Why did Trump's people only talk to Russia?

When democrats made it all up they decided to demonize Russia.
Yea, Reagan called them an evil empire.
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.
Putin was head of the KGB .. a KGB agent from 1975-1991.
Obama was a gay Chicago Bathouse boy during that era....
If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?

They did speak to many nations=proof of you being feed fake news tainting your understanding of events with false info or it's proof of your own propaganda and agitator tactics which is what lost you the elections.
Not Russia, Not China, Not Mexico, Not The little man living in your basement who helps you pick lottery numbers, it's the insulting the intelligence and needs of the people.
YOU GUYS DON'T GET IT, they cheated and still lost, because they can't buy a clue.

Now according to your logic mirror reflection time;
Why did Obama only talk to rogue terrorist nations like Iran and Syria, but despised Israel?
If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?

How do you know they didn't? Are you tapping into their communications illegally as well?
How did they influence the election? By exposing Hillary's foibles? By making her campaign more transparent? Allowing people to see her as she truly is? The truth set her free to go back to New York!

Why didn't Putin, Assange, and Comey also expose RNC private data?

Expose what? That the RNC wanted Bush or Rubio instead of Trump? We already knew that.
If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?

How do you know they didn't? Are you tapping into their communications illegally as well?
CNN inadvertantly stated and admitted Obama violated privacy laws breaking the law and was spying.
Perhaps attacking Sessions is a strategy to always claim conflicts of interest when they are close to being indicted for these crimes they comitted like in this case taking him out of prosecuting them for the spying on Flynn incident & revealing leaked classified info to the press.
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When democrats made it all up they decided to demonize Russia.
Yea, Reagan called them an evil empire.
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.
Putin was head of the KGB .. a KGB agent from 1975-1991.
Obama was a gay Chicago Bathouse boy during that era....
When democrats made it all up they decided to demonize Russia.
Yea, Reagan called them an evil empire.
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.
Putin was head of the KGB .. a KGB agent from 1975-1991.
Obama was a gay Chicago Bathouse boy during that era....
You really suck at this political stuff.....

Obama & Emanuel - Members Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House!
Yea, Reagan called them an evil empire.
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.
Putin was head of the KGB .. a KGB agent from 1975-1991.
Obama was a gay Chicago Bathouse boy during that era....
You really suck at this political stuff.....

Obama & Emanuel - Members Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House!
You saw them there?
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.
Putin was head of the KGB .. a KGB agent from 1975-1991.
Obama was a gay Chicago Bathouse boy during that era....
You really suck at this political stuff.....

Obama & Emanuel - Members Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House!
You saw them there?
Your BF told me....
It wasn’t just one person. Or two. There’s a growing list of people who had such communications.

President Donald Trump’s administration has now conceded that some of its top officials did indeed have contact with Russia during the campaign. Michael Flynn lost his job as national security adviser over the admission last month, and on Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions had his power diminished when he promised to recuse himself from investigations into Russia’s interference in U.S. elections.

But it’s not just Flynn and Sessions. On Thursday, officials admitted there were three other people who communicated with Russia during the campaign as well.

Two Trump campaign aides, Carter Page and J.D. Gordon, met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in Cleveland during the GOP convention last summer. In December, Trump’s senior aide and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, joined Flynn for a meeting with Kislyak.

More: Trump Administration Repeatedly Denied There Was Any Contact With Russia During Campaign

I'm sure the list will continue to grow - and deepen.

You realize that sessions meeting with Russia in the course of his responsibilities as a senator does not mean the trump campaign had contact during the campaign.

Nor does Flynn talking with the Russian ambassador in the course of preparing for his new appointment after the election qualify.
When democrats made it all up they decided to demonize Russia.
Yea, Reagan called them an evil empire.
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.

Only some of us are. When most of us our, we will be wiped from the land

As President George W. Bush said just yesterday on Ellen, believer or non-believer, both are EVERY BIT AS AMERICAN!

People who don't get that are entirely unfamiliar with their own national history. Go read some history about our founding fathers, their theism or atheism, Jefferson's Bible (with Jesus removed), etc.

You right wing nutjob 'Christians' are every bit as bad as the conservative Muslim zealots, and just like them, it's your intolerant and regressive views that breeds terrorist acts among your craziest followers.
When democrats made it all up they decided to demonize Russia.
Yea, Reagan called them an evil empire.
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.

Only some of us are. When most of us our, we will be wiped from the land

As President George W. Bush said just yesterday on Ellen, believer or non-believer, both are EVERY BIT AS AMERICAN!

People who don't get that are entirely unfamiliar with their own national history. Go read some history about our founding fathers, their theism or atheism, Jefferson's Bible (with Jesus removed), etc.

You right wing nutjob 'Christians' are every bit as bad as the conservative Muslim zealots, and just like them, it's your intolerant and regressive views that breeds terrorist acts among your craziest followers.

You cannot be given so much, turn against that light and not reap what you sow. Choices have consequences.
When democrats made it all up they decided to demonize Russia.
Yea, Reagan called them an evil empire.
Wasn't that over 30 years ago when it was still the SovietUnion?

Ironic isn't it. The Soviets were the Godless and soulless nation. Now we are.

Only some of us are. When most of us our, we will be wiped from the land

As President George W. Bush said just yesterday on Ellen, believer or non-believer, both are EVERY BIT AS AMERICAN!

People who don't get that are entirely unfamiliar with their own national history. Go read some history about our founding fathers, their theism or atheism, Jefferson's Bible (with Jesus removed), etc.

You right wing nutjob 'Christians' are every bit as bad as the conservative Muslim zealots, and just like them, it's your intolerant and regressive views that breeds terrorist acts among your craziest followers.

You cannot be given so much, turn against that light and not reap what you sow. Choices have consequences.
Hey brainless, there are many different lights which appeal to many different people, and some people don't even need a fucking light to deal with life.

Clue in to you: Christianity is not THE only religion, it's not even the oldest religion and given its history of hate/intolerance/slaughter, it's far from the best religion, either!
If they supposedly didn't talk about the campaign - why didn't they also talk to China and other countries like Germany, France, U.K.? Why only Russia?

What makes you think they didn't?
You can't honestly believe you're privy to all information, you only know what someone tells you. Why would anyone tell you that someone within the Trump admin spoke to France? Would that have story value?

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