Why do Americans feel like taxes are somehow the government robbing them of money?

Two major steps forward if America has the courage to do it:
1.) End ALL food stamp programs.
2.) Tear down ALL public housing.
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.

I don't why these liberals want to live in such a MEAN country with such mean people. who care about how much they take from their family to give to this worthless Government to hand out to others. I don't why they don't LEAVE. seriously.
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.

Liberals when pressed on taxes pick the part of government that even small government libertarians support. Then you ignore all the tax and spend and wealth redistribution that fiscal conservatives actually oppose. This is a non-post.

You want roads, you get Marxism! Yeah, thanks for that useless post
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.

Liberals when pressed on taxes pick the part of government that even small government libertarians support. Then you ignore all the tax and spend and wealth redistribution that fiscal conservatives actually oppose. This is a non-post.

You want roads, you get Marxism! Yeah, thanks for that useless post

boy he swallowed that Obama Marist bs. YOU didn't build that by yourself. good grief
the roads are already built. we pay STATE and fed gas taxes to use and on and on
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

There are two types of government spending:

1) The general welfare: The general welfare means that everyone benefits. Roads, police, fire, military, civil courts, criminal courts, they are for the general benefit

2) The specific welfare: The benefit of individuals. Wealth redistribution. Welfare, social security,earmarks, foreign aid, wars for non-defense. Those are costs which go to the interest of specific people, and the problem with that is they come inherently at the cost of other citizens. They are pitting one citizen against another, something very bad for government to be doing in a free, fair country

They are fundamentally different. Many of us support the former but oppose the latter
Only the Right is clueless and Causeless; liberals love the "spinoff" technologies brought to us by our socialized Space Race.
so dumb ass you are now going to call every public works program socialism? If we had true socialism in this country, I know damn well I would quit my job in a heart beat. I won't contribute my skills or waste my time working , no incentive.
Only the Right is clueless and Causeless; liberals love the "spinoff" technologies brought to us by our socialized Space Race.
so dumb ass you are now going to call every public works program socialism? If we had true socialism in this country, I know damn well I wouldn't even getting a job. I won't contribute my skills or waste my time working , no incentive.

Daniel is Canadian, he doesn't really know what he is saying
Only the Right is clueless and Causeless; liberals love the "spinoff" technologies brought to us by our socialized Space Race.
so dumb ass you are now going to call every public works program socialism? If we had true socialism in this country, I know damn well I wouldn't even getting a job. I won't contribute my skills or waste my time working , no incentive.

that's how stupid they are. I had to put that on ignore. it hurt to read so much dumb shit
Only the Right is clueless and Causeless; liberals love the "spinoff" technologies brought to us by our socialized Space Race.
so dumb ass you are now going to call every public works program socialism? If we had true socialism in this country, I know damn well I wouldn't even getting a job. I won't contribute my skills or waste my time working , no incentive.

that's how stupid they are. I had to put that on ignore. it hurt to read so much dumb shit
I had to edited it, there is no way in hell I would work again or even bother getting a job again if we went to true socialism.

Fuck that.

Your right my head is killing me reading Dan's post
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

You do realize that a progressive tax system penalizes success and promotes bottom of the barrel / mediocre performance from an individual.

I don't think Americans mind paying their taxes as much as they mind those that don't who get benefits to which they are actually not entitled.

The society I want to live in has compassion, it takes care of those who are unable to take care of themselves.

I do have a reasonable and prudent side that says if that same person is capable of working but isn't then the anger starts to manifest.

I have to ask with your stance, are you a payer or a taker??

My money is on taker, your post has that stench of spoiled, insensitive, ignorant brat ..............................
Do you even know how much per year is spent on food stamps programs?
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

I actually enjoy using it on the services provided by other people and giving back to society is a bullshit idea considering society already possessed the money in the first place.
Shouldn't you be a superRepublican?
Americans are generally stupid and don't realize that taxes are necessary for a society like ours to function.

What do you do After you built all the roads and crushed all the businesses? I guess you can drive around on the track for a while but that car was manufactured privately. Perhaps you can jog...wait...pants...shirt..shoes...all made by someone else not connected to the government. Just walk around naked on government roads.
Your point? Our Space Race was socialized and we enjoy the "spinoff" technologies as a result.
Americans are generally stupid and don't realize that taxes are necessary for a society like ours to function.

What do you do After you built all the roads and crushed all the businesses? I guess you can drive around on the track for a while but that car was manufactured privately. Perhaps you can jog...wait...pants...shirt..shoes...all made by someone else not connected to the government. Just walk around naked on government roads.
Um what point are you trying to make?
The Right doesn't have points, they only have lazy platitudes. He is really, superRepublican in disguise.
Damn danny are you a drug dealer, reading your posts I need some great 80's cocaine to numb my brain.

On your bull shiit.

My head hurts
You enjoy the fruits of those taxes but you think it is robbing from you??/ You don't believe in civilization is what you're saying.
The fruit from the government tree is spoiled.
Tell that to lazy Capitalists when they lie to their stockholders in the Private sector and cry Nanny(-State) please save me from my poor lifestyle choices but let me keep my multi-million dollar bonuses; I promise to blame the least wealthy for not working hard enough.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

There are two types of government spending:

1) The general welfare: The general welfare means that everyone benefits. Roads, police, fire, military, civil courts, criminal courts, they are for the general benefit

2) The specific welfare: The benefit of individuals. Wealth redistribution. Welfare, social security,earmarks, foreign aid, wars for non-defense. Those are costs which go to the interest of specific people, and the problem with that is they come inherently at the cost of other citizens. They are pitting one citizen against another, something very bad for government to be doing in a free, fair country

They are fundamentally different. Many of us support the former but oppose the latter
No one benefits from our wars on crime, drugs poverty, and terror, but the wealthiest?
Americans are generally stupid and don't realize that taxes are necessary for a society like ours to function.

If any taxes are justified, then all taxes are justified. Thank you, simpleton. Another pointless leftist post
That is a fallacy of composition; lazy Person on the clueless and Causeless Right. Why do you believe that is true? We have laws. Both terms Promote and Provide are in our supreme law of the land regarding the general welfare.
Damn danny are you a drug dealer, reading your posts I need some great 80's cocaine to numb my brain.

On your bull shiit.

My head hurts

he has to be a programmed robot/sheep. it makes about as much sense as some brainless doll

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