Why do cons harp on liberals being snowflakes, but pretend Spicer and Trump aren't whiney little...

Just today, trump tells us that there are terrorist attacks and the media won't report them. This man is insane
He's right. There are attacks almost everyday, read the forum here. How many does msm cover? Only a few big ones.
If these attacks are not covered by the media, just how do you know about them?
Well, dumbfuck. The thing you're using to post here should be a clue.
The vast majority of these 'supposed" attacks have been covered by the media. It was another garbage comment by Trump and you still believe everything he says
Liar. Only the big ones get coverage. We have to go beyond the msm to find out. I watchEuronews, DW, Al Jazeera and RT and they do a better job. Hardly any European terrorism is covered in US news.
You believe everything your Fuhrer tells you!!!
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

Not forgotten, but you seem to be having trouble remembering what countries were involved in it.
15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudia Arabia!!! Why didn't Trump put a ban on the Saudis???
Why didn't Obama? Find a mutual question and ask.
Bush was asked that question. His response was
Are you freaking kidding? Barry Hussein couldn't get through a freaking week without complaining about Fox News, Hannitty and Rush Limbaugh The Obama administration even tried to shut down talk radio with the ironic named "fairness doctrine" which would have forced right wing radio shows to spout left wing propaganda. The issue was so outrageous that Hussein dropped it.
Can you provide a link to back your lies and propaganda.
The media continually waits until it knows if it was a terrorist attack before it says so. So does law enforcement. That's called cautious reporting of the FACTS. Credibility. I realize not everyone likes that, but when the facts are known, they are reported.

The media never recognizes an attack as Muslim extremism. So seriously, when a Muslim kills 50 gays, you think it's a question whether it's extremism or not?
Kaz, I recall some of the coverage of the Orlando attack. I do remember people wondering if he targeted that particular club because it was a gay bar. I remember a couple of local pols saying it seemed to be an attack on gays. Are you saying the MEDIA didn't call it a terrorist attack? Google Orlando Terrorist Attack. This was hit #1.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN.com
What am I missing?

We are discussing the media never calling it a MUSLIM terrorist attack. How do you not follow a simple conversation?
What did the "Shooter pledged ISIS allegiance" tell you? Did you really not get it?

It told me they were trying to evade using the word "Muslim?"

What did it tell you when the Obama administration changed the 911 tape from saying "Allah" to saying "God" and it didn't bother the media a whiff?
The "media" talked about it for at least two solid days, if I recall. Kaz, what is your hang up with magical words? It wasn't a "Muslim" attack. It was a terrorist attack carried out by radical Islamist terrorists. ISIS, AQ, whichever. There is a difference and while you want to paint all 2 billion Muslims as extremists, most of us aren't buying it. Sorry.
The media never recognizes an attack as Muslim extremism. So seriously, when a Muslim kills 50 gays, you think it's a question whether it's extremism or not?
Kaz, I recall some of the coverage of the Orlando attack. I do remember people wondering if he targeted that particular club because it was a gay bar. I remember a couple of local pols saying it seemed to be an attack on gays. Are you saying the MEDIA didn't call it a terrorist attack? Google Orlando Terrorist Attack. This was hit #1.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN.com
What am I missing?

We are discussing the media never calling it a MUSLIM terrorist attack. How do you not follow a simple conversation?
What did the "Shooter pledged ISIS allegiance" tell you? Did you really not get it?

It told me they were trying to evade using the word "Muslim?"

What did it tell you when the Obama administration changed the 911 tape from saying "Allah" to saying "God" and it didn't bother the media a whiff?
The "media" talked about it for at least two solid days, if I recall. Kaz, what is your hang up with magical words? It wasn't a "Muslim" attack. It was a terrorist attack carried out by radical Islamist terrorists. ISIS, AQ, whichever. There is a difference and while you want to paint all 2 billion Muslims as extremists, most of us aren't buying it. Sorry.

The operative word is MUSLIM which the media did NOT talk about for two days. Cut the stupid shit
Kaz, I recall some of the coverage of the Orlando attack. I do remember people wondering if he targeted that particular club because it was a gay bar. I remember a couple of local pols saying it seemed to be an attack on gays. Are you saying the MEDIA didn't call it a terrorist attack? Google Orlando Terrorist Attack. This was hit #1.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN.com
What am I missing?

We are discussing the media never calling it a MUSLIM terrorist attack. How do you not follow a simple conversation?
What did the "Shooter pledged ISIS allegiance" tell you? Did you really not get it?

It told me they were trying to evade using the word "Muslim?"

What did it tell you when the Obama administration changed the 911 tape from saying "Allah" to saying "God" and it didn't bother the media a whiff?
The "media" talked about it for at least two solid days, if I recall. Kaz, what is your hang up with magical words? It wasn't a "Muslim" attack. It was a terrorist attack carried out by radical Islamist terrorists. ISIS, AQ, whichever. There is a difference and while you want to paint all 2 billion Muslims as extremists, most of us aren't buying it. Sorry.

The operative word is MUSLIM which the media did NOT talk about for two days. Cut the stupid shit
Just make sure red state America uses the word MUSLIM.....okay.

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