Why did you vote for Biden?

progress doesn't move in a straight line. history doesn't move in a straight line. it zigs and zags

i voted for Biden because i think it's time for some progress, and Biden will be the most progressive president since FDR, my friends

voted for Biden because i think it's time for some progress, and Biden will be the most progressive president since FDR, my friends

He's been in DC for 47 years....

The only 'progression' he's seen is him going from senator, to vp, to president.

I doubt we see any progression from him, only regression.
I am astounded, I really thought that the Democratic party represented contrarians that would vote for child rapist cannibals or just anything anti main stream. I never thought these people would ever EVER become the mainstream. And then they want to destroy the 2 party system, like fascists DO, you got to ask your self, IS THIS the party you want to belong to? Dictating how many genders there are? Or immigration status? Or what's normal?
I am astounded, I really thought that the Democratic party represented contrarians that would vote for child rapist cannibals or just anything anti main stream. I never thought these people would ever EVER become the mainstream. And then they want to destroy the 2 party system, like fascists DO, you got to ask your self, IS THIS the party you want to belong to? Dictating how many genders there are? Or immigration status? Or what's normal?
"Child rapist cannibals'

And right up to then you seemed so reasonable...

I am astounded, I really thought that the Democratic party represented contrarians that would vote for child rapist cannibals or just anything anti main stream. I never thought these people would ever EVER become the mainstream. And then they want to destroy the 2 party system, like fascists DO, you got to ask your self, IS THIS the party you want to belong to? Dictating how many genders there are? Or immigration status? Or what's normal?
"Child rapist cannibals'

And right up to then you seemed so reasonable...

Yeah, right. all the crap the democrats have done. Lets go there. Unnecessary impeachment. Corvid 19 please, and then the race riots. Hmmm. George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose, not a white racist white cops knee. Nope. Breana Taylor died because she was selling drugs and caught up in the druggie culture. She was wide awake in a trap house selling drugs as the bookie. Please.
Given the fact the Democrats are driving racial animosity and riots.

He's not the blob. Haven't we covered this before? No matter what Biden does, he can't be as terrible a human being as Donald Trump. Trump is the man who, when he came home from the hospital, was greeted by nobody. Nobody. Not his wife, not his kids....nobody.

Can you imagine coming home from the hospital and nobody caring that you survived?
To get rid of Trump.

To get rid of an existential threat to the Republic and the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

To get rid of an arrogant, ignorant, narcissistic, amoral, selfish, mean-spirited, small-minded, optics-blind, lying, dishonorable. irrational, dangerous scumbag.
I am astounded, I really thought that the Democratic party represented contrarians that would vote for child rapist cannibals or just anything anti main stream. I never thought these people would ever EVER become the mainstream. And then they want to destroy the 2 party system, like fascists DO, you got to ask your self, IS THIS the party you want to belong to? Dictating how many genders there are? Or immigration status? Or what's normal?

Apparently the board's mods are okay with you making unfounded charges against public figures calling them "child rapists". How you got to the point in life where you make such accusations is, I'm sure, pretty traumatic.
The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim cannot stand.

Trump's wall with Mexico cannot stand.

Lets here here, democrats support burning down cities and racial unrest. What did Republicans/Trump do? Say things you don't like. Oh, Ok.
Well, they did shoot up a wal-mart, drive over political opponents, mail bombs to people, strip kids from their families for no reason other than deterrence, stood by while Saudis turned the fiancee of an American woman into dog food....
Given the fact the Democrats are driving racial animosity and riots.

He's not the blob. Haven't we covered this before? No matter what Biden does, he can't be as terrible a human being as Donald Trump. Trump is the man who, when he came home from the hospital, was greeted by nobody. Nobody. Not his wife, not his kids....nobody.

Can you imagine coming home from the hospital and nobody caring that you survived?

Can you imagine being such a bitter, partisan douche bag that you'd post something like that? ^^^^^^ How you got to the point in life where you revel in such comments is, I'm sure, pretty traumatic.

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