Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?

With Trump's history he probably wouldn't be granted a top secret security clearance. Lucky for him he didn't need a security clearance as long as he was president. However, the day he leaves office and has classified documents in his possession, he is violating the law.
Then why has he not been indicted yet? I mean if you're so sure, then it would seem that he should have been arrested the moment they found the documents no?
With Trump's history he probably wouldn't be granted a top secret security clearance. Lucky for him he didn't need a security clearance as long as he was president. However, the day he leaves office and has classified documents in his possession, he is violating the law.
Not if he declassfied them. Which he did. It's not his fault that Archives fell behind on the paperwork.
None of that changes the fact that Obama and Hillary violated the law as well but, they walked away and were not subjected to the same prosecution as Trump. What happened to equal justice you guys are always screaming about?
A. They did not. No one with a brain ever said Obama did and Hilary violated rules but not laws. All but of few of the emails were classified after the fact.

B. Trump had top Secret SCI info in his house unsecured. LABELED as that...and was resisting its return

There is no equivalency here
Great, narrative...

Now here is the law, it is illegal... Number of laws were broken...
It is illegal for him to have classified documents after leavening the presidency unless he has been been authorized.
Also the NARA does store presidential documents that are classified. They are stored a the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, to facilitate their review for declassification.
Then why has he not been indicted yet? I mean if you're so sure, then it would seem that he should have been arrested the moment they found the documents no?
Convincing someone on USMB that a crime was committed is far different than convincing a jury. Anther reason is they are still investigating him to determine things like willingness, intent, and who else was involved and whether he passed on any classified information to others. Then there is the documents he destroyed. Were they evidence of a crime? During the investigation they may discovery other violations. And of course, they will investigate possible defenses. More investigating is needed so that the defendant is charged with all the statues he violated and there is sufficient evidence to present to a jury for each violation. All this takes time particular when the president will do everything he can to legally imped the investigation.

I read somewhere today that it is unlikely that a case will go to a grand jury till next year and people in DOJ indicated that a decision to prosecute has not been made and may not for sometime. It seems very doubtful that Garland will charge Trump with misdemeanors. If Garland asks the grand jury for an inditement, it will be for felonies. I don't expect that they will charge him unless they find more. If they do and he is convicted, he have to run for president so he can pardon himself.
That is your OPINION., nothing more. Over 70 million think differently.
Still doesn’t make me wrong.

Nixon’s abuse of power was contrary to our national values. Lots of people voted for him. Those losers also blamed Dems for “persecuting” him too.
Still doesn’t make me wrong.

Nixon’s abuse of power was contrary to our national values. Lots of people voted for him. Those losers also blamed Dems for “persecuting” him too.

No they didn't. Nixon clearly broke the law. I voted for him too.
It could have been kept quiet, but Trump announced it. He's playing trauma victim.

If fact, Garland indicated that it was unusual for the DOJ to call a press conference to make an announcement about an investigation but Trump hitting the media with his poor me rhetoric, I've been invade by the big bag FBI created a huge demand for information.

Trump of course was willing to milk this for all it's worth. The FBI is now warning of a possible dirty bomb, death threats, and calls for civil war.

I think Trump's dream is to return to Washington on a Tank holding an America flag with the Capital and the White House in flames in the background so there will be no need for an election.
We all are and the types of documents and the status of their classification, but, I doubt we get much information since it is sensitive material.
I think he believes he has every right to do this. So when has “no” mattered? He was probably going to use them for vengeance, political gain, or financial leverage.
Maybe based on how he has been treated by the 'government', he doesn't have any faith in the NARA.

Ah, yes, all the other politicians get treated like esteemed guests, where as poor old Trump, got treated like..... a politician.

This absolute nonsense boohooing is ridiculous. Politics is a jungle, you live and die by what you do and what you say. There are always people out there to get you, no matter who you are.

The simple fact is that Trump took documents.

Another simple fact is that his supporters claimed it was a witch hunt, even though the FBI went in with a warrant that said it suspected Trump had documents, and they went in and found DOCUMENTS.

Not only that, they found documents that "also included files marked "TS/SCI", a designation for the country's most important secrets that if revealed publicly could cause "exceptionally grave" damage to US national security."

Trump had claimed that he has total power to declassify any document. The reality is Trump DOESN'T KNOW the laws. He doesn't take the time to understand the laws. He thought as president he was in charge of the US government. He wasn't. He was only in charge of the executive.

Does the law allow Trump to take "TS/SCI" designated documents? Is Mar a Lago the best place to keep documents the US thinks would cause problems if found.

Trump then went and said something like 'if they'd have asked me, I'd have given them back', but they did ask him, and he didn't give them back.

The other simple fact is, if this had been Obama, you'd be calling for him to locked up. We know this, because "lock her up" was a little catch phrase for Hillary over those emails. Boohoo, Trump has been subjected to such bad treatment, as if what Trump supporters did to Hillary was somehow better.
I think he believes he has every right to do this. So when has “no” mattered? He was probably going to use them for vengeance, political gain, or financial leverage.

That's his way. All these phone conversations you hear of Trump, he's acting like a businessman, trying to get his own way by bullying people, giving them sweet words, trying to misrepresent the situation etc.
He's doing it again. He gets into trouble doing this, and then tries to get out of this trouble by doing it again and again.

My gosh, what do you retards use for brains!
According the Presidential Records Act they are not. They belong to the American People.

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