Why Didn't Hillary Pull Stevens Out of Benghazi When Every Other Country Pulled Their People Out


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Every other country pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the KNOWN Threat Warnings of the pending attack coming on 9/11/12....except the United States.

This point has been made, and proven, and the accusation has been made that 4 Americans needlessly died in Benghazi because of her refusal to pull Stevens out. The reason why she did not follow suit and remove the U.S. Ambassador from harm's way has never been officially answered. So, WHY DID HILLARY LEAVE STEVENS TO DIE UN-NECESSARILY?
I very much dislike Clinton, but for the love of Christ shut the fuck up about Benghazi already.
Did Hillary even KNOW about the Threat Warnings?

If you believe Hillary, she testified under oath that she NEVER KNEW ABOUT THE MORE THAN 600 TIMES STEVENS ASKED FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY PRIOR TO HIS DEATH. If she was oblivious to that then maybe we are to believe that her own agency never let her know about the threat warnings.

After every other nation had pulled their people out Stevens' compound was attacked TWICE by terrorists, probing the compound for weaknesses. The last attack left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall. AFTER these 2 attacks the State Department reportedly TOOK AWAY members of Stevens' Security Team. WHY?! DID HILLARY KNOW ABOUT IT? IF NOT, WHY NOT?

Guy Benson - Bombshell: US Security Teams Removed From Libya Prior to Attack, Over Stevens' Objections
Probe targets why U.S. was 'last flag' in Benghazi

Every other country pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the KNOWN Threat Warnings of the pending attack coming on 9/11/12....except the United States.

This point has been made, and proven, and the accusation has been made that 4 Americans needlessly died in Benghazi because of her refusal to pull Stevens out. The reason why she did not follow suit and remove the U.S. Ambassador from harm's way has never been officially answered. So, WHY DID HILLARY LEAVE STEVENS TO DIE UN-NECESSARILY?

Didn't Stevens insist on going to Benghazi?
I very much dislike Clinton, but for the love of Christ shut the fuck up about Benghazi already.
Sorry, but her failure as Secretary of State, her getting 4 Americans killed, reflect directly on her (IN)ability to serve as President.
Ten years from now, will there still numerous Benghazi threads on USMB? That is the question. :420:
The State Department, her agency, hire an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador.

She left him in Benghazi when every other nation had pulled their people out.

She was completely unaware of over 600 requests for additional security made by the Ambassador.

Members of his security team were taken from him after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, while he was making over 600 requests for additional security.

Her own State Department Staff is on record as describing her as 'often confused' and 'technology challenged'.

To hell with Partisanship...replace the name 'Hillary Clinton' with 'George Bush'...or 'Joe Blow'...in this scenario and they are deemed unfit to ever hold a government office of any type again for such egregious incompetence.

So why are Liberals defending such a record simply because the name associated with the job / performance is Hillary Clinton?

It is criminally shameful.
"These colors don't run!!!"
Is that what Hillary said to the grieving family members before she called them 'liars'?

She gambled with a US Ambassador's life, and lost, while proving she was more stupid than every other nation's reps who had people in Benghazi.

You know damn well that if her ass had been there she would have gotten the F* out and would never been there. if she had been there she would have had 2 marine divisions protecting her ass.
Did Hillary even KNOW about the Threat Warnings?

If you believe Hillary, she testified under oath that she NEVER KNEW ABOUT THE MORE THAN 600 TIMES STEVENS ASKED FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY PRIOR TO HIS DEATH. If she was oblivious to that then maybe we are to believe that her own agency never let her know about the threat warnings.

After every other nation had pulled their people out Stevens' compound was attacked TWICE by terrorists, probing the compound for weaknesses. The last attack left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall. AFTER these 2 attacks the State Department reportedly TOOK AWAY members of Stevens' Security Team. WHY?! DID HILLARY KNOW ABOUT IT? IF NOT, WHY NOT?

Guy Benson - Bombshell: US Security Teams Removed From Libya Prior to Attack, Over Stevens' Objections
This is a commentary from 2012 with questionable sources. How many Congressional Hearings have been held since this allegation was made and not been able to give it the least bit of credibility?
So no answer to why Hillary was the only one to leave her people to die in Benghazi.... thanks for the honesty.
She's never done anything worthwhile, she's never given any indication she's able to perform any duties with any level of competence, the only thing she's ever done her whole life is chase power.
So no answer to why Hillary was the only one to leave her people to die in Benghazi.... thanks for the honesty.
No one at the State Department left the Ambassador in Benghazi. The decision to leave or stay was under his jurisdiction and his decision. People are unwilling to blame him for his own death and the deaths of those tasked with protecting him.
You are addressing issues that have repeatedly been investigated by Republican-controlled Congressional Committees and determined your issues are not credible or accurate. You won't be satisfied until some official proclaims the Ambassador screwed up and made a horrible decision. It won't happan. No one wants to dishonor him for some obsessive Hillary Clinton hatred.
Probe targets why U.S. was 'last flag' in Benghazi

Every other country pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the KNOWN Threat Warnings of the pending attack coming on 9/11/12....except the United States.

This point has been made, and proven, and the accusation has been made that 4 Americans needlessly died in Benghazi because of her refusal to pull Stevens out. The reason why she did not follow suit and remove the U.S. Ambassador from harm's way has never been officially answered. So, WHY DID HILLARY LEAVE STEVENS TO DIE UN-NECESSARILY?

If you still have questions about what happened in Benghazi, you should go back and read the results of all those completed investigations. All your questions have already been answered, and if you are too lazy to read the reports, that's your problem.
So no answer to why Hillary was the only one to leave her people to die in Benghazi.... thanks for the honesty.
No one at the State Department left the Ambassador in Benghazi. The decision to leave or stay was under his jurisdiction and his decision. People are unwilling to blame him for his own death and the deaths of those tasked with protecting him.
So you're actually blaming the dead man?!

The reason people are put in charge is to make decisions, Camp, and she proved she could not do that.

Every other nation pulled their people out, and she deferred the decision to Stevens. I have served with military members who had more b@lls than brains at times, but my job as commander was to make the call to keep my people safe. Hillary failed to do that.

Again, she shirked her responsibility and proved she was more stupid than every other Rep that pulled her people out. She dodged the 'Commander' decision-making moment and left him there to die. Even after 2 terrorist attacks, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in Stevens' compound wall she left him there...AND she took away 14 members of his security team! WTF?!

And you want to blame the dead man?! Remarkable.

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