Why didn’t the Trump lawyer team’s court filing today include the claim that Trump declassified the documents?

I'm laughing my ass off. I knew before clicking it was the out of control New York court that is establishing the precedent that Republican States are free to harass a Democrat President for his four year term and at least two years after.

So that is what you are saying? Texas is free to start harassing Biden with your full support? Not that you agree with what they investigate him for, just that they have the right to investigate, investigate and investigate.

Point 2, I didn't ask for a link claiming there are procedures, I want a link FOR THE PROCEDURES. So yet another massive failure by a leftist moron
Exactly how is the NY court out of control? Specifics?
So now, you can't back up any of your stupid shit with links. I know you can't, girl friend. Have a good cry. This is stupid. Trump was President. As has been true most of my life, there's a lot of unearned and undeserved trust in our President. Bad things happen when you elect Presidents with all the power they have. Of course you only care when it's a Republican.

In this case, no one has given us a whiff of what those documents were, so you're only lashing out on ideology. You're a waste of time since you have no standards for your own team
They had to have been classified, if Trump de-classified them in his mind right?
Yes, that was a stupid comment, even for Biden.

As much as I hate Biden, he does have that power too, but listen to his words and you realize what an idiot he is
Dude, seriously? Do you not see the joke there? OMG!
Legal experts are tearing the filing part. It’s basically just one big joke. Long on hyperbole and short on legal merit.

However, what’s notable is that his lawyers didn’t include the claim Trump declassified those documents before taking them. Trump himself has said as recently as today he did.

Well he basically know why. He didn’t actually do it lol

Because classification is not important to the investigation. Trump stole the documents and refused to return them. He’s a traitor and a thief regardless of their classification.
That wasn’t my exact point. Him stealing those documents while they were classified would have been more egregious if they actually were declassified. I agree he would be stealing them either way.
Stealing.....go for it.....

How were Trumps own justices who ruled against him rogue?

To Democrats, yes, since your expectation of left justices is they do your bidding at all times. The left is a block where you have the same opinion on every issue for the same reasons justified with the same talking points.

Trump's justices have generally voted with him, not always. Funny how to you that would be a crisis (which is why you asked) and to me it's a non-issue completely. I have no expectation of justices being lock step. I'm glad they are not. You're glad yours are. We're both happy, huh?
They had to have been classified, if Trump de-classified them in his mind right?

That would do it, he was elected President. It's one of the perks that goes with the job. You're a racist and and a MASSIVE hypocrite. Your eyes would roll all the way around your head if Republicans were going after


for taking documents. And you don't even know what they are, none of us do. This is just your latest Get Trump campaign, Wile-E

Dude, seriously? Do you not see the joke there? OMG!

If you want anyone to get you're joking, you have to say different things then when you're serious. See how that works? You don't, do you? Be honest
His atty's have legitimate concerns as there haven't been any criminal charges filed and answering could affect a future defense. Not answering at this stage sets a default to the DOJ's assertion they were classified.
Uh huh. That means Trump is screwed. Had he declassified them appropriately as he’s asserted, there would be no need for such “concerns” as charges would not apply. No?

The master asked the Trump team to show why he has a right to any of these docs. So far they have not. They’re really making the special master they asked for irrelevant by not cooperating with his requests.
Sure. We’ll let them tell you you’re a dope.
How in the hell was Trump president and has no understanding of executive privilege?
How's your August 29th article on a special master request working out, speaking of dopes.
Uh huh. That means Trump is screwed. Had he declassified them appropriately as he’s asserted, there would be no need for such “concerns” as charges would not apply. No?

The master asked the Trump team to show why he has a right to any of these docs. So far they have not. They’re really making the special master they asked for irrelevant by not cooperating with his requests.
He's not screwed at all. Everything you bring up are issues that could have a direct effect on a defense, if it ever goes that far. There is no need to prove it to the SM.

“The 2009 executive order directs the head of the department or agency that originally deemed information classified to oversee declassification reviews, and it sets some standards for them.

The executive branch has regulationslaying out the process that should be followed, such as a requirement to make sure that other agencies and departments with an interest in the secret are consulted. There are also procedures for the removal of classification markings on documents”

The supreme court has established itself as an unchecked power. And like all unchecked powers, it is massively corrupt. Democrats don't like it, so they are trying to grow the court to suit yourselves. Then when Republicans get power back, they'll grow the court and take it back. Democrats never do think things through

You apparently haven't paid much attention to the SC, because if you had, you wouldn't have made such a stupid post. The Supreme Court has now been packed to be a mainly conservative (i.e. Republican) body, as Republicans blocked Obama from the appointments that he wanted when a vacancy happened (blocked it for over a year actually), but when Trump got into office, they put 3 conservatives in there. Sorry, but if you are saying that the SC has become an unchecked power, you would do well to remember that it's the Republicans that made it that way. Democrats can't "grow" the court to suit themselves, as Congress currently won't allow it to be expanded to hold more members, so the SC is going to be seriously conservative for a while. You conservatives demonstrated the unchecked power of the SC when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. You hadn't been successful at it until Trump appointed his 3 conservative judges.
Him having the authority obviously doesn’t mean he actually did it. Actually doing it is a formal process that involves paperwork. It’s not like he can just lay in bed one night at 3AM and say to himself “I’m declassifying that shit. No one needs to know, though.”
He thinks he's the emperor when he sits on his golden throne, and has to account to no one.

The truth is that he never had to account for anything because of being filthy rich, so he thinks he can say anything and nothing will happen to him. And so far nothing has happened to him. Which really shows America's weaknesses, unfortunately.

A poor person doing 1% of what he did would long have been in jail.

If a black man stole a bag of chips, he could easily get shot. Trump steals a bunch of classified documents, no problem.

They even asked pretty please to return the documents months before the raid.
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You apparently haven't paid much attention to the SC, because if you had, you wouldn't have made such a stupid post. The Supreme Court has now been packed to be a mainly conservative (i.e. Republican) body, as Republicans blocked Obama from the appointments that he wanted when a vacancy happened (blocked it for over a year actually), but when Trump got into office, they put 3 conservatives in there. Sorry, but if you are saying that the SC has become an unchecked power, you would do well to remember that it's the Republicans that made it that way. Democrats can't "grow" the court to suit themselves, as Congress currently won't allow it to be expanded to hold more members, so the SC is going to be seriously conservative for a while. You conservatives demonstrated the unchecked power of the SC when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. You hadn't been successful at it until Trump appointed his 3 conservative judges.
Eh, own the gavel and you own the rules. Repo's get had every time the dems take control.

No unchecked power, dude......RvW been on the hit list for 50 years.....and the 10th said it was unconstitutional.....so did SCOTUS. Dems had 50 years to codify it, what happened? I don't think they can, it still is a 10th A issue.

“The 2009 executive order directs the head of the department or agency that originally deemed information classified to oversee declassification reviews, and it sets some standards for them.

The executive branch has regulationslaying out the process that should be followed, such as a requirement to make sure that other agencies and departments with an interest in the secret are consulted. There are also procedures for the removal of classification markings on documents”

So it makes sense that if a President who had the power didn't follow the exact step by step NY Times prescribed procedures then they can invade his home and continue to legally persecute him. Well, there you go then. Thanks! I'm a Democrat now, I get it [/response to your stupid shit]

Procedures are not there to trip people up and get them in legal trouble, Holmes, they just aren't. He had the power, unambiguously. And you don't even know what the documents are since none of us do. Go fuck yourself, racist
You apparently haven't paid much attention to the SC, because if you had, you wouldn't have made such a stupid post. The Supreme Court has now been packed to be a mainly conservative (i.e. Republican) body, as Republicans blocked Obama from the appointments that he wanted when a vacancy happened (blocked it for over a year actually), but when Trump got into office, they put 3 conservatives in there. Sorry, but if you are saying that the SC has become an unchecked power, you would do well to remember that it's the Republicans that made it that way. Democrats can't "grow" the court to suit themselves, as Congress currently won't allow it to be expanded to hold more members, so the SC is going to be seriously conservative for a while. You conservatives demonstrated the unchecked power of the SC when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. You hadn't been successful at it until Trump appointed his 3 conservative judges.

I stopped reading after the first half of your first sentence because that obviously wasn't a serious point, just you PMSing. One thing I have clearly not done is not pay attention. Later, girlfriend

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