Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?

Not Top Secret SCI stuff and not nuclear secrets

NO they did not

Yes, they did.

Stop lying. I know it's hard for you but just stop.
The bottom line is that if a president takes it, it is declassified no matter how its marked. The POTUS is the final arbiter of all classification.
It's good thing for Trump you're not defending him.

The idea that the president could, in his head, declassify information makes no sense. The whole point of classification is that government officials know to limit access to certain documents. And although it shouldn’t even need to be stated, Trump has as much power to declassify documents now that he is out of office as he does to declare Mar-a-Lago a separate country.

To convince a jury that he declassified a document is going to require some documentation that it happened. Otherwise, it is going to be very hard proving that as a private citizen he has the right to possess and access top secret documents even thou his name is Trump.
I see you are still stuck on the Putin/Trump collusion theory.

Hillary financed that conspiracy theory as she wanted to use it as an excuse for why she lost to Trump. In the end she go a light slap on the wrist for obscuring that funding.

FEC fines Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic Party, clears "Steele dossier" author of wrongdoing

But someone is trying to keep that worn out conspiracy theory alive by kicking the dead horse. Once again I am not surprised at who that is.

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Is Hillary Clinton responsible for Trump inviting Russia to work on our cybersecurity? Did Hillary Clinton invite Putin to have secret backroom meetings with Trump? Did Hillary make Trump share highly classified intelligence with two Russisan officials from the Kremlin? Did Hillary somehow tell Donald Trump to praise Putin's invasion of Ukraine, while calling NATO allies dumb? There may not be actual evidence that Trump colluded with Russia but I'll be damned if he isn't an enormous fan of dictators, like Putin and Kim Jung Un, who he says he fell in love with. This is the type of person we are dealing with. If Trump were to hand over classified secrets to Russia AGAIN, would it shock anyone?
The scif said security is poor to non existent.
A SCIF does not evaluate itself,, Secure classified information facility. The FBI had no clearance to invade that space. Did every FBI agent have a SAP clearance? of course not, they broke the classified data protection laws. There was an on-site security officer, if the facility was not up to code then its his or her fault, not Trump's.
So the Right has been the champion of equal rights for women, gays, blacks, and the homeless and the poor. I don't think so. The Right serves the middle white majority voters. If they had their way they would turn the clock back to 1950.
It is the left who have been rounding up those on the right for political purposes, having kangaroo investigations regarding them, and jailing them. It is the left who are trying to suppress the votes of everyone who would vote for Trump by trying to take Trump out of the picture because they are terrified voters may actually re-elect Trump. So, on with the vote suppression. It is the left who forced everyone to have papers in order to enter establishments and fired them from their jobs if they didn't have their papers. All of these are Gestapo tactics.
7 million people is insignificant? :cuckoo:
except that is not the real vote count, that is the count created by the fraudulent Dominion vote counting machines. Those same machines would have given Hillary the win but they were not programmed in 2016 to flip enough votes. They fixed that in 2020 and as a result be have $5 gas and 10% inflation. Are you happy with that? The actual vote count was more like 74M Trump, 63 M Biden. But the coup was successful, the USA government was taken over in November 2020.
A SCIF does not evaluate itself,, Secure classified information facility. The FBI had no clearance to invade that space. Did every FBI agent have a SAP clearance? of course not, they broke the classified data protection laws. There was an on-site security officer, if the facility was not up to code then its his or her fault, not Trump's.
The SCIF at Mar A Lago ceased to exist the minute the fat fuck left office
Obama was very concerned with his legacy and wanted to make sure all presidential records were achieved so he had NARA in the White House for two weeks to make sure that all presidential records were delivered to the archive. Obama's personal records were stored in small office in the East Wing so there were essential no personal documents to move out of the west wing.

Obama's view of presidential records was much different than Trump. Obama wanted his presidential library to be entirely online. With all records digitized and cross reference and available to the American people as well as historians. Trump on other hand, didn't seem to have much interest in a presidential library. He later said, he was thinking of building a Trump museum in Florida which would cover his entire life achievements both in business and the presidency. In short, Obama saw the presidential records as essential historical records. Trump saw presidential records as business records that he would handle as he saw fit.
your indoctrination in left wing bullshit is complete, nothing in your post is true.
A SCIF does not evaluate itself,, Secure classified information facility. The FBI had no clearance to invade that space. Did every FBI agent have a SAP clearance? of course not, they broke the classified data protection laws. There was an on-site security officer, if the facility was not up to code then its his or her fault, not Trump's.
Trump does not have a security clearance. His entire defense rests on his claim that every classified document is actually declassified.
Trump does not have a security clearance. His entire defense rests on his claim that every classified document is actually declassified.
your ignorance is on display once again. All presidents have security clearances for life. They have classified data stored in their brains, it does not have to be physical paper to be classified.
Trump does not have a security clearance. His entire defense rests on his claim that every classified document is actually declassified.
Hmmm, does that apply to the classified documents held by Obama and Clinton and Bush, and Carter?

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