Why did Trump's people only talk to Russia?

If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?

How about you prove they didn't. And when you prove yourself wrong, the rest of us will be waiting on your apology for wasting band width.
If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?

Why are all his connections connected to Russia? Not all the other nations in the world...just Russia.

Check the link in my sig. Apparently, he mfgrs his cheap crap in just about any country EXCEPT the US. Same with Ivanka. Even those tacky caps.
I recall you loons being in a tizzy because Trump had a phone call with Taiwan's president in December.

For Globalists, you sure are parochial.

I'm recalling that this post has nothing to do with the topic.

You're a liar, it has everything to do with the OP. The OP claimed they ONLY talked to Russia, that was also a LIE.
If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?

Why are all his connections connected to Russia? Not all the other nations in the world...just Russia.

Check the link in my sig. Apparently, he mfgrs his cheap crap in just about any country EXCEPT the US. Same with Ivanka. Even those tacky caps.

Another regressive liar, all campaign material including the caps were made in the US. There were some foreign made knock offs. You idiots just can't help yourself can ya, lie when the truth would serve you better. Even the left wing Snopes rates your claim as false.

FALSE: Donald Trump Hats Are Manufactured in China
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Czech Repulic

The foreign leaders who are rooting for Trump

India Trump had a huge Hindu following in America

That's just some for now.

So what? How many Trump surrogates were in regular contact with those countries - during the campaign? How many of those countries hacked and publicized private DNC data to influence an American election?
How did they influence the election? By exposing Hillary's foibles? By making her campaign more transparent? Allowing people to see her as she truly is? The truth set her free to go back to New York!
How did they influence the election? By exposing Hillary's foibles? By making her campaign more transparent? Allowing people to see her as she truly is? The truth set her free to go back to New York!

Why didn't Putin, Assange, and Comey also expose RNC private data?
If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?
Blah blah blah are you trying to say something?
Why didn't the DNC cooperate with the Justice Dept. and try to uncover Russian hacking?

They did.
No they did not Apple - they circumvented and evaded till they were forced into a corner. What alternate level of reality do you come from ? Is there a parallel universe where black is white, ,right is left and 2+2=3, or did you simply smoke some really good shit and never came back down ?
How did they influence the election? By exposing Hillary's foibles? By making her campaign more transparent? Allowing people to see her as she truly is? The truth set her free to go back to New York!

Why didn't Putin, Assange, and Comey also expose RNC private data?

Because no one in the RNC was stupid enough to fall for a phishing scam

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