Why Didn't Nixon Burn The Tapes?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
The Corporate Media network CNN will be featuring a special on the Nixon tapes on August 1st.

Although I absolutely hate that network, I'll be watching that...or at least I hope to.

Will you?
Because he saw nothing wrong with what he was doing and the tapes would go a long way to writing a post Presidency book.
Because he saw nothing wrong with what he was doing and the tapes would go a long way to writing a post Presidency book.
I think you might be right.

WoW @ him not seeing anything wrong w/it though. WOW!!
You almost gotta laugh. Whenever a democrat gets in trouble the fawning drooling liberal media digs up poor old Tricky Dick.
Every 20th century president had a black bag operation dedicated to digging up dirt on the other party. It's just that democrats were so good at it. FDR had the entire freaking FBI. JFK had a black bag operation that illegally tapped MLK's phone. It's alleged that LBJ had Barry Goldwater's plane bugged. Nixon was blindsided by the liberal media that used the anti-war outrage to justify a media coup.
Can you imagine Nixon assassinating a reported like Obama took out Hastings?

Can you imagine Nixon spying on Woodward and Bernstein?
Contrary to PC propaganda, Nixon's Quaker upbringing left him with strong moral convictions. For the good of the Country, he decided against contesting the fraudulent 1960 Presidential election returns in Illinois and Texas. Similarly, he refused to destroy tape evidence even though it was detrimental to him.
Nixon didn't destroy the tapes because he didn't think he had to, especially before their existence was publicly known. When the Supremes said otherwise, it was too late because by then everyone knew they existed.

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