Why did the Indians agree to go to the reservations?

A scam? 250 Lakota were murdered by the US Cavalry. Half of those killed were women and children. That is not a scam, it is a massacre.
You might as well "blame" the Americans for starting a revolution and driving out the imperialists and colonists. If there were original inhabitants of the Great Plains, then it was a fair revenge and the liberation of the lands from invaders and colonists. So it was the right thing to do, in that case. This needs to be explored.

Who lived on the Great Plains before they were taken over by the bloody Sioux?
. It was not until the white men got to the plains that the true meaning of "bloodthirsty" was known.
I don't think. Shepherds must have lived there. What were the names of these tribes, the native inhabitants of the Plains?
You might as well "blame" the Americans for starting a revolution and driving out the imperialists and colonists. If there were original inhabitants of the Great Plains, then it was a fair revenge and the liberation of the lands from invaders and colonists. So it was the right thing to do, in that case. This needs to be explored.

Who lived on the Great Plains before they were taken over by the bloody Sioux?

Right thing to do? The US Cavalry slaughter 250 to 300 native Americans, half of which were women and children. And all were already pacified and on the reservation. The Sioux had absolutely nothing to do with Wounded Knee.

Maybe in Russia you consider shooting women and children to be the "right thing to do", but it is not. The fact that you think it was the right thing to do destroys any credibility you had where honor and integrity of warriors is concerned.
And Wounded Knee was on the Pine Ridge reservation. The Lakota tribe had already been pacified and put on the reservation. And FYI, the Pine Ridge reservation was in South Dakota.
It doesn't matter, it's not their land. They came from the southern marshes.

I don't think. Shepherds must have lived there. What were the names of these tribes, the native inhabitants of the Plains?

The two I know about were the Blackfeet and the Comanche. These were the non-farming tribes of the great plains. And even the Sioux didn't try and push the Comanches out.

The Great Plains were wide open lands. There may have been skirmishes on occasion, but there was plenty of space for the tribes and plenty of buffalo for all. At least until the white men came and started slaughtering the buffalo. In the days of those tribes, a herd of buffalo could take 2 or 3 days to pass through an area when they were moving. After the white men and commercial hunters, the bison was on the verge of extinction. And the white men were only interested in the skins. Where the tribes would use every single part of the animal, the hide hunters would skin off the hide and leave the carcass rotting in the sun.
Right thing to do? The US Cavalry slaughter 250 to 300 native Americans, half of which were women and children. And all were already pacified and on the reservation. The Sioux had absolutely nothing to do with Wounded Knee.

Maybe in Russia you consider shooting women and children to be the "right thing to do", but it is not. The fact that you think it was the right thing to do destroys any credibility you had where honor and integrity of warriors is concerned.
I don’t know what was really there, it was probably the slander of the Trumpsters and the left. But if they liberated the lands from bloodthirsty invaders, then this is a just cause.
It doesn't matter, it's not their land. They came from the southern marshes.


Neither the Sioux nor the Lakota came from the southern marshes. Before you make yourself look more ignorant, you might want to read a little history.
I don’t know what was really there, it was probably the slander of the Trumpsters and the left. But if they liberated the lands from bloodthirsty invaders, then this is a just cause.

You are just talking shit to avoid admitting you ae clueless.

The Sioux were not bloodthirsty. They were great warriors. And they fought against the invading white men, including General Custer and the 7th cavalry (who found out what great warriors they were)
I don’t know what was really there, it was probably the slander of the Trumpsters and the left. But if they liberated the lands from bloodthirsty invaders, then this is a just cause.
Trumpster and the left? In the 1800s? You really are an idiot.
Blackfeet just look like American. It seems i'm right

Right about what? About the Sioux killing off the Blackfeet?

It didn't happen. The Blackfeet tribes were nomadic tribes following the buffalo herds. Before they had horses, they used dogs pulling a travois and moved on foot. After aquiring horses, and becoming skilled horsemen, they continued their nomadic life until the white men finally conquered them and put them on reservations. The Sioux had nothing to do with it.
Everything I assume is usually confirmed

The Kamanches were cavalrymen
Everything I assume is usually confirmed

The Kamanches were cavalrymen

The Comanches were skilled horsemen indeed. No one here said otherwise. But, again, they were not cavalry except in the loosest sense of the word. They hunted, traveled and fought on horseback. But they were not a disciplined cavalry unit.
Before they had horses, they used dogs pulling a travois and moved on foot
You are confusing them with the Eskimos.

And what evidence is there that the Horse died out in America and was not there before European colonization?
But, again, they were not cavalry except in the loosest sense of the word. They hunted, traveled and fought on horseback. But they were not a disciplined cavalry unit.

The cavalry has never and nowhere been disciplined at all. It's the reason why knights politic system was free
You are confusing them with the Eskimos.

And what evidence is there that the Horse died out in America and was not there before European colonization?

Basic archeology. And the "horse" that was in the Americas before the Europeans came was a smaller animal. Any tribes that encountered these animals hunted them for meat. These horses became extinct during the last ice age. Until the Europeans brought horses over, there is absolutely no evidence that any humans in the Americas domesticated horses.
This is who real cowboys are, 100%

Except they did not herd cows. Which is kind of the point of who cowboys are.

The Comanche were hunters, raiders, and warriors. They did not herd cattle. They did hunt bison.

And you called the Sioux "bloodthirsty"? The Sioux were terrified of the Comanche, despite the fact that the Sioux outnumbered them. The Comanche were probably the only tribe that was never put on a reservation.

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