Why do Americans feel like taxes are somehow the government robbing them of money?

Two major steps forward if America has the courage to do it:
1.) End ALL food stamp programs.
2.) Tear down ALL public housing.
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?
What most of us want is for the government to spend our tax dollars in a wise and responsible manner.

The same people who don't want to spend money on education and create good-paying job opportunities for our nation's young people (and future tax payers) are the same ones clamoring for those young people to be thrown in prisons. They don't understand why disadvantaged youth might find it more lucrative to sell drugs or steal crap from your garage or become radicals because they can't make a decent living or support families on minimum wage jobs. Dunderheads are thrilled to throw billions of dollars on our amorphous wars on crime, terror, and drugs when common sense dictates that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So yes ... let's have a discussion ... what spending is wise ... what spending is unwise.
Thanks for the talking points response those are always helpful.

that's all they get off the left wing sites they go to. same ole blaa blaa blaa. we deserve a free education, housing, food, cars, tvs, etc etc etc. and some of you are JUST meanies for not wanting to give it to us. waaaaaaa

Oh shut the fuck up.
If it were not for welfare, you'd be starving.

People shouldn't be allowed a drivers licenses if they refuse to pay for the roads.
The police shouldn't save their ass if they refuse to pay for the cops.
On and on...

YOu people that hate investment and paying for shit are thief's and scum. Stop driving on our roads and sending your children to our schools if you're going to be bums.

People pay for the roads when they buy gas, numskull, and no cop has ever saved my ass, and none ever will. The cops arrive in 5 minutes when a thug can kill you in 5 seconds.
Two major steps forward if America has the courage to do it:
1.) End ALL food stamp programs.
2.) Tear down ALL public housing.
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
Two major steps forward if America has the courage to do it:
1.) End ALL food stamp programs.
2.) Tear down ALL public housing.

Always hatting on the lower class. What scum. You got lucky in life and you think everyone can.

Feel free to write them a check for any amount you like. How does the fact that someone managed to get born entitle them to anything from me?
Government should have a 100% efficiency rating like other business' or companies that has not existed ever. And once they have 100% efficiency they will stop saying its robbery.

Also pigs have to take flight and find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

The difference is that private businesses don't force you to give them your money at gunpoint.

Good point, So when the Government is 100% efficient and asks for Taxes nicely then and ONLY THEN will republicans stop complaining about taxes being robbery.

Is the picture getting clearer now?

The government doesn't ask. It takes. "Asking" implies that people can say no, and it people could do that then no one would pay.
Government should have a 100% efficiency rating like other business' or companies that has not existed ever. And once they have 100% efficiency they will stop saying its robbery.

Also pigs have to take flight and find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

The difference is that private businesses don't force you to give them your money at gunpoint.

The electric company is damn close to that.

True, the electric company is a government enforced monopoly. As such, it's virtually an arm of the government.
Why not lower our tax burden by ending our War on Drugs? Does it usually only deny and disparage Individual Liberty for the least wealthy and the Right feels less need to end that boondoggle and generational form of theft as a result of the least wealthy being worth less under our form of Capitalism.

Why should anyone believe that equality in taxation is not a form of socialism not capitalism; equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Are the wealthiest not really full of worth as is claimed by Capitalists on their Income tax returns.

Does the right prefer to believe in Socialism merely for their bottom line.

I am all for talking about loosening drug laws....

Don't talk marxist crap....too many people died because of it...100 million murdered.......

Everyone should pay the same rate...that is fair. And you still get to stick it to the rich since 15% of 100 million is still more than 15% of 70 grand....
Cool. I am glad you are for ending the drug war; i hope to count on your support with your elected representatives.

And, don't talk to me about capitalist crap; people are still dying everyday due to a lack of socialism in many parts of the less developed but more Capitalist world.

And, no, everyone should not pay the same rate under any form of capitalism; are you a marxist in disguise?
You have that wrong (big surprise)..

People are dying every day BECAUSE of socialism.....
Nothing but appeals to ignorance? Even the right admits our poor are not really poor enough by the absolute poverty standard of the more capital, but less developed Third World.

Any more true witness bearing for your stockholders, my good capitalist.
Yes, they are far better off than some aborigine living in the sub-Saharan desert.

But that is NOT because of socialism.

It is because of Capitalism.
That is a truer form of Capitalism than the mixed-market economy we have always had.
Have any more "gospel Truths" for your stockholders?
hey, hopefully these citizens keep wanting MORE AND MORE of other people monies BECAUSE the Government always runs out of ENOUGH worker bees and ends up with more LEECHES. In fact I think this is Exactly what Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is Pushing off for them

They can live in a Socialist paradise like Venezuela

Venezuela orders producers to divert food to state stores

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Private companies in Venezuela say the government has ordered them to distribute food staples to a network of state-run supermarkets amid chronic shortages of basic goods.

The Food Industry Chamber said Monday that authorities ordered producers of milk, pasta, oil, rice, sugar and flour to supply between 30 percent and 100 percent of their products to the state stores.

all of it here:
The Associated Press
Have you been in a cave in the third world trying to get more spiritual?

The US is a socialist paradise for the wealthiest.
Two major steps forward if America has the courage to do it:
1.) End ALL food stamp programs.
2.) Tear down ALL public housing.
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
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Two major steps forward if America has the courage to do it:
1.) End ALL food stamp programs.
2.) Tear down ALL public housing.
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
That is a simpleton's view of the matter.

Intelligent people know that a lot of it is pilfered.
Americans are generally stupid and don't realize that taxes are necessary for a society like ours to function.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

I actually enjoy using it on the services provided by other people and giving back to society is a bullshit idea considering society already possessed the money in the first place.
Americans are generally stupid and don't realize that taxes are necessary for a society like ours to function.

What do you do After you built all the roads and crushed all the businesses? I guess you can drive around on the track for a while but that car was manufactured privately. Perhaps you can jog...wait...pants...shirt..shoes...all made by someone else not connected to the government. Just walk around naked on government roads.
Americans are generally stupid and don't realize that taxes are necessary for a society like ours to function.

What do you do After you built all the roads and crushed all the businesses? I guess you can drive around on the track for a while but that car was manufactured privately. Perhaps you can jog...wait...pants...shirt..shoes...all made by someone else not connected to the government. Just walk around naked on government roads.
Um what point are you trying to make?
Two major steps forward if America has the courage to do it:
1.) End ALL food stamp programs.
2.) Tear down ALL public housing.
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?

Put them up for adoption. That's what they used to do before welfare.
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?

Put them up for adoption. That's what they used to do before welfare.
And if no one adopts them? Many kids don't get adopted. They are taken care of by the state

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