Why do all the billionaires support Hillary.?

Super-gangster warren buffet is the latest to do so. Businessmen love illegals because illegals mean low wages and more customers while the huge social costs of these parasites are dumped on the taxpayer.

Simple, Goldman Sachs told them to, it in the transcripts. Just kidding, no one knows what is in the transcripts.
So trying to get people healthcare is your big complaint? You are aware the cost is skyrocketing right? You think a civil war will be started because of an attempt to help more people get healthcare? That is very funny. We have obamacare because of the increasing costs, our current system is broken.

What policy lead to a reduction in respect for police?

We have the strongest military in the world.

What regulations specifically?

Obamacare is unconstitutional. There is no argument to the contrary. Health care is NOT a right. It's a privilege.

Obama's unwillingness to support LEOs instead of criminals,who have his skin tone has caused a large amount of that issue.

We have a weaker military than we did in 2007.

ALL of the regulations, dumb ass. They're ALL illegal.

Simple fact of the matter is this: you are a minority. If you do what you're talking about doing, you'll create a lot of havoc but ultimately, the revolution you're so hoping for won't work and dickheads like you who survive won't be looking so good.

So go ahead and bring it.

Simple fact of the matter is this: you are a minority. If you do what you're talking about doing, you'll create a lot of havoc but ultimately, the revolution you're so hoping for won't work and dickheads like you who survive won't be looking so good.

So go ahead and bring it.

Better Dead than Red, and a Clinton victory in November basically leaves those two options only. The Government-backing billionaires love the idea of Hillary's Socialist ideals, as they will be exempted from the taxes and such. Real Americans, don't.
Trump is the only billionaire who wants to do the right things for the country. The rest of them don't. They hate a whistle blower.

Unless Trump is trying to throw the election.

1. Hillary has outspent Trump about 80 to 1.
2. Trump threatens to not debate Hillary even though down 10 points in the polls.
3. Trump starts war with the GOP in the midst of a national election against Hillary.
4. Trump has been long friends with the Clintons and invited them to his wedding.

Now add all that up and tell me what you get.
Obamacare is unconstitutional. There is no argument to the contrary.

Psst, conservative majority Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled that Obamacare is constitutional and here you are in Aug 2016, claiming that there is "no argument to the contrary". :slap:
Psst, conservative majority Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled that Obamacare is constitutional and here you are in Aug 2016, claiming that there is "no argument to the contrary".

Psst.... Actual Conservatives know that no part of the US Government, including SCOTUS, has been Constitutional since 1860.
Psst, conservative majority Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled that Obamacare is constitutional and here you are in Aug 2016, claiming that there is "no argument to the contrary".

Psst.... Actual Conservatives know that no part of the US Government, including SCOTUS, has been Constitutional since 1860.

And I suppose you are going to claim there is "no argument to the contrary" on that also :booze:
And I suppose you are going to claim there is "no argument to the contrary" on that also.

There is no argument to the contrary of anything I aay. That may be because I don't give any value to anyone else's point of view; but it's still the truth for me.
And I suppose you are going to claim there is "no argument to the contrary" on that also.

There is no argument to the contrary of anything I aay. That may be because I don't give any value to anyone else's point of view; but it's still the truth for me.

Yes THERE IS argument, you can have your own opinions, but you don't get to have your own facts.
Why won't Hillary release the transcripts of her 350k, 20 minute speeches to Wall Street Bankers? Can it be that the million dollars the Wall Street bankers paid to Hillary for fake speeches was just another way to bypass political finance laws?
Yes THERE IS argument, you can have your own opinions, but you don't get to have your own facts.

I place zero value on anyone else's opinions or facts, so there is no argument with me. There may be a discussion, but since my viewpoint won't change, there is no argument.
Why do all the billionaires support Hillary.?

Well crony capitalism requires a crony
and Queen Hillary is the one

even Bernie got it

The real answer is, why would billionaires pay for something they can't own.
The real answer is, why would billionaires pay for something they can't own.

Because in most cases once you have more money than you can ever spend you want to put your money towards something RIGHT.

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