Why Did The Trumps Create 500 Shell Companies?

Comer says that.

What part of "they are often employed by criminals" didn't you understand? What do these companies do? What "business" did the Biden's conduct?
Which Biden?

Do you know how many shell companies previous presidents had?
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.
That sounds highly illegal and you should for sure investigate it, but could you not make up lies and bend the law this time? Thanks in advance.
None, dumbass. Most of them were no businessmen.
"President Donald Trump's latest financial disclosure includes details on the 500 or so limited liability companies (LLCs) he owns, and their revenue. But what exactly is an LLC, and does disclosing these numbers provide more — or less — information about Trump's businesses?"

It’s cute that you and your fluffer Clipper don’t realize that Fat Alvin’s case is on indefinite hiatus. You uninformed retards. Indictments mean jack and shit. And how you can’t tell the difference between a business account and a personal account. You poor grade school dropouts.
Link please.
Poor little reported shitstain homo. Fat Alvin’s case is on permanent hiatus. Because he’s getting his ass kicked. 0-for so far in his desperate rantings.
It is amazing just how much misinformation and lies you carry in your head.

Trump's New York City trial begins next March 25.

You really should stop living in the massive bubble of ignorance your propagandists keep you in.
Thus it is by definition on hiatus (likely permanently). You really need to keep showing how ignorant and gullible you are rube. Laughing at you makes for good exercise. Have somebody literate read you a definition retard.
Keep wishing, tard. Keep wishing it will all magically go away.

Defendant Donald has failed in every single attempt to make it go away. Just like Covid, Trump's magical mind has failed to make any of it go away.

Sucks to be you!
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.

President Trump doesn't have "shell companies" at all.

He has scores of different business ventures, real estate deals, universities, etc., that he's been involved in. Its not a secret, they aren't phony companies.

The reason why he sets things up like this is for liability and tax purposes. His expert accountants have determined this is the best way to proceed.
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.
Should have created a Trump Foundation to pretend they were helping people or have Trump write a book and/or do paintings and launder money in a way that is acceptable to you people.
Should have created a Trump Foundation to pretend they were helping people or have Trump write a book and/or do paintings and launder money in a way that is acceptable to you people.
Actually, there is a Trump Foundation. Trump stole $2 million from it.

Did he go to jail for it?

Nope! He just had to pay it back.

If you robbed a charity of $2 million, would you just have to pay the money back?

Trump also stole money from the Trump Organization:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

What a classy guy, eh? I can see why you love him so much.
Actually, there is a Trump Foundation. Trump stole $2 million from it.

Did he go to jail for it?

Nope! He just had to pay it back.

If you robbed a charity of $2 million, would you just have to pay the money back?

Trump also stole money from the Trump Organization:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

What a classy guy, eh? I can see why you love him so much.
He put the $2 million in it, so it's hardly what anyone would call "stealing."
He put the $2 million in it, so it's hardly what anyone would call "stealing."

Trump stopped donating to the Foundation in 2008. It was funded by donors.

In a lawsuit filed by one of the donors, Trump and his kids were found to be perpetrating a "shocking pattern of illegality" and the Foundation was dissolved by the courts.

And not one of them went to jail.

You really should not lie any more, kid. You keep getting caught.

Trump stopped donating to the Foundation in 2008. It was funded by donors.

In a lawsuit filed by one of the donors, Trump and his kids were found to be perpetrating a "shocking pattern of illegality" and the Foundation was dissolved by the courts.

And not one of them went to jail.

You really should not lie any more, kid. You keep getting caught.
You have evidence to support this claim, I suppose?
You have evidence to support this claim, I suppose?
It was in all the papers, kid. Except your MAGA media which keeps you tards always in the dark.

And how dare you ask for proof after making up a total lie?

You keep shooting yourself in the face and destroying all remnants of your integrity.

If you said the sky is blue, I'd have to go outside to check.
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.
Where do you get the number “500” from?

How do you define a “shell” company?
I want the buymes to show me how to set up a dummy corporation so I can get paid by china too!!!!!!!

There you go. None of this is hidden or confusing. The process is well known and legal.
Where do you get the number “500” from?

How do you define a “shell” company?

Trump’s most recent financial disclosure form shows him holding a stake in more than 500 businesses, with many of those businesses holding stakes in one another in a bewildering tangled mess.

I use the term "shell company" in the same way BDS sufferers refer to Biden's shell companies.

"Shell company" is a term used to make an LLC sound nefarious.


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