Why did Trump chicken out of the Sanders debate?

He is scared. This is indisputable. There are no socialists in the US right you arrogant folk? I am a SWEDISH american.
The stereotype for Swedish-Americans is that they are big, blonde and dumb. Does that describe you?
Trump won’t ‘debate’ Sanders for the same reason as Clinton: there’d be no point.

Why would Trump or Clinton want to ‘debate’ someone who isn’t, and won’t be, the democratic nominee.
Raising the possibility of a debate was sufficient to become the shiny object du jour for the liberal media and keep chanting Trump's name. Y'see, liberal attention span is shot once they've heard the name and anything that follows is of no intrerest.
Donald Trump backs down from Bernie Sanders debate challenge


Edit: Already a thread on this. Sorry

From a strictly political analysis, he did the right thing.

Look, here is the situation his big mouth set up for himself:

He said he wanted to debate the Democratic 2nd place finisher. This means that the moderator would be asking him completely uncomfortable questions and forcing him to take a stand on an issue (not that it matters to Drumpf). Meanwhile, his opponent in the fall is not on the stage and able to formulate an answer to any of those questions she may get asked on the trail later on.

If I were HRC, I would have put up the money myself to have him make this dumb move.

He showed his weakness by chickening out. That may hurt him with some of his softer supporters.

You see the enthusiasm draining from him as he continues to pull this sort of political BS.
Trump threw down a challenge.

Sanders said, "Challenge accepted!"

Trump pussied out.

Just like all bullies, Trump is a coward. He bluffs and then runs away when his bluff is called. This is a part of himself he has just revealed to the whole world, including our enemies.
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Get a life lefties. Trump plays y'all like a freaking violin.
If making vainglorious agreements then running away from them as fast as he can when his conditions are met is playing lefties like a violin I can't wait till he's President. What a hoot that will be.

'I was only joking, guys.'

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