Why did the corporate tax cuts fail?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

Homeless people shitting in the streets and people abandoning Califlakia for states that don't tax the ever living shit out of them.......yeppers, Califlakia is going strong!!!

Property values in California are extremely high. Want to know why?

Because they are over-valued and people are mortgaged to the hilt. Silicon Valley is subsidized by deep money but in the mean time homelessness is rampant and taxes are ungodly high......

Over valued? The market decides what the value is.

Just like the Stock Market until the bankers retract the money supply........throw out the hook of cheap money, then reel it in thus causing a crash where the elites make money on the way up and then on the way down using their profits to consolidate more corporations and power into fewer hands. The housing bubble is going to burst followed by the derivatives market making this paper currency backed by nothing of an intrinsic value absolutely worthless and it's coming and it's inevitable.
If you don't have a source that shows Obama had average real wage growth of 4.2%, just say so.

Your own graph bears that out.

Where on my graph does it show that Obama had average real wage growth of 4.2%?

You can admit you have no source. I'll understand.

You don't know how to read a graph but continue to waive it around like you do.

Just admit you have no source for your Obama claim of 4.2%.
You mean that you have no source despite posting a graph.

My source shows Obama's average was much lower than your 4.2% claim.

Still no source for you?
If a stupid Moon Bat thinks a corporation is unfair or not paying enough taxes or polluting the environment or for whatever stupid Libtard reason all they have to do is not buy any goods or services from that corporation. That will teach them to not cater to the demented Moon Bat agenda.

I remember when the stupid Moon Bats loved corporations when their dumbass Neggra President was bailing them out and giving them subsidies.
Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.


When do we start?

You lack the intellectual curiosity to really dig into as to why USA.INC is in the shape it is in and how we were made surety against the debt. It's way over your head or ability to comprehend. Since every FRN is borrowed into existence with interest attached to every note? Where is the ability to ever pay off the principle plus interest? Hint: It doesn't exist....never has.
When do we start?
Your own graph bears that out.

Where on my graph does it show that Obama had average real wage growth of 4.2%?

You can admit you have no source. I'll understand.

You don't know how to read a graph but continue to waive it around like you do.

Just admit you have no source for your Obama claim of 4.2%.
You mean that you have no source despite posting a graph.

My source shows Obama's average was much lower than your 4.2% claim.

Still no source for you?
Certainly your source doesn't show Obama's lower than .2%.
It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time. You have some imagination.

It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time.

November 2018 and again in July 2019.
Click on the link, move your cursor over the graph.
The increasing trend started in 2010 long before the cuts.

I know, 3.9% after the cuts.
Up from what?

Up from what?

2.9% in December 2017.
It was much less during Obama's terms.
So a 1% gain? Obama's certainly was a larger gain.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.


When do we start?

You lack the intellectual curiosity to really dig into as to why USA.INC is in the shape it is in and how we were made surety against the debt. It's way over your head or ability to comprehend. Since every FRN is borrowed into existence with interest attached to every note? Where is the ability to ever pay off the principle plus interest? Hint: It doesn't exist....never has.
When do we start?

We already have and you are as clueless about this as you were about the Mueller report......how did that turn out, btw?
As long as we keep blaming the other party & refuse to look at the missteps & failures of both party's we will continue to have whiplash back& forth problems. I note that states that have one party rule have the most problems, with the same retread senators. note California, Kentucky, Alabama.
Where on my graph does it show that Obama had average real wage growth of 4.2%?

You can admit you have no source. I'll understand.

You don't know how to read a graph but continue to waive it around like you do.

Just admit you have no source for your Obama claim of 4.2%.
You mean that you have no source despite posting a graph.

My source shows Obama's average was much lower than your 4.2% claim.

Still no source for you?
Certainly your source doesn't show Obama's lower than .2%.

Certainly your source doesn't show Obama's lower than .2%.

I never said Obama's was lower than .2%.

So, still no proof of your claim?
It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time.

November 2018 and again in July 2019.
Click on the link, move your cursor over the graph.
The increasing trend started in 2010 long before the cuts.

I know, 3.9% after the cuts.
Up from what?

Up from what?

2.9% in December 2017.
It was much less during Obama's terms.
So a 1% gain? Obama's certainly was a larger gain.

3.9% growth. Much higher than Obama's average.
What are the numbers? It was increasing under Obama.

I posted the chart. At least twice. Forget already?
Chart isn’t clear. I see wage growth for Obama and trump,. Looks like it just followed the trend started under Obama.

Chart isn’t clear.

View attachment 304765

Looks clear to me.

Clink on the link if you need more clarity.

Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

I see wage growth for Obama and trump,

Yup. And it's been higher under Trump.
Amazing graph

Even though the recession was over by 2010 and employers were seeing record profits, it still took a decade for wages to return to where they were in 2008

Even though the recession was over by 2010 and employers were seeing record profits, it still took a decade for wages to return to where they were in 2008

Wow, it's like you're seeing an entirely different graph than the one I posted.
Feel free to post the one that you're referencing.
Let me explain how graphs work

See that number 4? That means 4 percent wage growth in the early 2000s before the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

It has taken us a decade before employees started to see wage increases at that level
Stupid Moon Bats hate corporations because Karl Marx told them to do it.

They want to increase taxes on corporations because being greedy assholes they want more tax revenue to pay for all the free shit that they think they are entitled to get.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being dumbasses.

Ah... but these same dumbasses while complaining about the all star CEOs,etc., (that are paid millions in stock options by the way and much less in actual salaries), have no problem buying tickets to see these people running up and down the courts...(and the below doesn't account for corporate endorsement income). $2.5 Billion for 20 players!
2019-20 NBA Player Contracts | Basketball-Reference.com
Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at 11.17.15 AM.png
The increasing trend started in 2010 long before the cuts.

I know, 3.9% after the cuts.
Up from what?

Up from what?

2.9% in December 2017.
It was much less during Obama's terms.
So a 1% gain? Obama's certainly was a larger gain.

3.9% growth. Much higher than Obama's average.

Yes, Obama had to deal with the after effects of the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Question is.....with 3.5 percent unemployment, why aren’t we seeing 5 percent wage increases like we saw under Clinton
I posted the chart. At least twice. Forget already?
Chart isn’t clear. I see wage growth for Obama and trump,. Looks like it just followed the trend started under Obama.

Chart isn’t clear.

View attachment 304765

Looks clear to me.

Clink on the link if you need more clarity.

Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

I see wage growth for Obama and trump,

Yup. And it's been higher under Trump.
Amazing graph

Even though the recession was over by 2010 and employers were seeing record profits, it still took a decade for wages to return to where they were in 2008

Even though the recession was over by 2010 and employers were seeing record profits, it still took a decade for wages to return to where they were in 2008

Wow, it's like you're seeing an entirely different graph than the one I posted.
Feel free to post the one that you're referencing.
Let me explain how graphs work

See that number 4? That means 4 percent wage growth in the early 2000s before the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

It has taken us a decade before employees started to see wage increases at that level

See that number 4? That means 4 percent wage growth in the early 2000s before the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Correct. We haven't matched the wage growth we saw during the Internet Bubble.
Please point out where I ever claimed otherwise.
Those of us living in reality can now say that the corporate tax cuts were a failure that hurt revenue and did nothing for the economy. So the question is why? I think it likely has to do with the fact so many of our corporations are near monopolies. Curious what others think.

Trump handed big business a massive tax cut, and all he got in return was embarrassment

Two years after his administration passed a massive tax cut for corporations meant to spur economic growth, the verdict is in, and the results are embarrassing. The tax cuts did not "unleash animal spirits" (as the business media is so fond of saying). And it did not usher in a period of 3% GDP growth(as Trump's administration was so fond of echoing).

The plan did not — by any stretch of the imagination — "pay for itself with growth and reduced deductions," as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said it would back in 2017. In fact, the US budget deficit has grown by 50% since Trump took office.
Always amazes me how you guys wanna be like other countries and then when Trump lowers the corporate tax rate commensurate of other countries you throw a fit.
The economy is booming. Trump's tax cuts worked.

My brother in law owns a trucking company. The tax cuts increased his profits that allowed him to expand his business and hire new workers. Exactly what Trump expected to happen.

As a middle class retiree I have $3K more spendable income each year because of Trump's cuts. That is more money to spend in the productive economy rather than giving to a stupid bureaucrat to waste on some worthless government expenditure like providing free medical care to Illegals or whatever.

Trump knew what he was doing.

These asshole that are afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and who are critical of the tax cuts are full of shit. Socialists never get anything right.
I know, 3.9% after the cuts.
Up from what?

Up from what?

2.9% in December 2017.
It was much less during Obama's terms.
So a 1% gain? Obama's certainly was a larger gain.

3.9% growth. Much higher than Obama's average.

Yes, Obama had to deal with the after effects of the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Question is.....with 3.5 percent unemployment, why aren’t we seeing 5 percent wage increases like we saw under Clinton

Yes, Obama had to deal with the after effects of the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Yes, we had the weakest recovery since WWII under Obama.

why aren’t we seeing 5 percent wage increases like we saw under Clinton

Partly too many illegal aliens, partly no Internet Bubble.
I know, 3.9% after the cuts.
Up from what?

Up from what?

2.9% in December 2017.
It was much less during Obama's terms.
So a 1% gain? Obama's certainly was a larger gain.

3.9% growth. Much higher than Obama's average.

Yes, Obama had to deal with the after effects of the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Question is.....with 3.5 percent unemployment, why aren’t we seeing 5 percent wage increases like we saw under Clinton

Because fricken loons, like you, are too busy whining and resisting.
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.


When do we start?

You lack the intellectual curiosity to really dig into as to why USA.INC is in the shape it is in and how we were made surety against the debt. It's way over your head or ability to comprehend. Since every FRN is borrowed into existence with interest attached to every note? Where is the ability to ever pay off the principle plus interest? Hint: It doesn't exist....never has.
When do we start?

We already have and you are as clueless about this as you were about the Mueller report......how did that turn out, btw?

We have?
Where's the growth?
Up from what?

Up from what?

2.9% in December 2017.
It was much less during Obama's terms.
So a 1% gain? Obama's certainly was a larger gain.

3.9% growth. Much higher than Obama's average.

Yes, Obama had to deal with the after effects of the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Question is.....with 3.5 percent unemployment, why aren’t we seeing 5 percent wage increases like we saw under Clinton

Yes, Obama had to deal with the after effects of the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Yes, we had the weakest recovery since WWII under Obama.

why aren’t we seeing 5 percent wage increases like we saw under Clinton

Partly too many illegal aliens, partly no Internet Bubble.
Some weak recovery...

Almost tripled the Dow Jones and cut unemployment by 5 percent

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