Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?

Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?
Why didn't Trump return the documents to NARA when they asked for them in Feb. 2021?
And if he declassed documents, why didn't he stamp them declassified?
None of this makes any sense.
Having Top Secret Documents and Top Secret - Compartmentalize documents in your home is dangerous. This is the kind of stuff people kill to get.
Lastly, why would Trump destroy some of these documents and leave the pieces of them in boxes to be found?
Trump as ‘president’ made no sense.

Of the countless examples of Trump being unfit to hold any public office and utterly incompetent was his habit of tearing up documents – where staff would desperately tape the documents back together in an effort to comply with presidential document retention laws.
Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?
Why didn't Trump return the documents to NARA when they asked for them in Feb. 2021?
And if he declassed documents, why didn't he stamp them declassified?
None of this makes any sense.
Having Top Secret Documents and Top Secret - Compartmentalize documents in your home is dangerous. This is the kind of stuff people kill to get.
Lastly, why would Trump destroy some of these documents and leave the pieces of them in boxes to be found?
He did his homework. Any other stupid questions?
As for the president's power to declassify materials, here's some background on how it works, according to current and former intelligence officials familiar with the declassification process.

First, a U.S. president does have uniquely sweeping declassification abilities, though there is a process that involves written documentation and several other steps.

It's not the case that a president can declassify documents with just verbal instructions. His instruction to declassify a given document would first be memorialized in a written memo, usually drafted by White House counsel, which he would then sign.

Typically, the leadership of the agency or agencies with equities in the document would be consulted and given an opportunity to provide their views on the declassification decision. As the ultimate declassification authority, however, the president can decide to override any objections they raise.
Once a final decision is made, and the relevant agency receives the president's signed memo, the physical document in question would be marked — the old classification level would be crossed out — and the document would then be stamped, "Declassified on X date" by the agency in question.

Former Trump administration officials have claimed that Trump previously declassified the documents taken with him to Mar-a-Lago, but that the classification markings had not been updated.
Why should Trump have to wait for the bureaucracy to do the paperwork, read and make memos, sift through the stuff, etc.?
No, really I'm interested in why he did this. It doesn't make any sense. With the exception of classified documents, the NARA will give him copies of anything he wants. The NARA digitizes and cross reference documents for his presidential library.
I dunno, the D.C. bureaucracy has been after Trump ever since 2016, the FBI is corrupt and the DOJ is biased. I don't blame him for not trusting NARA or any D.C. agency.
Because the law requires it.
Which law requires him to wait for NARA to place a stamp on all the documents he previously declassified? Who put the NARA stamp of approval on Hillary's missing classified documents that seem to have disappeared? Maybe Trump should have 'bleached' everything and smash all his cell phones like Hillary did. After all, she got away with it.
Which law requires him to wait for NARA to place a stamp on all the documents he previously declassified? Who put the NARA stamp of approval on Hillary's missing classified documents that seem to have disappeared? Maybe Trump should have 'bleached' everything and smash all his cell phones like Hillary did. After all, she got away with it.
The PRA. That law
He does not. Everything was turned over to the archives

Did you bother to check at all?

Do you care that your spewing falsehoods?

Chicagotown. What a corrupt piece of crap.

The irony of your last sentence is comical.

Is Joe Biden losing his mental faculties?
Why did Obama, Clinton, Bush, Carter et. al.?
Obama was very concerned with his legacy and wanted to make sure all presidential records were achieved so he had NARA in the White House for two weeks to make sure that all presidential records were delivered to the archive. Obama's personal records were stored in small office in the East Wing so there were essential no personal documents to move out of the west wing.

Obama's view of presidential records was much different than Trump. Obama wanted his presidential library to be entirely online. With all records digitized and cross reference and available to the American people as well as historians. Trump on other hand, didn't seem to have much interest in a presidential library. He later said, he was thinking of building a Trump museum in Florida which would cover his entire life achievements both in business and the presidency. In short, Obama saw the presidential records as essential historical records. Trump saw presidential records as business records that he would handle as he saw fit.
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