Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?

Presidential Records Act retard. Enacted when Nixon tried to steal "the tapes"
OH!! LOL you mean the act that Hillary ducked?

The PRA was amended in 2014, to include the prohibition of sending electronic records through non-official accounts

Maybe next time try actually typing out the name instead of the alphabet soup?
There is a SCIF at Mara Lago. if you don't know what that is, look it up. There was no violation of classified data laws------------except by the FBI and DOJ
During Trump's presidency, a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) was operational at Mar-a-Lago for communications with the White House Situation Room and Pentagon. The SCIF was removed after he left office. This explains why the documents were improperly stored, in a bedroom and closet.

OH!! LOL you mean the act that Hillary ducked?

The PRA was amended in 2014, to include the prohibition of sending electronic records through non-official accounts

Maybe next time try actually typing out the name instead of the alphabet soup?
None of that changes the fact that Trump was in violation of the law...several laws in fact
As desperate as he is for attention and approval -- standard symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- he probably just kept them to wave them around in front of his friends to impress them.
Lots of people voted for Nixon too. Nixon even won the popular vote. Most voters never wanted Trump.
Trump got the second highest vote total for president in the history of presidential elections so that is a lie. And, he currently leads Biden in a 2024 matchup.
Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?
Because they were presidential documents and he was the president.

Why didn't Trump return the documents to NARA when they asked for them in Feb. 2021?
He did. They came and took them, no problem.

And if he declassed documents, why didn't he stamp them declassified?
Because he doesn't need to. A president can change a document classification no matter what is marked on it.

Having Top Secret Documents and Top Secret - Compartmentalize documents in your home is dangerous.
Who says he did? The lying FBI?

This is the kind of stuff people kill to get.
They got it for free when Hillary was in there! Well not quite-- -- some of them had to "donate" to her Clinton Foundation.
None of that changes the fact that Trump was in violation of the law...several laws in fact
None of that changes the fact that Obama and Hillary violated the law as well but, they walked away and were not subjected to the same prosecution as Trump. What happened to equal justice you guys are always screaming about?
Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?
Why didn't Trump return the documents to NARA when they asked for them in Feb. 2021?
And if he declassed documents, why didn't he stamp them declassified?
None of this makes any sense.
Having Top Secret Documents and Top Secret - Compartmentalize documents in your home is dangerous. This is the kind of stuff people kill to get.
Lastly, why would Trump destroy some of these documents and leave the pieces of them in boxes to be found?
I think those docs were packed up by the GSA, put in boxes and then shipped to Trump when Biden was in office.
As for the president's power to declassify materials, here's some background on how it works, according to current and former intelligence officials familiar with the declassification process.

First, a U.S. president does have uniquely sweeping declassification abilities, though there is a process that involves written documentation and several other steps.

It's not the case that a president can declassify documents with just verbal instructions. His instruction to declassify a given document would first be memorialized in a written memo, usually drafted by White House counsel, which he would then sign.

Typically, the leadership of the agency or agencies with equities in the document would be consulted and given an opportunity to provide their views on the declassification decision. As the ultimate declassification authority, however, the president can decide to override any objections they raise.
Once a final decision is made, and the relevant agency receives the president's signed memo, the physical document in question would be marked — the old classification level would be crossed out — and the document would then be stamped, "Declassified on X date" by the agency in question.

Former Trump administration officials have claimed that Trump previously declassified the documents taken with him to Mar-a-Lago, but that the classification markings had not been updated.
So, the bottom line is he most likely did not declassify anything; too busy playing golf!
So, the bottom line is he most likely did not declassify anything; too busy playing golf!

The bottom line is that if a president takes it, it is declassified no matter how its marked. The POTUS is the final arbiter of all classification.

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