Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?

Orange Man Bad!!! Wah Wah Wah!!! ^^^^^^

Imagine if we continue to do nothing.......
And these people get absolute power....to do anything they want to.

(what we see today could be childs play compared to what might come)
Imagine if we continue to do nothing.......
And these people get absolute power....to do anything they want to.

(what we see today could be childs play compared to what might come)
What are you planning on doing? More stern posts in caps and bold print?
Not a single Trump Humper has even TRIED to respond to that in any cogent way
I think it is for the same reason he does so many thing. He thinks he can get away with it so he does it. While most people are appalled by this behavior, his supports see it as an admirable. When there is a problem, he dumps it on his lawyers and expects them to handle it. However, this time, it may be too much for his legal team because he is pretty clearly in violation of a number of laws by illegally possession of government property, obstruction of justice, illegal possession of classified documents and possible passing on classified information to others.
Imagine if we continue to do nothing.......
And these people get absolute power....to do anything they want to.

(what we see today could be childs play compared to what might come)
I think it is for the same reason he does so many thing. He thinks he can get away with it so he does it. While most people are appalled by this behavior, his supports see it as an admirable. When there is a problem, he dumps it on his lawyers and expects them to handle it. However, this time, it may be too much for his legal team because he is pretty clearly in violation of a number of laws by illegally possession of government property, obstruction of justice, illegal possession of classified documents and possible passing on classified information to others.
So, why did Obama and Hillary get away with it?
Trump took the documents because he thought they might be valuable to Vladimir, the guy who owns him.
And if not to Vlad.....then to someone else.

I think it was such a blow for him; losing the election and access to the kind of power he had been used to for 4 years, that these Classified and Top Secret documents represented a kind of "security" for him.
It was his way of taking his "presidency" with him to Florida.

But then again he very well could have been spying for his pimp, Vlad instead.
It worked out very well for Putin to have a mole (that Putin basically owned) in The Oval Office.
That, of course is why Putin wanted Donnie (and helped him) to win the 2016 election.

And look at what a success Trump's presidency has been for Moscow!
Trump accomplished nearly every one of Vladimir's goals.

* He weakened The U.S.'s involvement in democratic institutions around the globe.

*He sowed ill-will and mistrust among our democratic allies and weakened our alliances with them.

*Here at home he has encouraged a racist, populist revolt against the U.S. Governnent and government institutions.

*He has sown and fomented distrust for the free and independent American press, previously a cornerstone of our very democracy.

*He has also sown and perpetuated mistrust in the integrity of our electoral process; another cornerstone of our democracy.

The only problem is that Vlad had counted on Donnie stealing the 2020 election and remaining in power four more years so he and Vlad could finally finish America off and complete the transformation of making The U.S. more like Russia.

Seems that plan fell through though.
Suddenly Donnie had outlived his usefulness to Vladimir!
That is a dangerous place to be.

WHAT, oh WHAT was The Orange Menace gonna do NOW?

How about steal some top secret shit that might be valuable to someone?

Yeah.....let's do that.
You shouldn't speculate based on your hatred like that, you're not very good at it...
Sure seems like it
Oh, is this how you idiots come up with a "fact".... Some dumbass ponders something you agree with, then about a week down the road, you'll be calling it a fact...lol...loser.
The bottom line is that if a president takes it, it is declassified no matter how its marked. The POTUS is the final arbiter of all classification.
That is simply not true. On both counts. You have NO idea how classification/declassification works, do you?
Apparently, according to your link, Trump asked for the documents to be declassified, but they haven't been yet, and there are some documents that various places say need to remain classified. Did you even read your link? From your link.......

It’s unclear which documents Trump has ordered declassified less than 24 hours before he leaves office. He cited the decision as based on the results of a Dec. 30 review he asked the Justice Department to perform. The department presented him with a “binder of materials” that remain classified, he said in a memorandum issued on Tuesday. Trump said he then asked for the documents to be declassified to “the maximum extent possible.”

The FBI responded that it believed that all of the materials should remain classified, but that some were particularly crucial and should at least be redacted.

“I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission,” Trump said in his memo. “I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder. This is my final determination under the declassification review and I have directed the Attorney General to implement the redactions proposed in the FBI’s January 17 submission and return to the White House an appropriately redacted copy.”
Trump seems make different claims every day. On Twitter, he said all documents that he takes from the white house are to be automatically declassified.
He didn't hand them over when he was subpoenaed because he was waiting for the right moment to hand them over to Putin first.
I see you are still stuck on the Putin/Trump collusion theory.

Hillary financed that conspiracy theory as she wanted to use it as an excuse for why she lost to Trump. In the end she go a light slap on the wrist for obscuring that funding.

FEC fines Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic Party, clears "Steele dossier" author of wrongdoing

But someone is trying to keep that worn out conspiracy theory alive by kicking the dead horse. Once again I am not surprised at who that is.

That is simply not true. On both counts. You have NO idea how classification/declassification works, do you?
It is not really important whether people on USMB believe that Trump declassified documents by saying that nonspecific documents were declassified with no evidence to support the claim but whether a jury will believes it.
I don't think Trump knows about consequences for his actions... Generally he was never told NO enough.

He gets away with most things why would he ben bothered about this..

He trivialises he transgressions and probably thought a few documents, what's the big deal... I am the President.
Trump was president but he never got security clearance. He was the exception to having proper clearance because he was president.
With Trump's history he probably wouldn't be granted a top secret security clearance. Lucky for him he didn't need a security clearance as long as he was president. However, the day he leaves office and has classified documents in his possession, he is violating the law.
It is not really important whether people on USMB believe that Trump declassified documents by saying that nonspecific documents were declassified with no evidence to support the claim but whether a jury will believes it.
What jury?

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