Why Did You Leave Christianity Behind?

Satan only exists in the mind.


I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears talking serpents claiming that people wouldn't die if they set aside divine law and worshipped a human being as if he was a god, but instead would become like God and live forever.

Satan is alive and well and in full view of everyone brazenly defiling and contaminating the minds of the gullible, with impunity and without compunction, in record numbers.

Actual reality reality is by far more bizarre than any fairy tale ever imagined.
If any person asked me to worship them as if they were a God, they would get laughed out of the room...

Great, but what if they asked you to worship some first century foul mouthed sacrilegious Jewish peasant who like to stick it to the man?

What if they promised you that if you would just surrender and get down on your knees you would have heavenly riches and rule over the damned?
The same. I have no Hebrew lineage. Why would I dishonor my ancestors by pretending to share a bond with a Hebrew.


What if he also shared no hebrew lineage but was orange in color and had small hands?
Again. The same. I find only a fool would worship a man as a God. Regardless of his skin color. I'm not sure what hands have to do with it for you, but for me they're of no consequence...

I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears talking serpents claiming that people wouldn't die if they set aside divine law and worshipped a human being as if he was a god, but instead would become like God and live forever.

Satan is alive and well and in full view of everyone brazenly defiling and contaminating the minds of the gullible, with impunity and without compunction, in record numbers.

Actual reality reality is by far more bizarre than any fairy tale ever imagined.
If any person asked me to worship them as if they were a God, they would get laughed out of the room...

Great, but what if they asked you to worship some first century foul mouthed sacrilegious Jewish peasant who like to stick it to the man?

What if they promised you that if you would just surrender and get down on your knees you would have heavenly riches and rule over the damned?
The same. I have no Hebrew lineage. Why would I dishonor my ancestors by pretending to share a bond with a Hebrew.


What if he also shared no hebrew lineage but was orange in color and had small hands?
Again. The same. I find only a fool would worship a man as a God. Regardless of his skin color. I'm not sure what hands have to do with it for you, but for me they're of no consequence...

have you ever done something blatantly wrong, even against your own conscience and knowledge of right and wrong and good and evil, simply because someone else told you to and then you justified it by saying, "sorry, but its my job."?
If any person asked me to worship them as if they were a God, they would get laughed out of the room...

Great, but what if they asked you to worship some first century foul mouthed sacrilegious Jewish peasant who like to stick it to the man?

What if they promised you that if you would just surrender and get down on your knees you would have heavenly riches and rule over the damned?
The same. I have no Hebrew lineage. Why would I dishonor my ancestors by pretending to share a bond with a Hebrew.


What if he also shared no hebrew lineage but was orange in color and had small hands?
Again. The same. I find only a fool would worship a man as a God. Regardless of his skin color. I'm not sure what hands have to do with it for you, but for me they're of no consequence...

have you ever done something blatantly wrong, even against your own conscience and knowledge of right and wrong and good and evil, simply because someone else told you to and then you justified it by saying, "sorry, but its my job."?
I'll also say I sometimes meet people who are 'church people'. They're often the rudest and nastiest people I encounter.
but then i see bulkshit like this...

I take it you don't like something I said.
One thing you should ask yourself. What is a Christian? I have no idea what a church person is. One of Christs disciples asked Him how people would know they were Christians. Jesus said they would know you by your love. He that does not have love does not have the Father. It's that simple. Anyone can claim to be a Christian. Doesn't mean anything. Their actions are what's important. Wouldn't you agree?
"Church person" is a derisive term for Christian. More hate.
You're probably correct. The older I get, the more hate I see around me. I honestly believe that Satan has been given free reign on this Earth. You only have to watch the news to see this. The Middle East is in flames. Terrorists are popping up everywhere. Homosexuals are getting too big for their rainbow colored britches. Every perversion imaginable is on the internet. I could go on and on. The Bible tells us what things were like in the time of Noah, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah. America is looking a lot like that. It is the spitting image of a people God destroyed for immorality. Call me crazy, but I don't think we have much time left. God will surely judge us before too long.
Great, but what if they asked you to worship some first century foul mouthed sacrilegious Jewish peasant who like to stick it to the man?

What if they promised you that if you would just surrender and get down on your knees you would have heavenly riches and rule over the damned?
The same. I have no Hebrew lineage. Why would I dishonor my ancestors by pretending to share a bond with a Hebrew.


What if he also shared no hebrew lineage but was orange in color and had small hands?
Again. The same. I find only a fool would worship a man as a God. Regardless of his skin color. I'm not sure what hands have to do with it for you, but for me they're of no consequence...

have you ever done something blatantly wrong, even against your own conscience and knowledge of right and wrong and good and evil, simply because someone else told you to and then you justified it by saying, "sorry, but its my job."?

me either. Some people have actually been deceived into believing that God would accept that pathetic alibi mysteriously because Jesus was beaten and crucified 2000 years ago.. Imagine that!

Can you see how some people are deceived and held captive through well known mind control techniques that ancient people would have seen as sorcery and how those who dominate the minds and lives of others through deceptive practices are perfect living examples of what the ancients described in great detail as satan, a talking serpent, the most subtle of all the wild beasts of the field that the Lord God has made, a brazen perpetuator of falsehood, suffering, and evil?
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If you don't believe in god, then you don't believe in satan either. :rolleyes-41:
Specifically the Hebrew God "Jesus Christ". Satan is the Hebrew boogeyman. You can't really disbelieve one without the other.
The greatest thing Satan has ever accomplished was convincing people that he doesn't exist.

No, his greatest accomplishment is convincing people that he is an enlightened holy man by teaching that rational thinking is evil and the devil is invisible while openly engaged in every vile and loathsome behavior know to man in cahoots with every vile and loathsome creature that ever walked the earth...
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Christianity is not about going to Church or about Rituals! It is about gaining a personal relationship with G_d in the form of Yeshua ha-Mashiach or as Christians call him Jesus. Most average Christians don't even know Jesus's Hebrew name. As Matthew says in Chaper 7 verse 21-23

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Christianity is not about going to Church or about Rituals! It is about gaining a personal relationship with G_d in the form of Yeshua ha-Mashiach or as Christians call him Jesus. Most average Christians don't even know Jesus's Hebrew name. As Matthew says in Chaper 7 verse 21-23

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
The will of God is that we gather with other believers to praise Him, and function as part of the Church.
I was around 12 and realized the stories in church were not much different than Santa Claus
Many Americans grew up steeped in Christian culture. Went to church events. Celebrated the holidays. Even took part in the rituals.

Then... Many have an awakening, or change of heart if you will. And ultimately walk away; or reject the Christian religion out right. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are people...

What was yours?
I got tired of wading through ugly troll posts and decided to answer your original post. I've ignored it, laughed at it, tried a couple other beliefs..then went to Christianity.
For me, there is no other way. I have all the "proof" I will ever need.
Many Americans grew up steeped in Christian culture. Went to church events. Celebrated the holidays. Even took part in the rituals.

Then... Many have an awakening, or change of heart if you will. And ultimately walk away; or reject the Christian religion out right. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are people...

What was yours?
I got tired of wading through ugly troll posts and decided to answer your original post. I've ignored it, laughed at it, tried a couple other beliefs..then went to Christianity.
For me, there is no other way. I have all the "proof" I will ever need.
I'm glad to see you responding to the ordinal post. Because that's the question to which I'd like to read the replys for. Unfortunately, as you noticed; the thread was inundated with trolls. Oddly enough most of the trolls were christians who felt offended at the nature of the thread, and the responses from posters who answered honestly. I guess it makes them feel like crusaders. But the thread is really only here to offer a place for former Christians to discuss why they left Christianity behind. Nothing more. Nothing less. Hopefully the trolls won't keep other posters from sharing thier experiences with us.
Many Americans grew up steeped in Christian culture. Went to church events. Celebrated the holidays. Even took part in the rituals.

Then... Many have an awakening, or change of heart if you will. And ultimately walk away; or reject the Christian religion out right. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are people...

What was yours?
I got tired of wading through ugly troll posts and decided to answer your original post. I've ignored it, laughed at it, tried a couple other beliefs..then went to Christianity.
For me, there is no other way. I have all the "proof" I will ever need.

What does this have to do with the question/topic of this thread?
Many Americans grew up steeped in Christian culture. Went to church events. Celebrated the holidays. Even took part in the rituals.

Then... Many have an awakening, or change of heart if you will. And ultimately walk away; or reject the Christian religion out right. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are people...

What was yours?
I got tired of wading through ugly troll posts and decided to answer your original post. I've ignored it, laughed at it, tried a couple other beliefs..then went to Christianity.
For me, there is no other way. I have all the "proof" I will ever need.

What does this have to do with the question/topic of this thread?

Well... it was an experience and it was related to the topic.
Many Americans grew up steeped in Christian culture. Went to church events. Celebrated the holidays. Even took part in the rituals.

Then... Many have an awakening, or change of heart if you will. And ultimately walk away; or reject the Christian religion out right. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are people...

What was yours?
I got tired of wading through ugly troll posts and decided to answer your original post. I've ignored it, laughed at it, tried a couple other beliefs..then went to Christianity.
For me, there is no other way. I have all the "proof" I will ever need.
I'm glad to see you responding to the ordinal post. Because that's the question to which I'd like to read the replys for. Unfortunately, as you noticed; the thread was inundated with trolls. Oddly enough most of the trolls were christians who felt offended at the nature of the thread, and the responses from posters who answered honestly. I guess it makes them feel like crusaders. But the thread is really only here to offer a place for former Christians to discuss why they left Christianity behind. Nothing more. Nothing less. Hopefully the trolls won't keep other posters from sharing thier experiences with us.

Idk, I saw a different set of trolls. Were you trying to offer a "safe space" for former Christians. :laugh:
jk, I really do value all peoples experiences...its just a little bit harder on here.
If you don't believe in god, then you don't believe in satan either. :rolleyes-41:

Buddhism has it's own version of Satan.

Well I don't believe in any gods, so I also don't believe in any satans. Actually, I really consider myself to be agnostic because, of course, nobody can be 100% sure whether there is or is not a god (s). I am highly skeptical of the whole thing though, personally
If you don't believe in god, then you don't believe in satan either. :rolleyes-41:

Its not a matter of belief its a matter of perception and understanding.

Many people who do not believe in satan have had conversations with people who fit the detailed description of the mythological being perfectly and for some mysterious reason cannot make the connection between a teaching in a fairy tale and the actual reality it alludes to even though they have been stalked by, bitten, or disputing with talking serpents in one disguise or another for their entire lives..


What is astonishing is that grown people would believe such things!

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