

One other problem. I don’t believe people who don’t achieve wealth are unintelligent, that they’re not hard working or not ambitious. I feel that the people who do work hard, follow the rules and don’t necessarily achieve wealth for all sorts of reasons shouldn’t be excluded from living a good life.

Haha..this “included” / “excluded” BS you speak of...you forget that grown adults are responsible for their own decision making and career paths taken...One has the freedom to choose the career path and or life choice that puts them into this “INCLUSIVE” category you’ve concocted.

Yeah, I’ve noticed something. If someone isn’t successful under a Democratic President, it’s because the Dems are keeping everyone down and oppressed with government regulations. If someone isn’t successful under a Republican President, it’s because they’re stupid and lazy.
Trump’s Deficits Are Racing Past Obama’s

President Obama entered office in early 2009 in the teeth of the Great Recession. Not surprisingly, the deficit exploded from $459 billion in calendar 2008 to over $1.4 trillion in calendar 2009. As the economy recovered the deficits shrank to a low of $442 billion in 2015 and was $585 billion his last year in office.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.


You can’t grow an economy on a credit card. Remember how much flack Obama took from Republicans over debt?

and now, suddenly, debt doesn’t matter? Is that because Trump calls himself the chosen one?

can somebody explain it? where it make sense?

Whom are the holders of the credit card debt, deantard? And where does this mysterious and ungodly wealthy entity pull the funds from to "loan" to USA.INC??? I would certainly enjoy your lame attempt to answer this one, dumb ass.
I’m assuming you’re calling Forbes dumbass?

because I don’t remember calling you names.

so the question becomes do you believe the debt is increasing or not?

and if that’s the case, how come you don’t believe something that every economist in the world is believing and telling us?

and please, don’t tell us that the Grand Canyon came from Noah’s flood.

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
Corp tax cuts failed miserably.
waive: refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim)

Good job, dumb ass.

Good job. You get the gold star for teacher's helper today. Two more and you get a cookie. : )

Awwww, looks like Hutch tried to make the transition to "Pull-ups" just a tad before he was ready and soiled himself......buck up, lil camper! You will have your day!

Looks like you have nothing to add but distractionary nonsense. Scared?

Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Trump’s Deficits Are Racing Past Obama’s

President Obama entered office in early 2009 in the teeth of the Great Recession. Not surprisingly, the deficit exploded from $459 billion in calendar 2008 to over $1.4 trillion in calendar 2009. As the economy recovered the deficits shrank to a low of $442 billion in 2015 and was $585 billion his last year in office.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.


You can’t grow an economy on a credit card. Remember how much flack Obama took from Republicans over debt?

and now, suddenly, debt doesn’t matter? Is that because Trump calls himself the chosen one?

can somebody explain it? where it make sense?

Whom are the holders of the credit card debt, deantard? And where does this mysterious and ungodly wealthy entity pull the funds from to "loan" to USA.INC??? I would certainly enjoy your lame attempt to answer this one, dumb ass.
I’m assuming you’re calling Forbes dumbass?

because I don’t remember calling you names.

so the question becomes do you believe the debt is increasing or not?

and if that’s the case, how come you don’t believe something that every economist in the world is believing and telling us?

and please, don’t tell us that the Grand Canyon came from Noah’s flood.

My question is "debt to whom"?????????
How did the tax cuts “fail”?
You realize your fellow citizen Americans own these evil corporations you hate...right?
Your fellow Americans ended with more and your corrupt government ended up with less...how is that a bad thing?
Why would you want your government to take more from your neighbor?

Some Americans own stock. About 50% of Americans have no investment in the market so right off the bat, half the country is excluded from this benefit. Of the people that do one stock, 84% of it is owned by the top 10% of Americans.

So this benefit was highly skewed.

You weird Leftists harbor a very weird obsession with other people’s shit, holdings and achievements. You always seem to forget that opportunity is created by those who aggressively pursue it.
Wealth, like achievements is accumulated from intelligence, hard work, accountability, determination and ambition....all traits the Left hates.
Remember, we are not EQUALS...you can not and will not ever be my EQUAL....you have been grossly misled by your fellow beggars.

Im not saying we are all equals. I’m saying that the actions taken by the Trump administration are disproportionality beneficial to the wealthiest. Remember, he is adding a trillion dollars of PUBLIC debt to achieve these benefits. It’s not irrational to look at the outcome of such policies.

One other problem. I don’t believe people who don’t achieve wealth are unintelligent, that they’re not hard working or not ambitious. I feel that the people who do work hard, follow the rules and don’t necessarily achieve wealth for all sorts of reasons shouldn’t be excluded from living a good life.

Haha..this “included” / “excluded” BS you speak of...you forget that grown adults are responsible for their own decision making and career paths taken...One has the freedom to choose the career path and or life choice that puts them into this “INCLUSIVE” category you’ve concocted.

Yeah, I’ve noticed something. If someone isn’t successful under a Democratic President, it’s because the Dems are keeping everyone down and oppressed with government regulations. If someone isn’t successful under a Republican President, it’s because they’re stupid and lazy.

The US did not become the world’s top energy producer under Trump: It took the top spot under the Obama administration in 2012, according to the US government’s Energy Information Administration.

but you guys all knew that right?
Good job. You get the gold star for teacher's helper today. Two more and you get a cookie. : )

Awwww, looks like Hutch tried to make the transition to "Pull-ups" just a tad before he was ready and soiled himself......buck up, lil camper! You will have your day!

Looks like you have nothing to add but distractionary nonsense. Scared?

Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?
Some Americans own stock. About 50% of Americans have no investment in the market so right off the bat, half the country is excluded from this benefit. Of the people that do one stock, 84% of it is owned by the top 10% of Americans.

So this benefit was highly skewed.

You weird Leftists harbor a very weird obsession with other people’s shit, holdings and achievements. You always seem to forget that opportunity is created by those who aggressively pursue it.
Wealth, like achievements is accumulated from intelligence, hard work, accountability, determination and ambition....all traits the Left hates.
Remember, we are not EQUALS...you can not and will not ever be my EQUAL....you have been grossly misled by your fellow beggars.

Im not saying we are all equals. I’m saying that the actions taken by the Trump administration are disproportionality beneficial to the wealthiest. Remember, he is adding a trillion dollars of PUBLIC debt to achieve these benefits. It’s not irrational to look at the outcome of such policies.

One other problem. I don’t believe people who don’t achieve wealth are unintelligent, that they’re not hard working or not ambitious. I feel that the people who do work hard, follow the rules and don’t necessarily achieve wealth for all sorts of reasons shouldn’t be excluded from living a good life.

Haha..this “included” / “excluded” BS you speak of...you forget that grown adults are responsible for their own decision making and career paths taken...One has the freedom to choose the career path and or life choice that puts them into this “INCLUSIVE” category you’ve concocted.

Yeah, I’ve noticed something. If someone isn’t successful under a Democratic President, it’s because the Dems are keeping everyone down and oppressed with government regulations. If someone isn’t successful under a Republican President, it’s because they’re stupid and lazy.

The US did not become the world’s top energy producer under Trump: It took the top spot under the Obama administration in 2012, according to the US government’s Energy Information Administration.

but you guys all knew that right?

Obama restricts offshore drilling in latest poke at Trump

Obama Cancels Lease Sales and Withdraws Federal Lands from Oil and Gas Development
Awwww, looks like Hutch tried to make the transition to "Pull-ups" just a tad before he was ready and soiled himself......buck up, lil camper! You will have your day!

Looks like you have nothing to add but distractionary nonsense. Scared?

Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.

Looks like you have nothing to add but distractionary nonsense. Scared?

Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.

You just babble stupidly. Go start your own thread.

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
It didn't fail. There were a lot of capital expenditures with the windfall. It was just implemented inefficiently.

The problem is that it wasn't targeted. A lot of the money went to stock buybacks and other internal spends. Since we don't like to do anything more than simplistic band aids to please the bases, we didn't provide guardrails for the cuts. So the corporations just did what they're chartered to do as fiduciaries: Act in the best (usually short-term) interests of their stockholders.

The Trumpsters don't drill down more than about half an inch on anything, so they don't understand that part. And the left wingers will only look at the the inefficiencies and ignore the extra capital expenditures.

Just another good example of why we so desperately need to find a way to stop the nutters from controlling the conversation.
I'm looking at it failing based on what trump promised. He said they would pay for themselves and increase gdp growth to 4-6%. I'm not following how you are saying it wasn't a failure? The opposite happened of what was claimed. I'm pretty confident without them the economy would be pretty much the same, but deficits would be much smaller. It seems to have been just a huge handout to the rich.
Oh, the Trumpsters don't give two shits about that. He's gone hyper-Keynesian, something they would have attacked with both barrels just four years ago, and they don't care.

All they know is what they are provided in their little universe. What I said above will not enter that universe.
I was expecting there to be noticeable growth myself so I’m really curious how such a big cut delivered just a temporary bump. I think it has to do with so many Corps having near monopolies...
Well, I've been studying this crap pretty carefully, and my guess (at this moment) is that the middle and lower middle classes STILL don't have enough disposable income, even with the wage growth. On top of that, both individual and corporate debt are WAY up there, meaning we've burned through our cash.

This, after pouring every stimulative idea we have at the economy, fiscal responsibility be damned in favor of partisan politics.

2.1% growth, and no inflation, after Trump's All You Can Eat Fiscal Donut Truck? Something isn't right. I dunno.
Something definitely isn’t right. I think it has a lot to do with our near monopolies, maybe the massive growth of inequality. Several studies have shown growing inequality is bad for growth.

One of the things I learned in economics 101. Unregulated capitalism will always result in monopolies and destroy an economy.

Which is why proper regulation on business is the only way capitalism can work to benefit an economy.
Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.

You just babble stupidly. Go start your own thread.

I asked you to explain in your own words as to how this debt based fiat currency system works and you bailed like the ignorant (_0_) that you are....don't get pissy with me because you lack knowledge,

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

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