Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment, and just under TWICE White unemployment.

will Black unemployment go up or down when Dems grant amnesty to 15 million mostly Hispanic illegals??

Those 11 million Hispanics are already here and already working

YAWN; did you just admit they are responsible for the already high Black unemployment rate?

how are the working? with stolen or forged ID?
With an ITIN that allows them to get tax refunds?
under the table?

Is your plan REALLY to turn blacks against Hispanics to get them to vote Republican?


because you're a panderer; you see it as turning one against the other

you say this because you arent man enough to admit Democrat policies and pandering toward illegals hurt Black people
Well they have to pander to illegals because legal abortion killed off there voting base, have to fill the ranks some way.
let me put it another way; would the Republican plan to secure the border and put people here illegally to the back of the line of the list of people already trying to come here LEGALLY, you know the actual immigration system? .......be better for working-class Black people struggling to compete for jobs?
You assume they want to work.
It's not just blacks who vote Democratic, it's all minorities from all social strata

Republicans have been insulting them for 40 years, why would they want to belong to that party?
Can you explain why individuals in minorities go Republican if they become successful? It's not because Republicans are "racist", like you claim. It's because they've seen that the Democrats' schemes are failing.
They don't

Asians don't vote Republican neither do wealthy blacks or Hispanics.
Why would they vote for people who hate them?
Most Jews don't either. They are pretty much a Democratic constituency.

Last I checked, there aren't any poor Jews.

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1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

Why do Blacks vote Democratic?

Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy
Reagan Talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks
Bush said the Scary Black Man Willie Horton was going to get you.
Jesse Helms showed "white hands" complaining about how affirmative action stole your job.
Romney talked about Birth Certificates and the "47%".

The thing is there is a party that has consistently appealed to racism, and that's the Republican party. It might have been a good strategy (and a shameful one) in 1988 when Whites still made up 88% of the electorate.

When they are down to 70% of the electorate, it's less good of an idea.

But keep repeating stuff about Welfare, that'll win people over. No really.
Powerful post Joe. POWERFUL!

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Here's one good reason why 43 million blacks are pissed off at conservatives.

When a white cop in S. Carolina shot a black man running away from the white cop, the white cop shot the black man in the back 8 times. Many KKK and local folks raised money for this white cop for his legal defense.

This is one of a million reasons why blacks will never vote for cons.
Republicans either openly cheered that practice on, or saw no problem with it.

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It is really confusing to me why cons don't understand the basic rule of life. "If you are nice to me, then I will be nice to you". You want black votes? Then be nice to them. This does not mean handout. This means equal opportunity, respect and dignity.

Why is this so difficult for cons to understand? You expect blacks to vote for your party when your party members were calling Obama Kenyan, Muslim, "Hussein", socialist, Marxist, corporate whore, community organizer, liar, anti-American?
Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the Republican brain. It's as if they are demented, retarded or both. I'm not even joking either.

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It is really confusing to me why cons don't understand the basic rule of life. "If you are nice to me, then I will be nice to you". You want black votes? Then be nice to them. This does not mean handout. This means equal opportunity, respect and dignity.

Why is this so difficult for cons to understand? You expect blacks to vote for your party when your party members were calling Obama Kenyan, Muslim, "Hussein", socialist, Marxist, corporate whore, community organizer, liar, anti-American?

The RWer line is basically that black Americans don't vote Republican because they're too stupid to know what's good for them.

That they think is a winning strategy to gain black votes.
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

because they enjoy being fed a line of BS

Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

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Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment, and just under TWICE White unemployment.

will Black unemployment go up or down when Dems grant amnesty to 15 million mostly Hispanic illegals??

Those 11 million Hispanics are already here and already working

YAWN; did you just admit they are responsible for the already high Black unemployment rate?

how are the working? with stolen or forged ID?
With an ITIN that allows them to get tax refunds?
under the table?

Is your plan REALLY to turn blacks against Hispanics to get them to vote Republican?


because you're a panderer; you see it as turning one against the other

you say this because you arent man enough to admit Democrat policies and pandering toward illegals hurt Black people

You posted it

Your suggestion to turn black voters against Hispanic in order to get them to vote Republican was just plain offensive
let me put it another way; would the Republican plan to secure the border and put people here illegally to the back of the line of the list of people already trying to come here LEGALLY, you know the actual immigration system? .......be better for working-class Black people struggling to compete for jobs?
You assume they want to work.

Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment, and just under TWICE White unemployment.

will Black unemployment go up or down when Dems grant amnesty to 15 million mostly Hispanic illegals??

Those 11 million Hispanics are already here and already working

YAWN; did you just admit they are responsible for the already high Black unemployment rate?

how are the working? with stolen or forged ID?
With an ITIN that allows them to get tax refunds?
under the table?

Is your plan REALLY to turn blacks against Hispanics to get them to vote Republican?


because you're a panderer; you see it as turning one against the other

you say this because you arent man enough to admit Democrat policies and pandering toward illegals hurt Black people

You posted it

Your suggestion to turn black voters against Hispanic in order to get them to vote Republican was just plain offensive

UM NO; your pandering views are what is pathetic loser. What's OFFENSIVE that your Jackass Party recognized that the Hispanic population surpassed the Black population in America a few years ago; and will once again take their most loyal voters for granted and throw them under the bus pandering to Hispanics for votes.
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

because they enjoy being fed a line of BS

Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

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you mean all four of the rich old white people dems are running showed up?
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

because they enjoy being fed a line of BS

Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

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i can understand why you would feel Republicans unafraid of Progressive racial bully tactics is somewhow racist in your eyes. in y our world a bunch of pandering white losers toss your salad for you on the regular, and none of you idiots on the Left regardless of race ever questions your failed race-baiting ideology
i live in a Black neighborhood. what are you talking about?

What have Republicans done for your community?

i already pointed out to you brainwashing in inner city black communities is complete

they arent stupid; they are bombarded with a message of hopelessness from left-wing losers like............................................you know who

And as has been pointed out to you- your message to blacks is that you are so much smarter than them- that they can be brain washed and you can't- you are telling blacks that the reason they vote Democratic is because you think that they are stupid- compared to you.

Because that is the ongoing message the Conservatives convey to African Americans: "you only vote Democratic because you are stupid"

And that is the message that has lost the Republican party the minority vote.
i live in a Black neighborhood. what are you talking about?

What have Republicans done for your community?

i already pointed out to you brainwashing in inner city black communities is complete

they arent stupid; they are bombarded with a message of hopelessness from left-wing losers like............................................you know who

And as has been pointed out to you- your message to blacks is that you are so much smarter than them- that they can be brain washed and you can't- you are telling blacks that the reason they vote Democratic is because you think that they are stupid- compared to you.

Because that is the ongoing message the Conservatives convey to African Americans: "you only vote Democratic because you are stupid"

And that is the message that has lost the Republican party the minority vote.

um no; if anybody is telling Black people they are stupid it is the Democrat Party; which says to black people "Look you're stupid and helpless. Even if you knew how to help yourself those mean ol right-wingers over there want to keep you down. Since you're stupid and need help us left-wingers are your only hope. Now get in line and vote for PROGRESSIVES you stupid black people!! OOOPS if forgot, we're busy pandering to Hispanic illegals now, we'll get back to you after the election."
Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment and even higher still than White unemployment, just under TWICE THE RATE OF WHITE UNEMPLOYMENT.

WE on the Right dont believe Black voters are stupid, we beleive many of them are BRAINWASHED into voting against their own interests by a non-stop barrage of left-wing victimhood pandering that says to Black people ALL IS LOST, and hopeless; and incredibly, that there is no "HOPE" unless it comes from the Left.
Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment and even higher still than White unemployment, just under TWICE THE RATE OF WHITE UNEMPLOYMENT.

WE on the Right dont believe Black voters are stupid, we beleive many of them are BRAINWASHED into voting against their own interests by a non-stop barrage of left-wing victimhood pandering that says to Black people ALL IS LOST, and hopeless; and incredibly, that there is no "HOPE" unless it comes from the Left.

What are Republicans doing that is in their interest?
Why should blacks vote Republican rather than Democrat?
Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment and even higher still than White unemployment, just under TWICE THE RATE OF WHITE UNEMPLOYMENT.

WE on the Right dont believe Black voters are stupid, we beleive many of them are BRAINWASHED into voting against their own interests by a non-stop barrage of left-wing victimhood pandering that says to Black people ALL IS LOST, and hopeless; and incredibly, that there is no "HOPE" unless it comes from the Left.

What are Republicans doing that is in their interest?
Why should blacks vote Republican rather than Democrat?

1. Black unemployment fell under twice the rate of White unemployment under Bush for the first time almost in our history, in decades.

2. Progressives have set back race relations decades with their incessant racial pandering
Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment and even higher still than White unemployment, just under TWICE THE RATE OF WHITE UNEMPLOYMENT.

WE on the Right dont believe Black voters are stupid, we beleive many of them are BRAINWASHED into voting against their own interests by a non-stop barrage of left-wing victimhood pandering that says to Black people ALL IS LOST, and hopeless; and incredibly, that there is no "HOPE" unless it comes from the Left.

What are Republicans doing that is in their interest?
Why should blacks vote Republican rather than Democrat?

1. Black unemployment fell under twice the rate of White unemployment under Bush for the first time almost in our history, in decades.

2. Progressives have set back race relations decades with their incessant racial pandering

Here is what Bush did for black unemployment


Blacks were the first to lose their jobs in the great Bush recession of 2008
Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment and even higher still than White unemployment, just under TWICE THE RATE OF WHITE UNEMPLOYMENT.

WE on the Right dont believe Black voters are stupid, we beleive many of them are BRAINWASHED into voting against their own interests by a non-stop barrage of left-wing victimhood pandering that says to Black people ALL IS LOST, and hopeless; and incredibly, that there is no "HOPE" unless it comes from the Left.

What are Republicans doing that is in their interest?
Why should blacks vote Republican rather than Democrat?

1. Black unemployment fell under twice the rate of White unemployment under Bush for the first time almost in our history, in decades.

2. Progressives have set back race relations decades with their incessant racial pandering

Here is what Bush did for black unemployment


Blacks were the first to lose their jobs in the great Bush recession of 2008

1. blacks are always the first to lose their jobs genius; despite decades of Progressive pandering
2. there was no "Bush recession"; unless and until you can show where Democrats didnt willingly and repeatedly vote for every single Bush policy and continue most of them long after Bush was gone
3. as i said; under bush Black unemployment dropped to under twice the White rate of unemployment for the first time in a long period
4. remember you are the so-called saviors of black people; the ones claiming to be the only major Party that cares about them; and here you are using a Bush comparison. doesnt matter that i raised Bush unemployment; remember you are the so-called saviors of minorities'
any other idiotic and irrelevant points to make?

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