Why did the programs flood the nation with blacks in them?

This question puzzled me so i tried to find out why so many ads feature black men with white women and blacks heavily populating the TV ad programs?
What do you think broadcasters are up to? Blacks amount to about 12 percent of the population not about 80 percent of it.

Profile photo for Ana Decompreso
Ana Decompreso
It’s amazing to see how inaccurately those ads depict the “average Black Family” living in a beautiful immaculate home located in a suburban safe neighborhood. It’s an insult to Black Americans. Do most Black people live like that? Also, many of the families depicted are multiracial too. Is that real? In the the US, the population of Black Americans is 12%, yet that percentage is much higher in commercials, and now in the media too. It’s great to see the opportunities are opening up, but is the marketing realistic? Something about that exposure and having it forced upon an audience seems unreal. Do most people buy the propaganda. Is it unifying us?
This again? How many threads have been started on this same non-issue?
Are you sure about something being enforced (by whoever) onto the general public - acts as unifying?? or rather polarizing the general public??
Enforced? Is somebody making you watch all those shows you are so upset about? Is your TV remote broke? I'm almost positive they can't stop you from changing the channel, because MERICA DAMNIT
This question puzzled me so i tried to find out why so many ads feature black men with white women and blacks heavily populating the TV ad programs?
What do you think broadcasters are up to? Blacks amount to about 12 percent of the population not about 80 percent of it.

Profile photo for Ana Decompreso
Ana Decompreso
It’s amazing to see how inaccurately those ads depict the “average Black Family” living in a beautiful immaculate home located in a suburban safe neighborhood. It’s an insult to Black Americans. Do most Black people live like that? Also, many of the families depicted are multiracial too. Is that real? In the the US, the population of Black Americans is 12%, yet that percentage is much higher in commercials, and now in the media too. It’s great to see the opportunities are opening up, but is the marketing realistic? Something about that exposure and having it forced upon an audience seems unreal. Do most people buy the propaganda. Is it unifying us?
Who else is watching that much TV? Daytime TV is focused on black women and elderly white women. It's about targeting the easiest marks.
Do most people buy the propaganda.
No, most Americans do not.

But most Americans are very kind, so they watch such commercials and smile to themselves or quietly chuckle.

The companies that present such commercials hope to achieve at least two goals: (1) To show what a nice and happy multicultural country this can be in the future and (2) to let people of color know that they are welcome at that company.

For example, the cutest commercial currently being shown here in my area is one presented by a certain chain restaurant. We see a young African American gentleman seated at a table with a young Caucasian lady on one side and a young Asian lady on the other side. They then engage in playful banter about what kind of food they have ordered. It is very sweet.
Currently, mixed race marriages account for 15.1% of all marriages in the US. These inaccurate ads and shows that are depicting these numbers are nothing more than attempts at social engineering.

Yes......social engineering via propaganda....people do not speak up for fear of being labeled racist.
This question puzzled me so i tried to find out why so many ads feature black men with white women and blacks heavily populating the TV ad programs?
What do you think broadcasters are up to? Blacks amount to about 12 percent of the population not about 80 percent of it.

Profile photo for Ana Decompreso

Ana Decompreso
It’s amazing to see how inaccurately those ads depict the “average Black Family” living in a beautiful immaculate home located in a suburban safe neighborhood. It’s an insult to Black Americans. Do most Black people live like that? Also, many of the families depicted are multiracial too. Is that real? In the the US, the population of Black Americans is 12%, yet that percentage is much higher in commercials, and now in the media too. It’s great to see the opportunities are opening up, but is the marketing realistic? Something about that exposure and having it forced upon an audience seems unreal. Do most people buy the propaganda. Is it unifying us?

There's a growing black middle class..so that's another market. It's not a plot against you.
Yes......social engineering via propaganda....people do not speak up for fear of being labeled racist.
"Speak up" about what? How are you being harmed by fictional families on TV commercials? Find something more important to worry about.
Oh my god!

Blacks and white together! Possibly marrying!

Now we understand why you left the Democratic Party

They weren’t racist enough for you
The real test will come if and when things economically for any reason break down. We will see where we are really at then.

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