Why do Christians support Jews but not Muslims?

The definition of antisemtism is hatred of Jews, only. Look it up. Doesn't your asylum have a library?

I could careless about your new definition of words. Who even knows what a Jew is, I imagine they are the ones from Babylon when ventured off to Russia and joined the Khazars and Turkish clans.
It isn't my definition, it's the accepted definition. Antisemite means Jew hater. Don't worry, Jews don't need an asylum escapee's definition of who is or isn't a Jew.

since they don't know either. :laugh2:
The definition of antisemtism is hatred of Jews, only. Look it up. Doesn't your asylum have a library?

I could careless about your new definition of words. Who even knows what a Jew is, I imagine they are the ones from Babylon when ventured off to Russia and joined the Khazars and Turkish clans.
It isn't my definition, it's the accepted definition. Antisemite means Jew hater. Don't worry, Jews don't need an asylum escapee's definition of who is or isn't a Jew.

I do not accept it, after all Arabs are Semites as well. Who gives you the right to take that from them. You take this too personally and you shouldn't. Your not responsible for what your leaders have done or are doing, controlling governments and instigating wars, are you? Those and the leaders in SA are at fault and the fanatics. I'm not responsible for the past actions of the KKK or even some of the money and power hungry Popes through the years. So like I said, it just doesn't matter who you are if your not killing , stealing , lying , etc. Its basically also the Jewish thing about be the "chosen ones" and well frankly there is not such thing.
Jews or you Ashkenazis are either practicing Judaism or your not jews, as its not a race. According to the Pres. of the Atheist Assoc. Dave Silverman , he says non practicing jews should not refer to themselves as Jews. (He was raised a jew working and now is doing his best to to kill Christianity in the US, why it bothers him I don't know. What is it to him?)

If you met a Muslim and he said he is an atheist, wouldn't you ask him why he calls himself a Muslim?
If you met a Muslim and he said he is an atheist, wouldn't you ask him why he calls himself a Muslim?

It's a little different with Jews because ....brace yourself for this concept... they are both a religion AND a race. So you can have people of the Jewish race who don't practice Judaism and you can have people who practice Judaism who are not of the Jewish race.

I know... mind blown, right? ;)
The definition of antisemtism is hatred of Jews, only. Look it up. Doesn't your asylum have a library?

I could careless about your new definition of words. Who even knows what a Jew is, I imagine they are the ones from Babylon when ventured off to Russia and joined the Khazars and Turkish clans.
It isn't my definition, it's the accepted definition. Antisemite means Jew hater. Don't worry, Jews don't need an asylum escapee's definition of who is or isn't a Jew.

since they don't know either. :laugh2:
Whatever makes a Muslim or a Christian, makes a Jew, except there is a racial and cultural component to it as well. Doy!
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A Christian is one who practices Christianity, (many nationalities), a Muslim is one who practices Islam (mostly Arabs, but not all), and a Jew is one who practices Judaism,( many nationalites).
The definition of antisemtism is hatred of Jews, only. Look it up. Doesn't your asylum have a library?

I could careless about your new definition of words. Who even knows what a Jew is, I imagine they are the ones from Babylon when ventured off to Russia and joined the Khazars and Turkish clans.
It isn't my definition, it's the accepted definition. Antisemite means Jew hater. Don't worry, Jews don't need an asylum escapee's definition of who is or isn't a Jew.

I do not accept it, after all Arabs are Semites as well. Who gives you the right to take that from them. You take this too personally and you shouldn't. Your not responsible for what your leaders have done or are doing, controlling governments and instigating wars, are you? Those and the leaders in SA are at fault and the fanatics. I'm not responsible for the past actions of the KKK or even some of the money and power hungry Popes through the years. So like I said, it just doesn't matter who you are if your not killing , stealing , lying , etc. Its basically also the Jewish thing about be the "chosen ones" and well frankly there is not such thing.
Jews or you Ashkenazis are either practicing Judaism or your not jews, as its not a race. According to the Pres. of the Atheist Assoc. Dave Silverman , he says non practicing jews should not refer to themselves as Jews. (He was raised a jew working and now is doing his best to to kill Christianity in the US, why it bothers him I don't know. What is it to him?)

If you met a Muslim and he said he is an atheist, wouldn't you ask him why he calls himself a Muslim?
Does it matter if you accept it or not? Nope! According to the English language, antisemitism is hatred of Jews by sick people like you:

the definition of anti-Semitism

discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.

It's the Islamic animals including of the Palestinian variety, who think they are Allah's chosen ones, and who think they have a blank check to kill all non Muslims.

Get it right, asylum escapee.
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A Christian is one who practices Christianity, (many nationalities), a Muslim is one who practices Islam (mostly Arabs, but not all), and a Jew is one who practices Judaism,( many nationalites).
So, why is there any doubt as to who is or isn't a Jew?

There's a racial, ethnic, and cultural component you ignoramus.
If only they were original but hey I like the Big Bang Theory. They learned in German and US universities. Before that they killed the EO and religious jews in Russia, before that........
It isn't only in the US. Jews have been productive and coexisted in every country they lived, in their entire history.

Have you read the OT, today is not different. I don't think your a jew, but for some reason your a Zionist.
Listen crazy one, the topic is "why do Christians support Jews (who aren't out to kill them) but not Muslims (who are waging Jihad against the West and modern civilization, freedom, and humanity)?" Do you have anything but your usual antisemitic blabber?
You really missed the point of the thread. Jews don't believe in Jesus, the same as Muslims. That is the point of the thread. You can stop trying to twist the point now, you've been exposed.
Here's another clue...Muslim Palestinians are Semites. The original owners of that land were Semites long before the Hebrews stole it when Moses brought them there. If anyone is anti-Semitic it's you.

Here's another clue, Jews collectively do not have the same opinion about Jesus because he isn't mentioned in the faith as Judaism is thousands of years older. Muslims on the other hand clearly do as the Koran is very specific that he wasn't crucified, he wasn't the son of God, it was all a lie.

And as usual the Jew haters once again get the defition of antisemtic WRONG. It applies only to Jews.

So are you saying that today's Jews aren't Semites? Another stupid one chimes in.
Stupid is as stupid does....you plaster your stupidity all over your post.
Here is the definition of Semite, moron.
Simple Definition of Semite

  • : a member of a group of people originally of southwestern Asia that includes Jews and Arabs
Definition of SEMITE
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.
zech 8
23 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.
zech 8
23 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.
So what's your point?
It isn't only in the US. Jews have been productive and coexisted in every country they lived, in their entire history.

Have you read the OT, today is not different. I don't think your a jew, but for some reason your a Zionist.
Listen crazy one, the topic is "why do Christians support Jews (who aren't out to kill them) but not Muslims (who are waging Jihad against the West and modern civilization, freedom, and humanity)?" Do you have anything but your usual antisemitic blabber?
You really missed the point of the thread. Jews don't believe in Jesus, the same as Muslims. That is the point of the thread. You can stop trying to twist the point now, you've been exposed.
Here's another clue...Muslim Palestinians are Semites. The original owners of that land were Semites long before the Hebrews stole it when Moses brought them there. If anyone is anti-Semitic it's you.

Here's another clue, Jews collectively do not have the same opinion about Jesus because he isn't mentioned in the faith as Judaism is thousands of years older. Muslims on the other hand clearly do as the Koran is very specific that he wasn't crucified, he wasn't the son of God, it was all a lie.

And as usual the Jew haters once again get the defition of antisemtic WRONG. It applies only to Jews.

So are you saying that today's Jews aren't Semites? Another stupid one chimes in.
Stupid is as stupid does....you plaster your stupidity all over your post.
Here is the definition of Semite, moron.
Simple Definition of Semite

  • : a member of a group of people originally of southwestern Asia that includes Jews and Arabs
Definition of SEMITE
You are illiterate and dumb as rocks, what else? While a Semite can be an Arab an antisemite is strictly a Jew hater. Hard to understand, jackass?
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.
zech 8
23 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.
Have you read the OT, today is not different. I don't think your a jew, but for some reason your a Zionist.
Listen crazy one, the topic is "why do Christians support Jews (who aren't out to kill them) but not Muslims (who are waging Jihad against the West and modern civilization, freedom, and humanity)?" Do you have anything but your usual antisemitic blabber?
You really missed the point of the thread. Jews don't believe in Jesus, the same as Muslims. That is the point of the thread. You can stop trying to twist the point now, you've been exposed.
Here's another clue...Muslim Palestinians are Semites. The original owners of that land were Semites long before the Hebrews stole it when Moses brought them there. If anyone is anti-Semitic it's you.

Here's another clue, Jews collectively do not have the same opinion about Jesus because he isn't mentioned in the faith as Judaism is thousands of years older. Muslims on the other hand clearly do as the Koran is very specific that he wasn't crucified, he wasn't the son of God, it was all a lie.

And as usual the Jew haters once again get the defition of antisemtic WRONG. It applies only to Jews.

So are you saying that today's Jews aren't Semites? Another stupid one chimes in.
Stupid is as stupid does....you plaster your stupidity all over your post.
Here is the definition of Semite, moron.
Simple Definition of Semite

  • : a member of a group of people originally of southwestern Asia that includes Jews and Arabs
Definition of SEMITE
You are illiterate and dumb as rocks, what else? While a Semite can be an Arab an antisemite is strictly a Jew hater. Hard to understand, jackass?

Do you hate mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.
zech 8
23 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.
Listen crazy one, the topic is "why do Christians support Jews (who aren't out to kill them) but not Muslims (who are waging Jihad against the West and modern civilization, freedom, and humanity)?" Do you have anything but your usual antisemitic blabber?
You really missed the point of the thread. Jews don't believe in Jesus, the same as Muslims. That is the point of the thread. You can stop trying to twist the point now, you've been exposed.
Here's another clue...Muslim Palestinians are Semites. The original owners of that land were Semites long before the Hebrews stole it when Moses brought them there. If anyone is anti-Semitic it's you.

Here's another clue, Jews collectively do not have the same opinion about Jesus because he isn't mentioned in the faith as Judaism is thousands of years older. Muslims on the other hand clearly do as the Koran is very specific that he wasn't crucified, he wasn't the son of God, it was all a lie.

And as usual the Jew haters once again get the defition of antisemtic WRONG. It applies only to Jews.

So are you saying that today's Jews aren't Semites? Another stupid one chimes in.
Stupid is as stupid does....you plaster your stupidity all over your post.
Here is the definition of Semite, moron.
Simple Definition of Semite

  • : a member of a group of people originally of southwestern Asia that includes Jews and Arabs
Definition of SEMITE
You are illiterate and dumb as rocks, what else? While a Semite can be an Arab an antisemite is strictly a Jew hater. Hard to understand, jackass?

Do you hate mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Do you hate the English language, Fatima?
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.
zech 8
23 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.
You really missed the point of the thread. Jews don't believe in Jesus, the same as Muslims. That is the point of the thread. You can stop trying to twist the point now, you've been exposed.
Here's another clue...Muslim Palestinians are Semites. The original owners of that land were Semites long before the Hebrews stole it when Moses brought them there. If anyone is anti-Semitic it's you.

Here's another clue, Jews collectively do not have the same opinion about Jesus because he isn't mentioned in the faith as Judaism is thousands of years older. Muslims on the other hand clearly do as the Koran is very specific that he wasn't crucified, he wasn't the son of God, it was all a lie.

And as usual the Jew haters once again get the defition of antisemtic WRONG. It applies only to Jews.

So are you saying that today's Jews aren't Semites? Another stupid one chimes in.
Stupid is as stupid does....you plaster your stupidity all over your post.
Here is the definition of Semite, moron.
Simple Definition of Semite

  • : a member of a group of people originally of southwestern Asia that includes Jews and Arabs
Definition of SEMITE
You are illiterate and dumb as rocks, what else? While a Semite can be an Arab an antisemite is strictly a Jew hater. Hard to understand, jackass?

Do you hate mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Do you hate the English language, Fatima?

If you hate him , you are an anti sematic. Goodness gracious, whoever though he was born a jew. Who says anti-Semite is strickly a Jew hater. If you hate Arabs and they are Semites, then your anti semite.
Have you read the OT, today is not different. I don't think your a jew, but for some reason your a Zionist.
Listen crazy one, the topic is "why do Christians support Jews (who aren't out to kill them) but not Muslims (who are waging Jihad against the West and modern civilization, freedom, and humanity)?" Do you have anything but your usual antisemitic blabber?
You really missed the point of the thread. Jews don't believe in Jesus, the same as Muslims. That is the point of the thread. You can stop trying to twist the point now, you've been exposed.
Here's another clue...Muslim Palestinians are Semites. The original owners of that land were Semites long before the Hebrews stole it when Moses brought them there. If anyone is anti-Semitic it's you.

Here's another clue, Jews collectively do not have the same opinion about Jesus because he isn't mentioned in the faith as Judaism is thousands of years older. Muslims on the other hand clearly do as the Koran is very specific that he wasn't crucified, he wasn't the son of God, it was all a lie.

And as usual the Jew haters once again get the defition of antisemtic WRONG. It applies only to Jews.

So are you saying that today's Jews aren't Semites? Another stupid one chimes in.
Stupid is as stupid does....you plaster your stupidity all over your post.
Here is the definition of Semite, moron.
Simple Definition of Semite

  • : a member of a group of people originally of southwestern Asia that includes Jews and Arabs
Definition of SEMITE
You are illiterate and dumb as rocks, what else? While a Semite can be an Arab an antisemite is strictly a Jew hater. Hard to understand, jackass?
That's just your bigoted excuse to justify your hatred of Muslims, moron.
Listen crazy one, the topic is "why do Christians support Jews (who aren't out to kill them) but not Muslims (who are waging Jihad against the West and modern civilization, freedom, and humanity)?" Do you have anything but your usual antisemitic blabber?
You really missed the point of the thread. Jews don't believe in Jesus, the same as Muslims. That is the point of the thread. You can stop trying to twist the point now, you've been exposed.
Here's another clue...Muslim Palestinians are Semites. The original owners of that land were Semites long before the Hebrews stole it when Moses brought them there. If anyone is anti-Semitic it's you.

Here's another clue, Jews collectively do not have the same opinion about Jesus because he isn't mentioned in the faith as Judaism is thousands of years older. Muslims on the other hand clearly do as the Koran is very specific that he wasn't crucified, he wasn't the son of God, it was all a lie.

And as usual the Jew haters once again get the defition of antisemtic WRONG. It applies only to Jews.

So are you saying that today's Jews aren't Semites? Another stupid one chimes in.
Stupid is as stupid does....you plaster your stupidity all over your post.
Here is the definition of Semite, moron.
Simple Definition of Semite

  • : a member of a group of people originally of southwestern Asia that includes Jews and Arabs
Definition of SEMITE
You are illiterate and dumb as rocks, what else? While a Semite can be an Arab an antisemite is strictly a Jew hater. Hard to understand, jackass?
That's just your bigoted excuse to justify your hatred of Muslims, moron.
So if the English language and all dictionaries define antisemite strictly as hatred of Jews, then it's bigotry! Ya gotta love it!
You haven't read the Koran.
you are best jewish in this forum.i like your logic
may i ask question without hate?

I will discuss anything based on fact.

you think :
koran is extremist and torah isnt?

The Koran has no story to tell; it can't.
The Koran picks up in 600AD and denies the veracity of any Torah in existence in order to go in it's own direction.
I can only judge members of a religion.
Too many Muslims are uneducated and thus easily influenced to commit acts of violence.
A Jew is Biblically mandated to be educated in Torah and Secular knowledge.

70% of koran story is based on torah and bible

Penelope endorsed the idiot statement ^^^ posted by dani

Neither has read either of the books upon which they comment
you are best jewish in this forum.i like your logic
may i ask question without hate?

I will discuss anything based on fact.

you think :
koran is extremist and torah isnt?

The Koran has no story to tell; it can't.
The Koran picks up in 600AD and denies the veracity of any Torah in existence in order to go in it's own direction.
I can only judge members of a religion.
Too many Muslims are uneducated and thus easily influenced to commit acts of violence.
A Jew is Biblically mandated to be educated in Torah and Secular knowledge.

70% of koran story is based on torah and bible

Penelope endorsed the idiot statement ^^^ posted by dani

Neither has read either of the books upon which they comment
you know what is root of stoning in islam?

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