why do Blacks use welfare at 6 times the rate of Whites?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Characteristics and Financial Circumstances - FY 2008

actually it is more than 6 times but that is nitpicking. why are blacks so vulnerable to being incapable of taking care of themselves? the numbers for using govt handout programs are even more skewed. why do so many blacks settle for a marginal parasitic lifestyle?

why do so many blacks fail to acquire lifeskills necessary for middleclass living? is it capability, substandard values and culture or is it just racism and lack of opportunity?

has affirmative action run into the brick wall of human capital? is it possible to drag more blacks into the middleclass by handing out more govt and AA jobs to underqualified minorities or have we reached the point of diminished returns?
They can go out now and conquer the world, with no fear of failure...they have Obama as inspiration.:cool:
Dayum! Facts are just so.... racist.

they are not so much facts as data. inspecting data is a good way to find a useful direction for more investigation. our social programs have helped some problems and caused others. we shouldnt just ignore inconvenient findings because someone might be offended. I think we can do a lot more for minority developement but it has to be tied to personal responsibility and effort rather than simply group affiliation.
70% have single parent households for one.

The other thing is getting good grades isn't cool.

Many choose to dress with their pants around their knees so they have problems getting a job.

Besides, they have powerful lobbys in Washington like the NAACP, the CBC, and the Rainbow coalition so many don't try as hard as they should.
Because Abortion has to be paid for:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Sorry maybe bad joke

Really thought the Liberal dems for some reason have them in a trance. What is it about 40 years that the Dems have carried the Black Vote. One would think by now they would be fed up with, shall I dare say sucking hind Tit.
You know I bet very few Blacks know that Linclon was a republican. And also the white man is the race that forced the civil war in order to free the blacks and were mostly republicans. In the USA today Bullshit goes a long way just ask our newest leader.
70% have single parent households for one.

The other thing is getting good grades isn't cool.

Many choose to dress with their pants around their knees so they have problems getting a job.

Besides, they have powerful lobbys in Washington like the NAACP, the CBC, and the Rainbow coalition so many don't try as hard as they should.

your vote is for dysfunctional culture. you have a valid point.
Just goes to show you what a horrific institution slavery and Jim Crow..actually were.

Poverty like wealth is inherited. Two fold if you live in a country that regards skin color as a basis for intellect, ability, integrity and merit.
Because Abortion has to be paid for:lol::lol::lol::lol:

blacks have abortions at a rate that is multiple of the whites. STD rates are vastly larger for blacks than whites. carelessness or inability to forecast consequences of impulsive acts of behaviour?
Just goes to show you what a horrific institution slavery and Jim Crow..actually were.

Poverty like wealth is inherited. Two fold if you live in a country that regards skin color as a basis for intellect, ability, integrity and merit.

Get the fuck over it already! Slavery has been over for a hundred and fifty years. Take some personal responsibility for once in your miserable life. Demand it of others!
Does this apply to every state in the US? There are plenty of Whites in Texas who are on welfare.

did you look at the link?

there are more black families on welfare than whites. when you factor in that there are 6 times as many whites than blacks that leads to a large disparity in the black rate compared to the white rate.
Just goes to show you what a horrific institution slavery and Jim Crow..actually were.

Poverty like wealth is inherited. Two fold if you live in a country that regards skin color as a basis for intellect, ability, integrity and merit.

a vote for racism and lack of opportunity. you have a valid point. would you care to give your opinion on how much of the problem is directly related to racism etc compared to the other factors?
Just goes to show you what a horrific institution slavery and Jim Crow..actually were.

Poverty like wealth is inherited. Two fold if you live in a country that regards skin color as a basis for intellect, ability, integrity and merit.

Get the fuck over it already! Slavery has been over for a hundred and fifty years. Take some personal responsibility for once in your miserable life. Demand it of others!


Your history is lousy chief. Slavery was slowly phased out after the civil war. Then most of the country was under de facto aparthied. It wasn't until 1960 or so that you begin to see legislation that protects the rights of people who are black. And it really wasn't more then another decade until programs that helped infuse a little parity into the mix came online. Those were under relentless attacks begining in the 80s.

40 acres and a mule was probably the way to go. But it is was over before it happened.

But true parity would have been enslaving the enslavers for a century or so.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXKep5xvs4w&feature=related]Kill Bill vol. 1 - Vernita vs Beatrix.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

Fast forward to 5:43 to get the gist. :lol:
Just goes to show you what a horrific institution slavery and Jim Crow..actually were.

Poverty like wealth is inherited. Two fold if you live in a country that regards skin color as a basis for intellect, ability, integrity and merit.

a vote for racism and lack of opportunity. you have a valid point. would you care to give your opinion on how much of the problem is directly related to racism etc compared to the other factors?

164 of years of slavery and about 3 or so more decades of Jim Crow is suddenly wiped out by 26 or so years of "equality".

Man you guys stink at math.:lol:
I am sick of the racist card every time you mention a difference in one culture or another. We are all racist in one way or another but when you see one issue after another time after time and it is always the same culture you do have to wonder what causes it. I am sick of the pants and underwear thing and if that is racist then you are right I am a racist, pull your #$%^ pant up.
Just goes to show you what a horrific institution slavery and Jim Crow..actually were.

Poverty like wealth is inherited. Two fold if you live in a country that regards skin color as a basis for intellect, ability, integrity and merit.

a vote for racism and lack of opportunity. you have a valid point. would you care to give your opinion on how much of the problem is directly related to racism etc compared to the other factors?

164 of years of slavery and about 3 or so more decades of Jim Crow is suddenly wiped out by 26 or so years of "equality".

Man you guys stink at math.:lol:

do you totally discount the studies that show correlation between acquisition of useable skills and outcomes? similarly qualified members of any race tend to have similar outcomes.
Characteristics and Financial Circumstances - FY 2008

actually it is more than 6 times but that is nitpicking. why are blacks so vulnerable to being incapable of taking care of themselves? the numbers for using govt handout programs are even more skewed. why do so many blacks settle for a marginal parasitic lifestyle?

why do so many blacks fail to acquire lifeskills necessary for middleclass living? is it capability, substandard values and culture or is it just racism and lack of opportunity?

has affirmative action run into the brick wall of human capital? is it possible to drag more blacks into the middleclass by handing out more govt and AA jobs to underqualified minorities or have we reached the point of diminished returns?
This is caused by long term social disadvatnges typical of demographic groups that start out enslaved then are discriminated against and disempowered by their former masters.

It's the same all over the world with demographics of similar experience.
a vote for racism and lack of opportunity. you have a valid point. would you care to give your opinion on how much of the problem is directly related to racism etc compared to the other factors?

164 of years of slavery and about 3 or so more decades of Jim Crow is suddenly wiped out by 26 or so years of "equality".

Man you guys stink at math.:lol:

do you totally discount the studies that show correlation between acquisition of useable skills and outcomes? similarly qualified members of any race tend to have similar outcomes.

What "useable" skill set do you get from total subjugation? This ought to be interesting.

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