Why did the corporate tax cuts fail?

Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.

You just babble stupidly. Go start your own thread.

I asked you to explain in your own words as to how this debt based fiat currency system works and you bailed like the ignorant (_0_) that you are....don't get pissy with me because you lack knowledge,

yes you ignore the OP and just ask stupid questions.

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

Homeless people shitting in the streets and people abandoning Califlakia for states that don't tax the ever living shit out of them.......yeppers, Califlakia is going strong!!!
The military the right loves wasn’t built on taxes from Alabama....
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.

You just babble stupidly. Go start your own thread.

I asked you to explain in your own words as to how this debt based fiat currency system works and you bailed like the ignorant (_0_) that you are....don't get pissy with me because you lack knowledge,

yes you ignore the OP and just ask stupid questions.

I ask questions that you have no clue on how to answer because you are ignorant.........

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

Homeless people shitting in the streets and people abandoning Califlakia for states that don't tax the ever living shit out of them.......yeppers, Califlakia is going strong!!!

Property values in California are extremely high. Want to know why?

You must be in the trump administration. He seems to hire only the worst economists...

You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

Homeless people shitting in the streets and people abandoning Califlakia for states that don't tax the ever living shit out of them.......yeppers, Califlakia is going strong!!!
You need to stop watching right wing “news”.
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.

You just babble stupidly. Go start your own thread.

I asked you to explain in your own words as to how this debt based fiat currency system works and you bailed like the ignorant (_0_) that you are....don't get pissy with me because you lack knowledge,

yes you ignore the OP and just ask stupid questions.

I ask questions that you have no clue on how to answer because you are ignorant.........
I ignore cause they are not on topic.
You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

Homeless people shitting in the streets and people abandoning Califlakia for states that don't tax the ever living shit out of them.......yeppers, Califlakia is going strong!!!

Property values in California are extremely high. Want to know why?

Because they are over-valued and people are mortgaged to the hilt. Silicon Valley is subsidized by deep money but in the mean time homelessness is rampant and taxes are ungodly high......
Chart isn’t clear.

View attachment 304765

Looks clear to me.

Clink on the link if you need more clarity.

Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

I see wage growth for Obama and trump,

Yup. And it's been higher under Trump.
It appears to have grown more with Obama . And clearly the trend started with Obama. No tax cut bump visible. You make this very easy, but your spin is a waste of time.

It appears to have grown more with Obama .

In which years under Obama did it grow more than under Trump?

You make this very easy, but your spin is a waste of time.

Pointing out your inability to read a graph is hardly spin. Or a waste of time.

No tax cut bump visible.

The tax cut was passed in December 2017.
Wage growth went from 2.9% in December 2017 to 3.9% in November 2018.
It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time. You have some imagination.

It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time.

November 2018 and again in July 2019.
Click on the link, move your cursor over the graph.
The increasing trend started in 2010 long before the cuts.

You left out a very important fact.

Yes it was long before the tax cuts.

It was a year after tax increases on the rich.

In the middle of the worst economic collapse since the last republican Great Depression, an increase in taxes on the rich didn't harm the economy. In fact, it helped the economy.
You are confused Moon Bat.

That distinction goes to the worthless Negro piece of shit President. With the help of his dumbass Left Wing economists Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, inflicted tremendous debt, increased income disparity and had dismal income growth.

Then you can look at the idiot Democrat economists in California. It use to to the Golden State but now, thanks to Democrat economics, it has the worst poverty, most homeless, worst schools and most debt.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. They don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

Homeless people shitting in the streets and people abandoning Califlakia for states that don't tax the ever living shit out of them.......yeppers, Califlakia is going strong!!!
You need to stop watching right wing “news”.

What "news" do you suggest that I watch so I can be as (snicker) "informed" as you are???? Give me at least three sources.

Looks like you have nothing to add but distractionary nonsense. Scared?

Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.


When do we start?
I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.

You just babble stupidly. Go start your own thread.

I asked you to explain in your own words as to how this debt based fiat currency system works and you bailed like the ignorant (_0_) that you are....don't get pissy with me because you lack knowledge,

yes you ignore the OP and just ask stupid questions.

I ask questions that you have no clue on how to answer because you are ignorant.........
I ignore cause they are not on topic.

More like you don't answer because you haven't the faintest clue.......
Trump’s Deficits Are Racing Past Obama’s

President Obama entered office in early 2009 in the teeth of the Great Recession. Not surprisingly, the deficit exploded from $459 billion in calendar 2008 to over $1.4 trillion in calendar 2009. As the economy recovered the deficits shrank to a low of $442 billion in 2015 and was $585 billion his last year in office.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.


You can’t grow an economy on a credit card. Remember how much flack Obama took from Republicans over debt?

and now, suddenly, debt doesn’t matter? Is that because Trump calls himself the chosen one?

can somebody explain it? where it make sense?

I can. It's called Mandatory Spending and neither Obama or Trump had any control over it!

In 2015 Obama's budget..
Mandatory – As usual, nearly two-thirds (66%) of the budget went toward mandatory programs.
These were established by prior acts of Congress, so they can't be changed without another act. A total of $2.301 trillion was spent.
In 2018 Trump's Budget.

the federal government will spend $4.142 trillion this year (2018), 61.5 percent of which for mandatory programs, or direct spending.
Almost 62 Percent of Federal Spending in 2018 Is Baked in the Budgetary Cake | FreedomWorks
And yet, bizarrely, it seems like most of America’s money and technology and education are centered in blue states.

The actual base of the GOP is Appalachia. Often referred to as “the white ghetto“.

Kentucky and West Virginia have five of the 10 poorest counties in the nation.

Appalachia is also the center of the worlds opioid addiction epidemic.
Not to mention a terrible hepatitis epidemic.

instead of Republicans hating blue states and the fact that they have the best schools and make the most money, perhaps they should look at blue states
And learn from their example? What is it blue states are doing right and why are red states failing so miserably?

Yeah, Califlakia, Oregon and Washington are awash in wealth and prosperity......(snicker)
California is the biggest economy by far...

Homeless people shitting in the streets and people abandoning Califlakia for states that don't tax the ever living shit out of them.......yeppers, Califlakia is going strong!!!

Property values in California are extremely high. Want to know why?

Because they are over-valued and people are mortgaged to the hilt. Silicon Valley is subsidized by deep money but in the mean time homelessness is rampant and taxes are ungodly high......

Over valued? The market decides what the value is.
Stupid Moon Bats hate corporations because Karl Marx told them to do it.

They want to increase taxes on corporations because being greedy assholes they want more tax revenue to pay for all the free shit that they think they are entitled to get.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being dumbasses.
The average American worker sees a 0.2% fatter paycheck

View attachment 304774

Wow! That guy really doesn't understand the data.

Wage growth going from 3.5% to 3.7% does not mean "The average American worker sees a 0.2% fatter paycheck"
But it does show how weak wage growth has been.

Yes, Obama had really, really weak wage growth.
It was in all the papers.
As does trump.

3.7% in December looks pretty good.
Only .2 better than when he took office and really low relative to unemployment rate. Did he promise an increase?

Only .2 better than when he took office

And how much better than Obama's average?
Hutch, I will debate you any day of the week and kick your ass three ways to Sunday. You are utterly clueless and you proved that when I started posting here in earnest five years ago. You seem to enjoy getting bitchslapped.


Where's the growth?

Growth of what, exactly? Be specific.......consumer confidence, job growth, a jump in higher wages? The return of manufacturing jobs? Be specific.....and bear in mind I don't vote. I am simply an impartial observer that has as much disdain for neocons as I do the fabian socialists.

Personally, I can only speak for myself but I have had headhunters from all over the United States trying to recruit me for my skills in the electro-mechanical field for the last 3 years. I make 70K now which is more than I ever made under the last 4 presidents because apparently Trump has fostered an environment for job creation instead of taking payoffs for off shoring jobs.
Growth of what, exactly? Be specific
If you hope to ever "kick my ass", you should start by making sure you at least understand the subject at hand. Try actually reading the thread and then start again.

I know exactly of what I speak....you, on the other hand? Well, let's just say that you are at a disadvantage.


When do we start?

You lack the intellectual curiosity to really dig into as to why USA.INC is in the shape it is in and how we were made surety against the debt. It's way over your head or ability to comprehend. Since every FRN is borrowed into existence with interest attached to every note? Where is the ability to ever pay off the principle plus interest? Hint: It doesn't exist....never has.
It appears to have grown more with Obama .

In which years under Obama did it grow more than under Trump?

You make this very easy, but your spin is a waste of time.

Pointing out your inability to read a graph is hardly spin. Or a waste of time.

No tax cut bump visible.

The tax cut was passed in December 2017.
Wage growth went from 2.9% in December 2017 to 3.9% in November 2018.
It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time. You have some imagination.

It hasn’t hit 3.9 In a very long time.

November 2018 and again in July 2019.
Click on the link, move your cursor over the graph.
The increasing trend started in 2010 long before the cuts.

I know, 3.9% after the cuts.
Up from what?

Up from what?

2.9% in December 2017.
It was much less during Obama's terms.
Corporations are the Moon Bat's bogeyman.

That is because Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and don't know that corporations provide enormous goods and services, provide tens of millions of high paying jobs, pay a trillion a year in filthy Federal taxes, another trillion in State and local taxes and tremendous community outreach.

In the demented Moon Bat minds their only mantra is MORE TAXES MORE TAXES. Two trillion a year in corporate taxes are not enough for these greedy liitle demented assholes. They want more.
Trump’s Deficits Are Racing Past Obama’s

President Obama entered office in early 2009 in the teeth of the Great Recession. Not surprisingly, the deficit exploded from $459 billion in calendar 2008 to over $1.4 trillion in calendar 2009. As the economy recovered the deficits shrank to a low of $442 billion in 2015 and was $585 billion his last year in office.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.


You can’t grow an economy on a credit card. Remember how much flack Obama took from Republicans over debt?

and now, suddenly, debt doesn’t matter? Is that because Trump calls himself the chosen one?

can somebody explain it? where it make sense?

The deficit wasn't 1.3 trillion in 2018.

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