Why do Americans feel like taxes are somehow the government robbing them of money?

I will try to type slowly so you can understand it.

Most of us are okay with a moderately progressive tax system. If that sentence is difficult for you to understand because you've been brainwashed, just read it over and over again. It might just sink in.

Our problem isn't that we don't tax the rich enough, it's because we spend too much on stupid shit....like $914,000 the NEA spent on studying "romance".
Then why blame the least wealthy for not paying taxes under our form of Capitalism. That was what I was responding to. Why the non sequitur; are you on the Right?

A drop in the bucket when compared to our socialized wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, that wealthy Capitalists can invest in and still make money on unearned income and at a lower tax rate than that of the least wealthy who may work by the "sweat of their brow".

I don't blame the least wealthy for not paying taxes, nor do I blame the wealthy for using every legal method there is to avoid paying taxes I blame the politicians for setting up a system where so few pay income tax. This is the same system that allows all of the tax breaks & such that the "wealthy" use to avoid the exorbitant tax rates imposed on them.

Our federal government is way to bloated and expensive. I mean, now the FEDERAL government will be tracking the racial make-up of every neighborhood in the country so that they can impose punitive measures on local governments and businesses for not being diverse enough. (Attention America s Suburbs You Have Just Been Annexed National Review Online I doubt anyone can tell you how much this program costs the taxpayer, how many low-, mid-, and upper-level bureaucrats will be hired to run this program and, of course, the minions of lawyers needed to sue all of the local governments and businesses.

And yet nobody steps back and asks where the federal government gets the authority to do such things.

READ THE CONSTITUTION. It was supposed to limit the power of the federal government and form a republic of states. The republic is dead, replaced by the bureaucratical behemoth of a federal government.
We have a Commerce Clause that the Right loves to appeal to ignorance of, merely so the least wealthy can Only receive the least benefit under our form of Capitalism.

Really? please elaborate
Only warfare-States require Taxes on the Incomes of Individuals, not welfare-States with a Commerce Clause.

That's about the dumbest thing I have ever read... have you been taking lessons from rdean?
What most of us want is for the government to spend our tax dollars in a wise and responsible manner.

The same people who don't want to spend money on education and create good-paying job opportunities for our nation's young people (and future tax payers) are the same ones clamoring for those young people to be thrown in prisons. They don't understand why disadvantaged youth might find it more lucrative to sell drugs or steal crap from your garage or become radicals because they can't make a decent living or support families on minimum wage jobs. Dunderheads are thrilled to throw billions of dollars on our amorphous wars on crime, terror, and drugs when common sense dictates that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So yes ... let's have a discussion ... what spending is wise ... what spending is unwise.

That is soooooo accurate......don't forget that they also get violent.......especially when you show how stupid their points are.......

That is totally cool. Can you provide me a link to a discussion that you're particularly proud of ... one where you used your intellectual brilliance and command of logical arguments to make your point? I'm very curious. Thank you.

That is soooooo accurate......don't forget that they also get violent.......especially when you show how stupid their points are.......

That is totally cool. Can you provide me a link to a discussion that you're particularly proud of ... one where you used your intellectual brilliance and command of logical arguments to make your point? I'm very curious. Thank you.

Well, that's easy...every single one.
What most of us want is for the government to spend our tax dollars in a wise and responsible manner.

The same people who don't want to spend money on education and create good-paying job opportunities for our nation's young people (and future tax payers) are the same ones clamoring for those young people to be thrown in prisons. They don't understand why disadvantaged youth might find it more lucrative to sell drugs or steal crap from your garage or become radicals because they can't make a decent living or support families on minimum wage jobs. Dunderheads are thrilled to throw billions of dollars on our amorphous wars on crime, terror, and drugs when common sense dictates that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So yes ... let's have a discussion ... what spending is wise ... what spending is unwise.
Thanks for the talking points response those are always helpful.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

When you are taxed exessively you are giving money to people who are at the very least corrupt and greedy...why on earth is it better for you to give the money you earn to politicians to spend. They waste the money, steal it, spend it on themselves and their friends.......and yet you think it is better that they spend it than you.

A progressive tax system is unfair....you work harder, smarter, better, more efficiently....and they take more of what you earn......you don't do as well, you don't try as hard, you don't create, you work less efficiently, and they tax you less...

How does that make any sense. the tax rate should be the same...that is the fairest method to raise taxes....
Why not lower our tax burden by ending our War on Drugs? Does it usually only deny and disparage Individual Liberty for the least wealthy and the Right feels less need to end that boondoggle and generational form of theft as a result of the least wealthy being worth less under our form of Capitalism.

Why should anyone believe that equality in taxation is not a form of socialism not capitalism; equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Are the wealthiest not really full of worth as is claimed by Capitalists on their Income tax returns.

Does the right prefer to believe in Socialism merely for their bottom line.
It is because righties have only fallacy to work with.

Income taxes are not the Only taxes; it is just special pleading on the part of the socially less responsible Right.

ah, so being a jerk is your gig. now we get it. that's about the FIFTH time you've said that since you and your jerk buddies has OVER taken this thread with your all's continuous spew in post after post. go outside and play or something. You're making a fool out of yourself
Is the right too socially lazy to provide a thoughtful response instead of Only having fallacies (of ad hominem) to work with?

Income taxes are not the Only taxes; it is just special pleading on the part of the socially less responsible Right.

Special pleading is usually considered a fallacy.

You should stop trying to use words you don't understand.
You should stop trying to have nothing but diversion, which is also usually considered a fallacy.

Is it Any wonder why some on the left believe the Right is just full of fallacy.

Seriously kid, look the word up at least once if you're going to keep repeating it.
Seriously kid; why have nothing but diversion instead of a clue and a Cause. Is it too much "hard work" for the lazy Right.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

When you are taxed exessively you are giving money to people who are at the very least corrupt and greedy...why on earth is it better for you to give the money you earn to politicians to spend. They waste the money, steal it, spend it on themselves and their friends.......and yet you think it is better that they spend it than you.

A progressive tax system is unfair....you work harder, smarter, better, more efficiently....and they take more of what you earn......you don't do as well, you don't try as hard, you don't create, you work less efficiently, and they tax you less...

How does that make any sense. the tax rate should be the same...that is the fairest method to raise taxes....
Why not lower our tax burden by ending our War on Drugs? Does it usually only deny and disparage Individual Liberty for the least wealthy and the Right feels less need to end that boondoggle and generational form of theft as a result of the least wealthy being worth less under our form of Capitalism.

Why should anyone believe that equality in taxation is not a form of socialism not capitalism; equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Are the wealthiest not really full of worth as is claimed by Capitalists on their Income tax returns.

Does the right prefer to believe in Socialism merely for their bottom line.

I am all for talking about loosening drug laws....

Don't talk marxist crap....too many people died because of it...100 million murdered.......

Everyone should pay the same rate...that is fair. And you still get to stick it to the rich since 15% of 100 million is still more than 15% of 70 grand....
Like our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty and terror?
You certainly have to ask the question, "are they working?". If they are not, perhaps there's a better way that would actually work without society putting a stamp of approval on what's being fought.
We have a Commerce Clause that the Right loves to appeal to ignorance of, merely so the least wealthy can Only receive the least benefit under our form of Capitalism with any social programs.
And you have to ask if we can afford it. The fact that we will owe $20 trillion after Obama leaves office means we can really afford very little new anything.
I am not asking if we can afford it; I am asking the Right to do the Only thing they know how to do in modern times; nothing but repeal, of those useless public policies such as our wars crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
Are you saying the Right has to be the adult in the room, because the left simply can't control itself?
No; I am saying the Right has only one trick; repeal. Instead of better solutions at lower cost.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

Why not ask Al Sharpton or even the head of the IRS who did not pay his taxes either?

We have become a nation of men instead of laws
When I have to pay for kids born out of wedlock from cradle to grave:
1.) Momma gets pregnant (again) but momma in't got no job.
2.) Babies daddy be in prisons.
3.) Baby born on a medical card.
4.) Baby be eatin on food stamps.
5.) Baby get free educations and be gettin free lunch an shit.
6.) As baby grows and goes through public educations system it be a fuckin nusiance and hinders education of other.
7.) Boy has to go to alternative school paid for by taxpayers because public school teachers be drivin him and shits.
8.) Boy drops out of school, gang bangs, commits crimes, gets arrested.
9.) Public defender cost taxpayers more money.
10.) Gets outs on parole an shit...but in da hood he gonna commit more crime an shit.
11.) Goes to prison for lifes after producing 5 more kids by 5 different momma's that taxpayers will have to take care of.
12.) Taxpayers pay for appeals process.
13.) Tax payers support his sorry ass in prisons for da rest of his life.
14.) Liberals say he is a victim and want to give him the vote behind bars.
You enjoy the fruits of those taxes but you think it is robbing from you??/ You don't believe in civilization is what you're saying.
I would have no problem with privatizing everything you mentioned. As it is now the government contracts out much of the work to private companies anyway.

I support a flat tax where everyone pays the same percentage no matter how much they make.
Then why blame the least wealthy for not paying taxes under our form of Capitalism. That was what I was responding to. Why the non sequitur; are you on the Right?

A drop in the bucket when compared to our socialized wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, that wealthy Capitalists can invest in and still make money on unearned income and at a lower tax rate than that of the least wealthy who may work by the "sweat of their brow".

I don't blame the least wealthy for not paying taxes, nor do I blame the wealthy for using every legal method there is to avoid paying taxes I blame the politicians for setting up a system where so few pay income tax. This is the same system that allows all of the tax breaks & such that the "wealthy" use to avoid the exorbitant tax rates imposed on them.

Our federal government is way to bloated and expensive. I mean, now the FEDERAL government will be tracking the racial make-up of every neighborhood in the country so that they can impose punitive measures on local governments and businesses for not being diverse enough. (Attention America s Suburbs You Have Just Been Annexed National Review Online I doubt anyone can tell you how much this program costs the taxpayer, how many low-, mid-, and upper-level bureaucrats will be hired to run this program and, of course, the minions of lawyers needed to sue all of the local governments and businesses.

And yet nobody steps back and asks where the federal government gets the authority to do such things.

READ THE CONSTITUTION. It was supposed to limit the power of the federal government and form a republic of states. The republic is dead, replaced by the bureaucratical behemoth of a federal government.
We have a Commerce Clause that the Right loves to appeal to ignorance of, merely so the least wealthy can Only receive the least benefit under our form of Capitalism.

Really? please elaborate
Only warfare-States require Taxes on the Incomes of Individuals, not welfare-States with a Commerce Clause.

That's about the dumbest thing I have ever read... have you been taking lessons from rdean?
Why am I no longer surprised by the cluelessness and Causelessness of the Right. Are y'all naturals at it?

In order to help pay for its war effort in the American Civil War, Congress imposed its first personal income tax in 1861.[50]--Source: Income tax in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Do they use our roads?
what happened to the gas tax money?
Do they use our police?
Do we really need so many agencies doing the same thing? Just the drug field: DEA, FBI, Coast Guard, ICE Drug Unit, ATF Drug Unit, City Police Drug Unit, Sheriff's Office Drug Unit, State Police/Highway Patrol Drug Unit, State Bureau of Investigation Drug Unit. Wasting money. I am not saying they shouldn't enforce drug laws, I am saying they boost staffing by creating those units.
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Paid well? That's debatable. I understand that many employers are "not taking care of their employees."
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?
Do you really believe that anybody wants to drink dirty water and eat rotten food?
OK.. I give those to you. Where the rest of the money goes? Foreign aid on credit? Unnecessary Federal Departments? Nobody disputes taxes for necessary things but the government is way out of control.

If it were a matter of just paying for those things we all need, taxes would be so low that there wouldn't be a discussion on it.

As it is, we pay billions for illegal aliens, foreign aid to hostile countries, bloated and unnecessary government agencies and lots of pork stuffed into every bill passed in Washington.

We pay money for roads, but the fund gets raided to cover something else and they raise gas taxes yet again.

We pay sales tax on purchases, property tax, vehicle tax, state tax and federal income tax. There are inheritance taxes, Obamacare taxes, SS taxes, Medicare taxes. We pay a tax on services, like cable and internet. We pay for all the welfare people to have food, homes and phones with extra spending money.

Then we have government agencies that keep expanding but not being effective and most could be seriously reduced or eliminated.

We have every right to complain about the insane spending of politicians. It takes a dozen people working a full year to pay for a single vacation for the president, Pelosi once ran up a liquor bill equivalent to the annual earnings of two people.

They don't even try to cut the crap spending and instead find more ways to waste money. You're damn right I'll bitch about it.

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