Why do Christians support Jews but not Muslims?

That is all I state.

in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

That is all I state.

in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

Really, billions, perhaps since the 50's but its more like millions, thank goodness for Jordan and Iran , or they would be starving.


After the split took place in June 2007, the United States boosted aid levels to the Palestinians,

with most assistance going in direct support of the PA’s security, governance, development, and

reform programs in the West Bank under Abbas (including during the 2007-2013 tenure of former

PA prime minister Salam Fayyad), presumably in part to counter Hamas in Gaza. As a result, the

post-2007 annual average of U.S. bilateral assistance is substantially greater than the approximate

annual average of $170 million from 2000-2007 and $70 million from 1994-1999, years largely

marked by the rule of the late Yasser Arafat, who died in late 2004.

From FY2008 to the present, annual Economic Support Fund (ESF) assistance to the West Bank

and Gaza Strip has averaged around $400 million, with that amount divided between U.S. Agency

for International Development (USAID)-administered project assistance (through grants to

contracting organizations) and direct budgetary assistance to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Annual International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) nonlethal assistance for

PA security forces and the criminal justice sector in the West Bank has averaged around $100

million. In line with Obama Administration requests, funding levels declined slightly in FY2013,

with a new baseline of overall annual ESF assistance of $370 million, and a new baseline of

annual INCLE assistance of $70 million. Administration requests for ESF and INCLE have

remained constant for FY2014 and FY2015. Some FY2013 ESF funding has been provided via

the ESF-Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account, and the State Department expects to

draw from this account in FY2014 as well.

well, terrorist supporter, we gave the pals 7.7 billion dollars between 2008 and 2010.

International aid to Palestinians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it's not my fault they use it for weapons and not to feed people and build up their land. *shrug*

get over it.
That is all I state.

in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

That is all I state.

in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

Really, billions, perhaps since the 50's but its more like millions, thank goodness for Jordan and Iran , or they would be starving.


After the split took place in June 2007, the United States boosted aid levels to the Palestinians,

with most assistance going in direct support of the PA’s security, governance, development, and

reform programs in the West Bank under Abbas (including during the 2007-2013 tenure of former

PA prime minister Salam Fayyad), presumably in part to counter Hamas in Gaza. As a result, the

post-2007 annual average of U.S. bilateral assistance is substantially greater than the approximate

annual average of $170 million from 2000-2007 and $70 million from 1994-1999, years largely

marked by the rule of the late Yasser Arafat, who died in late 2004.

From FY2008 to the present, annual Economic Support Fund (ESF) assistance to the West Bank

and Gaza Strip has averaged around $400 million, with that amount divided between U.S. Agency

for International Development (USAID)-administered project assistance (through grants to

contracting organizations) and direct budgetary assistance to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Annual International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) nonlethal assistance for

PA security forces and the criminal justice sector in the West Bank has averaged around $100

million. In line with Obama Administration requests, funding levels declined slightly in FY2013,

with a new baseline of overall annual ESF assistance of $370 million, and a new baseline of

annual INCLE assistance of $70 million. Administration requests for ESF and INCLE have

remained constant for FY2014 and FY2015. Some FY2013 ESF funding has been provided via

the ESF-Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account, and the State Department expects to

draw from this account in FY2014 as well.

well, terrorist supporter, we gave the pals 7.7 billion dollars between 2008 and 2010.

International aid to Palestinians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it's not my fault they use it for weapons and not to feed people and build up their land. *shrug*

get over it.

Paris donor nations pledge billions for Palestinians (international aid, do you know what that means?)

Perhaps if Israel would not bomb the hell out of Gaza and burn down houses in the west bank, uproot olive trees, shoot at fishermen , and spray roundup on their crops, they might not need fincancial aid.

Why Israel gets what now 5 billion a year from the US alone, is beyond me. But then the Jews have survived off of others for centuries.
are you christian.? this sitution happend for all religion .christianity or jewish or budaism
sometimes moslem was civilized and they had fear from christian
and .................

I was raised Christian, but I got over it.

But not all religions are violent and evil, that is unique to Islam. Jesus was a Hippie and started a peaceful religion. Muhammad was a Warlord and created a religion around violence and war. Islam is founded on conquest, rape, and murder. These are the core elements. To live a life like Muhammad is to raise and army to slaughter and subjugate others.

The famous words of Jesus were "love one another as I have loved you.

The words of Muhammad were "kill and enslave those before you as I have killed and enslaved all before me."
are you christian.? this sitution happend for all religion .christianity or jewish or budaism
sometimes moslem was civilized and they had fear from christian
and .................

I was raised Christian, but I got over it.

But not all religions are violent and evil, that is unique to Islam. Jesus was a Hippie and started a peaceful religion. Muhammad was a Warlord and created a religion around violence and war. Islam is founded on conquest, rape, and murder. These are the core elements. To live a life like Muhammad is to raise and army to slaughter and subjugate others.

The famous words of Jesus were "love one another as I have loved you.

The words of Muhammad were "kill and enslave those before you as I have killed and enslaved all before me."
1:jesus was peacefull guy.because he was looser.his revolution defeated by roma empire
2:he hadnt power .people without power cant hurt people
3:but mohamad was winner .he defeated his enemy ..he was very nice man before power. he always talked about help and good and love before power.becuase he need people.you can find something like (love one another as I have loved you.) in koran too.but .......
4:christianiaty build it by constantine and he killed thosands people too like islam
5:people of sout amrica convert to christianity by spanish sword and portugauls force.no with peace.like islam in persia and egypt and ....
6:christianity was very extremist religious too in most times.dont see just now and 20-21 century

Last edited:
The Jews had Jesus put to death by Rome , as they were not allowed to use capital punishment anymore, so they talked Rome into it. The head elite Jews had a money making scheme going with Rome so Jesus was interfering. This is according to Scripture and ? history.(I say that as history is depending on who has wrote it)

The Protestant revolution, which some say was instigated by Jews incognito as Calvinists, battled with RC's for 30 years , the 30 year war. There is animosity between Protestants and RC's among some to this very day. The KKK were Protestants, and didn't like RC's either, Jews or Blacks.

Its the same with Jews, the tribes fought each other the bible. We all have history that is not pretty, and it continues to this day due to radicals, but now mainly over land, oil and water in the disguise of religion, but some religious zealots still exist.
1:jesus was peacefull guy.because he was looser.his revolution defeated by roma empire
2:he hadnt power .people without power cant hurt people
3:but mohamad was winner .he defeated his enemy ..he was very nice man before power. he always talked about help and good and love before power.becuase he need people.you can find something like (love one another as I have loved you.) in koran too.but .......
4:christianiaty build it by constantine and he killed thosands people too like islam
5:people of sout amrica convert to christianity by spanish sword and portugauls force.no with peace.like islam in persia and egypt and ....
6:christianity was very extremist religious too in most times.dont see just now and 20-21 century

Yeah, Bullshit.

Muhammad was a vicious killer - end of story. Muhammad is similar to Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun, a brutal warlord.

Oh, and "black woman burned alive for wearing Obama shirt?"

The fucking lies you tell..
I think we're forgetting that Arafart stole over two billion from his own people, while encouraging Palestinian kids to commit more suicide bombings, so he can steal even more money. After he died of AIDS his wife fled to in France with hidden bank accounts all over Europe. She has yet to lift a finger, donate a dime, or even visit the so called poor suffering Palestinians. Strange eh? And Abbas and Hamas are well on their way to stealing even more money than Arafat. With leaders like that the Palestinians need no enemies.
1:jesus was peacefull guy.because he was looser.his revolution defeated by roma empire
2:he hadnt power .people without power cant hurt people
3:but mohamad was winner .he defeated his enemy ..he was very nice man before power. he always talked about help and good and love before power.becuase he need people.you can find something like (love one another as I have loved you.) in koran too.but .......
4:christianiaty build it by constantine and he killed thosands people too like islam
5:people of sout amrica convert to christianity by spanish sword and portugauls force.no with peace.like islam in persia and egypt and ....
6:christianity was very extremist religious too in most times.dont see just now and 20-21 century

Yeah, Bullshit.

Muhammad was a vicious killer - end of story. Muhammad is similar to Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun, a brutal warlord.

Oh, and "black woman burned alive for wearing Obama shirt?"

The fucking lies you tell..
Dani Kooni loves that Arab religion and the Arab terrorist prophets.
in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

Really, billions, perhaps since the 50's but its more like millions, thank goodness for Jordan and Iran , or they would be starving.


After the split took place in June 2007, the United States boosted aid levels to the Palestinians,

with most assistance going in direct support of the PA’s security, governance, development, and

reform programs in the West Bank under Abbas (including during the 2007-2013 tenure of former

PA prime minister Salam Fayyad), presumably in part to counter Hamas in Gaza. As a result, the

post-2007 annual average of U.S. bilateral assistance is substantially greater than the approximate

annual average of $170 million from 2000-2007 and $70 million from 1994-1999, years largely

marked by the rule of the late Yasser Arafat, who died in late 2004.

From FY2008 to the present, annual Economic Support Fund (ESF) assistance to the West Bank

and Gaza Strip has averaged around $400 million, with that amount divided between U.S. Agency

for International Development (USAID)-administered project assistance (through grants to

contracting organizations) and direct budgetary assistance to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Annual International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) nonlethal assistance for

PA security forces and the criminal justice sector in the West Bank has averaged around $100

million. In line with Obama Administration requests, funding levels declined slightly in FY2013,

with a new baseline of overall annual ESF assistance of $370 million, and a new baseline of

annual INCLE assistance of $70 million. Administration requests for ESF and INCLE have

remained constant for FY2014 and FY2015. Some FY2013 ESF funding has been provided via

the ESF-Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account, and the State Department expects to

draw from this account in FY2014 as well.

well, terrorist supporter, we gave the pals 7.7 billion dollars between 2008 and 2010.

International aid to Palestinians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it's not my fault they use it for weapons and not to feed people and build up their land. *shrug*

get over it.
in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

in your dreams, terrorist supporter.

Your right , my tax dollars do go to SA and Israel.

that would be *you're*

and billions also go to the west bank and gaza

you're welcome, anti-semite.

Really, billions, perhaps since the 50's but its more like millions, thank goodness for Jordan and Iran , or they would be starving.


After the split took place in June 2007, the United States boosted aid levels to the Palestinians,

with most assistance going in direct support of the PA’s security, governance, development, and

reform programs in the West Bank under Abbas (including during the 2007-2013 tenure of former

PA prime minister Salam Fayyad), presumably in part to counter Hamas in Gaza. As a result, the

post-2007 annual average of U.S. bilateral assistance is substantially greater than the approximate

annual average of $170 million from 2000-2007 and $70 million from 1994-1999, years largely

marked by the rule of the late Yasser Arafat, who died in late 2004.

From FY2008 to the present, annual Economic Support Fund (ESF) assistance to the West Bank

and Gaza Strip has averaged around $400 million, with that amount divided between U.S. Agency

for International Development (USAID)-administered project assistance (through grants to

contracting organizations) and direct budgetary assistance to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Annual International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) nonlethal assistance for

PA security forces and the criminal justice sector in the West Bank has averaged around $100

million. In line with Obama Administration requests, funding levels declined slightly in FY2013,

with a new baseline of overall annual ESF assistance of $370 million, and a new baseline of

annual INCLE assistance of $70 million. Administration requests for ESF and INCLE have

remained constant for FY2014 and FY2015. Some FY2013 ESF funding has been provided via

the ESF-Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account, and the State Department expects to

draw from this account in FY2014 as well.

well, terrorist supporter, we gave the pals 7.7 billion dollars between 2008 and 2010.

International aid to Palestinians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it's not my fault they use it for weapons and not to feed people and build up their land. *shrug*

get over it.

Paris donor nations pledge billions for Palestinians (international aid, do you know what that means?)

Perhaps if Israel would not bomb the hell out of Gaza and burn down houses in the west bank, uproot olive trees, shoot at fishermen , and spray roundup on their crops, they might not need fincancial aid.

Why Israel gets what now 5 billion a year from the US alone, is beyond me. But then the Jews have survived off of others for centuries.
Personally I think the next salvo of rockets that the Hamas animals shoot, Israel should give them one week to evacuate Gaza and then turn that shithole into a pile of rubble.
Christ proved to be the winner. His revolution lives to this day, not because he died, but because He returned in 3 days just like He said He would. Rome was not happy. Read the transcript of Nicodemus of the events while they were transpiring.
The Roman Empire has long since faded away. Christ's words will never pass away.
Fact: Mount Fuji is a mountain in Japan.

Opinion: Mount Fuji is the most beautiful mountain in the world.
Try and learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.

I already know.

Islam is a religion started by the Warlord Muhammad to legitimize his war machine and the subjugation of those before him. The roots of Islam are violence and war, that the fruit of Islam is violence and war should surprise no one. I'm not a fan of religion in general, but Islam is an evil beyond all other current faiths.
The Jews had Jesus put to death by Rome , as they were not allowed to use capital punishment anymore, so they talked Rome into it. The head elite Jews had a money making scheme going with Rome so Jesus was interfering. This is according to Scripture and ? history.(I say that as history is depending on who has wrote it)

The Protestant revolution, which some say was instigated by Jews incognito as Calvinists, battled with RC's for 30 years , the 30 year war. There is animosity between Protestants and RC's among some to this very day. The KKK were Protestants, and didn't like RC's either, Jews or Blacks.

Its the same with Jews, the tribes fought each other the bible. We all have history that is not pretty, and it continues to this day due to radicals, but now mainly over land, oil and water in the disguise of religion, but some religious zealots still exist.
How can you have a peace avatar and be that hateful on the subject of Jews? Curious.
How can you have a peace avatar and be that hateful on the subject of Jews? Curious.

Peace under Islam is the willing subjugation of slaves.

There is Dar Al Islam - the house of Islam where Muslims and Dhimmis obedient to the Caliphate exist.

Then there is Dar Al Harb - the house of war. Islam is at war against all non-Muslims.

These are facts, learn what the word means.

Extremists come in every religious variety in the world. In Central Africa, they are Christian. In Sri Lanka, they are Buddhist. In Syria, they are Muslim. In Northern Ireland, they were Protestant or Catholic.


All or most terrorists in the world are Muslim. That is not supported by fact.
Fact: Mount Fuji is a mountain in Japan.

Opinion: Mount Fuji is the most beautiful mountain in the world.

Fact: Muhammad was a brutal warlord who compensated his troops by granting them the right to rape and rob those who were conquered by the Muslim hoards.

Opinion: Dhara has zero integrity.
Fact: Uncensored makes up "facts" without any proof.

Opinion: He's a waste of my time. Bye.

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