Why do Americans feel like taxes are somehow the government robbing them of money?

Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
Income tax is theft.

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Only the clueless and the Causeless and the illegal to our own laws, say that.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes,

These loserterians don't know shit about the constitution! There isn't a successful nation on gods earth that doesn't collect taxes to build infrastructure. The Romans,Greeks, British , etc all have and the systems were all considered at the time our founding!

The fact we need to become Haiti is a loserterian lie!

NO ONE said they are AGAINST paying taxes. IT'S come to the point we are:

Yeah that has got to be mr Daniel Palos

Islamic recruiting piece of shit ......................

The key phrase he kept sticking in the other day led back to a primer for Islamic culture available on Aamazon dot com

When cornered up he accused me and several others of comprehension problems.

Definitely not Canadian ..............

Just the right being full of fallacy like usual, Right, Dr.

Yes, DrDroomNGloom needs to see another doctor to help him out; i am not qualified enough. All I can do is say, I would go along with your doomngloom, but you refuse to prove your point of view with doomngloom tax rates under our form of Capitalism and our objective market based economy.
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
Income tax is theft.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Only the clueless and the Causeless and the illegal to our own laws, say that.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes,
Stealing from my labour is theft it is my property not yours

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Simply because the Right is too lazy to comprehend the law and not appeal to ignorance to it, doesn't mean taxes are theft.

It is socialism 101. The power to Tax is delegated by the People to our federal Congress for the Union.

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.--The Federalist Number 2
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

There are two types of government spending:

1) The general welfare: The general welfare means that everyone benefits. Roads, police, fire, military, civil courts, criminal courts, they are for the general benefit

2) The specific welfare: The benefit of individuals. Wealth redistribution. Welfare, social security,earmarks, foreign aid, wars for non-defense. Those are costs which go to the interest of specific people, and the problem with that is they come inherently at the cost of other citizens. They are pitting one citizen against another, something very bad for government to be doing in a free, fair country

They are fundamentally different. Many of us support the former but oppose the latter
No one benefits from our wars on crime, drugs poverty, and terror, but the wealthiest?

Tyrannosaurus Rex put the orange in disco waffles
Thank you for Proving my point, Kaz. Nothing but babble from alleged hard workers on the Babylon project.

Thanks! I've been learning Canadian. Most people think it just sounds like gibberish. But if you actually study the language as I have been doing, you actually know they are right
Yes, I always know when the Right is in the wrong. They only believe they are in the Right because they are on the Right. It really is that simple; except to the Right
You should get your right to drive taken away if you don't pay your taxes to pave the road you're driving on.
You shouldn't be allowed to send your kids to public school if you don't pay!
You shouldn't be able to eat our clean food or drink our clean water if you don't pay your taxes.

Shit you should be deported you piece of low life scum! Get the fuck out!
1 dollar is too much. Not my responsibility to pay for two people fucking and producing a little turd they can't support.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
There are two types of government spending:

1) The general welfare: The general welfare means that everyone benefits. Roads, police, fire, military, civil courts, criminal courts, they are for the general benefit

2) The specific welfare: The benefit of individuals. Wealth redistribution. Welfare, social security,earmarks, foreign aid, wars for non-defense. Those are costs which go to the interest of specific people, and the problem with that is they come inherently at the cost of other citizens. They are pitting one citizen against another, something very bad for government to be doing in a free, fair country

They are fundamentally different. Many of us support the former but oppose the latter
No one benefits from our wars on crime, drugs poverty, and terror, but the wealthiest?

Tyrannosaurus Rex put the orange in disco waffles
Thank you for Proving my point, Kaz. Nothing but babble from alleged hard workers on the Babylon project.

Thanks! I've been learning Canadian. Most people think it just sounds like gibberish. But if you actually study the language as I have been doing, you actually know they are right
Yes, I always know when the Right is in the wrong. They only believe they are in the Right because they are on the Right. It really is that simple; except to the Right

The sparrow grows tuna in the night, are you a sentinel boll weevil?
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
Sure; the right also expects morals for free; while employing the Socialism of the coercive use force of the State for our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.

That is how responsible the right really really is, with Other Peoples' money and Other Peoples' morals.
No one benefits from our wars on crime, drugs poverty, and terror, but the wealthiest?

Tyrannosaurus Rex put the orange in disco waffles
Thank you for Proving my point, Kaz. Nothing but babble from alleged hard workers on the Babylon project.

Thanks! I've been learning Canadian. Most people think it just sounds like gibberish. But if you actually study the language as I have been doing, you actually know they are right
Yes, I always know when the Right is in the wrong. They only believe they are in the Right because they are on the Right. It really is that simple; except to the Right

The sparrow grows tuna in the night, are you a sentinel boll weevil?
Where o' where have all the hard working Persons of morals who don't mind acquiring and possessing a clue and a Cause gone in modern times.
You should get your right to drive taken away if you don't pay your taxes to pave the road you're driving on.

Which taxes are those, the fuel to power the car has taxes on it. Doesn't pay the full cost of the road, but what part of the road expense needs to be funded by the government?? Through time roads have been here since the first wagons were introduced in our country and what could be construed as trails or roads for horse back. Private citizens have made most of them.
The Feds built a system of interstate roads, but they not us had a need for quick movement of men and supplies from one point to another in our country.

Our local system is financed by federal grants( our tax monies coming back) and LOCAL SPLOSH tax.
Does that mean if you don't live in our area and pay that SPLOSH tax that you should be allowed to drive on our roads??

You shouldn't be allowed to send your kids to public school if you don't pay!

Our public schools are a train wreck, kids come out dumb as a box of rocks.
I would prefer not to pay.
What if we have no kids??
What if we send our children to private schools??
Schools you say, ever heard of property taxes??

You shouldn't be able to eat our clean food or drink our clean water if you don't pay your taxes.

What you think the USDA makes a difference, only slightly.
Free enterprise takes bad food water into context and society with sense boycotts the product.
No sales, no money, no business.
And what should we do with the little turd who didn't choose to be born? Put him asleep?

The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
You do know that food stamps are more common in red areas right?
The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
You do know that food stamps are more common in red areas right?
Perhaps. High percentage of Blacks in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia.
The arrogance of believe it's your place to decide what to do with people is astounding.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
You do know that food stamps are more common in red areas right?
The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center
Pew Research refutes your lie.
Excellent dear. this government is now using OUR MONIES AGAINST US to pay for all those things. the one that grates me the worse. we are paying to educate ILLEGAL immigrants, they are collecting welfare, medical EVEN social Security that should go to American citizens. what the hell do we have to happy about. It was a stupid question. and does the OP live in this country?

Republicans are in a perfect position to end the illegal alien problem. Obama has deported a record number of illegals. Seems Obama is doing his job.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
You do know that food stamps are more common in red areas right?
Perhaps. High percentage of Blacks in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia.
Most people on food stamps are white. Look it up.
What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
You do know that food stamps are more common in red areas right?
The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center
Pew Research refutes your lie.
This poll refers to who is receiving the food stamps. It doesn't change the fact that food stamp participation is more common in areas controlled by republicans.
DemocRATS and Socialist losers LOVE taxes!

What to do with a children that can't be fed by their poor guardian?
Usually you liberals just kill 'em before they make it out of the womb.
The Right likes to let them "work or die" after they are born. See the irony.
No, the right expects you to be responsible and either support them yourself or use birth control. It's free, you know.
You do know that food stamps are more common in red areas right?
The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center
Pew Research refutes your lie.

How can we be sure the Right isn't simply lying to their stockholders?

Of these, about one-in-five (22%) of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.
Tyrannosaurus Rex put the orange in disco waffles
Thank you for Proving my point, Kaz. Nothing but babble from alleged hard workers on the Babylon project.

Thanks! I've been learning Canadian. Most people think it just sounds like gibberish. But if you actually study the language as I have been doing, you actually know they are right
Yes, I always know when the Right is in the wrong. They only believe they are in the Right because they are on the Right. It really is that simple; except to the Right

The sparrow grows tuna in the night, are you a sentinel boll weevil?
Where o' where have all the hard working Persons of morals who don't mind acquiring and possessing a clue and a Cause gone in modern times.

Aqualung and green cheese are ruby in the night, or is it green tea?

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