Why do Christians support Jews but not Muslims?


Extremists come in every religious variety in the world. In Central Africa, they are Christian. In Sri Lanka, they are Buddhist. In Syria, they are Muslim. In Northern Ireland, they were Protestant or Catholic.

Fact: You are a apologist using the logical fallacy of moral equivalency to support the evil of Islam. In central Africa, the Muzzie Beasts and Tribal Christians are engaged in brutal war. To claim this is a Christian action is purely dishonest.


All or most terrorists in the world are Muslim. That is not supported by fact.

Then why do the statistics support that most acts of terror are perpetrated by Muslims?
Try and learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.

I already know.

Islam is a religion started by the Warlord Muhammad to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him. The roots of Islam are violence and war, that the fruit of Islam is violence and war should surprise no one. I'm not a fan of religion in general, but Islam is an evil beyond all other current faiths.
christianiaty is a religion started by the Warlord constantine to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him
before constantine: christianity was part of Judaism .its like shite in islam
name of the most of them was nasrani.you can find nasrani now
jesus never claimed new religious.jesus was just extremist jewish
.just constantine made christianity religious 400 years later

jesus at 2000 years ago


new jesus at 2015
Try and learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.

I already know.

Islam is a religion started by the Warlord Muhammad to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him. The roots of Islam are violence and war, that the fruit of Islam is violence and war should surprise no one. I'm not a fan of religion in general, but Islam is an evil beyond all other current faiths.
christianiaty is a religion started by the Warlord constantine to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him
before constantine: christianity was part of Judaism .its like shite in islam
name of the most of them was nasrani.you can find nasrani now
jesus never claimed new religious.jesus was just extremist jewish
.just constantine made christianity religious 400 years later

jesus at 2000 years ago


new jesus at 2015
See, I told you Muslims like Dani Kooni don't believe in the crucifiction. Instead they do believe that their terrorist, pedophile, illiterate, Arabian prophet Mohammad was "the perfect human being".
The Jews had Jesus put to death by Rome , as they were not allowed to use capital punishment anymore, so they talked Rome into it. The head elite Jews had a money making scheme going with Rome so Jesus was interfering. This is according to Scripture and ? history.(I say that as history is depending on who has wrote it)

The Protestant revolution, which some say was instigated by Jews incognito as Calvinists, battled with RC's for 30 years , the 30 year war. There is animosity between Protestants and RC's among some to this very day. The KKK were Protestants, and didn't like RC's either, Jews or Blacks.

Its the same with Jews, the tribes fought each other the bible. We all have history that is not pretty, and it continues to this day due to radicals, but now mainly over land, oil and water in the disguise of religion, but some religious zealots still exist.
How can you have a peace avatar and be that hateful on the subject of Jews? Curious.

Because Jews kill, rob and destroy. I am not hateful, telling the truth is not hateful.
Try and learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.

I already know.

Islam is a religion started by the Warlord Muhammad to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him. The roots of Islam are violence and war, that the fruit of Islam is violence and war should surprise no one. I'm not a fan of religion in general, but Islam is an evil beyond all other current faiths.
christianiaty is a religion started by the Warlord constantine to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him
before constantine: christianity was part of Judaism .its like shite in islam
name of the most of them was nasrani.you can find nasrani now
jesus never claimed new religious.jesus was just extremist jewish
.just constantine made christianity religious 400 years later

jesus at 2000 years ago


new jesus at 2015

Really!! I doubt if there were a Jesus that he had banana curls.
Try and learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.

I already know.

Islam is a religion started by the Warlord Muhammad to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him. The roots of Islam are violence and war, that the fruit of Islam is violence and war should surprise no one. I'm not a fan of religion in general, but Islam is an evil beyond all other current faiths.
christianiaty is a religion started by the Warlord constantine to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him
before constantine: christianity was part of Judaism .its like shite in islam
name of the most of them was nasrani.you can find nasrani now
jesus never claimed new religious.jesus was just extremist jewish
.just constantine made christianity religious 400 years later

jesus at 2000 years ago


new jesus at 2015
See, I told you Muslims like Dani Kooni don't believe in the crucifiction. Instead they do believe that their terrorist, pedophile, illiterate, Arabian prophet Mohammad was "the perfect human being".
My pop's bigger than your pop.
The Jews had Jesus put to death by Rome , as they were not allowed to use capital punishment anymore, so they talked Rome into it. The head elite Jews had a money making scheme going with Rome so Jesus was interfering. This is according to Scripture and ? history.(I say that as history is depending on who has wrote it)

The Protestant revolution, which some say was instigated by Jews incognito as Calvinists, battled with RC's for 30 years , the 30 year war. There is animosity between Protestants and RC's among some to this very day. The KKK were Protestants, and didn't like RC's either, Jews or Blacks.

Its the same with Jews, the tribes fought each other the bible. We all have history that is not pretty, and it continues to this day due to radicals, but now mainly over land, oil and water in the disguise of religion, but some religious zealots still exist.
How can you have a peace avatar and be that hateful on the subject of Jews? Curious.

Because Jews kill, rob and destroy. I am not hateful, telling the truth is not hateful.
What do you choose to pay attention to? All human beings have the capacity for good or evil. You're fixated on "those joos".
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.

Why do Muslims slaughter Christians and Jews?
Why do Christians support Jews but not Muslims?

Because the Muslim religion is considered fraudulent and a mockery of Christianity. The entire religion is based on the story of the outcast son of Abraham, Ismael. The so-called prophet Muhammad forged the religion out of pure vengeance toward the Jews. The Torah was perverted into the Koran and they've been killing and persecuting Jews ever since. It's no different than if Bill Maher and Neil deGrasse Tyson proclaimed themselves "prophets" and started a religion of Christian hate.

It's important to note, these people have been killing Christians and Jews for centuries. This didn't start in 1948... it didn't start on 9/11/01. It is the fundamental basis and purpose of the religion's very existence as a religion. It's not a religion of peace, it is a religion of death.
I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.

Are they in Israel, the one's who escaped Iran? Or if not, where are they?
Mostly Israel and America.
We have a large contingent in my neighborhood.

I think you might be a Rabbi? Anyhow, I wish you Good Night....I usually do this in my own language, but I don't want you to misinterpret me or something, so I do this in English on this occasion.

Thanks for the compliment, but I'd have to know a ton more than I know to be an Orthodox Rabbi.

I admire your commitment to study.
The Jews had Jesus put to death by Rome , as they were not allowed to use capital punishment anymore, so they talked Rome into it. The head elite Jews had a money making scheme going with Rome so Jesus was interfering. This is according to Scripture and ? history.(I say that as history is depending on who has wrote it)

The Protestant revolution, which some say was instigated by Jews incognito as Calvinists, battled with RC's for 30 years , the 30 year war. There is animosity between Protestants and RC's among some to this very day. The KKK were Protestants, and didn't like RC's either, Jews or Blacks.

Its the same with Jews, the tribes fought each other the bible. We all have history that is not pretty, and it continues to this day due to radicals, but now mainly over land, oil and water in the disguise of religion, but some religious zealots still exist.
How can you have a peace avatar and be that hateful on the subject of Jews? Curious.

Because Jews kill, rob and destroy. I am not hateful, telling the truth is not hateful.
Damn, you is sick, woman. Get some help.
You've got a jones for Muslims, that's for sure.

Actually not all Muslims, I'm not anti-Muslim, I just don't want them on my Continent.
Well, if you live in the US you are SOL. I can't think of anything more anti-Muslim than not wanting any Muslims to exist on your continent.

What is SOL?

My Continent historically is Christian, Islam through the Centuries has tried to invade and take control in order to destroy Christianity on my Continent....so yes, this is why we don't want Islam here and don't want a massive horde of Muslims here.

We don't forget The Crusades and we actually don't want to have to have another Crusade.
You don't want Muslim in Europe. Too bad. They are already there. Christians are just as potentially violent or peaceful as any other human being, including Muslims.

There is a vast difference between being potential and actually doing it, who is actually doing it? Be honest

Who is actually doing it? What the violence and the rape?

I spent today in Köln and Hamburg....where we needed to be to meet our people there for a meeting on the plan, a plan that I cannot elaborate on, so please don't ask.

So we have nearly 1,000 Muslim and African savages who molested and sexually assaulted NINETY girls on New Years Eve and the Traitor Mayor bitch of Köln and Traitor Merkel and EIGHT HUNDRED testical-free police TERRIFIED of intervening in case they got called "racist" and "Nazi" just all stood there and LET this mass act of criminality happen....the Traitor Merkel bitch thinks that this is going to go without a formulated stand from our people?

The Traitor Media along with the Traitor Government kept quiet about this for FIVE DAYS and attempted a cover-up.

Oh and everyone is terrified of saying it was ECONOMIC MIGRANT Muslim and African savages that did this, as it's the TRUTH it's "racist" to tell the truth.

Traitor Merkel brought these pieces of absolute FILTH in, AGAINST the MAJORITY of the peoples' wishes, she doesn't give a crap about the safety of the German people, she just wants to protect these filthy savages....this makes Merkel what many call her a Traitor.

On Friday, having gathered intelligence regarding Köln and Hamburg, our people are having a full Central Committee meeting somewhere between Slovakia and Latvia. People were fuming before, now there's no word strong enough for what people are.

In Köln, the Kölner Karneval is coming up very soon, we KNOW these filthy savages are bound to attempt another mass act of criminality...at the Karneval, there is the Dreigestirn, these are three people chosen to be Jungfrau, Prinz, and Bauer - Virgin, Prince and Farmer....the filthy savages, well we know don't we? However, the Jungfrau is always a male dressed as a female....LOL filthy savages just try it on.
The Jews had Jesus put to death by Rome , as they were not allowed to use capital punishment anymore, so they talked Rome into it. The head elite Jews had a money making scheme going with Rome so Jesus was interfering. This is according to Scripture and ? history.(I say that as history is depending on who has wrote it)

The Protestant revolution, which some say was instigated by Jews incognito as Calvinists, battled with RC's for 30 years , the 30 year war. There is animosity between Protestants and RC's among some to this very day. The KKK were Protestants, and didn't like RC's either, Jews or Blacks.

Its the same with Jews, the tribes fought each other the bible. We all have history that is not pretty, and it continues to this day due to radicals, but now mainly over land, oil and water in the disguise of religion, but some religious zealots still exist.
How can you have a peace avatar and be that hateful on the subject of Jews? Curious.

Because Jews kill, rob and destroy. I am not hateful, telling the truth is not hateful.
Damn, you is sick, woman. Get some help.

Are you saying they don't. Your blind, but then your a Zionist who doesn't know the OT or a Hebrew.
The Jews had Jesus put to death by Rome , as they were not allowed to use capital punishment anymore, so they talked Rome into it. The head elite Jews had a money making scheme going with Rome so Jesus was interfering. This is according to Scripture and ? history.(I say that as history is depending on who has wrote it)

The Protestant revolution, which some say was instigated by Jews incognito as Calvinists, battled with RC's for 30 years , the 30 year war. There is animosity between Protestants and RC's among some to this very day. The KKK were Protestants, and didn't like RC's either, Jews or Blacks.

Its the same with Jews, the tribes fought each other the bible. We all have history that is not pretty, and it continues to this day due to radicals, but now mainly over land, oil and water in the disguise of religion, but some religious zealots still exist.
How can you have a peace avatar and be that hateful on the subject of Jews? Curious.

Because Jews kill, rob and destroy. I am not hateful, telling the truth is not hateful.
Damn, you is sick, woman. Get some help.

Are you saying they don't. Your blind, but then your a Zionist who doesn't know the OT or a Hebrew.
I'm saying Jews are among the most productive, educated, hardworking groups in every society. Muslims, not so much. But then again, you are a clueless Pali Nazi supporting asylum escapee.
I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.

Are they in Israel, the one's who escaped Iran? Or if not, where are they?
Mostly Israel and America.
We have a large contingent in my neighborhood.

Being Persian, do they differ or are they basically the same?

My daughter's husband's parents escaped from Turkey.
One went to Cuba, the other to Columbia.
My son-in-law is American.
His parents have slight accents and his father is darker skinned than the rest.
Other than that, a fine bunch.
We're all Observant so our lifestyles are all the same.

You all sound very exotic :wink:

As you said earlier, 90% of Jews are not observant, they should be, hopefully committed people like you can change their minds.

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