Why did Tim Kaine lie about Clinton/Obama eliminating the Iranian nuclear program?


May 15, 2016
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .
Democrats understand they can rewrite history books later.

I am a registered democrat ....... I, today, being of sound mind and body (except my knees hurt----matthew is coming at us)
DECLARE that I, hereby, repudiate Hillary and her idiot buddy
tim. He used to seem a lot more intelligent
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .

Because they know that their contingent of low IQ followers will nod in agreement like brainwashed followers of a cult as they listen to their "leader".
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .

He lied because he is a pathological liar, like his goddess.
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .


To many democrats, the end justifies the means.

If that means lieing to retain power, they have no problem with that because it meshes with what they see as reality.

Once the conservatives start to understand this, they will ultimately control the government.
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .

I am a registered democrat----and OBJECT to your characterization-------while I do repudiate crook Hillary---
and her friends------I DO NOT believe that DEMOCRATS
as a class of human beans------are any less ethical than


To many democrats, the end justifies the means.

If that means lieing to retain power, they have no problem with that because it meshes with what they see as reality.

Once the conservatives start to understand this, they will ultimately control the government.
Democrats understand they can rewrite history books later.

I am a registered democrat ....... I, today, being of sound mind and body (except my knees hurt----matthew is coming at us)
DECLARE that I, hereby, repudiate Hillary and her idiot buddy
tim. He used to seem a lot more intelligent

He only started hanging around Hillary a little while ago. Maybe he WAS smarter. Take care of your knees and may Matthew swing out to sea more.
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .


To many democrats, the end justifies the means.

If that means lieing to retain power, they have no problem with that because it meshes with what they see as reality.

Once the conservatives start to understand this, they will ultimately control the government.

It would be great if American citizens controlled the government and not a political party.
Democrats understand they can rewrite history books later.

I am a registered democrat ....... I, today, being of sound mind and body (except my knees hurt----matthew is coming at us)
DECLARE that I, hereby, repudiate Hillary and her idiot buddy
tim. He used to seem a lot more intelligent

He only started hanging around Hillary a little while ago. Maybe he WAS smarter. Take care of your knees and may Matthew swing out to sea more.

early on in life-----I knew that I preferred boys to girls (sorry---everyone----but I am hardwired like that) It seems very odd to me to NAME tempermental nasty storms with BOYs' names.
Does my preference and bias indicate that I am a HOMOPHOBE? I would prefer to refer to MATTHEW ----
early on in life-----I knew that I preferred boys to girls (sorry---everyone----but I am hardwired like that) It seems very odd to me to NAME tempermental nasty storms with BOYs' names.
Does my preference and bias indicate that I am a HOMOPHOBE? I would prefer to refer to MATTHEW ----

Probably all be gender neutral by 2018.
early on in life-----I knew that I preferred boys to girls (sorry---everyone----but I am hardwired like that) It seems very odd to me to NAME tempermental nasty storms with BOYs' names.
Does my preference and bias indicate that I am a HOMOPHOBE? I would prefer to refer to MATTHEW ----

Probably all be gender neutral by 2018.

oh----all names? like sally will not be exclusive to girls or we will have to use GENDER NON-SPECIFIC names----like
ROBIN-----or........ SUNNY or ?BUTCH for all kids?

To many democrats, the end justifies the means.

If that means lieing to retain power, they have no problem with that because it meshes with what they see as reality.

Once the conservatives start to understand this, they will ultimately control the government.

Well said and so true.
oh----all names? like sally will not be exclusive to girls or we will have to use GENDER NON-SPECIFIC names----like
ROBIN-----or........ SUNNY or ?BUTCH for all kids?

Andy, Bailey, Chris, Drew, Easton, Frances, Gray, Harper...
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .

#lyingtimkaine was a disaster for the party last night. A spoiled brat who spewed talking points straight out of MSNBC or DailyKOS, threw fits, and lied continuously.

I watched Mike Pence and was impressed, I really wish he had top billing on the ticket. But good God was Kaine a disaster.

It's a bummer that the VP debates don't have more impact on elections.
Even liberal ABC called him out on his lie. Do democrats really believe everyone is stupid? What was the point of such a blatant lie?

The facts are Clinton and Obama chose to fund the Iranian Military and have vowed to protect their nuclear program. They gave them billions to fund the Iranian programs even though the Supreme Court ruled all frozen money was to go to the victims of Iranian terrorism .
Why say something that all lies? No one GAVE them billions. Lies. The Iranian nuclear program is kaput.

I notice no links. Obviously for a reason.

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