Why didn't House Democrats follow normal protocol to call impeachment witnesses?

They issued a subpoena to Mulvaney, who refused to comply. Clearly, Executive Privilege could be used as the reason. But Trump's attorneys argue that the subpoena was invalid because the underlying reason for issuing it was the "impeachment inquiry", but the problem with that is Nazi Pelousy never held the required vote to implement an impeachment inquiry.

The reason for refusing to comply doesn't matter. Normal protocol when a subpoena is denied is to take it to the courts to get a ruling.

Why didn't Nazi and her House Clowns follow normal protocol? The withdrew the Muclvaney subpeona and did not go to court. Instead, they rushed a vote and are now over at the Senate begging jurors to conduct an investigation that was their responsibility.

Board Dimwingers refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for not having the witnesses they now claim is crucial to their "overwhelming" case is on the House Clowns. Not Trump. Not the Senate.

Once again, don't argue whether or not the reason for challenging the subpoena is valid. That will get nothing done here. That's is now a question for the courts. Dimwingers refused to go to the courts.

So stop trying to blame Trump and the Senate for the failures of your House Clowns to do their job.
Thank u 4 summarizing Faux and Fiends. So helpful.
You are the typical single digit IQ moron the Dimwingers rely on. I note you have nothing of substance to offer, not one attempt to refute anything in my post.

In short, you show up with your usual........squat.

"single digit IQ moron"

You're giving him too much credit. :D
No, that's your job.

How's the weather over there?
Nothing says "From Russia With Love" more than a Putin Gift Wrapped Dirty Dossier from The Kremlin for Obama and Clinton > Cash On Delivery!

Nothing say "From Russia With Love" more than selling Putin 20% of our Uranium, Giving him 4 of our Aleutian Islands, and Then Begging Him For Help in the 2016 Election.

Nothing says "From Russia With Love" more than Obama Bin Lying giving Russia's Number One Ally, Iran $150 Billion in Obama Bucks to pay PUTIN for Russian Made Obama Bombs and Russian Weapons and help Iran Build Obama Nukes and Missiles to Kill Americans and Israelis Weaponizing our Own Money against us to build Iran's Russian Made Military.

What's that? A hit list of your greatest Russian propaganda mistakes? Nothing says stupid propaganda than your uranium claim. How many tons of ore would Russia need to make up for the 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from the decommissioned nuclear warhead that they sold use under the megatons to megawatts program?

Seriously, mines that produce less that 5% of the annual need in our nuclear reactors and Clinton got how many millions from Puttybear? No wonder you guys are pissed off at her. We got your enriched uranium and you got some dirt mines.
It's Proof that you are a Russian Asset.

Hahaha yeah, we use the old I'm rubber you're glue routine here across the pond too. We just give it up after 3rd grade.

Hey, do you guys still pay hundreds for Levis over there?
Tell me this oh Agent of The Kremlin: Why did Obama give The Clinton Campaign and Podesta Group Blanket Immunity (200 People) and not give a single member of The Trump Campaign Immunity?

Why was he spying on The Trump Campaign, and why did he beg Putin to help him defeat Trump?

Why did Obama tell Comey to sweep Clinton's Crimes under the rug and allow her to destroy all the evidence of criminal acts plotted by Obama and Clinton through that secret illegal server?

I'd like to know, how many people Mueller indicted and put i jail for "crimes" what he was mandated to investigate?

And please, bold and "yuge" fonts are ok to highlight parts of posts, or the point. Using it for whole post is annoying.
Democrats have to prove that Trump asking Zelensky to look into corruption was solely for Trump's own benefit.
In the call the only things he mention to Zelensky by name was the Biden and the DNC Server/Crowdstrike nonsense. Maybe he was speaking some kind of code or something, like Don Corleone, but he never said to investigate corruption generally, but specifically mentioned those two. Furthermore, the specifics of the statements required by Trump had to include references to the Bidens.

So if uncovering corruption that so happened to involve Biden or his son in this case somehow helped Trump, that would still be incidental.

Coincidentally, one of the two items specifically brought up by Trump on the perfect call?

Seems to me, if Biden did nothing wrong there would be no benefit to Trump would there now? And the real benefit of uncovering corruption by Biden IF there was any,... would be to the people who voted for Biden.
Why do you only believe uncovering corruption only benefits Trump?... and here lies the problem for Democrats. They are simply making up motive by Trump as they go along.If you ask me, Trump had no incentive to "DIG UP DIRT" on Biden. Trump has him beat hands down in an election without any help. Democrats also know their platform is so weak that impeachment is the only way they can beat him. Information on Biden is not needed. If we are going to assume motive (WHICH IS WHAT THE DEMS ARE DOING), then i am going to assume Trump's motive in his perhaps clumsy way was only to bring transparency now that there was a new President in Ukraine.

The fact that Democrats wanted to Impeach Trump... people like Nadler... from the very beginning of his Administration reeks of partisanship and corruption to me, and it's just not something I can forget or get away from.
Seems to me, if Biden did nothing wrong there would be no benefit to Trump would there now?

All you dopes believe it based soley on Trump's suggestion. You are all pushing that narrative and have even let Trump off the hook over it.
Biden continues to be smeared by it.

How does that not benefit Trump?

In what way is Biden being "smeared"? Did his son NOT take large sums of money from a Ukrainian company with a history of corruption for a job that he was in no way qualified for? Let's be honest here, Hutch...Joe Biden isn't some political neophyte who wouldn't understand how the game was played! He's been a politician his entire adult life! He can CLAIM that there was no quid pro quo in play but anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that's a crock! Bottom line? Joe Biden should have told his son not to take the money because it's an obvious pay off. He didn't...which means Joe Biden OWNS that!
In what way is Biden being "smeared"?

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

This isn't a smear?

As Joe Biden competes for a win in Iowa, one GOP senator is already talking about impeaching him

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

Ironic coming from a Dimwinger whose party has made unfounded allegations of corruption against Trump for 4 years.
I would view it as "corruption" if Trump had asked the Ukrainian President to make up something bad about Joe Biden that he could then use against him in a political race...you know...like the Democrats actually DID to Trump with the Steele dossiers? Trump didn't do that though...did he? He simply asked the Ukrainian President to investigate what the Biden's had been doing. He also asked the Ukrainian President to look into collusion between the Democrats and Ukrainians in that last Presidential election. Once again...he didn't ask them to make up something...Trump simply asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate. That's where the left's narrative of "corruption" simply falls on it's face! Since when is it corrupt to ask for an investigation into apparent corruption?

Allegations surrounding the Bidens are already "made up". Made up by Trump himself. He was simply trying to make it look more true, official and nefarious by having a foreign govt back his narrative.

Where are the investigations?

It's "made up" that Hunter Biden was being paid large sums of money for a job he had zero qualifications for other than being the son of the man who was in charge of the Ukraine for the US Government? With all due respect, Hutch...you don't have to make that look "nefarious" because it's rather obvious what Burisma was up to.
You're making accusations based on suppisition.
You still have yet to show corruption.

The corruption is obvious. Just because it isn't illegal doesn't make it any less corrupt.

Your allegations are obvious. There actually is no evidence of corruption.

Crackhead Biden was paid millions for a no-show job he wasn't qualified for.
Quid Pro Joe had the prosecutor investigating that company fired by extorting the country with US Tax dollars.

Just because you are such a ginormous hack you won't admit that is evidence of corruption doesn't mean it isn't
What you call "coercion" Boo is what EVERY President does when handing out foreign aid!

Yes they do. However, this is the first time a President tried to coerced a foreign nation into announcing investigations into his domestic political rivals with our foreign aid.

It's corruption. Trumpublicans apparently accept that type of corruption.

That's okay Democrats accept the corruption of lying about getting a blow job so........it's all equal, right?

I would view it as "corruption" if Trump had asked the Ukrainian President to make up something bad about Joe Biden that he could then use against him in a political race...you know...like the Democrats actually DID to Trump with the Steele dossiers? Trump didn't do that though...did he? He simply asked the Ukrainian President to investigate what the Biden's had been doing. He also asked the Ukrainian President to look into collusion between the Democrats and Ukrainians in that last Presidential election. Once again...he didn't ask them to make up something...Trump simply asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate. That's where the left's narrative of "corruption" simply falls on it's face! Since when is it corrupt to ask for an investigation into apparent corruption?

Allegations surrounding the Bidens are already "made up". Made up by Trump himself. He was simply trying to make it look more true, official and nefarious by having a foreign govt back his narrative.

Where are the investigations?

Be specific. What exactly is made up?

The allegations of corruption. I was clear about that.
How many people or sons of Vice Presidents do you know of who made $84,000 bucks per month doing a job they had no knowledge of in a company overseas? What do they have to hide? If they have nothing to hide they will happily testify right? Prove their innocence right?
All you dopes believe it based soley on Trump's suggestion. You are all pushing that narrative and have even let Trump off the hook over it.
Biden continues to be smeared by it.

How does that not benefit Trump?

In what way is Biden being "smeared"? Did his son NOT take large sums of money from a Ukrainian company with a history of corruption for a job that he was in no way qualified for? Let's be honest here, Hutch...Joe Biden isn't some political neophyte who wouldn't understand how the game was played! He's been a politician his entire adult life! He can CLAIM that there was no quid pro quo in play but anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that's a crock! Bottom line? Joe Biden should have told his son not to take the money because it's an obvious pay off. He didn't...which means Joe Biden OWNS that!
In what way is Biden being "smeared"?

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

This isn't a smear?

As Joe Biden competes for a win in Iowa, one GOP senator is already talking about impeaching him

Unfounded? What's unfounded about what the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine? Did they NOT cash in on Joe Biden's position?
Yes unfounded. As in no evidence of corruption.
Present your evidence counselor.
Hunter Biden held a paid board position. That is not evidence of anything nefarious.
Yes unfounded. As in no evidence of corruption.

never investigated, so the book is open. let's go look! don't you want him exonerated?

BTW, plenty was found. no one checked out what was found. he's afraid of what is in that investigation. ewwwwwwww

Where's the investigation?
They issued a subpoena to Mulvaney, who refused to comply. Clearly, Executive Privilege could be used as the reason. But Trump's attorneys argue that the subpoena was invalid because the underlying reason for issuing it was the "impeachment inquiry", but the problem with that is Nazi Pelousy never held the required vote to implement an impeachment inquiry.

The reason for refusing to comply doesn't matter. Normal protocol when a subpoena is denied is to take it to the courts to get a ruling.

Why didn't Nazi and her House Clowns follow normal protocol? The withdrew the Muclvaney subpeona and did not go to court. Instead, they rushed a vote and are now over at the Senate begging jurors to conduct an investigation that was their responsibility.

Board Dimwingers refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for not having the witnesses they now claim is crucial to their "overwhelming" case is on the House Clowns. Not Trump. Not the Senate.

Once again, don't argue whether or not the reason for challenging the subpoena is valid. That will get nothing done here. That's is now a question for the courts. Dimwingers refused to go to the courts.

So stop trying to blame Trump and the Senate for the failures of your House Clowns to do their job.

The impeachment inquiry was an investigation to see if there was evidence to move to formal impeachment.

Why would they open formal impeachment proceedings before knowing the circumstances of the president's actions and whether impeachment was even warranted?

Oversight and supoena authority still exist in the absence of formal impeachment proceedings.

Nobody cares what your opinion in. Normal protocol when there is a dispute between the two branches is to go to court for a ruling.

The House Clowns didn't do that.
the House followed ALL OF THEIR RULES.... you are spreading fake news, lies.
They did? Provide me a link to all the witnesses the Republicans in the House were allowed to call during their required day to call their witnesses...........

Oh wait, Dimwingers violated that House rule and didn't give the Republicans their day to call witnesses.

You lose, loser.
All you dopes believe it based soley on Trump's suggestion. You are all pushing that narrative and have even let Trump off the hook over it.
Biden continues to be smeared by it.

How does that not benefit Trump?

In what way is Biden being "smeared"? Did his son NOT take large sums of money from a Ukrainian company with a history of corruption for a job that he was in no way qualified for? Let's be honest here, Hutch...Joe Biden isn't some political neophyte who wouldn't understand how the game was played! He's been a politician his entire adult life! He can CLAIM that there was no quid pro quo in play but anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that's a crock! Bottom line? Joe Biden should have told his son not to take the money because it's an obvious pay off. He didn't...which means Joe Biden OWNS that!
In what way is Biden being "smeared"?

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

This isn't a smear?

As Joe Biden competes for a win in Iowa, one GOP senator is already talking about impeaching him

Unfounded? What's unfounded about what the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine? Did they NOT cash in on Joe Biden's position?
Yes unfounded. As in no evidence of corruption.
Present your evidence counselor.
Hunter Biden held a paid board position. That is not evidence of anything nefarious.

What's the first rule of investigating corruption, Hutch? Follow the money!!! The paid board position IS the evidence that something "nefarious" was taking place! Drug addict lawyers from one country that have no experience with energy companies whatsoever...don't get paid huge amounts of money to sit on a board of a company in another country! I'm sorry but that doesn't just "happen"!

Paid board positions are not uncommon. Soliciting people to hold board positions who could be influential in accomplishing the organization's goals is what every board does.

There is no evidence of corruption. Only supposition.
Yes they do. However, this is the first time a President tried to coerced a foreign nation into announcing investigations into his domestic political rivals with our foreign aid.

It's corruption. Trumpublicans apparently accept that type of corruption.

That's okay Democrats accept the corruption of lying about getting a blow job so........it's all equal, right?

I would view it as "corruption" if Trump had asked the Ukrainian President to make up something bad about Joe Biden that he could then use against him in a political race...you know...like the Democrats actually DID to Trump with the Steele dossiers? Trump didn't do that though...did he? He simply asked the Ukrainian President to investigate what the Biden's had been doing. He also asked the Ukrainian President to look into collusion between the Democrats and Ukrainians in that last Presidential election. Once again...he didn't ask them to make up something...Trump simply asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate. That's where the left's narrative of "corruption" simply falls on it's face! Since when is it corrupt to ask for an investigation into apparent corruption?

Allegations surrounding the Bidens are already "made up". Made up by Trump himself. He was simply trying to make it look more true, official and nefarious by having a foreign govt back his narrative.

Where are the investigations?


In Congressional testimony Friday, former Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch confirmed for Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), that in 2016 the Obama State Department privately ran her through a series of practice questions and answers to prepare Yovanovitch for her Senate confirmation hearing.

Stefanik confirmed that one specific question Yovanovitch was asked to prepare for was, “What can you tell us about Hunter Biden’s being named to the board of Burisma?” Incredibly, Yovanovitch later testified that the State Department told her to deflect any questions she might get about Hunter Biden and Burisma by referring Senators’ questions to the vice president’s office.

This admission regarding her senate confirmation prep session was startling, and it flatly contradicted a prior statement Yovanovitch had made in the hearing: “Although I have met former vice president several times over the course of our many years in government service, neither he nor the previous administration ever raised the issue of either Burisma or Hunter Biden with me.”

Your point?

Where's the investigations?
I wonder if you have ever complained that the little guy gets punished while the rich and powerful do not?

I bet you have so you already know the answer to you question

I wonder WTF that has to do with my post.
You're making accusations based on suppisition.
You still have yet to show corruption.

The corruption is obvious. Just because it isn't illegal doesn't make it any less corrupt.

Your allegations are obvious. There actually is no evidence of corruption.

If it wasn't corrupt...then why did Hunter Biden give up the position once what was happening was exposed? What you claim now is laughable, Hutch! It's obvious that there was a pay off made by Burisma to buy favor with the Vice President of the United States.

The only thing that's obvious is your willingness to believe mere suggestions as fact. You're the exact dopey demographic Trump was hoping to co-opt into spreading his narrative.

So it's a "suggestion" of corruption to point out that Hunter Biden was getting paid what he did for a job he knew nothing about? Really, Hutch?

Yes. Exactly.
Because you have no actual evidence of wrongdoing or of even what his role was on the board.
They issued a subpoena to Mulvaney, who refused to comply. Clearly, Executive Privilege could be used as the reason. But Trump's attorneys argue that the subpoena was invalid because the underlying reason for issuing it was the "impeachment inquiry", but the problem with that is Nazi Pelousy never held the required vote to implement an impeachment inquiry.

The reason for refusing to comply doesn't matter. Normal protocol when a subpoena is denied is to take it to the courts to get a ruling.

Why didn't Nazi and her House Clowns follow normal protocol? The withdrew the Muclvaney subpeona and did not go to court. Instead, they rushed a vote and are now over at the Senate begging jurors to conduct an investigation that was their responsibility.

Board Dimwingers refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for not having the witnesses they now claim is crucial to their "overwhelming" case is on the House Clowns. Not Trump. Not the Senate.

Once again, don't argue whether or not the reason for challenging the subpoena is valid. That will get nothing done here. That's is now a question for the courts. Dimwingers refused to go to the courts.

So stop trying to blame Trump and the Senate for the failures of your House Clowns to do their job.

The impeachment inquiry was an investigation to see if there was evidence to move to formal impeachment.

Why would they open formal impeachment proceedings before knowing the circumstances of the president's actions and whether impeachment was even warranted?

Oversight and supoena authority still exist in the absence of formal impeachment proceedings.

Nobody cares what your opinion in. Normal protocol when there is a dispute between the two branches is to go to court for a ruling.

The House Clowns didn't do that.

That's not my opinion. That's actually what happened.
They issued a subpoena to Mulvaney, who refused to comply. Clearly, Executive Privilege could be used as the reason. But Trump's attorneys argue that the subpoena was invalid because the underlying reason for issuing it was the "impeachment inquiry", but the problem with that is Nazi Pelousy never held the required vote to implement an impeachment inquiry.

The reason for refusing to comply doesn't matter. Normal protocol when a subpoena is denied is to take it to the courts to get a ruling.

Why didn't Nazi and her House Clowns follow normal protocol? The withdrew the Muclvaney subpeona and did not go to court. Instead, they rushed a vote and are now over at the Senate begging jurors to conduct an investigation that was their responsibility.

Board Dimwingers refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for not having the witnesses they now claim is crucial to their "overwhelming" case is on the House Clowns. Not Trump. Not the Senate.

Once again, don't argue whether or not the reason for challenging the subpoena is valid. That will get nothing done here. That's is now a question for the courts. Dimwingers refused to go to the courts.

So stop trying to blame Trump and the Senate for the failures of your House Clowns to do their job.

House subpoena for the Fast and Furious documents was issued in 2011. Barry asserted executive privilege and it went to court, that settled the case mid last year. Since House was taken over by Dems, the case was pushed under the rug. What important is that there was the procedure in place, and it was followed.

I have no clue why Dems didn't follow the procedure. IMO, they wanted to create the scandal and hope to somehow damage Trumps chances to be re-elected. They also tried to delegitimatize Senate for being "partisan", while ignoring their own partisanship. They rush to impeach without case against Trump, just to hold the Articles for more than a month before sending it to Senate. I suspect they used that pause to pressure Senate into changing rules that would be favorable to them and they used media as megaphone for their intentions.

The Obama admin released thousands of documents related to F&F right away. Others were held under privilege. It went to court and 2 years later some sixty thousand documents were released.

Trump has outright refused to release anything and has not invoked executive privilege even once.

No comparison.
They issued a subpoena to Mulvaney, who refused to comply. Clearly, Executive Privilege could be used as the reason. But Trump's attorneys argue that the subpoena was invalid because the underlying reason for issuing it was the "impeachment inquiry", but the problem with that is Nazi Pelousy never held the required vote to implement an impeachment inquiry.

The reason for refusing to comply doesn't matter. Normal protocol when a subpoena is denied is to take it to the courts to get a ruling.

Why didn't Nazi and her House Clowns follow normal protocol? The withdrew the Muclvaney subpeona and did not go to court. Instead, they rushed a vote and are now over at the Senate begging jurors to conduct an investigation that was their responsibility.

Board Dimwingers refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for not having the witnesses they now claim is crucial to their "overwhelming" case is on the House Clowns. Not Trump. Not the Senate.

Once again, don't argue whether or not the reason for challenging the subpoena is valid. That will get nothing done here. That's is now a question for the courts. Dimwingers refused to go to the courts.

So stop trying to blame Trump and the Senate for the failures of your House Clowns to do their job.

The impeachment inquiry was an investigation to see if there was evidence to move to formal impeachment.

Why would they open formal impeachment proceedings before knowing the circumstances of the president's actions and whether impeachment was even warranted?

Oversight and supoena authority still exist in the absence of formal impeachment proceedings.

Nobody cares what your opinion in. Normal protocol when there is a dispute between the two branches is to go to court for a ruling.

The House Clowns didn't do that.

That's not my opinion. That's actually what happened.
No, it isn't. To issue subpoenas related to an impeachment investigation there must first be a vote by the entire house to begin that investigation. That wasn't done.
In what way is Biden being "smeared"? Did his son NOT take large sums of money from a Ukrainian company with a history of corruption for a job that he was in no way qualified for? Let's be honest here, Hutch...Joe Biden isn't some political neophyte who wouldn't understand how the game was played! He's been a politician his entire adult life! He can CLAIM that there was no quid pro quo in play but anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that's a crock! Bottom line? Joe Biden should have told his son not to take the money because it's an obvious pay off. He didn't...which means Joe Biden OWNS that!
In what way is Biden being "smeared"?

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

This isn't a smear?

As Joe Biden competes for a win in Iowa, one GOP senator is already talking about impeaching him

Unfounded? What's unfounded about what the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine? Did they NOT cash in on Joe Biden's position?
Yes unfounded. As in no evidence of corruption.
Present your evidence counselor.
Hunter Biden held a paid board position. That is not evidence of anything nefarious.

What's the first rule of investigating corruption, Hutch? Follow the money!!! The paid board position IS the evidence that something "nefarious" was taking place! Drug addict lawyers from one country that have no experience with energy companies whatsoever...don't get paid huge amounts of money to sit on a board of a company in another country! I'm sorry but that doesn't just "happen"!

Paid board positions are not uncommon. Soliciting people to hold board positions who could be influential in accomplishing the organization's goals is what every board does.

There is no evidence of corruption. Only supposition.

Ah, so you're now claiming that it's "common" to hire a drug addict lawyer with absolutely zero experience in the energy field or in the Ukraine to sit on the board of an energy company in the Ukraine...a position that pays a large sum of money and never requires that the board member step foot in the Ukraine? Care to point out someone else that's been given one of those jobs, Hutch? Since it's common you should be able to name a bunch...right?
In the call the only things he mention to Zelensky by name was the Biden and the DNC Server/Crowdstrike nonsense. Maybe he was speaking some kind of code or something, like Don Corleone, but he never said to investigate corruption generally, but specifically mentioned those two. Furthermore, the specifics of the statements required by Trump had to include references to the Bidens.

Coincidentally, one of the two items specifically brought up by Trump on the perfect call?

Seems to me, if Biden did nothing wrong there would be no benefit to Trump would there now? And the real benefit of uncovering corruption by Biden IF there was any,... would be to the people who voted for Biden.
Why do you only believe uncovering corruption only benefits Trump?... and here lies the problem for Democrats. They are simply making up motive by Trump as they go along.If you ask me, Trump had no incentive to "DIG UP DIRT" on Biden. Trump has him beat hands down in an election without any help. Democrats also know their platform is so weak that impeachment is the only way they can beat him. Information on Biden is not needed. If we are going to assume motive (WHICH IS WHAT THE DEMS ARE DOING), then i am going to assume Trump's motive in his perhaps clumsy way was only to bring transparency now that there was a new President in Ukraine.

The fact that Democrats wanted to Impeach Trump... people like Nadler... from the very beginning of his Administration reeks of partisanship and corruption to me, and it's just not something I can forget or get away from.
Seems to me, if Biden did nothing wrong there would be no benefit to Trump would there now?

All you dopes believe it based soley on Trump's suggestion. You are all pushing that narrative and have even let Trump off the hook over it.
Biden continues to be smeared by it.

How does that not benefit Trump?

In what way is Biden being "smeared"? Did his son NOT take large sums of money from a Ukrainian company with a history of corruption for a job that he was in no way qualified for? Let's be honest here, Hutch...Joe Biden isn't some political neophyte who wouldn't understand how the game was played! He's been a politician his entire adult life! He can CLAIM that there was no quid pro quo in play but anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that's a crock! Bottom line? Joe Biden should have told his son not to take the money because it's an obvious pay off. He didn't...which means Joe Biden OWNS that!
In what way is Biden being "smeared"?

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

This isn't a smear?

As Joe Biden competes for a win in Iowa, one GOP senator is already talking about impeaching him

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

Ironic coming from a Dimwinger whose party has made unfounded allegations of corruption against Trump for 4 years.


He's impeached, dope.
They issued a subpoena to Mulvaney, who refused to comply. Clearly, Executive Privilege could be used as the reason. But Trump's attorneys argue that the subpoena was invalid because the underlying reason for issuing it was the "impeachment inquiry", but the problem with that is Nazi Pelousy never held the required vote to implement an impeachment inquiry.

The reason for refusing to comply doesn't matter. Normal protocol when a subpoena is denied is to take it to the courts to get a ruling.

Why didn't Nazi and her House Clowns follow normal protocol? The withdrew the Muclvaney subpeona and did not go to court. Instead, they rushed a vote and are now over at the Senate begging jurors to conduct an investigation that was their responsibility.

Board Dimwingers refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for not having the witnesses they now claim is crucial to their "overwhelming" case is on the House Clowns. Not Trump. Not the Senate.

Once again, don't argue whether or not the reason for challenging the subpoena is valid. That will get nothing done here. That's is now a question for the courts. Dimwingers refused to go to the courts.

So stop trying to blame Trump and the Senate for the failures of your House Clowns to do their job.

The impeachment inquiry was an investigation to see if there was evidence to move to formal impeachment.

Why would they open formal impeachment proceedings before knowing the circumstances of the president's actions and whether impeachment was even warranted?

Oversight and supoena authority still exist in the absence of formal impeachment proceedings.

Lets start here... Do you know what word "impeachment" means?
Seems to me, if Biden did nothing wrong there would be no benefit to Trump would there now? And the real benefit of uncovering corruption by Biden IF there was any,... would be to the people who voted for Biden.
Why do you only believe uncovering corruption only benefits Trump?... and here lies the problem for Democrats. They are simply making up motive by Trump as they go along.If you ask me, Trump had no incentive to "DIG UP DIRT" on Biden. Trump has him beat hands down in an election without any help. Democrats also know their platform is so weak that impeachment is the only way they can beat him. Information on Biden is not needed. If we are going to assume motive (WHICH IS WHAT THE DEMS ARE DOING), then i am going to assume Trump's motive in his perhaps clumsy way was only to bring transparency now that there was a new President in Ukraine.

The fact that Democrats wanted to Impeach Trump... people like Nadler... from the very beginning of his Administration reeks of partisanship and corruption to me, and it's just not something I can forget or get away from.
Seems to me, if Biden did nothing wrong there would be no benefit to Trump would there now?

All you dopes believe it based soley on Trump's suggestion. You are all pushing that narrative and have even let Trump off the hook over it.
Biden continues to be smeared by it.

How does that not benefit Trump?

In what way is Biden being "smeared"? Did his son NOT take large sums of money from a Ukrainian company with a history of corruption for a job that he was in no way qualified for? Let's be honest here, Hutch...Joe Biden isn't some political neophyte who wouldn't understand how the game was played! He's been a politician his entire adult life! He can CLAIM that there was no quid pro quo in play but anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that's a crock! Bottom line? Joe Biden should have told his son not to take the money because it's an obvious pay off. He didn't...which means Joe Biden OWNS that!
In what way is Biden being "smeared"?

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

This isn't a smear?

As Joe Biden competes for a win in Iowa, one GOP senator is already talking about impeaching him

Unfounded allegations of corruption aren't smears?

Ironic coming from a Dimwinger whose party has made unfounded allegations of corruption against Trump for 4 years.


He's impeached, dope.
Yes. Unfounded. No evidence.

The corruption is obvious. Just because it isn't illegal doesn't make it any less corrupt.

Your allegations are obvious. There actually is no evidence of corruption.

If it wasn't corrupt...then why did Hunter Biden give up the position once what was happening was exposed? What you claim now is laughable, Hutch! It's obvious that there was a pay off made by Burisma to buy favor with the Vice President of the United States.

The only thing that's obvious is your willingness to believe mere suggestions as fact. You're the exact dopey demographic Trump was hoping to co-opt into spreading his narrative.

So it's a "suggestion" of corruption to point out that Hunter Biden was getting paid what he did for a job he knew nothing about? Really, Hutch?

Yes. Exactly.
Because you have no actual evidence of wrongdoing or of even what his role was on the board.

He didn't actually HAVE a role on the board...you buffoon! He got paid TO DO NOTHING!!!! What part of this concept don't you get?
Allegations surrounding the Bidens are already "made up". Made up by Trump himself. He was simply trying to make it look more true, official and nefarious by having a foreign govt back his narrative.

Where are the investigations?

It's "made up" that Hunter Biden was being paid large sums of money for a job he had zero qualifications for other than being the son of the man who was in charge of the Ukraine for the US Government? With all due respect, Hutch...you don't have to make that look "nefarious" because it's rather obvious what Burisma was up to.
You're making accusations based on suppisition.
You still have yet to show corruption.

The corruption is obvious. Just because it isn't illegal doesn't make it any less corrupt.

Your allegations are obvious. There actually is no evidence of corruption.

Crackhead Biden was paid millions for a no-show job he wasn't qualified for.
Quid Pro Joe had the prosecutor investigating that company fired by extorting the country with US Tax dollars.

Just because you are such a ginormous hack you won't admit that is evidence of corruption doesn't mean it isn't

You have no idea of what H Biden is qualified for or what his role was on the board.
There was no investigation, fool.
Your allegations are obvious. There actually is no evidence of corruption.

If it wasn't corrupt...then why did Hunter Biden give up the position once what was happening was exposed? What you claim now is laughable, Hutch! It's obvious that there was a pay off made by Burisma to buy favor with the Vice President of the United States.

The only thing that's obvious is your willingness to believe mere suggestions as fact. You're the exact dopey demographic Trump was hoping to co-opt into spreading his narrative.

So it's a "suggestion" of corruption to point out that Hunter Biden was getting paid what he did for a job he knew nothing about? Really, Hutch?

Yes. Exactly.
Because you have no actual evidence of wrongdoing or of even what his role was on the board.

He didn't actually HAVE a role on the board...you buffoon! He got paid TO DO NOTHING!!!! What part of this concept don't you get?

You have no way of knowing that, dope.

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